miffysrambles · 1 month
Rosegold headcanons because they have infected my mind/pos
• Jia Li has doxxed people for Li and will do it again
• Sometimes people say Li and the both of them answer because they don’t know who they’re referring to
• They have cutesy lil spa nights as dates consisting of face masks, video games and fluffy pillows
• Jia Li has a full album on her phone dedicated to Li
• Meanwhile Li has Polaroid pictures of her and Jia
• They do that cheesy two straws one milkshake thing
• Jia Li bullies Xin-Yi
• Yin and Jin are Jia Li’s cousins so they act as her wingmen (it goes horribly wrong)
• “You’re doin’ great J!” “STFU IM ON A DATE-“
• Li constantly has to stop Jia Li from murdering anyone who even looks at Li the wrong way
• Jia Li calls Li ‘Hunnybunny’ or ‘bun’
• Mini fashion shows at Jia’s apartment
• Jia Li is a girlboss but when she’s trying to flirt with Li she is a girlfailure™️
@lallxrona <33
the girlfriends everrrr KEEP SENDING THESE LALA
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drivingsideways · 5 years
Episodes 9 & 10
If I told you these are well thought out reviews, I’d be lying. It’s mostly yelling.
Spoilers under the cut
-Look, I just find it incredibly annoying that all the smartest people in the room hand wave the actual fact of Yuhua’s murder. How could you have not been more suspicious of this Ning Yi? Like, even if Feng Zhiwei believes her mother would actually kill someone in a-temper?-why would literally nobody take the fact of Yuhua’s death more seriously???? Esp Ning Yi and Xin Ziyan! Idk, this bit has always, always bothered me. I understand they were saving the Drama for later, but it just feels inconsistent to me. 
-LOL forever at how easily Ning Yi is rattled when Feng Zhiwei really gets up in his space. Like until then he’ll be flirting/teasing her and generally being smug and superior, but like, in this scene, she grabs his arm, and he’s like OH MY GOD WHAT WHAT WHAT HOW DO I GET OUT OF THIS ABORT ABORT ABORT 
As an aside: Honestly, I didn’t see the whole “comedic” interlude in the previous episode where she’s being guarded by the deaf guards as all that funny? Or rather, it didn’t make much sense to me. I mean, Ni Ni plays it straight as Feng Zhiwei being ridiculous/cute/funny, but like, that’s not where the character is at the moment? Like, she just witnessed her mom killing Yuhua, her family is imprisoned, she is in mortal danger, her whole life is in shambles- I mean the only way I can reconcile these two things is that Feng Zhiwei is being deliberately “silly” to get her own way; and that she plays up the “silly girl” as a part just as much as Ning Yi pretends pretty often to be stupid. Idk, I think throughout the series, they make Feng Zhiwei more “nice” - in contrast to NY who’s allowed to be pretty damn cruel, and we’re still meant to see him as the “hero”. There’s this very traditional sort of story telling when it comes to Feng Zhiwei- while of course, she’s playing a Strong Female Character (TM), there are limits to what that character can be, and in general, that limit is that women are not allowed their anger, or meanness or rage and still be the Heroine. There’s also the fact that at this point, Feng Zhiwei’s isolation means that we don’t get an inside look into what’s going on in her mind- later, she has Gu Nanyi or Huaishi etc, but right now, the only insight we  get into her state of mind/heart is when she’s talking with Ning Yi.
-”I only wish that some day I would not be bullied, that I would be able to fly like a bird across the sky” she says, in response to NY’s question about what she wants .....dude, that was some foreshadowing right there, I guess at that point I just believed that they would go with a “happy ending”. :’(
-Wei Zhi throwing a bunch of veggies in the faces of two men who were harassing Zhu Yin and then running away with her is honestly one of the highlights of the show.
STILL SO BITTER ABOUT ZHU YIN I CAN”T EVEN TELL YOU. This show literally- literally- killed off every single female character  most of the female characters on it- count them with me- the canal worker’s wife, Yuhua, Zhu Yin, Shaoning,  Qiu Mingying, Hua Qiong, Erhua, (Dahua?), Consort Chang, Ya Le, Lady Wang, and finally Zhiwei. I assume that Consort Qing would be put to death as well, for her crimes, though like Dahua, we don’t actually have any confirmation of this, and oh yes, Liu Mudan probably lives, as does Madam Qiu. But that’s it.  Like, unfuckingbelievable. I love the show, I really really do, but this was pretty brutal. 
- Every one knows Ning Yi is a Drama Queen but I stg he learned it from Xin Ziyan. 
-I love how Zhiwei schools Xin Ziyan at the House of Lanxiang, honestly, the man had it coming. 
-Feng Zhiwei deciding to go back to House of Lanxiang as Wei Zhi just because that might put her in a position to help the Prince of Chu- because of course, she has a debt to repay-:) :) :) I can’t believe it takes them another 37 episodes and both of them nearly dying to get them to tell each other how they feel. GOD. IT’S EXCRUCIATING EVEN ON A REWATCH. 
-That whole sorcery sub plot thing is coming up, which *yawn *. The drama sort of loses its pace here for a long stretch, I think? 
sign off note: I love how committed this show is to making Ning Yi suffer.
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