#HG is not a simple hater
houseofbrat · 1 year
Kate suffers from hyperemesis gravidarum, do you sincerely think that she could have kept her commitments in recent weeks, including the coronation of Charles, which took place in the morning with this painful illness linked to her pregnancies and which required rest ? My god, it's time to accept that you were wrong like @mysteriouslytransparentwitch and move on. This boring prediction is wrong, just like the alleged sussex divorce. Leave Kate out of your cards where the energies will turn against you. We don't play with that.
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Listen, dumbass, for starters why don't you pretend you have a functioning spine and submit your arrogant ask with your user name. I may be a First Amendment absolutist at times, which is why I'm still keeping my ask box open for anonymous asks for now, but why don't you show me how tough you are by submitting your holier-than-thou ask with your user name? Or are you TOO AFRAID to do so?
You are clearly not someone with medical training. Just because a woman has hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) once does NOT mean she will have it with every pregnancy. Perhaps you need to go find an OBGYN to talk to about this because it is medical fact. A woman who has it with one pregnancy may never have it with subsequent pregnancies and vice versa.
Take your "Leave Kate out of your cards" bullshit and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. I've never used a pack of tarot cards in my life. I have said this multiple times in multiple asks over the years, but my haters are too dumb to understand that simple fact. I study Vedic astrology as a hobby. Why don't you go find an astrologer in India and ask them? Any reputable astrologer in India could take a look at both Will & Kate's charts and tell you that they're going to have kid number FOUR in August.
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darrowsrising · 1 year
Hello! I know it’s now common knowledge the red rising fandom on reddit is not that good, but I stumbled upon some content which was really disturbing. Like Lysander stans and Darrow haters are making contenta celebrating slavery?? Do you know if there are some which are satire? Like it’s a genuine concern, it’s even beyond the simple lack of critical understanding and i really hope it’s satirical
I don't go on reddit or facebook, so I cannot confirm nor infirm this.
Facebook I used to lurk in the groups, but Darrow haters spilled into them so fast it ruined it for me. They also kinda bullied artists indirectly and getting called 'Darrow apologist' once too many times sealed it.
I never tried reddit at all, but all kinds of idiots lurk there, so I wouldn't really be surprised if it wasn't satire. I know of reddit stuff from screenshots people distributed around. And fortunately, Pierce's AMA are archived and PC friendly.
Unfortunately, great stories are bound to rack up some of the worst humanity can offer. If you look for it, I bet you can even find similar stuff for lotr, hg, etc. I saw Handmaid's Tale stuff and it was incredibly terrifying.
I suppose some are roleplaying/satirical stuff, though, it can't be all that bad. But the bad surely exists.
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