askakaza · 8 months
I’ve been told you’re thicc as hell under those pants, is that true?
(He does cardio for a reason :D)
Him dodging the question rn:
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wildfire317s-oc-box · 2 years
Name: Tsuki Yunikōn
Species: human (physical medium)
Hair color: pale lavender white (like white with a faint hint of purple)
Hair style: long and flowy
Eye color: a soft greyish-blue (like cloudy-sky blue)
Skin color: not quite undead white but almost
Age: 12 (when she would be introduced, 13 by the end of season two and 13 1/2 by the end of the show)
Nickname: angel in a human suit, Tsu-Tsu / Tsuki-Tsu (only rui was allowed to call her this anyone else would get glared at by him, in turn she called him Ru-Ru / Rui-Ru), Demon-Tamer (typically only called this by those in the demon-slayer core), moon child (this is what rui heard muzan call her when referring to her), little spider (the nickname that kyogai came up with and used when they did encounter eachother), little moon (the nickname that the rest of the twelve came up with when they saw her the one time), little beastie (what enmu refers to her as), Spider Mimic (another nickname given to her by the demon slayer core but only by survivors of the events on mt.natagumo), Bunny/ Bunny-Rabbit (only really called this by yukio as a joke about how tiny and quiet she is)
Fashion sense: she prefers pastel blues, pinks and purples mixed with white and black, she really only wears one kimono and one other outfit in general with all of these colors however her kimono's obi is burgundy to match rui's. Although it appears to be big on her since she is small and skinny due to years of malnutrition before she was adopted. She really likes the big sleeves because then she can do the thing where she can swat people with her sleeves because the sleeves are actually a bit longer than her arms and she can hide things in them. Note: she is albino/albinistic
Height: shes 4'3 so a bit smaller than rui but she isn't likely to get any bigger.
Sexuality: she doesn't really know.
Strength: her main strengths are that she is extremely kind hearted, extremely charismatic, she is small and has a generally unassuming appearance and she is extremely stubborn, if she wants you to see the good in yourself she will make you wether you like it or not. However after having to keep up with her demon friends her whole life speed and agility wise she is as quick and agile as a demon though not as strong. She actually has some of the rarest blood but it smells so bland that most demons think its a more common type which is probably for the best on both ends, because getting even a lick of blood feels more or less like if you tried to lick lightning and tastes like drinking the stock of an entire candy store in one go, like more than a few drops would be dangerous levels of sweet and energy. However one should be careful about trying to piss her off because theres the off chance that you will finally make her mad and then promptly get your ass handed to you.
Her story:
It is rumored that she was blessed by the god of the moon and his spirits to be calm and happy when she was born, and to be born to be such a kind, caring and innocent (even if it is seen as naivety) person that it would be considered taboo to do her harm even among demons, including the most powerful ones; Many of which she encountered while growing up. Tsuki's parents named her "Tsuki" out of spite for her because they hated that she was the one who survived the pregnancy instead of her brother and that she was the only child they would ever have due to complications after her birth so they named her after something else they grew to dislike, the moon because when the moon came out demons came out with it. Her grandfather died about a month before she was born and left a collection of puzzle boxes of treasure hidden around the house for her to find when she was old enough to figure them out, this was how she found his journal hidden away in a secret compartment in her room. The treasures he had hidden besides his journal were a set of bracelets that his father had made for him and rui before rui disappeared, and an assortment of other toys and trinkets from his childhood and a book of stories that Rui had let him borrow the night before he disappeared. She, much like the rest of her family; was supposed to be one of a set of twins but her twin brother died before they were born which may have been part of the reason she was treated so poorly but he has stuck around as another one of her spirit guides. She has always been able to hear the spirits of the dead and see them if they wanted her to.
As a young child her parents only did and spent the bare minimum on her to give the illusion that she was decently cared for and was just a sickly child so they could get things for cheap or occasionally free but anything that could only be used by a child was only given to her once it was basically ruined by either of her parents. Rui was the one she cared for the most, even growing to see him as her big brother as he was the first person to ever show her any form of genuine kindness. Another reason she was so drawn to rui is because she could tell that for one reason or another he needed her more than he would ever openly admit, which partially caused her affection but her caring for him grew beyond that. She wasn't treated the best, she was mostly treated like an expensive doll in a case or a bird in a cage that you hated just there to be looked at, occasionally heard and frequently neglected and more often than not abused in ways that were hidden from guests, she was rarely even allowed outside while her parents were awake so she instead snuck out at night to play. When she was younger she frequently hid bruises under her kimono from when her parents would hit her for something stupid like tripping on her kimono in front of company (which is what it usually was) as her parents would punish her further if she didn't, which made her adopted family furious at her birth parents for her when they inevitably found them. Because of this she frequently drew the attention of any demons that happened to be in the area when she snuck out, but due to her accidental ability they more often than not got talked into doing whatever childish activity she was doing with her, this mostly applied to Rui and the others who had become demons as children and those that didn't play with her lied and told her they were going to be late for something and they had to get going and left. Since she was even smaller and skinnier as a five to seven year old it was relatively easy to pick her up from under the arms and carry her around and this happened pretty frequently with those she interacted with on a regular basis, for a demon picking her up and carrying her was pretty much the same as a human picking up and carrying a cat or a small rodent depending on how big/strong the demon carrying her was. When she was younger she would frequently go into the forest with Rui so she could play with the others as well especially since she fit right in and those nights would be some of his better nights. Masami (spider brother) is the one who taught her to bite people if they get to close and are scaring her and also assisted Rui in teaching her to scare people away as they were the three smallest in size. When it comes to defending herself she can, has and will bite someone in the butt if she has to, it became a thing because during one self defense training session with Masami; he was carrying her under his arm with her face facing his rear, he had been egging her on to do something to get him to let go so after a minute of flailing she resorted to biting what was closest. Which ended up being his butt. While her baby-fangs didn't really hurt, Tsuki biting his butt shocked him enough to release her. What she was supposed to learn was "biting someone's butt is a good way to catch someone off guard" what she actually learned was "biting someone's butt is a reasonable method to get someone to drop her if she needs to". Shes the only one that masami's minions actually liked. There was one time when she accidentally got nicked by one of rui's siblings during a game of tag causing her to bleed a little although she didn't notice, being curious the one who nicked her licked the blood from their claw/s and gave themselves such a strong boost of energy that they physically couldn't sleep for three day's straight and ran everywhere they went for a full week, the only reason they didn't get punished is because it gave Rui a good laugh.
She was actually introduced to Kyogai by Rui on one of the nights she was walking with him while he was on his way to a meeting and they came across Kyogai as he was leaving his home and saw that Rui had a little friend with him and they all got to talking as they walked and started getting along pretty well. On the occasions she encountered Kyogai before he was removed from the twelve kizuki (and later died) either during the few trips into town she was allowed to come along on or on the occasion she would walk with Rui to town whenever he was going to one of the meetings, she was rather fond of reading his stories and listening to him play his drums. She was frequently watched by Kyogai whenever she got the chance to go out to the town with her parents and they told her to go off and busy herself, she would instead go find his house and hang out with him until she figured it was time to head back to the town, and she always used a secret knock first before entering so he would know it was her entering, She had a habit of climbing onto his back and hitting the drums for him so they could go bouncing off the walls and around the rooms she thought it was great fun but it usually left him quite dizzy, or she would go riding down the halls on the back of one of the others. When she was little she used to call Kyogai "Mr.Tiger" because of his stripes. When She was younger she would always worry whenever Rui came back from one of his meetings late, and give him an ear-full when he finally got back about how worried she was especially if she knew there were demon-slayers in the area, not having a full understanding of the rankings she was less worried about kyogai because she figured that because he was an adult , he could handle himself just fine. There were also occasions when she would talk the others in the spider family into putting "makeup" on her face so she looked like the rest of them, the first time this happened was while she was waiting for Rui to come back from one of his meetings and he was rather surprised when he saw her face with the lines and spots of red "makeup" on it. The one time she met most of the rest of the current twelve kizuki, was one week when her parents were away at the village for some time alone and since she was staying with Rui at the time he thought that he should bring her with him to one of his meetings so she could meet his "friends", so she put on her spider kimono and some red makeup which she stole from her mother and went with him (he tricked her into letting him give her a single drop of his blood just before entering to make certain the disguise worked). Once they got there she pretty much stuck to either Rui or Kyogai's side the entire time but she almost immediately drew everyone else's favor (even kokushibo could not get over how tiny and adorable she was), especially Akaza, Gyutaro and Daki's, and she quickly warmed up to pretty much everyone except for Muzan (obviously), Gyyoko, and Douma, (and she was hesitant with Enmu but she warmed up to him eventually and she also eventually warmed up to Douma but it took a lot longer) who she was hesitant to be around without one of the others, eventually spawning the idea to start calling her their "little moon". By the time she is six an a half she has a very soft speaking voice (often forgetting to speak up around normal humans) because at one point she asked Rui why he didn't like it when people spoke at a "normal volume" and he explained to her that demons ears are far more sensitive than humans ears, and since she was basically raised by demons and had majority demon friends she adapted to having a softer speaking voice almost a whisper / inside-a-library voice, this however does not help with people mistaking her for a demon. After she turns seven, whenever she is scared and/or trying to defend herself or someone else she has a habit of imitating her demon friends by: baring her teeth, swiping in the "threats" general direction with her nails and doing anything she can to make herself look bigger and more intimidating.
There were a few times when she was younger that she had to hide from adult humans because they were being creepers, mostly when she went out wandering around at night and when this happened she would always run off to either go find Kyogai or one of his roommates (including nijiko), or Rui or one of the other family members depending on which group was closer, once she found one of them whoever she found would tell her to either head back to one of the two houses or go find the others and wait with them while whoever she found "dealt with" the creep, although there was one time when this happened during the day while she was out at the village with her parents and she accidentally woke Kyogai up, and when he popped his head out of his room to see what all the noise was, the first thing he sees is Tsuki scampering towards him with some rando following behind her and then her darting behind him and hugging his leg while shaking, After realizing the situation he gently picked her up, hit the drum on his back to change the room, asked her to stay there and then went to wake up the others so they could take turns watching her while the others "dealt with" the creep. There were occasions when she was younger when she was hanging out with Kyogai and she would just fall asleep next to him while he was writing, resting her head/entire body against him and he would just be kind of stuck there until either she woke up or they would be found by there by one of the others and she would be picked up and set down elsewhere, and there were also occasions when he would be helping her read one of his stories (by reading to her) and they would both end up falling asleep. Eventually though her parents noticed that the demons were drawn to her and moved away to the city taking her with them, years passed and she grew up as all humans do but she never forgot any of her friends and never really changed despite that during this time she became an orphan and gained the ability to see the spirits of the dead after her parents died after falling off of a cliff due to some form of "accident" which left their car tipped onto its side with blood everywhere and a trail of blood that lead to the woods which everyone told her was a bear but she isn't so sure about that. When she moved Rui sent a spider (an actual spider not a person turned into a spider) to go with her to keep her safe which she named after him, she still has mini-rui after all these years shes actually surprised he/she/it is still alive. When she moved she actually wrote a going away letter to her "adopted brother" and sent it to him by folding it into a paper-plane, it read something like this: "dear rui, I'm sorry but I'm going away for a while, i don't know how long as i just found out about it and i am currently writing from the wagon. I will be back again someday i promise. Don't forget about me- Tsuki Yunikōn". She met Yukio, Takara and Mine when her birth parents moved to the city and took her with them and they decided to take up the guardian roles whenever they were around. She was eventually discovered and was taken in by Usagi-Sama, which later led to her following around demon slayers hoping to rescue whatever demons she could. At one point or other the spider family had made a kimono that matched the rest of theirs for her and actually fit her, but after she moved they lost track of it and thought that it had been either misplaced or stolen by an animal.
While she hadn't changed much in the 5 years that had passed since she and Rui last saw each other, she did develop sort of a dark side it would only come out whenever she was as mad as any one person could possibly get without literally exploding, he never saw this side of her while he was still undead, matter of fact no demon has ever actually seen her angry because this side of her is what happens when she does get angry, however one sure fire way to piss her off is by disrespecting or speaking ill of the dead demon or not and even more dangerous is disrespecting or speaking ill of someone who was close with her who has passed on. The night Tsuki became an orphan (after daki & gyutaro killed her parents without knowing they were her parents) they had actually been leaving the entertainment district after seeing when they could send her off to become a courtesan in hopes she would become an oiran someday and eventually married off to some rich much older person, without her seeing even a single yen of course. Tsuki only found this plan out after the fact and didn't find out until she was almost thirteen herself that if it hadn't been for daki and gyutaro; she would have ended up following in daki's footsteps without her "big brother" there to protect her. It was only after her parents death that she could see them at all times, this was initially given to her to allow her to see the spirits of her parents but they decided to move on to what happens after instead of watching over her. At one point or other she stole a pair of demon slayer daggers from a weaker demon slayer who was trying to bother one of her friends in the hopes that once they saw they were unarmed they would back off. Usagi-Sama taught her the human version of her blood demon art which is called "myth-breathing". The kimono that Rui and his family made for Tsuki was found years later by her when she was moving in with Usagi-Sama and she was sad that it would no longer fit her properly despite her minimal growth, Usagi-Sama started working on it to make sure it fit and she had finally finished it on the night of the mt.natagumo arc raid, she was going to present it to Tsuki when she picked her (and presumably her friends) up from the forest but after the events she decided against it for about a year and then finally gives it to her. A part of the reason why everyone in the spider family was so angry THAT night is because they were expecting her to show up not to long past sun down, when she didn't show they went looking for her, when they couldn't find her and found demon slayers instead they assumed that they had killed her by mistake thinking she was one of them, but in actuality she had tripped on a tree root and knocked herself out before unconsciously sliding under a small overhang on the side of the mountain. Had she been there in episodes 18-20 she probably could have protected Rui, and brought him to safety as she wears Usagi-Sama's pendant, She is certain that she could have saved him and calmed him down from his craziness even if she was the only one and gotten his curse broken, since she is the only human he considered one of his own and the only one who he fully protected because she chose him to be the older brother rather than the other way around and accepted him even if he was a demon and she was not. Since Rui's passing she stole his some of the spider silk he had with him, and wears it as a bracelet as a way to keep a part of him with her, because of this his spirit occasionally follows her around to keep an eye on her. Shes the one who found what was left of him and brought it back to usagi-sama to be properly honored. She is the one in charge of making the shrines that house the spirits of those in her adopted family who died in one way or another and setting them in their respective areas, including those in the spider family (including rui's actual parents) and those in the "haunted mansion".
In this timeline she mourned for a long and just hid in her room in the mountain, rarely coming out for any reason (besides going out for rescues) for half of that, after the events of episode 20, and even after its pretty easy to trigger her into a full meltdown, when these happen around the mountain pretty much any of the demons in usagi-sama's care will have at least a general idea whats wrong and attempt to comfort her. Whenever the kamaboko squad comes to visit she builds shrines for anyone who they tell her has died. When tanjiro finally told her that while he was not the one who beheaded rui, he was the one who comforted him in his final moments she was a little angry but she thanked him for comforting him (however he has not told her that he is the reason kyogai is dead she would probably bonk him on the head if she found out). The reason she has not figured out that Kyogai and his other two roommates were killed by the kamaboko squad is because they immediately attached their ghosts to nijiko and then her soon afterwards and they thought that she already knew so they neglected to tell her. She keeps mini-rui (her spider) in a small terrarium with a protection charm engraved in the glass; that she keeps on her obi. After meeting Kimi and Rin respectively, they quickly became her closest "living" friends to the point where they are basically inseparable.
After Tanjiro found out that she can see ghosts he asked her about how hauntings work because of his encounter with Sabito and Makomo and she explained; "When it comes to ghosts and hauntings it very much depends on how strong they are and what is left of the life they lead while while they were living, they will typically either haunt the last place they considered home or they will follow around those who considered to be family and have roughly a miles worth of wander room for either one before they feel like they hit a barrier and if they are strong enough they can manifest for a short time, if they cannot return to their home that means either their home is gone, has changed to much and is unrecognizable or they cannot remember where home is, if that is they case and they still want to haunt a place then their next option is where they died, if they cannot follow around their family that means that everyone in their family is no longer among the living, if that is the case that they will go to the next closest person who is in the circle of people they knew in life even to the point where they will follow around the person that killed them if they were killed by a person, and if none of them can be followed around then they will find someone who can interact with them and follow them around instead but they can always choose who to follow. If they cant do either of these they will either be stuck wandering around aimlessly until they can do one or the other or they will be forced to pass on. In regards to your friends Sabito and Makomo the mountain where your trainer lives was the last place they considered home and he was the last person they considered family so thats where they were and where they will be until either they are able to pass on or they can no longer stay there for one reason or another.". She also explained to him that his family was following him and his sister around which was why he could occasionally sense their presence and even hear them, but along with them were the rather sheepish spirits of several demons that he had killed. When she actually hears about the final selection thing from the kamaboko squad she doesn't get what the point of it even is and comes to the conclusion that it is just plain dumb and a waste of time, resources and lives. After a while she does eventually encounter Akaza, Daki and Gyutaro again while they were still alive but she obviously had to explain herself and they were thankfully forgiving of her mischief once they heard the full explanation but they did warn her off from finding the rest of the upper moons for her own safety, but they got a kick out of the fact that she stole some demon-slayers daggers after she heard that the slayer was trying to find one of her other friends. She eventually gets a tattoo of a unicorn looking at a spider on its web in a tree in front of a full moon going across her shoulders, partly going over a birthmark that is actually shaped like a unicorn.
Her abilities most of which are gifts from the god of the moon:
Myth Breathing: allows her to essentially use the same attacks and abilities as many of the more commonly known mythological beings, much like usagi-sama. Although she favors the unicorn form and the moon-spirit form over the siren form and the dragon form she will use any and all forms since depending on what kind of situation shes in a few will come to mind. This has an illusory effect on the person using it which changes their appearance and the appearance of the users weapon/s.
🌕Senses of the dead: this allows her to interact with the spirits of the deceased just as she would with the living, including being physically able to feel their touch. On the rare occasion she can actually get others to use this ability while they are in physical contact with her.
🌕Eyes of the unicorn: this allows her eyes to read the inner workings of someones mind, heart and spirit as easily as reading words on a page. Essentially she can see someone for who they REALLY are instead of just how they portray themselves. However if someone looks her straight in eyes they feel compelled to do whatever she asks of them or she mentally wants them to (although this part only seems to work on demons). You can tell when this is happening because you begin to feel more calm and relaxed. It is the strongest when she locks eyes with a demon as the eyes are the window to the soul.
🌕Lunar fury: this is the dark side of her that comes out when she's been really pissed off, the best way to tell this has been triggered is by looking at her eyes and finding that her iris's have gone pitch black. They turn black in phases much like the moon and if you can't calm her down by the waning crescent phase than its best that you just get out of her way until her half moon phase unless you are one of a very small handful of people who can actually calm her down from her waning or waxing crescent phase or one of and even smaller handful who can calm her down from her new moon phase. This ability changes her scent, aura and auditory vibrations to match her rage. However when this is active she sees everyone that is alive as a silhouette. It is sort of an automatic trigger for her adrenaline to activate her hysterical strength.
🌕Lunar fury; Blood Moon: On the occasion of a grief fueled rage this version of Lunar Fury activates and the signifier is that the moon turns blood red and she is far more vicious using strictly offensive attacks.
🌕Lunar Fury; Soul Resonance: during this mode any spirits that follow her or are in her area observing what ever it was that made her this angry; can lend her their strength if they so choose and assist her by making her faster and making her attacks stronger, however this drains her energy and the energy of the spirit/s rather heavily so she cannot use it very long.
🌕Make Them Pay: this ability only occurs if she is knocked unconscious in a fight and allows a maximum of two spirits at a time to use her energy to manifest and protect her with their abilities they had when they were alive. It has only happened once when she had to protect Kimi and Rin from a gang of criminals one night and one got a sneak attack in.
Fun facts:
Her scent could be described as sakura and passion flowers, lavender, vanilla and honey creme tea and sunlight, until she gets mad than it changes to be like firewood smoke, copper, ozone/lightening and a crap load of cinnamon.
Whenever lunar fury is activated because she lost someone the moon turns blood red and she exudes a strong scent of grief, anger and loss, thus far this has only happened once after the events of episode twenty and the only reason anyone survived their encounter with her is because the ghosts that follow her around rui included, managed to calm her down before she accidentally killed someone (rui's spirit heard her getting mad and decided to see wtf was going on) when they tried to get his kimono away from her.
The ghosts of all of her demon friends follow her around and even the ghosts of demons who she didn't know personally while they were still among the living but they either knew her friends or they were following around the slayers that killed them because they had no one else to follow and no where to haunt so she let them follow her too and ended up befriending them as well (those being Kamanue, Susumaru, Yahaba, "The Hand Demon" and later on Kaigaku).
She really likes sweets but especially anything sakura flavored but especially sakura flavored mochi or dango.
If she gets into a fight she listens to her spirit guide Maka who was Rui's adoptive older sister as she can come up with pretty decent attack strategies although she will also listen to any input the other ghosts who follow her have, she and the spirit of Kyogai even have a code of sorts that uses his drums.
She also holds the current record of being the only human not to be freaked out by Ani (masami) in the slightest.
Thanks to lady usagi keeping track of which demons belong to what familys Tsuki eventually finds out that she is one of Kokushibo's direct descendants but she is also the granddaughter of the last known myth-breather who was of one of Rui's few friends when he was still human who actually became a myth-breather with lady usagi's help to avenge him because he thought he was dead.
Tsuki's her father and uncle had no interest in learning Myth Breathing but before her family moved and not long after meeting Rui she found a journal written by her grandfather about the technique and decided to keep it, later asking her adoptive mother to teach her.
She has since continued the journal and keeps it with her at all times.
She has lost all of her baby teeth, Rui was rather surprised when she lost her first one since he had forgotten that it actually happens naturally with humans at a certain age.
Due to tricky genetic shenanigans Tsuki, her parents and her mothers parents are albino.
She gets her sharp canine teeth from her mothers side of the family and her sharp claw-like nails from her fathers side of the family, her paternal grandpa and her father just trimmed theirs often and her mother got skipped.
Due to her teeth and nails being sharper and her skin being paler than the average humans she is frequently mistaken for a demon by newer-lower rank slayers (and a surprising amount of demons) and civilians that are aware of demons but those who are more experienced can tell they are to blunt/dull and her skin has only just to much color for her to be a demon, this is why unless she can tell that the slayer has a lot of experience; she will not approach them instead preferring to watch from a distance.
Once she gets her kimono properly sized so she doesn't trip on it her movements are surprisingly graceful and rather reminiscent of her last name's namesake; the unicorn (yunikōn translates to unicorn in japanese).
Also like her last name's namesake if someone were to look her in the eyes when shes just spacing out, her eyes don't always reflect her surroundings instead anyone looking at her eyes sees a night sky full of stars a common view from the forest that she basically came to call home.
She gives studio ghibli style hugs, like the ones that are so full of love where she grabs the person, pulls them in close and holds them tight to the point where one would assume she thinks they would disappear if she let them go.
She dislikes wearing shoes of any kind and doesn't wear them if she can help it but she does carry a pair with her just incase.
Due to her being raised by the spider fam and Rui wanting to see about turning her into a demon so he could keep her forever (and telling the others the plan); She was taught to do spider demon things which included her learning the trapeze and aerial silks (rui was always the one with her while she practiced so he could make sure she didn't get hurt), which inevitably included Oni teaching her to use her aerial silk ribbon to tie people up and kind of cocoon them (with oni being the test dummy because shes tough enough to handle it), which also inevitably turned into her figuring out how to cocoon herself if she needed too, She still uses these skills on the regular.
So Tsuki's paternal great, great-aunt Kirin Tsugikuni actually had a connection to gyutaro when he was still human as she was one of very very few people who were actually kind to him and she and ume/daki actually worked together in the same place, she actually had a huge crush on gyutaro but she never got to actually tell him but she thought she was giving him a clue by showing up to every one of his fights and giving him food when she could, unfortunately he does not remember her due to the whole "becoming a demon makes you forget parts of your life from before" thing.
Tsuki quite likes Gyomei as he reminds her of both kyogai and spider dad in an odd way, so she occasionally visits.
A small part of why she has her super natural abilities is actually due to her great-aunt kirin and her grandfather daisuke's kindness towards demons.
she is partially inspired by these songs; everytime the rain comes down by anna blue, monsters by katie sky, winter moon by erutan, heavens light from hunchback of notredam, concrete angel by martina mcbride, you will be in my heart from tarzan, jada facer's cover of iris by the goo goo dolls and freaks by jordan clarke
if she were to die, "physical" contact with her soul/spirit essentially would be basically like touching something brass but instead of germs being destroyed it would be sins. So for example if she were to die, find a way into hell, encounter one of the demons she befriended in her life and hug them; their souls would quickly become squeaky clean and allowed out of hell. However a soul like hers hasn't been seen/made in several centuries and are identified by their strong aura that literally lights up a small radius around them even on the physical plane.
unlike most breathing techniques used, myth-breathing does not go by numbers instead going by what mythical creature they are based on. So its more like class: subclass; sub-subclass. Reason being is that it would be far to tedious to remember all of the hundreds of numbers and which one goes to which.
As she is such a condensed ball of positive energy being around her long enough has the side effect of slowly bringing back ones humanity. In a sense she is almost like the opposite of inosuke as he is usually pissed about something until someone calms him down while she is usually calm until someone pisses her off typically causing the question "what the fuck happened". While she is usually very kind and relaxed, if you give her a reason to she will either throw a verbal jab your way or go off on you completely (keep in mind, that much like inosuke; she is still technically feral though slightly less so than he is.). She was the only one who could talk Rui into or out of doing anything he was uncertain about. Believe it or not Tsuki is pretty much unfazed by the fact that demons need to eat humans to survive, since she has kind of grown up with it and to her it's not really anything different from any other predator eating its prey to survive, that and since moving in with Usagi-sama the only ones harmed have been criminals that hurt others for no reason. She enjoys reading and would often sneak books out of the house with her when she was younger if she ever got bored of playing. Due to Tsuki's curious albeit shy nature she will observe someone from above before approaching them. Because of her upbringing she has a strong distrust for human adults specifically since very few human adults have ever shown her any form of kindness and infact the majority of kindness she has gotten from other humans has been from other children, due to this and partly to being cared for and raised by demons, Tsuki considers herself a demon despite being well aware that she isn't one. Much like her distant cousin Muichiro she spaces out and gets distracted from what she was doing rather easily.
Her inner world: her inner world is a cemetery in the clearing of a forest with a massive sakura tree almost in the center, at the actual center, under the sakura tree is a cemetery angel statue that looks like her looking at the sky holding her soul core. The other gravestones have the names of all of her friends who have passed on them. But it would feel much like tanjiro's but more bittersweet and it is always a full moon night rather than day. When she was younger it was just an open clearing with the sakura tree at the center with her soul core in the actual branches of the tree itself.
Alternate Timeline: In this alternate timeline where she was there in time to save the entire spider family and get them to Usagi-Sama's home base in one piece and got their curse broken, she would have considered herself and Rui to be twins as they would have been the same age physically and looked alike, and because of this she would have asked Usagi-sama to make her a demon like them, and being unable to refuse partially for selfish reasons (not wanting to lose her) Usagi-Sama would have turned her and gave her markings that mirrored Rui's, and they probably would have started sharing abilities due to moon-god shenanigans. In this alternate time line where she saved the spider family, she would have been there a day earlier and would have gotten up early before sunset to make sure they all woke up in time so she climbed an adjacent tree to pass the time but as she climbed down she would have seen the large group of slayers approaching the entrance of the forest, noticed the messenger crows with them that would send for hashira if anything were to happen, realized they would be screwed if they stuck around for that, woke all of them up starting with accidentally waking up Rui by slamming the door shut, explained the situation and then come up with a way for all of them to use their powers to basically become a webbed version of the indiana jones boulder rolling down the mountain through the forest, they would have had to hide out in her old home finding it to be the hide out for a gang of human criminals.
Obviously her demon companions went after the thugs while she climbed a plum tree and rummaged through some berry bushes in her old backyard to get herself some fruit, afterward she and Rui would have been sitting together eating and the others would have noticed just how many uncanny similarities there were between the two. She would have later discovered a pair of young twins (which would have looked like black haired dark blue eyed versions of them but if they had swapped hair styles but not lengths) that had been kidnapped by the gang, and convinced the others that she and Rui should dress up as moon spirits and escort them home as a way to cover their tracks, so once disguised the pair escorted them to the edge of the nearby village before returning to her old home and going to bed to be picked up by Usagi-Sama the next night. Had Rui and any of the rest of the spider family survived she probably would have went on to teach Rui how to properly run a family and get the others to act the part willingly, since she learned more or less how actual families work after living with usagi-sama and the demons she has taken under her wing for a while and all of them basically becoming a family. She would have shown Rui how to use his words to get the others to do what he wants without scaring them and how to use the "Puppy Eyes".
Alternate Timeline: this is the alternate timeline where she only got there in time to save Rui, for some reason thinking about it reminds me of the songs little wonders from the animated meet the robinsons movie, will the sun ever shine again from home on the range and jada facer's cover of Iris by the goo goo dolls. Basically she gets there right in the nick of time to tackle rui out of the way of giyuu's blade and to the other side of the clearing up against a tree and then she would stand up in front of rui who would be sitting on the ground regaining his breath as he took the brunt of hitting the tree so that her heart in infront of his neck, and she would basically put giyuu's katana where he would have to stab her through the heart first before getting to rui, as a way to say "if your gonna kill him your gonna have to kill me first" meanwhile behind her Rui would be having a near death experience, seeing his life flash in front of his eyes and having the same reaction as he did during the actual death scene. She would lock eyes with giyuu and seeing she was serious, then noticing that rui is crying and shivering he would give them a head start to get out of there, cursing himself out for being soft in the process. And then she would pick him up and they would start running. After which it would go pretty much the same way as if she had saved all of them but with both of them finding the twin children first and then going after the thugs.
^ (mostly the same timeline but she and giyuu fight in this one)
(In this one it would start storming) Or in the instance that giyuu went in for another swipe with his katana and attempting to avoid her, she would have had to fend him off using her daggers going full defense mode, making a scene and going into her rage mode meanwhile tanjiro would have noticed and figured out that she was going to defend rui either by kicking giyuu's ass or more likely dying trying and attempted to calm rui down so he could calm her down, which would be successful after she hit giyuu with a kick to the shins almost hitting his "family jewels" (he would be lucky she mis-aimed as she was in full rage mode) yelling at him to "go away" and shoving him backwards at which point rui would call out to her, she would snap out of her rage mode, run back to rui, thank tanjiro and the pair would take off running. In both ends of this altered timeline she and rui would meet back up with tanjiro and nezuko later on when they passed by usagi-sama's mountain again and by which point she would have convinced rui into apologizing for attempting to steal nezuko and explaining that he thought he was never going to see her again.
Alternate timeline: in this alternate timeline she does not change back into a human after going with Rui to one of the kizuki meetings. Naturally she stays with the spider demon family and makes it more like an actual family than just a group of demons playing house. This affects most of the others timelines as she would not have met usagi, mine, yukio or takara until much later, nijiko would not have been taken in by kuroko until much later, she would not have learned myth breathing, she would not know or care what happened to her parents and she would have never met karasu. In this timeline Rui would have allowed her to age herself up until they were both the same physical age so they could both be the youngest and they start getting referred to as "the twins". She ends up being Rui's second in command in this timeline.
Her Obi bag's inventory: An assortment of yen, a couple of spare "protection" pendants, a large circlet of thin white yarn, an assortment of candies mostly sakura flavored, a small jar of honey, anything shiny that she happens to find while shes on the road which is mostly an assortment of jewelry, a pair of barely used shoes, an off-white teal aerial silk ribbon and her great grandfather's journal. She also carries a small thing of blush 50% of the time but she rarely remembers that she even has it on her and usually forgets to put it in her pouch.
Could/Gets along with:
Canon: Kizuki, Spider fam, Haunted mansion trio, Kanao, Kanae, Gyomei, Mitsuri, Kyojuro, Senjuro, (despite what they did) Kamaboko squad (she likes genya the most tho) , Muichiro, Susumaru, Yahaba, Tamayo, Yushiro, (She may have gotten along with giyuu but she cannot forgive him for taking rui away from her)
O.C's: All of mine, ihaveafandom-problem554's Takeshi & Kazutaka, Kohaku Okamoto's Kohaku, Aki & "Skia"
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