#Headcanon that Dipper had a really awkward puberty phase
tswwwit · 2 years
If Stan notices all the people who like Dipper, did Mabel or Pacifica notice when they were growing up?
I feel like Mabel missed in this area! I can see a lot of misdirected attention and wrong guesses, with her wanting to be a matchmaker for her brother, while simultaneously having the wrong instincts. Mabel's got rose-colored glasses on, and she's very firm about her opinions.
Meanwhile, Pacifica was in the right circles to hear people say they'd date Dipper Pines - then look around at their peers, and instantly play it off as a joke. Like, what? That weak nerd? No chance, haha, just kidding. That obviously raised a perfectly threaded eyebrow.
While Pacifica might be really out of touch with different social classes - she's not dumb.
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ratnumber21 · 4 years
Mabel is Bi Headcanon
She started questioning her sexuality sometime during her boy crazy phase
She brushed it off as her hormones acting up and all that jazz
Until she couldn't keep her eyes off of the new (female) lifeguard at the pool one day post-boy crazy phase
Mabel didn't know what to think
She was afraid to tell Dipper in fear of him judging her
I mean, she makes fun of her brother all the time, who's to say he won't use her sexuality as an opportunity to get back at her, right?
She pretended to have another boy crazy phase as an attempt to push away those feelings
The more she pushed them away, the more she realized she wasn't as fully attracted to guys as she thought
She began getting all fidgety whenever a girl was within a 10-foot radius of her
One time when she and Dipper were helping Soos out in the gift shop, a girl around their age approached Mabel asking if there was another t-shirt in her size
Mabel froze on the spot
The girl tried asking if she was okay, but Mabel turned into a babbly mess and was unable to answer
The girl grew uncomfortable and walked away
Dipper saw the whole thing
Dipper: "Haha, you acted like I normally do whenever a pretty girl talks to me.”
Mabel, internally: Oh boy...
She was afraid of what this meant
She knew everyone in Gravity Falls was very supportive
But what about back at home?
The kids at school picked on Dipper simply for having a unique birthmark
Imagine what they would do if they found out that Mabel wasn't totally straight
Mabel couldn't sleep one night due to her overthinking the possible scenarios of telling her friends and family about her dilemma
"What would Dipper say?" "What if he tells Stan?" "What if he tells Mom and Dad?" "Would they disown me?" "What would Candy and Grenda say?" "Oh god" "I can't lose Candy and Grenda, they're my people!" "And what about Waddles?!"
She became overwhelmed and realized she needed to get this off her chest
Dipper was already off the table
And she was afraid Stan would be disappointed in her
And everyone else she knew was asleep
Except for one
Ford heard his niece coming before she burst through the elevator door, breathing heavily and tears streaking down her face
He ended up holding her while he walked around the basement, telling her soothing things and stroking her hair while she tried to steady her breathing
All while saying things like "they're gonna hate me!" and "they'll think I'm a freak!"
Once Mabel calmed down, she quietly asked her great uncle "What if I'm not entirely into boys?"
Ford dreaded a question like that
It's not that he didn't want to answer, he just hasn't been in this dimension for 30 years
He didn't know how much sexuality and gender identity had evolved since the 80s, and he never found the time to do research on it since he came back
He was just worried he wouldn't be able to guide his niece
He asked Mabel to elaborate and the story came pouring out
How she began looking at girls differently, how she acted like her brother whenever he was around pretty girls, and her fears of not being accepted by her family
Ford (who was thankful that he knew enough about the subject to be able to provide Mabel with solid advice) began by saying it's perfectly natural for her to question her sexuality
This started a whole conversation of Ford and Mabel exploring her possible sexuality
Ford then explained bisexuality
"But how come I like guys so much if I'm bi? Does this mean I might actually be straight?"
"No, you just have a larger preference for guys. Bisexuality is almost never 50/50. Some people think they're straight or gay because they like one gender so much they can forget they like another one as well."
"What if people don't react well when I tell them I'm bi after making it very clear that I was straight for the past few years?"
"You don't owe anyone an explanation. Your sexuality is your business and no one else's, okay?"
"But what if I'm not actually bi? What if I really am just confused?"
"There's no rush to figure out your sexuality now. You have your whole life ahead of you, sweetie. And you don't have to be so quick to label yourself. When you finally find the label that suits you, you'll know."
Ford also revealed that he, too, had struggled with his sexuality before ultimately concluding that he identifies as aromantic
Mabel is not surprised whatsoever
By the end of their talk, it’s past midnight and Mabel is more relieved than she’s ever been before
Ford is honored that Mabel trusted him enough to go to him for guidance for such a personal topic
He’s also happy that he got to spend more bonding time with his niece since he typically spends most of his time with either Dipper or Stan
Ford is about to send Mabel to bed when she confesses that she’s still a bit anxious that the rest of her family won’t accept her
Ford reassures her that they will before carrying Mable to her room himself
After tucking her in and turning to leave, Mabel whispers “Thanks for letting me talk to you Grunkle Ford”
Ford smiles and kisses his great-niece goodnight
The next morning, Mabel goes straight to Ford’s room just as he’s waking up to tell him she stayed up all night thinking about the things he taught her
She thinks she’s bi and she wants to tell Dipper and Stan
Ford is beyond proud of her (although he tells her to wait a few days just in case she isn’t quite sure yet)
Mabel comes out to Dipper and Stan as bisexual a few days later
Dipper is 100% supportive of his sister
Stan needed some explaining (he knew that bisexuality was a thing, he just didn’t realize there was a fancy name for it) but her supports her nonetheless
“Eh, as long as you’re happy and the person you’re with treats you right, I don’t care who you bring home. And as long as you wait until you’re at least 30 to bring said person home.”
Mabel said no promises
The Pines family was at Greasy's Diner to celebrate Mabel's coming to terms with her sexuality
They were getting ready to leave when Dipper and Mabel left to use the bathroom, leaving Stan and Ford alone at their table
Stan piped up saying that it was "interesting how easy it seems to be to figure this sorta stuff out these days"
Ford agrees but is unsure where this is going
Stan continues saying how if teens are struggling with something personal, the internet (and people on the internet going through the same) is right there to help them
"Heh, too bad we didn't have those things when we were teenagers huh Sixer?"
Ford is confused and Stan is suddenly tense and awkward
He explains he's never felt that kind of attraction towards anyone
He was always interested in getting a girlfriend, but he never really intended on going beyond kissing/possibly making out
Ford's eyes lit up and he immediately exclaimed: "WE'RE BOTH ACE SPECS!"
Ford explained that there was a spectrum that included different sexualities regarding the lack of sexual/romantic attraction
(for the record, Ford took time to do more research since his conversation with Mabel so he's pretty much an expert on sexuality and gender identity now)
He asks Stan how long he's felt this way
Stan says since high school
Ford asks why he didn't tell him
Stan reveals that he assumed he wasn't done with puberty yet/he didn't want Ford to think that there's something wrong with him
He also didn't want to disappoint their father "more than he already had"
Ford says that he would've accepted him no matter what
"Besides, if Dad ever did find out, he would've been disappointed in the both of us."
"Like I said before, we're both on the Ace Spectrum. Only instead of lacking sexual attraction like you, I lack romantic attraction."
"Sooo what does that make the two of us?"
"Well, by the looks of it, it seems that you're some form of asexual and I'm aromantic."
"Some form of it??"
"Well, yes. You see, asexual can serve as an umbrella term. There's also gray asexual, demisexual-"
Stan thinks he's going to have a stroke
Ford promises him that they'll look more into it tomorrow
**Please be aware that I am not bisexual/asexual/aromantic so if I got something wrong PLEASE tell me and I'll correct it**
Hope you enjoyed! (If anyone makes a short fic out of this pls be sure to tag me (I want to write one myself, but I don't think I have time))
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