#Grim Warrior | Lurid
anonymously-night · 1 month
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A new AU??? Crossing over JSAB??? With Sky: Children of The Light??????? More likely than you'd think-
I have (indirectly) already shared Illumine (and this AU's Heroes) and for those wondering she's the Isle Sage :p now that I have (most of) the main cast sorted I have no more excuses to keep procrastinating designing the BPB Blight- Individuals with masks under the read more!
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Lurid (They/He/She) - Golden Wasteland Sage - La Danse Macabre
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Oppo (He/Him) - Daylight Prairie Sage - Friend Cube
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Araneae (She/Her) - Hidden Forest Sage - Spider Dance
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Floret (She/They) - Valley of Triumph Sage Jester - Lycanthropy
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Krait (He/They) - Valley of Triumph Sage Knave - Barracuda
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Penumbra (We/They/Them) - Vault of Knowledge Sage - Sun/Moon
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mz-hide · 4 years
Trick of Might - Chapter 10
Aka: a Dragon Ball Z slash fic.
Chapter 10
Even more, unadulterated smut (because there's never enough to go around) + some bitchy banter over Goku's perfect dick. Enjoy!
Summary: An ancient enemy makes a sudden comeback into Goku’s life. Long-suppressed memories surface again and it’s no longer possible for the young saiyan to ignore them. Warnings: Dubious Consent, (because of drug use) Ships & Pairings: Bulma/Vegeta, Goku/Vegeta, Goku/Turles, Goku/Turles/Vegeta, Turles/Vegeta, Raditz/Turles, Nappa/Turles, Nappa/Raditz/Turles Contains: Threesome - M/M/M, Group Sex, Polyamory, Aphrodisiacs, Secret Crush, Confessions, Enemies to Lovers, Love Triangles, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Gay Sex, Biting, Scratching, Boners All Around, Feral Behavior, (just a tiny bit), Resolved Sexual Tension, Sexual Content
You can find the rest on my AO3 page (username: originalmonkeyhydes)
Vegeta… Goku’s strength had all but given up on him, drained away by the peak of his passion. His veins and nerves still tingled where pleasure had spread. His legs and arms felt weak, too weak to muster enough vigor to do anything but enfold the smaller, study frame of his new-found lover. His face was pressed against the older saiyan’s chest, breathing in the scent of him, hearing his heart pound against his ribcage, beneath his ear. Pale, elegant hands were holding him, fingers buried in his dark hair, brushing his scalp. Warmth and contentment spread through him and he let himself relax, enthralled by that glorious feeling. Only when Vegeta squirmed slightly underneath him, he realized he’d been bearing down on the warrior’s chest with most of his weight. Behind him, Turles chuckled. “Careful, don’t crush your Prince”, the renegade warned, reaching around his torso and helping him to lifting himself up, “Here, let me see what you did to him.” Turles held Goku’s body up, leering over his shoulders. Appreciation showed on his features as he studied the smaller body sprawled in front of his lover, chest reddened by love bites and taunt stomach decorated by a constellation of pearl-white droplets. “Well done, Kakarot.” Goku was looking down at him too, awed, running his fingers along his rival’s hip and thigh. His gaze fell on his hand. Vegeta’s essence dripped from his fingers, the smell of it reaching his nose and making his nostrils flare. “Go on”, Turles encouraged him, knowing exactly what urge occupied his mind, “He tastes great. I would know.” Vegeta mustered enough resolve to glare at him, even though, in doing so, he saw his rival bringing his fingers to his mouth and licking them clean. He felt himself flush once again but did nothing to move or conceal his face. He remained still, feeling his rival’s length resting heavy within him, growing soft. Turles was hard, still, hilted inside the younger saiyan and quivering with anticipation. He had been close but didn’t mind the interruption if it meant enjoying the sight of his Prince filled to the brim. “How does it feel, Kakarot? To be inside the man who defeated Frieza?”, the dark saiyan asked, viciously, shooting the Prince a lurid glance, “It’s a pleasure I look forward to savor myself.” Goku blinked a couple times, confused. “You already have”, Vegeta let out, clearing the misunderstanding. He knew he’d been conveniently ambiguous before, when letting the renegade believe he had been the one to avenge their people was convenient. Now he didn’t mind if the truth came out. Even if it meant that the dark saiyan would know exactly what his debt towards the Earth-bound warrior was. They had all gone too far to afford such discretion anymore. Let him know, I don’t care! Let him see that he is mine… Realization sunk in. The renegade’s eyes went wide. “Kakarot…? Kakarot did?”, he murmured, his gaze darting to the man he held in his arms. “Yes”, the younger saiyan confirmed, giving him an earnest look, “I did.” The succession of emotions that flashed across obsidian eyes was too rapid to follow. When Turles finally overcame his stupor, he turned his captive’s head and crashed their mouths together, so ferociously the Prince thought their teeth would shatter. Goku let out a muffled sound of surprise but the renegade didn’t let him speak nor pull away, kissing him with joyful, incredulous voracity. Vegeta, on his part, had never been one for selfless reverence. Power was about fear and respect. That kind of adulation was for the weak and the cowardly that could not aspire to reach it themselves. He had no respect for that kind of attitude. He felt it hardly fit for a saiyan and deemed it shameful for Turles to display devotion so ardently. Yet, there was a genuine wholeheartedness to the renegade’s burning intensity that made him ashamed of his own reserve. Grim uneasiness crept up on him. It was hard to tell if it was jealousy or envy that he was feeling as he watched the renegade embrace his rival with unrestrained ardor. “This… He is the one who defeated Freezer… this is the avenger of our race…”, Turles repeated fervently once he finally broke the kiss, his voice made airy. Whether it was from passion or admiration, the Prince could not tell. A wide, wild smile slowly formed on the rogue’s face. His strong arms wrapped around the young warrior’s powerful built, palms and fingers adoringly stroking his chest. His face buried itself in the crook of Goku’s neck and his mouth latched on his golden skin. Vegeta tensed up, worried he would have bitten down. He didn’t, but from his expression the Prince could tell he would have wanted to. The pirate looked completely enraptured as he picked their coupling where it had left off. His thrusts grew harsher, deeper, his ardor betrayed by the digging of his nails in the other’s skin. Goku tipped his head backwards, groaning and tilting his hips against the dark saiyan’s lap. His body was slack in senseless abandon. Turles held him with a devotion that was wildly uncharacteristic of him. Bronze hands caressed golden perfection with an intensity bordering on worship. Then, the renegade’s name somehow found its way to the Earth-bound saiyan’s lips. It made Vegeta feel like something in his chest had sunk. He felt the warrior’s spent sex twitch back to life, still half-buried inside him. The Prince found himself averting his eyes, listening to the sounds of the renegade working himself up to a stuttering climax. Turles groaned his release heartily, unable to conceal a cracking in his voice as he spilled inside the younger warrior. “Ooof, that was a big one…”, he let out, nuzzling his face against the warrior’s back. His legs shook dangerously, his body atingle from the intensity of his release. “If only I had know what you were truly capable of, Kakarot…”, the dark saiyan panted, “I wouldn’t have let you slip away so easily. The entire universe should be at your feet.” “He wouldn’t care to have the entire universe at his feet. He does not have the ambition for that”, Vegeta murmured, “That is just the way he is.” His eyes traced his rival’s features, taking in the shape of his sculpted jawline, his moulded cheekbones, his dark, bushy brows and the long lashes that hid the rich, brown eyes that had been the last thing he’d seen before he’d exiled his last breath on Namek. There wasn’t a day that went by that he didn’t feel grateful to see them again. “I bet I could spark that appetite into him… make him the full fledged saiyan he was meant to be”, Turles uttered between pants. That confidence made Vegeta want to laugh at his credility. Once again it was clear to him just how much he knew Kakarot better than Turles. He knew the young warrior was never going to change his ways, no matter how much Ambrosia had seeped into his system. Turles was not going to get him to do anything more than spreading his legs. “He already is all the saiyan he is ever going to be.” Goku glanced at him at those words and the Prince held his gaze long enough to read the warrior’s honest gratitude. Turles, on the other hand, didn’t quite seem to have been listening. Dark brows furrowed, a desirous expression creeping onto the renegade’s face. “Damn… I want to claim him for myself.” “If you just as much try that, I will kill you.” Turles opened his eyes at those words. Vegeta’s stare was cold and ruthless. Dark irises delved into him as if he wished to rip him limb from limb. Turles knew he would have too, without a moment’s hesitation. A mischievous grin curved his lips. He gave the young warrior’s neck a brazen lick and an open mouthed kiss, looking at his Prince straight in the eyes. He shivered from arousal and amusement as he saw him stiffen in rage.   Oh Prince… I’ve never seen a heart as raw as yours. “You know you could have him… You could have had him any time”, the renegade taunted, pulling the younger saiyan’s head back to expose the sturdy neck, unmarked. “And yet you just sit back and glare at me as I take him. Why don’t you make a move? Kakarot made one. He came to me.” “My reasons are none of your concern, lowlife”, the Prince spat between gritted teeth. “I know what I’m doing.” “Do you?” Vegeta’s eyes flashed with fury as he raised them to the renegade’s face once more. Instead of meeting one pair of dark eyes, he met two. He bit his tongue. He couldn’t give himself away like that. Not like that… A deep, throaty chuckle escaped the dark saiyan’s lips. “If I were you, I would be scared to kiss him too, Vegeta. ‘Cause, if I started, I would not know if I could ever stop.” “Then don’t”, Goku interrupted, surprising them both. The younger warrior wasn’t sure he’d quite understood what his two lovers were going on about. He’d stopped following. His attention had been mostly absorbed by other pressing matters. “I wouldn’t mind if Vegeta had a couple more kisses to spare.” The Prince found himself biting the inside of his bottom lip, though not entirely in rage this time. Turles glanced down, amused, as the younger warrior pulled his rapidly swelling erection from the older saiyan’s entrance. This man is going to be the death of me. “Well, look at that”, he whistled, watching as the abundance of his spent overflowed from the Prince’s flushed hole, “Looks like you came quite a lot there… And you’re still hard!” “It just… felt really good.” Turles snickered, seeing color rising to Vegeta’s cheeks once the younger warrior glanced down at him with he slightest hint of sheepishness. He would have gladly gone for a second round, but the sudden burst of his passion had left him burned out. Post-orgasmic weakness was starting to creep up on him. He pulled out, watching his softening length slip free from snug heat. Such a shame… He didn’t get to come again and I can’t even feel my legs anymore. It was going to take a while before Ambrosia would get to him again. “Out of stamina already, Turles?”, Vegeta remarked, somewhat mockingly despite his heavy breathing. “What’s the matter, can’t keep up?” Turles shot him a look of mock-indignation. “I admit it, not my best performance. Though, I’m not sure who’s to blame here.“ “Blame yourself for being over-eager”, the Prince rebuked, watching as the younger warrior moved to lie on his back next to him, the raising and falling of his chest slowing down. The dark saiyan had to sit down to bring his own breathing under control. Panting and with a faint smirk on his face he looked at the warrior sprawled in front of him. Goku glanced at his erection. His legs shifted a bit when he renegade moved to lie between them. Turles shot him an apologetic glance, though he couldn’t hide a smug glimmer in his eyes at the sight of ivory spent trickle down from between the warrior’s legs. “I guess it can’t be helped”, he smirked, looking up at the younger saiyan, fondly. “I’ll have to take responsibility.” Bronze hands stroked strong thighs and settled on pale hips, thumbs rubbing small circles on the honey-skin, soothingly. His crimson tongue dragged itself along the pulsing shaft, eliciting a sigh of relief. Goku buried a hand into the renegade’s dark mane, wanting more. His demand was met with zealous alacrity. Dark lips engulfed flushed flesh and the young saiyan threw his head back. “Mmm…”, Goku hummed as Turles sunk onto him. His hand curled and uncurled against the other’s scalp, much more gently than Vegeta’s had. His legs relaxed once more, leaving the renegade free to take his ministrations further. Soon, the young saiyan was gasping, hips jolting upwards. Vegeta watched them, feeling his mouth water and blood flow downwards again. The Prince could sympathize with his writhing and moaning rival, knowing fully well what it felt like to have his sex disappear completely into the pirate’s mouth. Unsurprisingly, Kakarot wasn’t able to keep his eyes open, nor his voice down. There was no doubt about which skillful concession Turles was giving the other warrior. Vegeta figured it must have been a first for him. That dainty mate of his must sure be something to have ensnared Kakarot, but I doubt she’d ever been able to take on him this way… It’s merely a matter of size. Turles, on the other hand, has a saiyan-sized appetite. And an accommodating throat. Turles came up for air, panting, and grimaced when the youth’s hand yanked at his hair. “Easy, Kakarot”, he admonished, looking both smug and amused, quickly replacing his mouth with his hand to chastise the eager warrior. “Give me a breather. I’d rather not choke to death.” “Wouldn’t be such a bad way to go for you, wouldn’t it?”, Vegeta remarked, venomously, moving to sit next to his rival. “It wouldn’t be a bad way for anyone”, the renegade rebuked, giving the head of the warrior’s sex another taunting lick. Goku squirmed, impatiently. “Turles…”, the young warrior muttered, shooting the renegade a warning look. “Enough with this nonsense”, the Prince blurted out. Goku looked up, seeing Vegeta crouch over his shoulder and stretch to reach his groin. Even from that upside down angle the sight of the older warrior’s body looked appetizing. He raised an arm and reached around to pat the other’s lower back, showing appreciation for what he knew the Prince was about to do. He felt a shiver ran down the other’s spine. Vegeta was as eager as he was. If his intrusion hadn’t given him away, the erection that entered the his field of vision surely did. Vegeta lowered his head, bending over his rival’s crotch, facing the renegade. Turles pushed forward, brazenly licking the other’s lips. The Prince responded by trapping the warrior’s plump bottom lip between his teeth, making the other chuckle, hoarsely. The kiss would have had to wait. “Take it easy, Prince. He’s quite a mouthful”, the renegade warned once the Prince brought his face to Goku’s sex. From the look Vegeta shot him, it was clear he would have admitted no further interference, no matter if well-meaning. Almond-shaped lids fell on blazing eyes. Pale, elegant lips wrapped around the shaft, making the young warrior moan softly. Turles’ watched closely, captivated by the sight. He could see -and hear- the smooth rubbing of the other’s tongue. He found himself smirking when the other sunk onto the shaft almost immediately. The Prince has finally grown an appetite, hasn’t he? Goku’s legs trembled and his hips bucked slightly. It wasn’t hard to tell just how much the youth was enjoying the attention he was receiving. His hands moved aimlessly, as if he wished to find something to hold on to other than his self restraint. His long, slender feet twitched every now and then, toes curling and uncurling, earnestly. He could tell by the furrowing of the Prince’s brow that it was no effortless task for him. His fists clenched and his eyebrows knit with every downwards plunge. Perfect alabaster lips adhered snugly to the warrior’s shaft, cheeks hollowed by suction. The handsome jaw worked tirelessly to welcome the saiyan’s sex deeper and deeper with every motion of his head. Every now and then, Turles caught a glimpse of his tongue, a delicious pink flicker cushioning Kakarot’s length from prickly ivory teeth with its velvety softness. “Looks like you’re getting quite the treat, Kakarot”, the renegade mused, stroking the warrior’s inner thighs. Goku hummed in response, his body rolling to meet the maddening warmth of his lover’s mouth. “You’re quite the lucky one, to experience your Prince’s favor like this”, he carried on, smirking when he saw Vegeta open his eyes to glare at him, “I’ve wished to be in your place many times myself…” “Mmh… it’s… it’s-“, the young warrior stuttered, breathily. “How does it feel, Kakarot?”, Turles spurred him on, seeing the Prince’s cheeks flush with color. “Amazing…” To the renegade’s amusement, the Prince interrupted his ministrations, abruptly, struggling to restrain himself from coughing as he gasped for air.   “Seeing you acting so selfless is quite charming, Vegeta”, Turles spoke, cupping the other man’s chin with his hand and brushing his thumb across his lips, wiping away the saliva that had gathered in the corners of his mouth. “I’ve always thought you would make for a selfish lover. I see I was wrong.” Vegeta’s eyes fixed into his, blazing with outrage. His mouth opened to rebuke but a surprised grunt escaped it instead. Both saiyans looked to the Prince’s crotch, where Goku was nuzzling his head, stifling pants against the other’s groin, delivering fervent kisses at the base of his sex. His strong arm was still wrapped around his rival’s waist, locking him a possessive embrace. “Kakarot, what are you doing?” “Returning the favor.” The dreamy sigh was followed by a soft suck. “Kakarot-!”, the Prince shuddered, his back arching as if he wished to escape that sweet imprisonment. “Stop fretting. Let yourself go, Vegeta”, the renegade purred. A dark hand was placed on the other’s chest, prompting him to lean back into a sitting position. “Let him do his thing. You’ll find I’ve taught him well.” No joke!, the Prince found himself thinking soon after, sliding his erection across this other’s open mouth, feeling the hot wash of his breath tickle the places his tongue had wet. Vegeta was gazing downwards with ardent eyes, wanting to burn the image into his mind to preserve it in his memory, vivid and perfect and maddeningly arousing. When the Prince tentatively presented the his tip to the other’s lips, strong hands reached back and grasped his hips to pull him forth. Vegeta nearly choked on his breath as he was swallowed whole. He looked down and his head swam. Goku had his head tipped back, his neck stretched. Vegeta’s shaft was buried to the hilt into the welcoming mouth. The Prince could see himself in the swell of his throat. Turles surged into his field of vision, sliding on top of the younger saiyan’s body. Obsidian eyes glanced upwards at him, lasciviously. “What did I tell you, Prince?”, the renegade purred, diabolically dragging his tongue along Goku’s outstretched throat. “He’s a natural.” Vegeta felt weak to the knee. The saccharine scent of Ambrosia lingered heavy in the air, growing sharper, stronger.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
How The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It Embraces Satanic Panic
This article features The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It spoilers. The piece also contains information regarding violence and abuse that may upset some readers.
Director Michael Chaves and company are not subtle about their influences in The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It. It’s there in the first scene. As we’re reintroduced to Ed and Lorraine Warren, darkness has fallen over a family, and a Satanic presence is in the home. A young child lays bedridden, cursed to endure demonic possession, and an old priest arrives late in the foggy night. When Father Gordon gets out of his cab, The Conjuring even reenacts an image so famously associated with The Exorcist that Warner Bros. made it that movie’s poster almost 50 years ago.
But maybe it’s a good thing The Conjuring flicks are getting blunter about who they’re borrowing from. The earlier movies in the series regularly evoked William Friedkin’s 1973 exorcism movie, including with their 1970s settings. But we’re past those small winks and nudges in The Devil Made Me Do It. The threequel has moved on to 1981 and away from worrying only about demons. Aye, we now must also dread the occultists and cults who summon them. And at a glance, it’s kind of fun that the series is playing with the heightened religious paranoia of the Reagan era.
If the original The Conjuring was set during a golden age for religious horror movies, then The Conjuring 3 continues Ed and Lorraine’s thread at the moment when that fear of Satanists became more than fiction to millions of Americans. Within two years of The Devil Made Me Do It’s setting, a rising tide of Satanic Panic would lead to dozens of school officials, employees, and parents being accused of participating in Satanic rituals which included blood orgies and human sacrifices—with many serving years or decades in prison. It was the beginning of a new kind of paranoia in American life, and it was inspired, at least in part, by the spooky imagery of movies like The Exorcist.
Friedkin’s original “the Devil made me do it” chiller was not the first big Hollywood movie about the danger of demonic activity in 20th century America, but it was the most popular. Released the day after Christmas in 1973, The Exorcist became a pop culture phenomenon, the likes of which the horror genre has rarely seen before or since. When adjusted for inflation, it sold more tickets than Avatar, Titanic, or any film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With an almost clinical documentarian disaffection, the movie’s shock horror scared the hell out of audiences, leading to a massive surge in church attendance. Not that all church leaders were receptive. In fact, evangelist Billy Graham famously alleged the film itself was evil, saying “the Devil is in every frame.” Apparently, the celluloid prints were all individually cursed. (One can only imagine what Graham would’ve made of the streaming service Shudder.)
But that is perhaps the real key to the rising fear of Satan in the ‘70s and ‘80s. Films like The Exorcist were just a snapshot of a culture in the midst of ideological upheaval. There was the increased secularization that came from younger generations demanding more than their parents’ hegemonic status quo, but there was also a simultaneous revival of evangelism and modern Christian fundamentalism, which was in part a reaction to that same rapid change.
Movies like Exorcist tapped into the zeitgeist, and maybe shaped it, slightly, but those forces were already there. At most, something like Friedkin’s film just gave anxiety among religious Americans a new image of what that indescribable fear looks like. For example, thanks to The Exorcist, the Ouija board went from a harmless child’s game to being viewed in some households as the gateway to Hell forevermore.
And beyond horror films, there was a growing (and more grounded) fear of cults in this period. That’s because in August 1969, followers of Charles Manson broke into the homes of Sharon Tate and Leno and Rosemary LaBianca over the course of two nights, murdering seven people between them, including Tate’s unborn child (she was eight and a half months pregnant).
The murders were committed in a ritualistic, grisly fashion that included messages written in blood on the walls. Meanwhile, Tate’s husband and the father of her child, Roman Polanski, had recently directed the first major Hollywood blockbuster about Satanic cults, Rosemary’s Baby (1968), in which a pregnant woman is offered up to the Dark One. The grim parallels did not go unnoticed in the seedier corners of the press before the “Manson Family” was finally arrested in December of that year.
The culture-shattering effects of the Manson murders are still being felt 50 years later as major movies continued to be made on the subject. Even The Conjuring films have tapped into it, with the original Annabelle spinoff in 2014 being set in 1967, the same year that the novel Rosemary’s Baby was published. That movie revealed the Annabelle doll was commandeered by a demon controlling a Manson-like cult called the Disciples of the Ram, which were responsible for a random home invasion that ended in ritualistic slaughter. The Disciples of the Ram is also the cult name-dropped in The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It. Additionally, the central characters in Annabelle are named Mia and John, after Mia Farrow and John Cassavetes, who played a married couple introduced to a cult of witches in Polanski’s Rosemary’s Baby.
By the time 1980 rolled around, movies like Rosemary’s Baby, The Exorcist, and their slew of copycats were slowly turning into a mirror—not so much of reality but of what many folks feared to be the rising menace of cults and occult-inspired crime. It was the era of a “silent majority” rejecting counterculture and its various eccentricities, including the rise of actual Satanism as a government-recognized religion.
Indeed, Anton LaVey founded the Church of Satan and wrote The Satanic Bible in 1966, which despite its provocative title and imagery was largely a derivative philosophical text about self-actualization. Some have even convincingly argued that LaVey simply pilfered then-obscure 19th century philosophers and added an occult gloss to get attention and tax exempt status for his new venture. It also was a hell of a way to troll devout Christians.
If provocation was the goal, the Church of Satan got its wish, contributing to a conservative rejection of leftist counterculture, particularly following media obsessions with ritualistic serial killers like the Zodiac Killer in northern California, or the Jonestown cult, which committed ritualistic mass murder and suicide by the hundreds in 1978, all in the purported name of socialism. Meanwhile, evangelist Jerry Falwell Sr. was founding the “Moral Majority” in 1979 as a political movement designed to elect Republicans based, in part, out of a fear of the secularization of American society.
By the 1980s, millions of Americans were primed to believe that the Devil, or at least his nutso disciples, walked among us like the friendly neighbors in Rosemary’s Baby, all while secretly waiting to serve you up to Beelzebub. Consider the villain in The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It, a mysterious woman who damns a child to possession simply because… she can? In a world where Satanic cults and human sacrifices are real, motives are incidental.
This largely fanciful fear manifested itself into a more gruesome reality when soon-to-be-disgraced Canadian psychiatrist Lawrence Pazder and his wife Michelle Smith published the now thoroughly debunked Michelle Remembers in 1980. As a discredited memoir by a doctor and patient who later married, the book became a bestseller with its sensationalistic and lurid tales derived from Smith’s “memories” attained via controversial Recovered Memory Therapy (hypnosis).
In the book, Smith and her doctor/husband claimed that while in a trance she remembered her mother was secretly a member of the Church of Satan. However, this wasn’t the glorified far-left contrarian organization founded by LaVey in 1966. According to Michelle Remembers, the Church of Satan actually predates the founding of the Roman Catholic Church 2,000 years ago, and it’s acted for centuries as a secret organization trading in the blood of slaughtered infants (QAnon followers would love it).
Smith claimed that in the 1950s, when she was between the ages of five and six, she was kept in cages, tortured, sexually abused, and participated in rituals that included orgies, human sacrifices, and on one occasion summoning Satan himself from the bowels of Hell. Smith also claimed she was saved and had her physical scars erased by no less than a returned Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. The book was a publishing sensation, and even by 1989, Smith was still showing up on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show to chat about the danger of Satanic cults. Winfrey booked her alongside Laurel Rose Willson, a woman who falsely claimed she was raised by Satanists to be a “breeder,” pumping out infants for human sacrifice and dismemberment.
Two years after Michelle Remembers was published, social workers in Bakersfield, California, who had read the book, became concerned when two children (who were coached by their step-grandmother) claimed they were sexually abused by their parents—claiming their family was part of a secret cult. No evidence was found, but faster than you can say Salem, more children were encouraged to come forward and offer similar tales of abuse and Satanic activity. Ed Jagels, the district attorney and local conservative culture warrior, had his office tell jurors that more than 30 people participated in a Satanic cult that drank blood, murdered infants, and participated in incest.
Twenty-six people were convicted of sexual abuse without corroborating evidence. Twenty-five of those cases were overturned by Californian appellate courts, although not before one innocent man served 20 years out of his 40-year sentence. Children later admitted they made up incidents and were guided by concerned interviewers, and Kern County was forced to settle $9.56 million in lawsuits from those wrongfully accused and convicted.
This was only the first in a string of high-profile 1980s cases dubbed by the press to be “daycare sex abuse hysteria.” They also acted as a grotesque subgenre of a then thriving Satanic Panic. Just a year after the Bakersfield accusations began, a mother who was later diagnosed with acute paranoid schizophrenia accused the staff of the McMartin preschool in 1983 of conspiring with her estranged husband in the rape of her son. The child then told investigators that he witnessed a sex cult in his preschool, which included witchcraft and a teacher levitating before flying around the room.
Local police investigators welcomed the help of an unlicensed psychotherapist to examine 400 children in the school. The results led to seven daycare staff members being accused by 41 children of 321 counts of child abuse, which included stories of hidden underground tunnels, sex orgies, and at least one baby being sacrificed to Satan. The resulting five-year trial and legal proceedings remains the most expensive in California’s history, in which no physical evidence was presented and there were no convictions. But Winfrey guest Laurel Rose Willson testified as a witness, claiming she saw the abuse firsthand during her time as a Satanist.
These were just a handful of cases, and the first of at least a half-dozen daycare centers accused of Satanic activity and abuse. Several led to wrongful convictions of preschool owners and teachers. The convictions were overturned years later. However, the terror of baby-sacrificing Satanists walking among us persisted.
In 1982, Patricia Pulling began a well-publicized campaign against Dungeons & Dragons after her son died by suicide. Pulling, and soon many sympathetic evangelicals, became convinced the roleplaying game drove him to suicide due to cursed cards with demonic power. Future Fox News mainstay Geraldo Rivera hosted Devil Worship: Exposing Satan’s Underground on NBC in 1988, which became the highest-rated television documentary up to that point. In 1992, the Justice Department was forced to publish a monograph thoroughly explaining why American law enforcement needed to stop considering “Satanic cults” as a threat to society.
And as late as 1994, three teenagers in West Memphis, Arkansas were famously convicted of murdering three boys the year before based largely on hearsay evidence and the prosecution accepting rumors that these goth teenagers worshipped the Devil. Therefore the 1993 murders were part of a “Satanic ritual.” In 2007, forensic evidence revealed the only DNA found at the crime scene belonged to the victims and unknown killers who were not the West Memphis Three. They were released after serving 18 years in prison, although to this day Arkansas has failed to expunge their convictions.
Read more
How The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It Secretly Ties Into Annabelle
By Rosie Fletcher
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It Ending Explained
By David Crow
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It is (very) loosely based on a court case during this era of mass Satanic hysteria. A cynic might even wonder if the real Ed and Lorraine Warren pitched the “Devil made me do it” defense to tap into the then prevalent fear of little possessed Regan MacNeils spider-walking down the stairs at any moment. While the real Ed and Lorraine were never asked to participate in the investigation of a missing person who turned out to have died by demon-induced suicide (as seen in the movie), there were plenty of police detectives in the ‘80s ready to embrace a fear of the occult as both motive and Exhibit A evidence.
Perhaps that’s why there is a slightly ickier feeling about The Conjuring 3 than its predecessors. The new movie plays into a cultural fantasy that ruined lives and sent innocent people to prison. There’s a scene in The Devil Made Me Do It where the saintly onscreen versions of Ed and Lorraine Warren take text written by medieval Catholic Church witch hunters as gospel—which is a disquieting notion when one pauses to consider the likely superstitious and misogynistic motivations of those torch-happy holy men.
It also would be too easy to smirk now at the madness of heartland Christians convinced their neighbors were baby-eaters 40 years ago. That type of paranoia still exists in modern conspiracy theories, even if it is slightly less tied to fears of demons and exorcisms. Ask the owner of a pizza parlor in Washington D.C., which right-leaning conspiracy theorists were convinced housed a child sex ring, resulting in a man storming into the restaurant with a gun.
Meanwhile, a poll in 2020 found that as many as 53 percent of self-identified Republicans believed the QAnon conspiracy theory which claims Democratic leaders and Hollywood celebrities drink the blood of children to stay young. Witches, vampires, and even the Devil can be the source for fascinating stories and fictions. But when folks believe in this stuff, it’s far too easy to become possessed by a more human evil.
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