flaresanimedump · 1 year
I am all for the movement not to hate on female characters as much as we did in the 90s (at least, not to ritually bash them as part of fanfiction), but Micaiah of FE10 fame should be an exception because she sucks.
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justices-blade · 3 months
♡ >:3c
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swordsmaster > trueblade
Loquacious And Passionate And Incredibly Fucking Stubborn lets fucking GOOOOO
LOVES grandpa muarim and grauntie vika more than ANYTHING
got insanely sick off eating raw meat like three times. 100% would do it again
incredibly proud of both his dads! edward should be a national hero in his opinion but tormod is his favored idol in everything else.
still, both of their enduring passions for their people, a kinder future and a better world for all has definitely shaped him into a man of decision and action
literally to the daein courts and nobility what tormod is to the begnion ones. read: a terror in the name of justice and equity
insane knowledge of daeins judicial systems, etiquette, jargon and laws (especially the loopholes). as good as taking advantage of that shit as he is catching others doing it. he does the latter more often prommy
alarmingly efficient at this also. give him a day he'll have an airproof amendment drafted up in a jiffy
also decided to prove his physical prowess while he's at it as assurance and is actually a dab sword hand. sick control over wind edges/tempest blades specifically. could be a mage if he wanted to but the sword is more imposing
quite literally wants to become a royal retainer or advisor or one of micaiah's four riders if she ever starts appointing those. edwards idolisation of micaiah mightve rubbed off a bit (a lot).
so used to pushback on everything that he comes off as too agressive/pushy sometimes on first impression, a lack of resistance or the absence at least three working days of bureaucracy where he has to constantly inquire about the current status to keep it moving actively catches him off guard
a layer of distrust with every initial interaction, but easy to talk to and befriend if he's judged your heart in the right place
recruitment map is probably trying to keep him from getting his ass assassinated but like, he's holding his own like pent does on his map. you could literally leave him there and he'd be fine
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felikatze · 11 months
stewing on it. 3-6 is a good map actually. 10 out of 10 suffering. i've never been this tense for any fucking FE map ever, except maybe the sov final boss map. jesus.
it took me a grand total of 5 attempts. there's 100% maps i've reset way more on (path of radiance's Clash! being one of them. fuck those boulders.) but for this one i didn't just wing it. every turn and every position needed to be deliberate. i did shit like actually take advantage of support bonuses to get +4 damage in one turn. it was. insane.
you're the aggressor in the conflict but the map has you assume an entirely defensive position.
you barely scrape by because the most powerful units left after part 1. every character questions why they're fighting, strengthened by the presence of zihark and jill. zihark fought on the side of the laguz in por because he had a dead laguz lover, and jill had a whole arc about deconstructing the prejudice she was raised with and accepting the laguz as people just like her. sothe directly remarks how quickly the freedom fighters have just become bigots.
structurally. you're fighting in a swamp, which means even though there's a lot of enemies, they have incredibly limited movement. even if any given unit is liable to die in two hits, if you finangle it right, two hits never occur. because of micaiah's promotion, you also have a second healer, and if you look in the shop, it has a TON of strong weapons, including the beast killer.
even if sothe's damage output dropped toward the end of part 1, the presence of the silver dagger and the beast killer once again make him invaluable. for me, he, aran, and micaiah could hold the northwest by themselves and i could dedicate the entire remaining forces to the east.
the presence of yellow units here is also for once a fucking blessing. i found them really annoying previously, especially in fucking geoffrey's charge, where there was just so many of them and their turn took forever. but here, they can effectively take out a couple laguz each turn, provide healing, and take hits. the enemies seemed to prioritize them over my own units sometimes? either way, they were actually useful is here.
the arrival of the black knight completely turns the tide of battle. he's EASILY strong enough to take an entire side by himself. toward the end, more and more enemies came exclusively from the northwest, so i sent everybody there, and left the black knight to clean up the east. however, his spawn position means he'll need at least two turns until he's in a position to be useful, so you can't get cocky just because he's there.
this map is HARD because tigers hit like a truck. you need to be so careful about positioning, but you do have the tools to make it work, even if the dawn brigade isn't... the best. in retrospect to me now, cuz i am playing this blind, the strong backup you get in part 1 feels more and more like a trap. i used tormod a lot, in particular, and then he up and left. it may have also been harder because volug died in part 1 for me.... but i doubt he'd have been very good anyway. if i replay this game, i'll use the dawn brigade more for sure. i was lucky enough that i had bexp to get aran to lv19, so he promoted halfway through the map. and nolan was already promoted, so i gave him the paragon skill for a hefty exp boost that gave him 4 levels in one map.
a map of exclusively struggling against laguz is an exercise in moral bankruptcy. the ideal strategy is, of course, to attack and kill as many laguz as possible when they are untransformed. thus, unarmed, and, for the most part, utterly defenseless. it's a moment of cheer when a tiger detransforms and you hit them with the short axe.
their lack of 2-range also means pelting them with javelins that are guaranteed to miss so they'll detransform faster is a viable and very useful tactic. fiona and meg had both been benched and were pretty much deadweight, but a javelin in one hand and a wind edge in the other meant knocking down 6 transformation points of any given enemy. this absolutely saved my ass sometimes.
just. it's the most efficient and easiest to kill their enemy when they have no viable way of defense. you're practically required to do so. you're already chasing down soldiers whoare fleeing after losing the previous battle. you're scum in the story AND in the gameplay! it bangs!
man, like, the ludonarrative dissonance is really cool. your aim is to pursue fleeing enemies and kill as many as you can, but you're the one pressed into a corner, trying to hold on against a seemingly endless onslaught. when ranulf says daein's army has no clue how to fight laguz, you know he's right, because you felt it. the struggle recontextualizes micaiah putting on a strong front when negotiating peace with the laguz, saying they'd be slaughtered if the battle continued, so it feels more like she's realized she's in over her head and is trying to intimidate them into backing down to save her own people. mwah.
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enbyleighlines · 1 year
Hiii 003 Soren?? I wanna hear your unpopular opinions lol (and your friend ships for him)
Yay, thank you!! Excuse me for exposition dumping but when it comes to my windy boy I have lots of feelings.
How I feel about this character:
I am absolutely Not Normal about Soren, and I really haven't been since I was first introduced to him. It was 2007 (I remember getting both games at once) and at that moment, I was about 14 or 15 and at the HEIGHT of my wizard phase. My biggest fictional crushes at the time were Howl (from Howl's Moving Castle), Vaati (from LoZ: The Minish Cap), and Raistlin (from the Dragonlance series). All wizards/mages. I was Obsessed with mages. The more pretty and effeminate, the better. And if they were a little bit mean? Well, I was even happier. That was, and continues to be my type: pretty, feminine, and mean. Additionally, I had recently come to the Realization that 1. I was queer, and 2. very much in love with my best friend, who was both Very Pretty and Kinda Mean. So when this game came to me and said "hey, here's an outsider mage boy with long pretty hair, he looks sort of feminine, he's kinda mean, and he's also hinted to be secretly in love with his best friend"? Well, I had to become obsessed with Soren. It was like he was made for me. But like, specifically 2007 me. The fact that he's actually a well-written character with a deeply moving arc that ties in perfectly with the themes in the story regarding overcoming prejudice and finding a place of belonging?? That is also very, very good. But really, Soren came into my life at the exact moment that I would become the most obsessed with him.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
Ike. That's it. That's the entire list.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
Soren and Skrimir's dynamic in Radiant Dawn is so fucking funny. Their exchanges crack me up every time.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Hmm. I'm not sure what opinions are necessarily popular vs. unpopular regarding Soren, but... I do see him depicted in fic a lot as someone who frequently skips meals, to the point that others have to coerce him into eating, and I always found that odd. Like yes, Oscar does mention in that one conversation that, when it comes to food, "Soren hates everything. I think he'd stop eating if he could..." But considering that Soren once almost starved to death as a child, I think that, even if Soren really did hate everything, that wouldn't stop him from eating. He knows how important it is to remain fed. So I guess my opinion is that he is indifferent to what he eats, but he still keeps himself well-fed. He isn't going to let himself starve ever again.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I would have liked to see Soren interact more with other characters. I always did wonder what his relationship to Mist was like. After all, Mist is precious to Ike, so you'd imagine that they would have some sort of relationship? Other characters that Soren should have interacted with more include: any of the Greil mercenaries, Ranulf, Micaiah, and Pelleas.
Favorite friendship for this character:
Ranulf and Soren! I'm mad they cut the part out where Soren rides on Ranulf's back. They should have interacted more! And they both should have been allowed to join Ike on his journey across Tellius, instead of it just being one or the other.
My crossover ship:
I don't do crossover ships. I don't know why, but my brain cannot contemplate it.
Again, thank you for asking! And sorry for babbling on for so long...
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