#Hepatitis C Awareness
ecomehdi · 7 months
Unlocking the Hidden Threat: Navigating Hepatitis C and the Power of Direct-Acting Antivirals 2024
Hepatitis C virus, a silent intruder in the body, often goes undetected until it wreaks havoc on the liver. The link between Hepatitis C and liver cancer is well-established, but what if there was a key to preventing this progression? In this article, we explore the underutilization of Direct-Acting Antivirals (DAAs) in Hep C-related liver cancer and why it’s crucial for everyone to be…
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head-post · 17 days
Rishi Sunak sorry for infected blood scandal
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has apologised “sincerely and unequivocally” to the victims of the contaminated blood scandal, saying it was “a day of shame for the British state.”
The Prime Minister apologised in a packed House of Commons hours after Brian Langstaff published his report accusing the British government of covering up the disaster.
Sunak spared no element of the British government in his criticism, which highlighted the blunders of ministers, civil servants and the NHS. However, he himself faced accusations that he had added to the victims’ pain by failing to set up a compensation scheme a year ago when Langstaff first proposed it. He said:
This is a day of shame for the British state. Today’s report shows a decades-long moral failure at the heart of our national life – from the National Health Service to the civil service to ministers in successive governments at every level – that people and institutions in which we place our trust failed in the most harrowing and devastating way.
History of the scandal’s origins
The mass human infections occurred in the 1970s and 1980s. Most of the victims suffered from haemophilia, or a blood clotting disorder, and were injected with a drug called clotting factor VIII, a gene defect in which can lead to haemophilia. The US produced the drug, where high-risk people, including drug users and prisoners, often became donors. Donated blood had no HIV tests until 1986 and no hepatitis C tests until 1991. And one carrier of the virus is enough to spoil the entire batch, Sky News reports.
Read more HERE
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ankitajainworks · 2 years
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Prevention Measures against Hepatitis.
On World Hepatitis day, Spread awareness about Hepatitis and Share with others.
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mars-and-the-theoi · 8 months
Hey, because I’ve seen four (4) videos about this over the past week (each one with tens of thousands of likes and hundred of comments with folks saying they either do that or want to do that) I have to ask: you’re all aware that you shouldn’t just go dumping your period blood (or any blood) in the woods/near a body of water, right? You’re all aware you can have a blood borne pathogen without knowing it, right? You’re all aware that blood borne pathogens are also present in period blood, right? And that period blood can transmit blood borne pathogens, right? Like you all know hepatitis c is something than can be transmitted via period blood and that you can have hepatitis c and be asymptomatic (or have symptoms that aren’t particularly alarming to you), right? And that just because x or y cultures did it as a ritual or witchcraft hundreds or thousands of years ago doesn’t mean we should do it considering all we know now about blood borne pathogens and blood borne pathogen transmission, right?
I’m not discouraging the use of blood (or period blood in this case) in your personal practice or rituals or whatever I’m just advocating for…the safe practice of doing such a thing. And that when handing bodily fluids (any bloodily fluid, not just blood) there are certain precautions you should take and certain risks you need to acknowledge and take into consideration. And even though you feel fine, you might not be fine, y’know? And that it’s better to air on the side of caution than to recklessly harm yourself or others.
Like I’ve done stuff with my period blood before. But I wore gloves while collecting it, and handling it. And disposed of them properly when I was done using them. Then I washed my hands with warm water and soap. And I very thoroughly cleaned (like actually cleaned) the spaces I worked in and the tools that I used. And I kept it in my own home because I knew the risks and it wasn’t a risk I was willing to take.
When it comes to bodily fluids you can’t be careless. I can’t stress that enough. I’m not trying to fear monger I just think that there needs to be a good dose of reality here.
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mariacallous · 5 months
The European Court of Human Rights, ECHR in Strasbourg on Tuesday ruled that Greece must pay a total of 70,000 euros in damages after HIV-positive women’s personal and medical data was made public.
Eleven women accused Greece of forcing them to undergo a blood test without their consent and of publishing their surnames, photographs and medical data on the police internet site and in the media.
Ten of the applicants were Greek sex workers who had been diagnosed as HIV-positive.
The other applicant was the sister of one of the women. Her photograph and surname were broadcast on the main evening news programme instead of those of her sister, a sex worker who had been diagnosed as HIV-positive.
Five of the 11 since women have died. The ECHR ruled that another woman had presented her complaint after the time limit for doing so had expired, and also ruled that two others had not exhausted the domestic legal remedies available to them.
The damages will be paid to three surviving plantiffs and the children of one of the women who died.
The women were targeted after Minister of Health Andreas Loverdos and Minister for Citizen Protection Michalis Chrysochoidis, members of the interim government led by Lucas Papademos, announced a month before the May 2012 elections that they were bringing in a new measure to protect public health from HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.
The new measure, which was based on the Coercive Act of 1940, enabled the authorities to take tough action to check the health status of drug addicts and sex workers.
A few days later, police officers brought in 96 drug-addicted women for forcible medical examinations. Of them, 29 were found to be HIV-positive and were prosecuted for the crime of grievous bodily harm as well as prostitution. Their photos and personal details were published in the press.
In December 2016, all the women were acquitted as there was no evidence that they had sex or had sexual contact with other people without the use of a condom, nor that they were aware of their HIV status.
The coercive provision was abolished by Fotini Skopoulis after he became deputy minister of health, but was reinstated when Adonis Georgiadis became as minister of health. However, it was abolished again by the Panagiotis Kouroumplis, minister of health in the SYRIZA-ANEL government, which was in power from 2015-19.
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Went no contact with my aunt E, and her daughters N and C. My only regret is that I didn't get to beat their asses before I did.
Let me preface this by saying that I am not a person given to physical violence, hell in a lot of cases I'll bite my tongue to avoid a fight. But I have my fucking limits, and that day I reached mine.
So, yes. I did come close to kicking their teeth off because if there's one thing I don't tolerate is people talking shit about my mom when I know she's right. If the criticism is valid? Go ahead. Thing is, I know for a fact my aunt and her daughters are wrong.
This is a situation that has its roots in decades of unresolved issues. But it all came to a head when my cousin N decided she was going to introduce her boyfriend to the extended family. This, after she told multiple people that she didn't really have anything to share with us and that she didn't even want to wish our grandma a Happy New Year. Which is fine, there's been a lot less conflict since her, her mother and sister decided they were everyone's victims and the family wasn't catering to them as they felt entitle to. That's cool, but why the hypocrisy.
So, in the latest family function that took place my mom called my cousin to the side and called her out on her hypocritical behavior. My mother did not scream to her, and didn't start a scene. My cousin N, however, has always had a flair for the theatrics and immediately started screaming and shouting like a banshee. Came storming in saying she was leaving, that my mom had "disrespected" her, that she "knows herself, and she is leaving". She called my mother a flurry of colorful names, including "ungrateful". My sister and I heard, and we had enough. Let me just say they both were LUCKY my dad was there and bear hugged me, because her boyfriend would not only have had to pay for her plane ticket to Spain, he would have had to pay for a whole new set of teeth (or two).
Since that moment, I've gone no contact with them. Now, I am aware that none of that makes me look good. I am not interested in looking good, either. But if we're going to talk about ungrateful or bullying, I have so many instances where they're the ungrateful bullies.
For example, N had Hepatitis B. At the time, she was living rent free at our grandmother's house. If you hear her and her mother tell the story, everyone at my grandma's was going to let her die and no one gave a fuck. In their version, my grandma even said that she was most likely pregnant. However, the reality is that she wouldn't have even been tested for Hep B if one of my aunt's (who's a nurse) had not insisted and taken her to the hospital, she wouldn't have been admitted without that aunt, either. However, that aunt has a job that she couldn't miss and responsibilities. N's father has lived in that same town for years, he didn't go to see her even once during the whole ordeal. However, the bad ones are the ones that took her to hospital and did what they could.
Another example, E moved to that same town and stayed there for about 4 years after her daughter C had an "accident" that left her with a permanent leg injury. E did this to be able to take care of her daughter. Once C was recovered enough she moved into a smaller house where neither her mother nor sister fit in. So E and N had to rent an apartment. When 2020 rolled around, another one of my aunts went like "hey, we're in the middle of this pandemic thing. you guys should move in with me because you have no income" So they moved into this other aunt's house, lived there for almost 3 years rent free, not even had to buy their own food, no utilities. E, N and C however, claim no one ever helped them and E and N were basically homeless. Mind you this aunt that took them in even took over several major medical expenses from E.
One more example. E is a teen mom, had her oldest C, around the time she was 17/18yo. The only reason she was able to graduate high school was my mom. My mom at 14yo put up with abuse from her baby daddy's family to care of her fucking child. But this is, also, something that in their heads never happened. E, in fact, has spent almost 50 years trying to ingratiate herself with her baby daddy's family even though they mistreated her and her family. When she moved from the town, following them, they said "she doesn't need to learn anything. just send her to clean houses" Because they see cleaning houses as a lowly job, and they always have seen her as lowly and undeserving of respect.
This is just examples of their ungratefulness, this isn't even diving in their abuse and disrespect of multiple family members. Like, I have so many fucking more stories that don't even involve me or anything they've done to me especifically.
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Whumptober 2023 - Day 2: MASH (Father Mulcahy H/C)
Hiiii. Yes, I know it's no longer October. But October was midterm season for me and I barely got a minute to myself so I decided to keep writing the prompts anyway. I've done a few out of order already, but this is from prompt/day 2. I decided to write this one with my OC Della in it as well :)
Note: The prompts I used for this day were thermometer and delerium. Before anyone comes after me saying this isn't what it's like to hallucinate, realize that different people experience things differently. I'm not just writing this out my ass, my step-mom has schizophrenia, and I've watched my dad help her through episodes enough times to pick up on some things that help her. But again, things that help her may not help someone else. So yes, I used personal experience and research for this (esp for Della's advice to BJ and for some of what Della says to Father Mulcahy). His reactions were also partially based on experience and research and some of it based on headcanons, etc. People don't act like themselves when they're scared and hallucinating, so as much as pieces of this may seem OOC, just keep that in mind.
TW: mentions of past abuse and sexual assault, hallucinations, illness
Summary: When Father Mulcahy came down with hepititis, Della can't shake the feeling that he's worse off than the doctors make it seem. Only Hawkeye and BJ are aware of how high his fever has spiked, but they weren't prepared for trauma-based hallucinations he's experiencing. It isn't until Hawkeye and BJ can't calm him down that they decide to get Della, hoping that she'll know what to do to help her best friend.
Fic Under the Cut!
She’d nearly scrubbed her hands raw with how long she’d stood there, hot water cascading over agitated flesh. The scrub room was empty—it had been for at least twenty minutes. All the other nurses had left, including Kellye, who had also been assisting BJ with his “by-the-book” surgery. And yet, Della still stood over the sink, staring without seeing into the basin below. 
The whole camp had been tested and immunized against hepatitis and thankfully, there was only one positive case, but that didn’t put her at ease. She’d known something was up with Father Mulcahy as soon as she’d seen him that morning, but hadn’t been able to put her finger on what was the matter. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for him to lose his appetite if there was something bothering him, and she had attempted to shrug it off, but there was something that still nagged at her. It wasn’t until both Potter and Hawkeye asked him if he was feeling okay that she started to really get worried. Mulcahy wasn’t someone who liked others noticing when something was up—he’d much rather be the one to help them.
Della continued to absentmindedly scrub her hands, lost in thought. When she’d began her shift earlier in the day, he’d been isolated to his tent with only moderate symptoms. Fatigue, joint pain, loss of appetite, jaundice… and the beginnings of a fever. But over the course of her shift she found herself continuously cracking her knuckles and the unease in her stomach grew into a heavy knot. Repeatedly, she’d tried to shake the thought away, which garnered her a few confused looks, but in the end her nerves just wouldn’t settle. Something just didn’t feel right.
“Hey, Della—”
She jumped, flinging water across the floor as she whirled around. “Huh? What?”
“Geez, you okay?”
She blinked at BJ, thoughts reeling to form a straight line. “Yeah. Why?”
“Are you gunna turn the water off?”
“Oh!” She huffed a curt laugh as she twisted off the tap. “Yeah, sorry.”
“Something on your mind?”
“No! No. Just got lost in thought. Memories from home.”
“While washing your hands?”
BJ narrowed his eyes back at her. “I’m not going to push you, mainly because I have something important to ask, but next time try not to scorch your hands alright? You kinda need those.”
“Right. What was it you needed to ask me?”
BJ started to cringe, but quickly forced his face to be a blank slate. “Do you have any advice about how to reassure a patient that’s hallucinating?”
“Hallucinating? Sure. I mean, it really depends on the content of the hallucination, though.”
“Do you know what it is? Are they seeing things? Hearing things?”
“A bit of both, I think.”
“Have they said anything?”
“Nothing that I could make any sense of, no.”
“Have they been responding to you?”
“Uh… not exactly.”
She lifted a brow. “What do you mean?”
“Well, he’s confused. I don’t think he knows where he is or why.”
“Ah, well that complicates things a bit. He’s not really coherent, eh?”
“No, not really.”
“You could try getting down on their level. Sit next to their bed and talk to them, try to reassure them that they’re safe.” She paused, pursing her lips. “The patients I dealt with back home who hallucinated were mainly the psychiatric patients, so the approach was a bit different. But I’m assuming your patient is having hallucinations because of a medication or an infection?”
“Exactly. Actually, do you want me to try and talk to him? It would probably be easier for me to feel it out first and then tell you.”
“Oh, uh, no. No need.”
Della furrowed her brows. “Are you sure?”
“Oh, yeah.”
“Alright… Well, I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help.”
“You’re the closest thing to a psychiatrist we’ve got here, Dell. Don’t sell yourself short.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m not a psychiatrist, Beej. I don’t even have any formal schooling towards being one. I just worked in the psych ward because we had no nurses.”
“From what I heard, they put you there because you were good at it.”
She shrugged. “Supply and demand. They had more veterans than they could care for that needed psychiatric aid.”
“Well, either way, you’re a hell of a lot more qualified to deal with this type of situation than any of us.”
“Whatever you say,” she chuckled, watching BJ head for the door. 
“Thanks again. Go get some dinner and some rest, yeah?”
“I will. Don’t worry.”
“What are you doing? Wake up!”
Fog clouded his conciousness, but the voice reached him anyway. It roused him from an unsettled sleep. He stirred with a groan, attempting to turn on his side only to be met with a pool of sweat, which dragged another dismayed sound from his throat. Even with his eyes closed his head pounded mercilessly, and attempting to straighten his jumbled thoughts into a line only made matters worse. 
“Wake up, boy!”
He clenched his eyes shut harder. Not today. Please, not today.
“He’s awake again.” It was a voice he recognized but couldn’t quite place. Not his Father. Not one of his brothers. Someone from seminary, maybe? He shuddered at the thought.
“Should we try what she said?” Another familiar voice, but again one that he couldn’t place. Fear floated in his semi-conciousness mind, nearly tangible enough to grab, like the heat that enveloped him or the knot in his stomach. What she said? What who said? His Mother? One of the Sisters? Please, not his Mother. Anything she suggested would be—
A hand landed on his arm. He gasped, rolling back only to hit the wall. A dull ache took over his head, his vision swimming as he looked up at the hand hovering above him. It belonged to a tall, brown-haired man with a thick mustache. Shaking his head, he gulped, and shut his eyes again, willing for his abuser to disappear. 
“Geez, Beej. What did you go and do that for?”
“I didn’t mean to, Hawk. He just… threw himself back against the wall.”
The disapproval in that voice… A quiet whimper left him without permission, along with an internal mantra of ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…’ 
“You should be.”
“I’m sorry.”
“When has sorry ever been good enough?”
“I’m sorry, please don’t hit me.”
One of the voices was back, tentative and soft. “Why would I hit you?”
His mind reeled. Father wouldn’t want anyone to know of his punishments. But if he was here… Mulcahy shuddered, opening one eye. The voice had belonged to the mustached man. No—belonged to his Father. But the other voice sounded more like him. The one that—
“Why wouldn’t he hit you? You’ve been nothing but a burden on them.”
He curled in on himself further, protecting his vitals. “Anything but the poker. Please.”
There was a moment of silence while he shivered against the wall before the sweat-soaked blanket was pulled from his arms. He tensed, trying to keep his last line of defense in his grip but found that he was too weak to do so. The voice spoke again. “Father? What’s wrong?” 
Father? Why were they speaking to his Father? How mad was he? He couldn’t open his eyes—the fear kept him paralyzed, even his breathing seeming to stop. The pressure in his chest grew while he waited in silence to hear his Father’s answer, but still after a while there was no response. Until once more a hand landed on his shoulder. 
Mulcahy jumped, a startled noise torn from his throat. “Please don’t,” he croaked. “Please. I’ll be good. I promise.”
“You’re weak.”
“I know.” It was almost a sob. “I’m sorry.”
“Who do you keep apologizing to?” The other voice spoke again. 
“Why aren’t you hurting me?”
“Hurting you?” his father asked. “Why would he hurt you? Why would either of us ever hurt you?”
The ache in his head worsened and heat grew behind his eyes. What was this, a trick question? Why did he have to play games with him? Why couldn’t he belt him and just get it over with already? “I don’t understand…”
“Understand what?”
“Why aren’t you hurting me? Why, Father? Can’t you just…” He gasped for air, his body trembling. “Why must you make me think you won’t when I know you will? Please…” His voice trembled too, thick with suppressed tears. “I can’t take it.”
“I’m not your Father.”
“You never considered me your son.”
“No, I mean, I’m really not your Father, Father.”
“Yeah, Father, it’s us. Open your eyes.”
He shook his head with a shiver. “N-no.”
The other man spoke again. “We won’t hurt you.”
“Yes you will.”
“No we won’t.”
“You both do. I-I don’t like it.”
“Father.” Another hand landed on his arm, but the grip felt different than the other one. 
Instinctively, his eyes flew open. Through unshed tears appeared a black-haired man hovering nearly overtop of him. “No! No, please! Don’t touch me!”
The hand retracted. “Father, I—”
“Don’t touch me, please! Please!”
“Father, please. We want to—”
He jerked away from the hand reaching for him. “No! No, please! Please!” We want to. I want to. You want to. You want to. “I don’t want it, please! I never wanted it!”
Both figures retreated. Both voices muttered to each other, which he could barely make out over his own harsh breathing and the chattering of his teeth. He strained to hear them. 
“Should I go get Della?”
Della? He had Della? He’d do something even worse to her than he did to him… “No,” he croaked. “Don’t hurt her. Don’t.”
“We’re not going to hurt, Della, don’t worry.”
“Don’t hurt her, please. Please.”
“I won’t hurt her.”
“You’ll do what you did to me to her, too.” His voice trembled. “Don’t do that. She doesn’t… She doesn’t deserve that!”
“Father, I’m not going to hurt her. I’m going to bring her here.”
“I’m going to bring her to see you.”
He shook his head, unable to comprehend what was happening. Why would that man… that despicable man, bring her to him. All he’d ever done was brought him pain, shame, and agony. Why now would he bring him someone warm and familiar when he’d never been allowed it in the past? And why would his Father allow this?
“You don’t want to see her?”
His voice broke, laced with confliction. Of course he wanted her there. He needed her. But wouldn’t that be dragging her into his mess? Would they really not hurt her? “Della.”
His father cleared his throat. “Go get her.”
Della. Della. Della. He repeated her name over and over. She’d always stood by him and he by her, and he longed for the feel or her arms around him, though he could never admit it when he was of sound mind. She meant safety. Security. A kind of love and care that he never dreamed he’d be worthy of until he met her, and it could be taken away in an instant if that malicious man inflicted pain meant for him onto her. But Della was strong, no doubt more fearless than him and fiercely protective—she could handle them. She had no qualms standing up for others; it was a trait he’d always admired about her. And maybe, while he was indisposed and too weak to fight back, she really would protect him. Her love could shield him from the men that he could never be rid of. A tear slid down his cheek as the conflicting emotions warred in his head—the longing for her presence and fear of her being hurt. Mulcahy covered his face with his arms, calling out without ever realizing he’d spoken. 
The tent was quiet, save for the noise of flipping pages. Della laid on her stomach on her bunk, immersed in the novel her father had sent her in the mail. Honey coloured eyes scanned the text, not even noticing as stray curls fell in her face or the same damn fly landed on her hand for the dozenth time.  Crickets chirped beyond the canvas, mingling with muffled voices from far-off conversations and the odd crunching of footsteps from a tent to the latrine. It seemed that most of the camp had settled in for the night, even Kellye who often danced the night away with her in the O-Club was settled in her own bunk with her nose in a book. Nurse Able sat together with Nurse Baker on her bunk, the two of them fingering through a Sears catalogue with only the odd mumble here or there. The four of them could be chatty, but it was nights like these where they could pretend to forget about the war. Forget about how close they were to the front line, about choppers, about the uncertainty of their situation—
She jumped, nearly tumbling over the railing of her bunk. “Huh? Yes?” She steadied herself, focusing on where Kellye held the door open. Her brows shot up, heartbeat skyrocketing. “Hawk? What’s wrong?”
“Please, we need your help.”
“With what?”
“BJ tried what you told him but we just can’t get him to calm down. Actually, I think we made it worse.”
“I can try but like I said to BJ, I’m not a psychiatrist.”
“That’s not why I’m here.”
Della furrowed her brows as she hopped down from her bunk. Able steadied her when she swayed while tying her boot. “Then what’s the problem?”
“He needs you. I don’t think there’s anyone else here who would know how to calm him down. He’s one of my closest friends and even I can’t figure it out.”
“Wait wait wait, I thought BJ said this was… oh my God.” She finished tying one boot and started on the other, her fingers fumbling the laces. “You didn’t tell me it was Father Mulcahy who was delirious!”
“The fever made him delirious?” Baker piped up.
“How bad is it?” Kellye asked.
“105 degrees and rising.”
“105??” Della stumbled, catching herself on the ladder to her bunk.
“Damn hepatitis,” Able muttered. “He’ll be okay though, right?”
“Once the fever breaks. But right now he’s sicker than a dog and hallucinating like Frank on anesthetic.”
Kellye frowned. “Poor guy…”
“Poor guy is right!” Della finished tying her boots and straightened. “If you’ve come to get me that means he must be really distressed by whatever he’s seeing, which also means it’s probably something that only I know about. You should’ve told me!”
“We couldn’t tell you, Dell, you would’ve worried.”
“I was already worried!”
Hawkeye ran a hand over his face. “Come on, let’s go.”
Della followed Hawkeye out into the night. Gravel crunched under her boots, some pebbles skidding across the ground as she hurried down the line of tents. “How bad is it, really?”
“Dell, I have never seen him like this. Not even close.”
“Like what?”
“Just… terrified.” When they came upon the tent at the end of the row, Hawkeye stopped in front of it. “I knew you’d be the only one who could help us at this point. You’re his best friend, Dell. And he needs you.” 
He yanked the door open and Della stepped inside, turning to survey the room. BJ stood against the wall of the tent furthest from the bed. “Man, am I happy to see you.” 
She sighed, crossing to her friend’s bed. Father Mulcahy laid curled up on the mattress with his hands over his ears, shivering and slick with sweat, his chest hitching with uneven breaths. “You should’ve come to get me sooner.”
“I’m sorry, Della. I tried what you told me. I really did.”
The rough of BJ’s voice caught her off guard. She looked up, only then noticing the pain etched into his features. “I’m sorry, Beej, I didn’t mean it like that. I just…”
“Think I sucked at it?”
“No, no! You did your best! It’s just, when it comes to him, I…” She sighed, unable to put the overwhelming feeling in her chest into words. 
Behind her she heard Hawkeye give him a gentle, “I told you.”
Della sat down on the chair beside Mulcahy’s bed. His eyelids fluttered and his teeth chattered despite the sweat pouring down his face. “BJ, in the shelf behind you are his other sheets. Pass me one, please?” While she waited for them, she turned back to Father Mulcahy and gently rested a hand on his shoulder. He jerked away from it with a gasp, rolling back into the wall. “Easy, John…” She reached out again, tentatively touching the back of his hand before pulling it away from his ear. “It’s okay, it’s just me.”
He cracked open one eye and the sight of her pulled a strangled sound from his throat while his eyes flooded with tears. “Della?”
“You’re really here?”
“I’m really here. See?”
He closed his eyes again as she took his hand briefly, stroking his knuckles with her thumb. “And you’re okay?”
“Of course, I’m okay.”
“Dell.” Her curls bounced as she glanced over her shoulder at BJ, feeling Mulcahy tense up at the sound of his voice. She stroked his knuckles with her thumb again before letting go to take the worn-in linens. Della unfolded the sheet as she watched Mulcahy curl back in on himself, hoping its presence would be comforting and familiar as she draped it over his shivering body.  However, it seemed to have the exact opposite effect, causing the cleric to gasp as soon as the sheet made contact with his skin and attempt to pull away from it. He shook his head, keeping his eyes clenched shut. Della rubbed his shoulder. “It’s alright… You’re cold, aren’t you?”
Father Mulcahy shook his head.
“You’re not cold?”
Another shake.
“Are you sure? You’re shivering. There’s a sheet—”
One more shake.
Della pressed her lips together for a moment, thinking. “There are enough for you to have one if you’re cold.”
Mulcahy shook his head again, but his teeth chattered still as he spoke. “I don’t need it.”
Della lowered her arms, pulling the sheet off of him and letting it drag on the ground. She frowned, thinking over her options again before Hawkeye piped up. “What’s up with that?”
“He thinks he’s back home,” she answered automatically, “sharing a bed with his brothers.”
“But still… why not take the sheet?”
Della bit her lip. She knew exactly why: during his childhood his family didn’t have enough money to heat the house, so he would routinely give up his chance at warmth for his siblings and then risk being punished if he as much as shivered. “I’m not sure.” She knew that even though he was at MASH with them and not back home in Philadelphia with his family, it still seemed real to him. His past and present were meshing together, and it likely wasn’t with his family alone.  “Hawkeye?” “Yeah?” “Can you go back to my tent and grab something from my bunk for me?”
“Yes. My sister sent me this light blanket she made. I don’t know if it smells more like me or the camp, but either way it’s something other than a thin sheet that could remind him of home or seminary school or anything else. Bring it here for me, please, will you?”
Hawkeye furrowed his brows at her mention of seminary school but didn’t question her. “Sure. I’ll be right back.”
Della scooted forward on the chair, reaching out to Mulcahy again. She rested a gentle hand on his arm where it covered his ears again, letting her thumb stroke his feverish skin in an attempt at comfort. “Beej?”
“How was he before I came in? I noticed you were standing against the wall.”
“Frantic. Wouldn’t let me anywhere near him.”
“Did he say anything to you?”
Pain flickered in the man’s eyes. “Yeah. He kept asking me not to hurt him. I would never.”
“Did he address you by name?”
“No. Not once.”
“He didn’t understand who he was seeing, Beej. He thought you were someone else.”
“But who? Who would hurt someone like him?”
Della sighed, shaking her head. “Did he react the same way to Hawkeye?”
“Yeah.” BJ swallowed hard. “It didn’t seem to matter what we said or did, it only seemed to freak him out.”
“Dammit.” Della shut her eyes. She let out a long, shaky breath. 
“What is it? What’s—”
“Just… Stay back for a few minutes, okay? And try not to take it personally. I’m sure in his right mind he knows that you and Hawk would never hurt him, but in this state, he thinks everyone and anyone could, especially when you look like two very specific people from his past to his scrambled brain.”
“Just let me handle this.” She lowered her voice, her thumb finally stilling as she heard Hawkeye approaching outside. “Please.”
BJ nodded, then looked to Hawkeye over her shoulder. He held up a grey blanket that seemed to have been crocheted out of a thin wool, adorned with a pattern of pale blue flowers. Not only was it something familiar to now but it was thin enough to not cause him to overheat. “This it?”
“Yes.” She reached out for it. “Thank you.”
BJ tugged on Hawkeye’s arm, pulling him to the other side of the tent with him. They spoke in hushed voices, no doubt discussing how to break the man’s fever once he’d calmed down. 
Della slid onto the edge of Mulcahy’s mattress and draped the blanket over him. At first touch he flinched, but she quickly spoke up. “It’s still me. It’s Della.” She tucked it around him, rubbing his arm. “Is that better?”
He nodded, but kept his eyes clenched shut. “Dell…?”
“Are the bad men gone?”
Those words knocked the air from her lungs. The innocence in that question—in that voice. And the fear… “What bad men were you seeing, John?” He shook his head and she gave his arm a gentle squeeze. “I can’t tell you until you tell me, hun.”
BJ and Hawkeye exchanged glances. It wasn’t unusual for her to use terms of endearment, but it wasn’t often, if ever, that they heard anyone use them on the Chaplain. Most people didn’t even call him by his first name. But then again, if anyone would, it would be Della. 
“My father,” he mumbled.
“No, I haven’t seen your father. Who else did you see?”
“He… He…”
Della rested a hand on his hair, brushing sweat-soaked bangs from his forehead. “Easy… Take a breath for me, alright?”
His attempt was futile. “He used to come into the dorms… there were so many boys, but he always chose me…” 
She closed her eyes momentarily, taking a long, silent breath. “John, was it Rector O’Malley that you were seeing?”
A tremor ran through him at the mention of the man’s name. He hugged the blanket closer to his chest. “I don’t want him to touch me.”
“We’re in Korea, hun. He can’t hurt you here.” Della looked over to BJ and Hawkeye, both of whom stared back at her, slack-jawed and horrified. “I don’t see him. Do you still see him?”
“I don’t want to.”
Della frowned as Mulcahy clenched his eyes shut tighter. She brushed his hair from his forehead again. “I know you don’t.”
“Please don’t let him touch me, Dell. Please.” His voice crescendoed in volume and desperation. “Please. Please, don’t let him—”
Mulcahy wrenched away from her, crying out as he did so, only to once again roll into the wall. Hawkeye and BJ jumped up, but Della held up a hand. Their presence would not help the situation, that she was sure of. Her hands hovered over his trembling form as he continued to plead with her. “Are you hearing him?”
“Please don’t let him touch me. Please don’t touch me, please don’t—” A sob ripped from the Priest’s throat as he tensed, tormented by something no one else could see. “Let go! Please, let go! Please!”
“Please don’t hurt me!” His body jerked this way and that in an attempt to escape the grasp of invisible hands, ramming his shoulder into the nightstand and nearly punching the support of the tent. “Don’t touch me, please! Please!” Mulcahy threw his head to the side, eyes still clenched shut and brows pinched. He curled in on himself, protecting his vitals. “Leave me alone… Please…”
Della winced at the pain in her chest. She slid a bit closer to him, letting one hand very gently rub his side. “Are you hearing the Rector or your Father?”
“I don’t know,” he sobbed. “It’s dark. I just don’t want him to touch me again. It hurts.”
“Hurts? Are you in pain?”
He nodded, stopping only briefly before crying out again. “No. No! Please!”
“Please, not that! It hurts!”
“Please, don’t,” he begged, choking on a sob. “It hurts. Don’t touch me there.”
“Hey… It’s only me touching you.”
“It’s not.” Mulcahy shook his head, drawing his elbows in closer and burying his face. “Please help me.”
“He’s not here, John, he can’t hurt you,” Della said, still rubbing his side to remind him that she’s there. “The only hands on you are mine, hun.”
“N-no! No!” 
Mulcahy’s sobs only grew louder and more pained. Desperate. Della stared at him trembling beneath her touch, scared and delirious. What should she do? Hell, what could she do? The only options that came to mind weren’t conventional for a patient and certainly not for a priest. But in that moment, Mulcahy wasn’t either of those things to her. He was her best friend, one of the people she loved most in the world, and he was terrified. She set her jaw, intent to make him feel safe regardless of what Hawkeye and BJ thought, or anyone else for that matter. 
“Hey, hey, hey, shh…” Shifting further onto his bed, Della pulled Mulcahy into her arms in an attempt to both comfort him and stop him from flailing. 
He fought to break free from her grip. “No! Don’t hurt me! Don’t touch me!”
“It’s only me, John. I’m not going to hurt you…” 
“N-no! Please help me, Dell. Don’t let him do that to me again, please. Please.”
“Shh, he can’t touch you here, okay?”
“It hurts!” Mulcahy’s whole body tensed as he tried to curl in on himself further, shaking violently. “It—Hurts—”
Della closed her eyes, her lips pursed as if she felt the pain inflicted on him by his feverish state. She thought over what could possibly be of comfort to him but came up short. In this instance, anything related to the bible could bring him back to seminary school, and regardless, she didn’t know anything off by heart. Then there was Hawkeye and to a slightly lesser extent BJ, but both of them had only furthered the man’s panic. The only other thing she could think of that could bring him any sort of comfort in a state like this would be Kathy, the only other person he’d ever mentioned showing him any sort of love or affection. But Kathy was halfway across the world… 
Della adjusted her arms around him, pulling Mulcahy closer to her chest. She rested on hand on the back of his head, the other wrapped around his waist, idly rubbing his back in the vicinity of her hand. “Shh… it’s only me. I won’t hurt you.”
“I—Don’t—Want it—”
“I know you don’t.”
“I didn’t then either, but he… he…”
“I know, hun. I know you didn’t. It’s not your fault.”
“It must be,” Mulcahy sobbed into her neck. “Or else he—NO, NO!”
Della tightened her arms around him. “No, no, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
“He’s—hurting—me—” He tensed up again. “Why won’t you—stop him—”
“I can’t.”
“Please, Dell!”
“John, I can’t, honey, I’m sorry. I can’t see him.”
“Dell, please. Please.”
The sound of his sobs made her chest ache and she found herself wishing she could fight off this imaginary figment of a very real man. “I know you feel him and hear him, hun. I know he feels so real and you’re scared and confused… I know. But I’m the only one touching you, honey, I promise. You’re safe.”
His body jolted again. “No, he’s—he’s—”
“He’s not here, John. You’re safe.”
“But I feel him…”
“He’s not real. He’s not real…” 
“But I s-saw him! I can still hear him. I can still feel him… touching me.”
“The person you saw was Hawkeye, not O’Malley.”
Della smoothed his hair. “Hawkeye Pierce. Tall, black hair, blue eyes, a bit of a smart-ass but a fantastic doctor. You met him here in Korea before you met me. Ring a bell?”
“Korea… Yes. Hawkeye.” 
“Yes. He would never do what O’Malley did. It was only him you were seeing.”
“But he was with my Father…”
“He was with BJ. Not your Father.”
“BJ…” Mulcahy shuddered. 
“BJ Hunnicutt? Light brown hair, blue eyes, ridiculous mustache… Always talking about Peggy and Erin.”
“Erin…” He sniffed. “His baby girl?”
“His baby girl,” Della hummed. “Good. See? You’re safe. Neither Hawkeye or BJ would hurt you.”
“But I could hear O’Malley and my Father. I could feel them—” 
Della tightened her arms around him when he tensed, a sob being dragged from his throat as an unpleasant sensation ran through him. “Shh… It’s not them. BJ and Hawkeye are standing across the tent right now. They’re in my field of view. I promise, neither of them are touching you.”
Mulcahy flinched again, curling further into Della’s embrace. “Then how are they here…? How come I can feel them?”
“They’re not here. There’s no way they could be here in Korea. You’re safe.” It felt bizarre to say those words together. Safe in Korea… Though she knew it was true. Mulcahy was safer here than he was back home, either with his family or the other authorities in the church. 
Mulcahy curled further into her, uncharacteristically clingy. His voice remained tight and thick with tears. “Then why… Why do I feel this way?”
She cringed. She hadn’t wanted to try and differentiate the men and cause more confusion for him, but his distress called forced her hand—she couldn’t calm him down unless he believed that he truly was safe. “You’re hallucinating, sweetie. You have a high fever.”
“Hallucinating? Why? How can I make it stop?”
“We have to wait for your fever to go down, hun. That’s about all we can do.”
“You can’t make them stop?” A violent shiver ran through his body, accompanied by an involuntary whine from a pain she didn’t dare imagine. “There’s nothing you can do?”
“I’m sorry, John. I’ll stay with you, okay?”
“Okay.” He choked out a sob, shivering again. He pulled his legs close to his chest. “They’re—”
“Shh…” Della ran a hand over the back of his head. “It’s only me, sweetie, I’m holding you. It’s only me.”
The only response she received was a whimper, followed by another sob. Mulcahy buried his face further in her neck and the combined heat of his skin and tears made her heart ache. She ran her fingers through his hair, not caring what the doctors across the tent thought. “I’ve got you, John. You’re safe… I promise.”
Della leaned her cheek on the top of Mulcahy’s head, still holding him while he cried. Her own eyes welled with tears as she chanced a glance at Hawkeye and BJ. Both men stood across the tent form her, barely computing what was going on with their friend. Hawkeye shook his head and looked away from her, at a loss. BJ pressed his lips into a firm line. It was hard to see one of their closest friends in so much pain, but what was worse was knowing he’d been in pain this whole time, yet had never said a word of it to them. It only solidified the bond between Mulcahy and Della in their minds. Neither of them knew what was going on, but Della not only understood what was happening with very little context, but was also able to calm the man when he started to spiral into hysterics. 
Hawkeye glanced over at BJ. “It’s a good thing I went and got her,” he whispered. “We would have never calmed him down.”
BJ stared intently at the sobbing priest still wrapped up in Della’s arms. “He thought… I was his Father. Coming to hurt him.”
“And me? What about me? Why did my presence scare him so much?”
“The Rector. In his mind… You were the seminary school rector that raped him. Repeatedly by the sounds of it.”
“That’s…” Hawkeye followed BJ’s gaze. Someone who only ever wanted to give to others had only ever had things taken from him. All Mulcahy wanted to do was help, but he’d only ever been hurt. Perhaps that was why he was so reckless with his life—he had nothing to lose. Nothing to go back to. Sure, he had Kathy… but that was it for him, wasn’t it? And the shame that came from that kind of abuse, not only from a religious figure, but from a parent, and either way someone he should have been able to trust… “I feel sick.”
“This isn’t the way I’d have liked to find out.”
“I’m sure it’s not how he’d like you to find out either. In fact, I’m sure he would’ve wanted you to never find out.”
“That’s true.” BJ paused, watching Della adjust so that she was laying down a bit more to help Mulcahy be more comfortable. “There’s one thing I can’t figure out, though. If we both resembled an abuser… Who was Della?”
“What do you mean?”
“If I was his father and you were the rector, then who was she in his mind?”
“There’s no way to know, really. Kathy, maybe? Although I doubt it. He did call her by name. I think she was just herself.”
“Somehow she broke through that haze?”
“I don’t think that’s how it works,” Hawkeye pondered. “Things get all mixed up when you hallucinate. Sometimes you still know you’re in the same environment and aspects are altered or added. Sometimes you don’t know. Sometimes it seems to be a mix. So… he thought we were his abusers, but Della was just Della.”
“That… doesn’t make sense.”
“Hallucinations rarely do,” he joked, though there was no humour in it. “He clearly feels safe with Della, so her presence was able to somewhat ground him in reality, even if the rest was still hazy and overwhelming. That’s how she was able to calm him down.”
“I thought you didn’t know anything about patients hallucinating and such.”
“I don’t! Only the general stuff we’re taught in medical school, but that stuff’s gotta be outdated now. I was able to piece it together based off of what Della told you and from watching her just now. Besides, haven’t you ever had a fever-induced hallucination before? You told me once about a time you got real sick as a kid.”
“Yeah, but my hallucinations weren’t…”
“Yeah. I just thought I saw a shark in our living room. That’s nowhere near the magnitude of what he’s experiencing.”
“Well, when you have trauma in your past they seem to go hand in hand. You were only a little kid when that happened, right?”
“I was an adult.” Hawkeye sighed, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “When I got a bad fever once I kept thinking I was drowning. Kept seeing this… this hand, reaching down to me. And right as I went to grab it, it disappeared. It was… terrifying.”
“I once hallucinated my mom,” said Della, her voice soft but still loud enough to hear. “She stood there telling me I was horrible at my job and that the suicide one of our patients was my fault.”
BJ spoke for himself and Hawkeye, who seemed too caught up in his thoughts to articulate. “That’s awful. I’m really sorry that happened.”
“It can be the people you least expect.” Della’s voice trailed off as she rubbed Mulcahy’s back. He still laid in her embrace, curled up and leaning against her chest, his breathing evening out as he drifted back to sleep. She looked back up at BJ, who seemed both shocked and not shocked at all at the way she held him. The way he let her hold him. “My point is… My mother would have never said that to me. She died when I was a teenager and she was a sweetheart. It was my manager at the hospital who derogated me. And yet, the two traumas ended up mixing together.”
“I guess it’s not a one-size-fits-all, huh?”
“Nope. You can’t loop all instances of hallucinating together, it just won’t work.”
“Well,” Hawkeye croaked, coming back to himself. “Regardless of how you knew what to do, I’m just glad you did. That’s why I went to get you, both because I knew you’d be our best shot. Plus, you’re the only one other than maybe Kathy who could ever hold him like this.”
Della’s cheeks burned. “I-I knew physical comfort helps him but what I was doing already wasn’t working, so…”
“Hey, I’m not knockin’ it if it works!”
BJ chuckled. “It’s sorta endearing, eh, Hawk?”
“You guys,” Della grumbled, fighting back even more heat rising up her neck. “He’s not in his right state of mind. Under normal circumstances, he would never…”
“We know, Dell.”
“We’re just teasing you,” said Hawkeye with an impish grin. 
“Well knock it off.” She couldn’t help but smile, but it quickly fell from her face when Mulcahy started mumbling under his breath. She listened closer, tilting her head slightly, but couldn’t make out anything. Intending to calm whatever unpleasant thoughts seemed to be in his head, she started to rub his back again. When she looked back up, Hawkeye was shaking his head at the ground, a deep frown on his face. “Hawk?”
“I just… I know I don’t have the full story and probably never will, but form just the brief glimpse we got… I can’t believe he had to go through that.”
“You’d never know it,” BJ added. 
“I wouldn’t say that.” Della pondered for a moment before continuing. “The signs are there if you’re more in-tune with them. But I know what you mean.”
“I don’t ever want to see that agonized look on his face again. Especially not directed at me.” Hawkeye let out a long breath, still staring at the floor before bringing his gaze back up to his sick friend. He took in the sight of Mulcahy, having finally seemed to settle against Della. “I never thought I’d hear that kind of tormented sobbing come from him. Ever.”
“Like you said, hallucinating is complicated. People don’t act like they normally would, and to anyone witnessing someone else hallucinating, it doesn’t seem to make sense. But it doesn’t have to make sense to scare someone, especially if the hallucination stems from or is directly related to past trauma. And that’s the thing about it, right? The reactions may not match with how that person actually reacted to the real life event. Like when I hallucinated my mom blaming me for that patient’s death… I was inconsolable. But when it actually happened, I barely said a word.”
“Well, I’m not sure how Father Mulcahy would have reacted to what happened to him but… I’m sure if it’s what I think it was, he would’ve been punished for crying out or begging for help.”
Della nodded, thinking back to the memories Mulcahy had shared with her. “Exactly. But right now he’s confused and scared, disoriented, he’s not feeling well, and he’s vulnerable. Being suddenly thrust back into a time of persistent trauma that he thought he’d finally escaped… that would fuck with anyone.”
Hawkeye nodded, but it was BJ who spoke up. “Well, we’re glad you’re here for him.”
Della gave a breathy laugh through her nose, not looking at him but at Mulcahy as she nodded. “Me too. It was nagging at me all day… I knew something was up.”
“You have good instincts,” Hawkeye said, offering a small smile. “Thank you, Della. He’s lucky to have you.”
Della smoothed Mulcahy’s hair as he slept. “I’m lucky to have him, too.”
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brookston · 11 months
Holidays 7.25
Act Like a Caveman Day
Antifascist Pasta Day (Italy)
Bayreuther Festspiele begins (Wagner festival; Germany) [thru 8.28]
Be Adamant About Something Day
Community Day (Galicia, Spain)
CTNNB1 Awareness Day
A Day Out of Time (Last Day of the Year; Mayan, Galactic)
Ebernoe Horn Fair (Sussex, UK)
Feed the Country Ducks Day
Festival of Picaresque Animality
Health and Happiness with Hypnosis Day
International AfroLatinx, AfroCaribbean & Diaspora Women’s Day
International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners
International Red Show Day
International Sop Rapping Over Vocals Day
John Knill Day (Cornwall, UK) [Every 5 Years]
Jumatul Bidah (Bangladesh)
Jumat-ul-Wida (India)
Merry-Go-Round Day [also 5.17]
Mugwort Day (French Republic)
National African American Hepatitis C Action Day
National Campus Press Freedom Day (Philippines)
National Carousel Day
National Clay Day
National Day of Galicia (Spain)
National Hire a Veteran Day
National Houston Day
National Schizophrenia Awareness Day (UK)
National Video Game Team Day
Occupation Day (Puerto Rico)
Rain of Black Worms Day (Romania)
Red Shoe Day
Republic Day (Tunisia)
Rosiland Franklin Day
Santiago Apóstol (Spain)
Test-Tube Baby Day
Thread the Needle Day
Traditional Palestinian Dress Day
World Drowning Prevention Day (UN)
World Embryologist Day
World IVF Day
World Youth Days 2023 begins (Lisbon, Portugal; Roman Catholic; until 7.31) [Varies; @Every 3 Years]
Food & Drink Celebrations
Candles on a Cake Day
Culinarian’s Day
Frozen Fruit Freeze Day
Indie Beer Day (Australia)
National Hot Fudge Sundae Day
National Wine and Cheese Day
4th Tuesday in July
Waterton-Glacier Science & History Day [4th Tuesday]
Independence Days
Abode of Heaven (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Andany (Declared; 2017; Dissolved Sep. 2018) [unrecognized]
Commonwealth Constitution Day (Puerto Rico) 
Rathunis (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Anne (Eastern Christianity)
Christopher (Western Christianity)
Cucuphas (a.k.a. Cueufas, Cougat; Christian; Saint)
Feast of Formation of Saint Ann (Mother of the Virgin Mary; Byzantine Rite)
Furrinalia (Old Roman Goddess of Springs)
Glodesind (Christian; Saint)
Holbein (Positivist; Saint)
Hot Fudge Sundae Day (Pastafarian)
Ilyap'a Festival (Inca thunder god)
James the Great (Western Christianity)
John I Agnus (Christian; Saint)
Julian of Le Mans (Christian; Translation)
Magnerich of Trier (Christian; Saint)
Maxfield Parrish (Artology)
National Baha’i Day (Jamaica)
Nissen, Abbot of Mountgarret, Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Paul (Christian; Martyr)
Shylock Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Slippery Slim (Muppetism)
Thea and Valentina (Christian; Virgins)
Thomas Eakins (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
The Adventures of André & Wally B. (Pixar Cartoon; 1984)
Air Force One (Film; 1997)
Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging (Film; 2008)
Armor Wars (Film; 2025)
Back in Black, by AC/DC (Album; 1980)
Batman: The Killing Joke (Animated Film; 2016)
Broken Quest (Animated tV Series; 2013)
Caddyshack (Film; 1980)
China Grove, by the Doobie Brothers (Song; 1973)
A Chorus Line (Broadway Musical; 1975)
Drinking Buddies (Film; 2013)
Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century (WB MM Cartoon; 1953)
Fame, by David Bowie (Song; 1975)
First Lensman, by E.E. "Doc" Smith (Novel; 1950) [Lensman #2]
Good Burger (Film; 1997)
Hemingway’s Adventures of a Young Man (Film; 1962)
Justice League: Warworld (WB Animated Film; 2023)
Kill ‘Em All, by Metallica (Album; 1983)
Lara Croft Tom Raider: The Cradle of Life (Film; 2003)
Last Train to Clarksville, recorded by The Monks (Song; 1966)
Lego Scooby-Doo! Blowout Beach Bash (WB Animated Film; 2017)
Lucy (Film; 2014)
Maximum Overdrive (Film; 1986)
Paul’s Boutique, by The Beastie Boys (Album; 1989)
Porky’s Spring Planting (WB LT Cartoon; 1938)
Ruby Sparks (Film; 2012)
Seabiscuit (Film; 2003)
Step Brothers (Film; 2008)
The Tree’s Knees (WB LT Cartoon; 1931)
X-Files: I Want to Believe (Film; 2008)
Yes, by Yes (Album; 1969)
You Can’t Hurry Love, by The Supremes (Song; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Jakob, Jakobus, Thea, Thomas, Valentina (Austria)
Ana, Yana (Bulgaria)
Beata, Jakov, Krsto, Valentina (Croatia)
Jakub (Czech Republic)
Jacobus (Denmark)
Jaagup, Jaak, Jaako, Jaap, Jako, Jakob, Jass (Estonia)
Jaakko, Jaakob, Jaakoppi, Jimi (Finland)
Jacques, Valentine (France)
Jakob, Valentine (Germany)
Anna (Greece)
Jakab, Kristóf (Hungary)
Cristoforo, Giacomo (Italy)
Jēkabs, Marika (Latvia)
Aušrinė, Jokūbas, Kristupas (Lithuania)
Jack, Jakob, Jim (Norway)
Jakub, Krzysztof, Nieznamir, Sławosz, Walentyna (Poland)
Jakub (Slovakia)
Jaime, Santiago (Spain)
Jakob (Sweden)
Jac, Jack, Jacki, Jackie, Jackson, Jacky, Jacques, Jimmie (Universal)
Coby, Colby, Diego, Israel, Jacob, Jacoby, Jack, Jackie, Jackson, Jaclyn, Jacqueline, Jacquelyn, Jacques, Jaime, Jake, Jakob, James, Jameson, Jamie, Jaquan, Jaqueline, Jaxon, Jaxson, Jim, Jimena, Jimmie, Jimmy, Kobe, Koby, Kolby, Santiago (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 206 of 2024; 159 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 30 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Ji-Wei), Day 8 (Jia-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 7 Av 5783
Islamic: 7 Muharram 1445
J Cal: 26 Lux; Fiveday [26 of 30]
Julian: 12 July 2023
Moon: 50%: 1st Quarter
Positivist: 10 Dante (8th Month) [Holbein]
Runic Half Month: Ur (Primal Strength) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 35 of 94)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 4 of 31)
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On-Guard Sanitisation: Expertise in Suicide Cleanup Services
In the face of tragedy, navigating the aftermath of a suicide can be overwhelming. Beyond the emotional toll, there are practical and often harrowing tasks that need attention. Among these is the critical need for professional cleanup services to ensure safety, sanitation, and restoration of the affected environment. On-Guard Sanitisation specializes in suicide cleanups, providing compassionate, discreet, and thorough services to help families and communities recover from such devastating events.
Understanding the Importance of Professional Suicide Cleanup Suicide cleanup is not merely about cleaning up visible stains or debris. It involves dealing with potentially hazardous biological materials that can pose serious health risks. Bloodborne pathogens, bacteria, and other contaminants must be handled with extreme care, using specialized equipment and procedures to ensure complete decontamination and safety. This is why professional intervention is essential.
Health and Safety Concerns Biohazard Risks: Blood and bodily fluids can carry infectious diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. Proper handling and disposal are crucial to prevent exposure. Emotional Trauma: For family members or friends, cleaning up after a loved one’s suicide can be psychologically devastating. Professional services alleviate this burden, allowing them to focus on healing. Legal and Ethical Responsibilities: There are stringent regulations regarding the disposal of biohazardous waste. Professionals ensure compliance with all local, state, and federal laws. On-Guard Sanitisation: A Name You Can Trust At On-Guard Sanitisation, we understand the sensitive nature of our work. Our team is trained to handle these situations with the utmost professionalism, empathy, and respect for privacy.
Why Choose On-Guard Sanitisation? Certified Professionals: Our technicians are certified in biohazard remediation and follow industry best practices to ensure thorough and safe cleanup. Discreet Service: We operate with the highest level of discretion to protect the privacy and dignity of our clients. 24/7 Availability: Tragedies can happen at any time, which is why we offer round-the-clock services to respond promptly to your needs. Comprehensive Cleanup: From removing and disposing of contaminated materials to deodorizing and sanitizing the area, we ensure that the affected environment is completely restored. The Cleanup Process Understanding what to expect can provide some peace of mind during this difficult time. Here’s a step-by-step overview of our suicide cleanup process:
Assessment: Upon arrival, our team conducts a thorough assessment of the affected area to determine the extent of contamination and the necessary cleanup procedures. Containment: We secure the area to prevent cross-contamination and protect others from potential exposure. Removal of Biohazards: All biological materials are carefully removed and disposed of in accordance with legal requirements. Cleaning and Disinfection: We use hospital-grade disinfectants and specialized equipment to clean and sanitize all surfaces. Deodorization: To eliminate any lingering odors, we employ advanced deodorization techniques, ensuring the area is restored to a safe and habitable condition. Final Inspection: A comprehensive inspection ensures that all areas have been thoroughly cleaned and decontaminated. Compassionate Care During Difficult Times At On-Guard Sanitisation, we are not just service providers; we are caretakers committed to supporting you through one of the most challenging times in your life. Our goal is to provide a clean, safe environment while offering the compassion and understanding you need.
Supporting Mental Health We also recognize the importance of mental health awareness and support. In addition to our cleanup services, we provide resources and referrals to local mental health professionals and support groups. This holistic approach ensures that you receive the care and support necessary to navigate the aftermath of a suicide.
Conclusion The aftermath of a suicide is an incredibly challenging period, fraught with emotional and practical difficulties. On-Guard Sanitisation is dedicated to easing the burden through our specialized cleanup services, ensuring that your environment is safe and sanitized. With our expertise and compassionate approach, you can focus on healing and remembrance, while we handle the rest.
For more information or immediate assistance, contact On-Guard Sanitisation today. We are here to support you every step of the way.
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healthcare66 · 3 days
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
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Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) represent a complex and nuanced aspect of human health, regardless of age, gender, and sexual orientation. Understanding the complexities of these infections, along with information about their symptoms and available treatments, is important to promote sexual health. In this comprehensive guide, we explore sexually transmitted diseases and treatment options in depth. Our focus is not only on raising awareness but also on equipping readers with the information needed to maintain wellness.
Unraveling the Spectrum of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Sexually transmitted diseases, commonly referred to as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), encompass a diverse array of infections that primarily spread through sexual activity. These infections may be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites, targeting various areas of the body such as the genitals, rectum, and throat. Prominent among these are chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and human papillomavirus (HPV).
The Varied Symptomatology of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
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Manifesting with a plethora of symptoms, or often remaining asymptomatic, STDs present a diagnostic challenge. Recognizing and understanding the common symptoms is crucial:
1. Unusual Discharge: An abnormal discharge from the penis or vagina may signal an underlying infection.
2. Pain or Burning Sensation: Experiencing pain or a burning sensation during urination can be indicative of several STDs.
3. Genital Sores or Warts: The presence of sores, warts, or lesions in the genital area may denote herpes or HPV infection.
4. Pelvic Pain: Women may experience pelvic pain, potentially indicating an infection affecting the reproductive organs.
5. Itching or Rash: Irritation, itching, or a rash in the genital area may be indicative of an STDs.
6. Flu-like Symptoms: Some STDs, such as HIV, can present with flu-like symptoms, including fever and fatigue.
It is important to note that symptoms can vary widely, and some individuals may remain asymptomatic. Regular testing emerges as a crucial tool for early detection and effective treatment.
The Imperative of Early Detection and Testing
Early detection plays a pivotal role in preventing the spread of STDs and mitigating potential complications. Routine testing is strongly recommended, particularly for individuals with multiple sexual partners or those engaging in high-risk behavior. Common testing methods include blood tests, urine tests, and swabs of genital or oral areas.
Diverse Treatment Options for Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Upon a confirmed diagnosis, swift and appropriate treatment becomes paramount. Treatment modalities vary depending on the type of infection and may involve antibiotics, antiviral medications, or other targeted therapies. Completing the full course of prescribed medications is essential, even if symptoms subside, to ensure the complete eradication of the infection.
The Role of Prevention in Sexual Health
Preventing the spread of STDs necessitates a multifaceted approach, incorporating safe sexual practices and adopting healthy lifestyle choices. Key preventive measures include:
1. Use of Condoms: Consistent and correct use of condoms can significantly reduce the risk of contracting or transmitting STDs.
2. Limiting Sexual Partners: Reducing the number of sexual partners can mitigate the risk of exposure to infections.
3. Regular Testing: Routine testing for both partners is essential, especially in the absence of visible symptoms.
4. Vaccination: Vaccines are available for certain STDs, such as HPV and hepatitis B, providing long-term protection.
5. Communication and Education: Open communication with sexual partners about STDs, testing, and safe practices is vital. Educating oneself about different infections and their prevention can also contribute to overall sexual health.
Boostaro: A Complementary Approach to Well-Being
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As part of a holistic strategy for sexual health, consider incorporating Boostaro, a premium dietary supplement designed to support overall well-being. Formulated with a blend of natural ingredients, Boostaro may contribute to immune system support and sustained energy levels, promoting an optimal state of health.
It is crucial to emphasize that Boostaro is not a treatment for STDs but serves as a valuable addition to a healthy lifestyle. Always consult with a healthcare professional for appropriate medical advice and treatment options if you suspect an STD.
Final Thought
In navigating the intricate landscape of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), knowledge is paramount. This comprehensive guide endeavors to illuminate the complexities surrounding these infections, offering insights into symptoms, testing, and treatment options. By fostering understanding and awareness, we empower individuals to prioritize their sexual health and well-being. Remember, proactive measures such as regular testing, safe practices, and open communication are instrumental in safeguarding against STDs. Together, let us strive for a future where sexual health is not just a priority but a fundamental aspect of overall wellness.
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gautamayurveda2 · 4 days
STD Problem you should be aware of with Sexologist Doctor in Gurgaon
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STDs, affecting one in four US teens and half of sexually active young adults by 25, pose significant health risks. Common STDs include Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Hepatitis C/B/A, Genital herpes, HIV, and Genital warts. While some spread through sexual contact, others transmit via contaminated needles or food. The introduction of the HPV vaccine led to a notable decline in genital warts cases. Awareness and prompt medical attention are vital. Consulting a sexologist doctor in Gurgaon for symptoms is crucial for timely treatment.
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Unravelling the 10 Main Causes of Cancer in India
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Cancer, a formidable adversary of human health, continues to pose a significant threat worldwide. In India, the burden of cancer is on the rise, with millions of lives affected each year. Understanding the root causes of cancer is crucial for effective prevention and early detection. In this personalized blog, we’ll delve into the ten main causes of cancer in India, shedding light on how lifestyle, genetics, and environmental factors contribute to this formidable disease.
Tobacco Consumption
Tobacco consumption is a major driver of cancer in India, with a significant portion of the population addicted to smoking or chewing tobacco. The carcinogenic chemicals present in tobacco products, such as nicotine and tar, increase the risk of cancers of the lung, mouth, throat, and esophagus. It’s imperative to promote anti-smoking campaigns and provide support for those trying to quit.
Air Pollution
India’s air quality has long been a concern, and prolonged exposure to pollutants in the air can lead to lung cancer and other respiratory diseases. Particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, and heavy metals in the air can damage DNA and increase the risk of cancer. Adopting cleaner energy sources and promoting vehicular emission controls are essential steps to mitigate this risk.
Poor Diet and Obesity
Dietary habits and obesity are closely linked to cancer risk. A diet high in processed foods, red meat, and sugary drinks can increase the chances of developing colorectal, breast, and prostate cancer. Promoting a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, along with regular physical activity, can help combat obesity and reduce cancer risk.
Infections, particularly viral infections, can lead to cancer. In India, hepatitis B and C infections are linked to liver cancer, while the human papillomavirus (HPV) is associated with cervical and other cancers. Vaccination and early screening can help prevent and detect these infections before they progress to cancer.
Alcohol Consumption
Excessive alcohol consumption is another risk factor for several types of cancer, including mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, and breast cancer. It’s essential to promote responsible drinking and provide education about the risks associated with alcohol abuse.
Lack of Physical Activity
A sedentary lifestyle is a growing concern in India and contributes to cancer risk. Physical inactivity is linked to colorectal, breast, and endometrial cancers. Encouraging regular physical activity and reducing prolonged sitting time can lower cancer risk and improve overall health.
UV Radiation
Excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or tanning beds can lead to skin cancer. Promoting sun-protective behaviors such as wearing sunscreen, protective clothing, and avoiding peak sun hours can help prevent skin cancer.
Environmental Toxins
Exposure to environmental toxins and industrial pollutants can increase cancer risk. Efforts to regulate and reduce exposure to harmful chemicals in water, soil, and consumer products are essential to lowering cancer rates.
Genetic Factors
While lifestyle and environmental factors play a significant role, genetic factors also contribute to cancer risk. Certain genetic mutations can increase susceptibility to cancer. Genetic counselling and testing can help individuals assess their risk and make informed decisions about prevention and early detection.
Lack of Awareness and Early Detection-  
Immunosppression is lack of ability of our body to fight against outside infections and cancers. Any person with immunosppressive state of body becomes high risk for development of cancer. Eg, HIV/AIDS infections increases risk of cervix cancer, anal cancer. Lymphomas etc. People living with such immunosuppressive states like HIV, Hepatitis B infections, should be made more aware about the possible cancers that can develop in them and the importance of regular screening for early detection. 
Limited awareness about cancer and its risk factors often leads to late-stage diagnoses. Promoting cancer education and regular screenings for common cancers can significantly improve early detection and treatment outcomes.
Understanding the primary causes of cancer in India is the first step towards prevention. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, reducing exposure to risk factors, and increasing awareness about cancer, we can collectively work towards reducing the burden of this disease in our country. Remember, early detection and prevention are key in the fight against cancer, so prioritize your health and well-being.
Meet Dr. Sameeksha Dubey, Best Oncologist in Nagpur known for her outstanding qualifications, vast experience, and steadfast commitment to advancing cancer care. Dr. Dubey’s academic achievements include advanced oncology degrees from prestigious institutions, highlighting her dedication to mastering the intricacies of cancer treatment.
Her dedication to remaining on the cutting edge of oncological developments guarantees that her patients get the best, most innovative therapies and caring care.
However, Dr. Dubey’s influence goes beyond her stellar credentials. Her commitment to cancer care encompasses advocacy, research, and a strong conviction in the influence of awareness.
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hugfl · 29 days
Understanding Hepatitis C: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
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Explore comprehensive information about Hepatitis C, a viral infection affecting the liver, on our dedicated resource page. Hepatitis C is a significant global health concern, characterized by its potential to cause chronic liver disease, liver cirrhosis, and even liver cancer if left untreated. Our resource provides detailed insights into the causes, transmission modes, risk factors, symptoms, and available treatment options for Hepatitis C. With up-to-date medical knowledge and expert guidance, empower yourself or your loved ones to understand this condition better, seek appropriate medical care, and navigate the journey towards better liver health. Whether you're looking to enhance your understanding as a healthcare professional or seeking information for personal reasons, our comprehensive guide aims to be a valuable resource in your quest for Hepatitis C awareness and management.
Phone: +1 (321) 339 3424
Address: 920 S Babcock St, Melbourne, FL 32901
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wyatt-06 · 1 month
How to Keep Your Dogs Healthy and Fit?
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As a dog lover, you know very well that dogs are the love of your life. You're an everlasting family, and you're looking to up your 'dog health care' game for them, even if they’re always chewing up your favorite shoe or barking their head off at absolutely nothing! Because that is true love.
But keep in mind that even if you're the most diligent pet parent, they'll get sick at some point because, after all, you're only human. So let's look at some things you can do to help your dog grow healthier and fitter. Ultimately, a happy dog is one that is healthy! 
A Well-Balanced & Nutritious Diet.
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Pic Credit: Pexels
Providing a nutritious diet for your dog is an invaluable part of maintaining their health. Choose a healthy diet for your pooch and study the first few components on the pet food label carefully because they make up the bulk of the product. This will help you choose healthier foods with the least amount of fillers so that your dog gets the proper nutrients without getting full-on non-essential ingredients. 
Also, while introducing a new food, monitor for indicators of food allergy or intolerance, such as diarrhea.
As a dog parent, you're probably aware that some human foods are toxic to dogs and can’t be one of the “healthy dog foods.”While some foods are safe for them, you should always double-check before feeding them. We've included a list of some typical foods you can feed them to make things easier for you.
1. Peanut Butter:��We’ve all heard it, right? Dogs love peanut butter. But is it safe? Yes! But be sure to only give them unsalted peanut butter in moderation.
2. Pineapple: In small portions, fresh pineapple is okay for dogs to consume.
3. Watermelon: As long as it doesn’t have seeds (choking hazard!), watermelon is a great dog treat because it's low in calories and high in vitamins A and C.
4. Corn: Corn kernels, plain and cooked, are safe for dogs to eat in small quantities. It is a good source of vitamins and minerals, and it's found in a variety of dog foods as well!
5. Green Peas: Fresh or frozen peas are a healthy and nutritional snack that dogs love, so feel free to feed them peas!
6. Apples: Healthy and safe! Just be sure to remove any seeds as they can be very hazardous.
7. Bananas: Yes, and yes. Packed with fiber and many vitamins and minerals, these are a favorite of dogs.
8. Carrots: Carrots, both cooked and uncooked, are nutritious and safe for your dog to consume.
A healthy diet for dogs is necessary to keep them active so provide them with the best you can!
Vaccinations Are A Must 
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Regular vaccination shots from your vet help prevent dangerous and often fatal conditions like hepatitis and rabies in your dog. The first vaccines for a puppy should be administered at five or six weeks of age and should be repeated every few weeks for up to sixteen weeks. Following that, your dog's immunity will be provided by frequent booster shots. To ensure protection, stick to the treatment plan your veterinarian prescribes! 
Pet parents can often overlook these shots, not understanding their importance. But take it from the professionals, better to be safe than sorry because even the healthiest dog breeds are prone to diseases.
Groom Them Regularly
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Pic Credit: Pexels
Trust us, regular grooming can prevent so many diseases and play a big role in maintaining your dog’s health. 
Take flea infestations for example. When out of hand, fleas can cause allergic dermatitis, anemia, and rashes so bad that fur starts to rub off. So once you've discovered that your dog has fleas, you have a few solutions. Consult your veterinarian for an oral flea treatment, and use a flea comb and flea shampoo on your dog. Regular skin treatments are a wonderful method to prevent fleas in the first place, so discuss a flea prevention program with your veterinarian. If that sounds overwhelming, keep it simple with a flea comb and anti-flea shampoos.
Grooming also includes Brushing Their coats regularly. It will not just bring out the gloss but also prevents mats and tangles from forming in the first place. This will also help to improve circulation, enhancing your dog’s health. Any new lumps and bumps or abscesses on the body should be noted and reported to your veterinarian as well. A veterinarian should also be consulted if there are any blisters, redness, or irritated skin. 
One thing dog parents miss sometimes is Cleaning Their Ears. It’s simple and obvious that there should be no odor or discharge from the ears. It should be free of dirt, debris, and parasitic organisms such as ticks. You might need a little guidance learning how to thoroughly clean their ears, after all, their bodies are different from ours and more delicate. Use a product designed specifically for cleaning dog ears, such as dog ear wipes. These are a popular choice for making the process quick and easy. 
Knowing how to keep your dog healthy consists of the little things one might usually overlook. So if you observe any unusual symptoms, such as discharge, they may have an ear infection. Take your dog to the vet as soon as possible to get the concern resolved. 
Though it may take some time for you and your dog to adjust, Nail Clipping can become a regular part of their grooming process.
When your dog's nails are overly long, they form an awkward angle, causing soreness and tenderness in the nail beds. Long nails on dogs are also more prone to breakage, which can be uncomfortable and traumatic. Overgrown nails make it difficult for them to move around, so trim them as soon as you spot them. Just be cautious not to cut the sensitive part of the nail that holds nerves and blood vessels, as that can cause painful bleeding. 
And if the dog's nails are black, this is tough to see. In that case, they'll need a professional to do it. If you're not sure how to clip their nails, have your veterinarian or groomer demonstrate how to do it to avoid any mishaps.
Brush your dog's teeth At least once a day! It's easy to overlook your dog's teeth unless you notice a terrible odor, but we suggest daily brushing. Brushing your dog's teeth also allows you to remove any tartar or buildup. This is also the perfect time to look for ulcers, loose or chipped teeth, or any other abnormalities in the mouth. However, always use dental toothpaste created specifically for dogs, regular toothpaste contains toxic ingredients that can cause major health problems in dogs!
Grooming sessions are also an excellent opportunity to check for fleas, ticks, and mites on the skin.
Dogs and Mental Health, Outdoors, and Exercise 
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Depending on your dog's age and breed, exercise could range from a short daily stroll to a long and exciting game in the park. An enjoyable game of fetch or disc can be bodily demanding for dogs who are particularly energetic, so it’s good to regularly play with them. This also helps improve your relationship with your dog besides aiding in dog health care. 
However, in addition to exercise, make sure you provide your dog with enough stimulation to keep their minds active. Teach them to solve puzzles, learn new tricks, and obey. 
Taking them outside also allows them to interact with other people and animals to help them socialize and overcome any anxiety they might have. It might be an overlooked topic, but be a good pet parent and take care of their mental well-being as well.
Take them to the Vet at Least Yearly
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Schedule yearly exams for your dog so that necessary testing and immunizations can be administered. Regular check-ups can help them avoid numerous treatable common dog diseases that, if left untreated, can lead to serious health problems. Only an expert can detect certain minor symptoms that might go unnoticed by you. These yearly check-ups can also provide you with a sense of safety if your dog is in good health, as well as proper medical care if they require it.
Make Your Home Dog-Friendly
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Before you bring your pet home, make sure your home is safe for them. Safeguard any electrical cables they might chew, close toilet lids, and make sure they can't get to any medication. Also, make sure your dog doesn't have access to any human food that is harmful to dogs. You might want to use child-proof locks to lock cabinets and trash cans if they are particularly adventurous.
Keep an Eye on their Weight Levels
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Obesity can lessen a dog's lifespan by around two years. Obese dogs are more likely to develop cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, and bladder stones, according to experts. It's best to see a veterinarian about your dog's appropriate weight and feed him suitably, especially if you notice a significant shift in weight.
Obesity can be caused by a lack of activity and consuming too much food. On the pet food packaging, you’ll find detailed feeding instructions based on ideal weight, which you should read before feeding them to your dog. Remember to consult with a veterinarian before making any dietary changes as well.
 A Supply of Fresh Water
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Bacteria, algae, and other microbes can cultivate in your dog's container, especially in warm weather. In the winter, you'll also need to keep the water from getting too cold. So, regardless of the season, it's critical to replace the water at least once a day to clean and fresh water. This is because, in addition to healthy foods for dogs, they require plenty of fresh water to function correctly and absorb essential nutrients.
Some extra tips: 
We suggest adding a couple of ice cubes to their water in summer, so your dogs make the most of it. 
Every now and then, wash the water bowl properly, then rinse and dry the vessel before filling up with fresh water.
Watch for Red Flags
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Because dogs are unable to verbalize when they are unwell, keep an eye out for indications that something is wrong. If you see any warning signs of a health condition, contact your veterinarian. Changes in their bowel, pee, or eating patterns, any strange discharges or odors, bald patches, sudden aggression, and weight loss are all possible signs. 
To summarize, taking care of your dog might not be a piece of cake, but it’s rewarding. Following the simple points we’ve covered; you’ll have a healthy and happy dog thanking you with tons of kisses and cuddles. Just keep in mind that dogs are delicate beings and taking care of them is a responsibility you agree to once you bring them home. After all, it shows how much you love them. To help your dog live life to the max, follow these tips explaining how to keep your dog healthy!
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lalsingh228-blog · 2 months
Antiviral Herbal Product Market to see Booming Business Sentiments
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The Latest research coverage on Antiviral Herbal Product Market provides a detailed overview and accurate market size. The study is designed considering current and historical trends, market development and business strategies taken up by leaders and new industry players entering the market. Furthermore, study includes an in-depth analysis of global and regional markets along with country level market size breakdown to identify potential gaps and opportunities to better investigate market status, development activity, value and growth patterns. Access Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/163223-global-antiviral-herbal-product-market
Major & Emerging Players in Antiviral Herbal Product Market:- Apotheca Inc. (United States), Gaia Herbs (United States), Kunnath Pharmaceuticals (India), Growrich Agrotech India Private Limited (India), Sushil Corporation (India), HerbalHills (India), Airen Herbal (India), Inbiota (India), Ancient GreenFields Pvt. Ltd. (India). The Antiviral Herbal Product Market Study by AMA Research gives an essential tool and source to Industry stakeholders to figure out the market and other fundamental technicalities, covering growth, opportunities, competitive scenarios, and key trends in the Antiviral Herbal Product market. Herbal medicines and purified natural products provide a rich resource for novel antiviral drug development. Identification of the antiviral mechanisms from these natural agents has shed light on where they interact with the viral life cycle, such as viral entry, replication, assembly, and release, as well as on the targeting of the virus–host-specific interactions. The emergence of dengue virus, influenza virus, measles virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus, and West Nile virus outbreaks has led to significant growth of the global antiviral herbal product market in the upcoming years.
The titled segments and sub-section of the market are illuminated below: by Virus (Coronavirus, Coxsackievirus, Dengue virus, Enterovirus 71, Hepatitis B virus, Hepatitis C virus, Herpes simplex virus, Influenza virus, Others), Herbs (Oregano, Sage, Basil, Fennel, Garlic, Lemon balm, Aloe vera, Ginger, Others), Packaging Type (50 ML, 100 ML, 250 ML, Others), End User (Pregnant Women, Adults, Pediatric, Geriatric) Market Trends: Increasing Demand for Herbal medicines Developing World for Primary Healthcare
Opportunities: Exponentially Rising Inclination of Patients Towards Alternate and Herbal Therapy in the Developing Nations like India
Market Drivers: Increasing Worldwide Health Concern Among the People
Rising Viral Infections and Emerging and Chronic Viruses
Challenges: Lack of Awareness about Antiviral Herbal Product in the Some Countries Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/163223-global-antiviral-herbal-product-market Some Point of Table of Content: Chapter One: Report Overview Chapter Two: Global Market Growth Trends Chapter Three: Value Chain of Antiviral Herbal Product Market Chapter Four: Players Profiles Chapter Five: Global Antiviral Herbal Product Market Analysis by Regions Chapter Six: North America Antiviral Herbal Product Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Seven: Europe Antiviral Herbal Product Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Eight: Asia-Pacific Antiviral Herbal Product Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Nine: Middle East and Africa Antiviral Herbal Product Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Ten: South America Antiviral Herbal Product Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Eleven: Global Antiviral Herbal Product Market Segment by Types Chapter Twelve: Global Antiviral Herbal Product Market Segment by Applications What are the market factors that are explained in the Antiviral Herbal Product Market report?
– Key Strategic Developments: Strategic developments of the market, comprising R&D, new product launch, M&A, agreements, collaborations, partnerships, joint ventures, and regional growth of the leading competitors.
– Key Market Features: Including revenue, price, capacity, capacity utilization rate, gross, production, production rate, consumption, import/export, supply/demand, cost, market share, CAGR, and gross margin.– Analytical Tools: The analytical tools such as Porter’s five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, feasibility study, and investment return analysis have been used to analyze the growth of the key players operating in the market. Buy This Exclusive Research Here: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/buy-now?format=1&report=163223 Definitively, this report will give you an unmistakable perspective on every single reality of the market without a need to allude to some other research report or an information source. Our report will give all of you the realities about the past, present, and eventual fate of the concerned Market. Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia. Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166 [email protected]
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worldhepatitisday · 2 months
Hepatitis killing thousands daily, WHO warns in new report.
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The number of lives lost due to viral hepatitis infections is increasing and already accounts for 3,500 deaths daily, according to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO) released on Tuesday.
The disease is the second leading infectious cause of death globally, with 1.3 million deaths per year, the same as tuberculosis, another top infectious killer, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) 2024 Global Hepatitis Report.
“This report paints a troubling picture,” said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “Despite progress globally in preventing hepatitis infections, deaths are rising because far too few people with hepatitis are being diagnosed and treated.”
Swift course correction
Even though better tools for diagnosis and treatment are available and product prices are decreasing, testing and treatment coverage rates have stalled, the UN health agency stated in the report, released at the World Hepatitis Summit.
But, reaching the WHO elimination goal by 2030 should still be achievable, if swift action is taken now, the agency said.
“WHO is committed to supporting countries to use all the tools at their disposal – at access prices – to save lives and turn this trend around,” the UN health agency chief said.
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The waiting area at a health clinic in Rwanda. Hepatitis B birth-dose immunization coverage is only 45 per cent globally, with less than 20 per cent coverage in the WHO African region.
Spike in deaths
More than 6,000 people are getting newly infected with viral hepatitis each day, according to the report. New data from 187 countries show that the estimated number of deaths from viral hepatitis increased from 1.1 million in 2019 to 1.3 million in 2022. Of these, 83 per cent were caused by hepatitis B and 17 per cent by hepatitis C.  Updated WHO estimates indicate that 254 million people live with hepatitis B and 50 million with hepatitis C in 2022. Half the burden of chronic hepatitis B and C infections is among people 30 and 54 years old, with 12 per cent among children. Men account for 58 per cent of all cases.
Gaps in diagnosis and treatment 
Across all regions, only 13 per cent of people living with chronic hepatitis B infection had been diagnosed and approximately three per cent, or seven million, had received antiviral therapy at the end of 2022, falling far below global targets to treat 80 per cent of people living with chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C by 2030. The burden of viral hepatitis also varies regionally. The WHO African Region bears 63 per cent of new hepatitis B infections, yet despite this burden, only 18 per cent of newborns in the region receive the hepatitis B birth-dose vaccination. In the western Pacific region, which accounts for 47 per cent of hepatitis B deaths, treatment coverage stands at 23 per cent among people diagnosed, which is far too low to reduce mortality. In addition, despite the availability of affordable generic viral hepatitis medicines, many countries fail to procure them at these lower prices.
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In Chile, new hepatitis treatments mean around 98 per cent of patients recover completely.
Eradicating the epidemic
The WHO report outlines a series of actions to advance a public health approach to viral hepatitis, designed to accelerate progress towards ending the epidemic by 2030. They include expanding access to testing and diagnostics, strengthening primary care prevention efforts and shifting from policies to implementation for equitable treatment. But funding remains a challenge, the agency said, with current levels insufficient to meet the needs. WHO said this arises from a combination of factors, including limited awareness of cost-saving interventions and tools and competing health priorities. The new report also highlights strategies for countries to address these inequities and access the tools at the most affordable prices available.
Promote mental health and wellbeing and strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse
Reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from pollution, contamination and tobacco
Achieve universal health coverage and provide access to affordable, essential vaccines and medicines
Reduce global maternal mortality rate to less than 70 per 100,000 live births and under-five mortality to at least 25 per 1,000 live births
End epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria and combat hepatitis and other communicable diseases
Sustainable development hinges on ensuring healthy lives and promoting wellbeing at all ages.
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