#Gorgug has never been a loud violent person
sunflowerthiefsunny · 3 months
Watching this episode made me think (no matter how much I hate it) that Porter has a point about Gorgug not properly utilizing his rage. Gorgug is constantly trying to distance himself from his anger, he doesn't enjoy being angry. We see this often, but especially during the frost festival when he's so mad at Ruben, his parents, and just the overall situation, but he just squashes it down. And of course, it's something that has become more prevalent with his foray into Artificer because it's a class that requires a lot of focus. I think he's seeing it as a disadvantage when it could be his greatest asset and motivator. I really think he could actually be using his rage in a similar direction and use it as a calming point of focus (kind of how Lydia has to constantly be in a rage but shes very chill) rather than an explosive violent rage.
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