#Grimoria's Three Dads
centaurianthropology · 3 months
Also, rewatching I am wondering about the various PC relationships with Decklan. Like, Malcolm seems very friendly and dedicated to seeing him right from the jump. That could be because he's a friend, could be because their lightkeeper is asking and he trusts her implicitly, could be a little of both, but it's clear that he has warm and probably straightforward feelings about Decklan. Grimoria is a little more hesitant because of her job, but is also dedicated, and seems very warm toward him.
And then there's Leo and Edgar, both of whom are a little cooler. Now, Edgar is always cool toward almost everyone, but is warmer toward his circle-mates, so it makes me wonder if they either parted on not fantastic terms, or that Edgar maybe views Decklan leaving their circle as something like a betrayal. Not sure, since Edgar plays his emotional cards so close to the chest. We'll hopefully see more now that Decklan is back with them.
And then there's Leo, who seems to guess that they're going after Decklan before anyone else does, even before their lightkeeper says it. And his response?
"No. No, no, no." Leo does NOT want to see Decklan, but ends up agreeing because Decklan is 'family' and you do what you have to for family. But he's not eager to see him the way that Malcolm seems to be. And given Leo's focus on this found family above all else, I can almost be certain that he viewed Decklan's reassignment as a betrayal. But at the same time, on the island, as soon as he realizes that the Murphy ladies are bad news, and readily murdered their mother (or were changelings or something else and were killing off the Murphy family), he is focused on finding and rescuing Decklan. When he chased down Nora, that was his focus, just demanding over and over after he caught up with her that she tell him where Decklan was. So I do think that, while he feels anger or resentment or whatever he feels about Decklan leaving, there is still a lot of affection there as well.
I guess what I'm saying is: I think that Leo and Decklan might be exes.
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aeruthien · 1 month
It makes me strangely proud or at least happy to see Aimee and Robbie do so well with CR.
I remember when they first came on in ExU, and they were first time players and incredibly nervous. But I think both of them have made some of the wildest choices of all campaigns, as well as on Candela Obscura.
Aimee as Opal? Going from that naive a bit obnoxious girl to a distorted champion of the Spider Queen? Her playing Grimoria with her three dads delving into heartache and strength?
Robbie with Dorian, holding his own on a table with 7 other players on their home turf, and going wonderfully crazy with Howard in Candela, showing how versatile he is...
CR has been doing great in bringing on guests and giving them space to grow, and I love it
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fluidstatick · 1 month
I can't stop thinking about the circle of the crimson mirror. At first Grimoria really bugged me because it felt like Aimee was trying to debate her way to a happy ending, despite the nature of the game. Then I remembered that Aimee is the queen of the Anxious Entitled Teenager Archetype, and she's just fighting the system uphill, like all eighteen year olds with something to prove.
Case in point --
The Horror Mushroom Beneath Oldfaire: Malcom is mine. Edgar is mine. You're tripping balls and terrified and on the verge of death. ʟɨȶȶʟɛ ɢʀɨʍօʀɨǟ, աɦǟȶ աɨʟʟ ʏօʊ ɖօ? 𝕾𝖍𝖍𝖍𝖌𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖍𝖍𝖍𝖋𝖋𝖗𝖗𝖗𝖗𝖌𝖍
Imari, watching Leo tear Malcom's heart out of his guts:
Alex: 😶😵‍💫💀👹🤲🫳🫴✋🍄🍄🍄
Tal: 🫀🕰️😵‍💫🕰️🫀
Aimee: First of all fuck you I have a shotgun, second of all fuck this I'm getting my three creepy haunted dads out of here, third of all Edgar and Malcom better snap the fuck out of it, fourth of all --
Imari: My ghost is already doing laps let's blow this joint come onnnnn
The Abyss Mushroom: Time to die
Alex: Time to die
Tal: Goddamn it
Aimee: Fine 😒🙄 ugh 😤 I set off a magical nuke or whatever 🪄✨💥🔥
Liam: And now all these souls are at peace.
Aimee: ok but I'm not 😮‍💨
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artfulusername · 3 months
Lots of folks have been making comments about the familial vibes of The Circle of the Crimson Mirror (like Grimoria and her three dads and stuff).
So, I guess we could also call them Three Men and a Medium.
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ariadne-mouse · 2 months
Grimoria truly does have three dads
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frankensteins-mt-dew · 3 months
Grimoria called the men by their last names like they aren't her three dads
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