#Hwarang fanfcition
taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Twenty
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 3418
         “It’s nice to be alone with my honey,” Hansung smiles as we sit down on a bench in the shade of a tree. “All the dance practices, and school like lessons, and eating, we are with our roommates.”
         “Hansung, we shower at the same time, so we are alone every day,” I shove his shoulder. “I could be reading right now, but I didn’t want you to be all pouty.”
         “How has sleeping with Jidwi been?” He looks up at the cloudless sky; fingers messing with any part of his clothes. “You’ve been sleeping straight through the nights by his side, so that must mean something.”
         I reach out, placing my hands on his to stop his fidgeting. “He’s fine. Gives me my space, makes sure I have enough blanket, doesn’t give kisses like you do, and there’s no cuddles. So, he’s fine, but he’s not you. I miss you.”
         Hansung looks down, a tender smile on his lips. “I miss you at night too. Sunwoo is nothing like you. I have to hold my pillow to my chest and pretend it’s you. It sucks, but I do what I can.”
         “Just power through it,” I lean closer to him. “I mean, once we graduate from Hwarang, you’re going to marry me as quickly as possible. It’s that right?”
         “You’re actually gonna let me marry you? After all the talk of not wanting to because of status, my grandfather, and whatever else. What changed you mind? Did you finally realize that I am the best for you?”
         “Why are you questioning it?” I pout, scrunching my eyebrows together. “Do you not want to marry me anymore? It’s oaky if you’ve changed your mind. I can ask my father to set me up with someone once we get out of here. The only reason he hasn’t is because I am content with being free to go on adventures. After this though, I don’t know how I will feel about adventures.”
         “No,” he cups my face in his hands. “No, no. My mind was made up years ago. You’re the one for me. I just, don’t want something to happen to me, and you’re left alone. It will be an adventure. Our life together will be an adventure.”
         “So, we’re okay?” I search his face for something that even I don’t know.
         “We are great,” he presses his lips to my nose. “Sorry if I freaked you out. You are still my favorite person, Ara.”
         “As are you,” I giggle, leaning away from Hansung. “I wonder what the other boys are doing.”
         “BanRyu was studying, Sooho won’t stop asking him for his memories. Jidwi is in bed feeling ill, Yeowool is off somewhere doing whatever it is he does to stay pretty. And Sunwoo was picking flowers last I saw him. Everyone has their own agenda for our break.”
         “It seems like it,” I nibble on my bottom lip. “Master Wihwa has been gone for some time now, and I miss him in a weird way. I can’t help but feel like something is happening that he doesn’t like. That something is going to be changing around here that will throw off the balance.”
         “He does what he can to keep the Hwarang safe.”
         “I don’t think it’s a matter of our safety,” I look over at the covered walkway. “More like, someone is going to disrupt our way of life here.”
         In the next moment, I notice Ahro fast walking in our direction. She looks off in a way that I have rarely seen her.
         “You get feelings like this all the time,” Hansung places a hand on my thigh. “We’ll have to wait and see if you are right.”
         “Hold on,” I brush Hansung’s hand off me, standing up with a leap. “I’ll be right back, I have to check on Ahro,” I glance down at my favorite person before rushing off to Ahro’s side.
         From a distance, her eyes look puffy as if she was crying just moments ago. The closer I get, the more that observation seems correct as I see the redness around her eyes. The fast pace of her walk like she wants to run away from whatever has broken her.
         “Ahro,” I call out, my hand resting on her shoulder.
         The two of us stop walking, facing one another in a second. Ahro’s tear stained cheeks breaking my heart.
         “Who did this to you?” I ball my free hand into a fist.
         Ahro shakes her head, wiping tears off her cheeks.
         “If it was Jidwi, I swear, he has another thing coming.” I set my jaw in anger. “No one does this to my best friend and gets away with it.”
         “No,” she chokes out. “Brother…lie…I just want to be alone,” she sniffles. “To figure everything out.”
         I take a deep breath to relax, “Don’t go too far. I am here to help when you get back, okay?”
         She nods, patting the hand I have on her shoulder. “Thank you.”
         “We’ll be okay. Tough girls are made to be pushed, and we have the energy to push back,” I tenderly smile.
         Ahro is rushing away in the next second, tears threatening to spill once again. Her strength to hold back the waterfall of tears slowly breaking.
         I shuffle back to Hansung, carefully sitting down between his legs.
         Ahro’s words echo in my mind as I try to piece together the little that she was able to get out to me. The fact that she couldn’t even stand to talk to me about it feels like a punch to the gut. She is hurt more than any other time that I have seen her.
         “Everything okay, honey?” Hansung wraps his arms around my middle, pulling me back into his chest.
         “No,” I sigh, closing my eyes to help process everything. “Not for Ahro, and the same is true for Sunwoo. Actually, that’s probably not even his name.”
         “What are you talking about?”
         “Ahro’s brother isn’t that boy who claims to be. There is something deeper going on, and Ahro is heartbroken. She doesn’t even know what she wants him to be. Brother or not, but either way, it will hurt her. I mean, they didn’t look anything alike, so it makes sense. But, how could she not trust him?”
         “Then who is he?”
         “Ahro couldn’t get anything out other than to tell me he was lying,” I wiggle into Hansung’s chest. “She’ll tell me when she is ready, so I just have to wait.”
         “What about Sunwoo? You could just ask him.”
         “I am going to give that boy the cold shoulder for a little while. It’s their drama, but I do hate that he hurt my best friend. She like him, wanted to be close to him, but he lied for whatever reason that we may never understand. I can’t believe this happening. This place is crazy.”
         “You need a nap,” Hansung runs a hand through my hair. “Just, relax, and know everything will work out. I am sure of that.”
         “Easy for you to say,” I barely smile. “You don’t have anything to worry about.”
         “Oh, I do, but I don’t let it run my life. Trust me, my life isn’t always big smiles and good memories. It all will work out in the end, though. You trust me, don’t you.”
         “Of course I trust you, Hansungie. I trust you more than anything.”
         “Then we can face this problem head on.”
         “At least Hwarang is helping us reach new heights.”
         I sigh, walking into the medical office as my feet are on fire. The chances of Ahro being here after how I saw her yesterday is small, but I’m sure that I can figure out what cream is used on my feet and apply it. The tricky part will be wrapping them back up as good as her, but I can always get Hansung to help me.
         “Ara, what brings you here?” Ahro spins around from her shelf of medical supplies.
         “I wasn’t expecting to see you here,” I mess with the ends of my sleeves. “I need cream for my feet, so that’s why I’m here.”
         “Sit down,” she motions at the cot in the room. “I’ll fix you right up.”
         “Are you okay?” I take as seat on the cot, slipping my boots off slowly as to reduce the pain that shoots through me like lightning. “The boys have been a bit off since you ran out. Well, just two of my new roommates, really. All of them are weird in their own way, so who am I to judge.”
         Ahro kneels in front of me, carefully removing the bandages. “How are you? Boy troubles calming down or staying the same?”
         “I think that Hansung and I are set, but it might just be because we are all happy from the thanksgiving dance we are practicing. Or the fact that I actually feel safe in welcomed since moving rooms. Either way, we have been acting way too close.” I hiss as the cream Ahro is rubbing on me hits a raw patch.
         “Sorry, sorry,” Ahro grimaces as she dabs at the area with a cloth. “Take a deep breath and try to focus on something else.”
         “Sooho won’t stop asking about his lost memories,” I take a deep breath to push the pain away. “Yeowool really likes being pretty with me, but I hate being like a doll. He can sit around fanning himself if he wants, but I like to go out and get a little dirty. Then BanRyu hasn’t been a complete ass. Sometimes I wonder what is going on in his head.”
         “I never thought I’d hear you say that,” she stands up, walking over to her shelf. “What about…” She trails off, but I know who she wants to bring up.
         “Jidwi and Sunwoo? Both seem distant. Jidwi seems to be thinking of something or someone. I know a boy in love, and that might just be him. Then Sunwoo just seems sad. To top it off, something is off. A bad event is coming up, and I just want everyone to be okay.”
         “How do you know?” Ahro is back in front of me, expertly wrapping my feet back up. “Did you have a dream?”
         “No, not a dream. I just have a feeling,” I shrug. “Someone is going to disrupt life here, and then it may all go to hell.”
         “You don’t know who?” Ahro stands up once again, walking over to the shelf to put the bandages away.
         I slowly slip my feet into my boots. “All I get are feelings. I don’t know exactly what is going to happen. If I did, maybe then people would stop calling me lucky and respect me.”
         “Did you have a have a feeling,” she takes a shuddering breath, “that Sunwoo. That he wasn’t my brother?”
         I look up to see Ahro looking at me with tears welling up in her eyes. “You look nothing alike, and he didn’t know your mother was mute, so, it wasn’t much of a feeling, really. More of a looking at the facts.”
         “Of course,” she forcefully shakes her head. “I’m such an idiot.”
         “Ahro, you know that’s not true. There must be a reason. One you can’t understand at this time. Hansung told me that worrying will get you nowhere, and you just have to let it all work out. It will all work out in the end. At least, that is what he thinks.”
         “Why would he lie? He played with my emotions! I like him, and wanted to believe my brother was back to cheer me up. But that was not worth some boy lying to me!”
         “I know, I know,” I stand up, taking a step towards my friend. “But, he was doing his best. He really cares for you, and he’s beating himself up over hurting you. All he’s ever wanted to do is protect you. Even if those feelings just started, that is his main goal right now.”
         Ahro breaks our gaze, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Jidwi is trying to make a move, and at least I know he’s not lying to me. Or maybe he is. How can I trust anyone?”
         “Don’t do anything rash,” I run a few fingers through my hair. “Both of us need to think everything through so we don’t make a big decision with our emotions. You can always trust me, I promise you.”
         “Do your feet feel okay?” Ahro looks up; the conversation from moments ago now dropped.
         “Much better, thank you,” I slightly smile, shifting around on my feet. “I’ll see you around, Ahro. If you need me, just come and find me. I’m always here. Kind of against my will, but here nonetheless.”
         Her mouth twitches with the hint of a smile, “I know. Just, right now, I need some time alone to think. To think about what was just said. To trust that you know what you are talking about.”
         I nod, words will no longer be of help. Then I turn on my heel and exit the way I came.
         Oh Ahro, my friend through thick and thin. This isn’t the same grief as losing your mother. That we could prove as fact, and I was there with you through that healing process. I never had a mother, so I felt like a piece of me had broken when she left as well. I felt like nothing could be any worse. Then we grew up. I felt the pain of having to push away feelings for the only boy who understands me, and you always had the hope that your only brother was out there somewhere and that he would come back. That your family would be pieced back together. Now, it seems like even more cracks have appeared, and that must hurt more than anything else. I can only say that I understand pain, but I will never understand this pain. I am so sorry, Ahro. What did either of us do to deserve this?
         “Whoa,” Hansung’s eyes widen as the Princess of Silla walks onto the balcony across from the one that Sooho, Yeowool, Hansung, and I are relaxing on.
         I roll my eyes, fanning myself with Yeowool’s hand fan. I may hate the title of Hwarang Princess, but I will defend my title against anyone who thinks they can dismiss it.
         Princess Sookmyung, the complete opposite of me. Her long dark brown hair lies flat, held up by a royal clip. The pools of her eyes a solid brown, and her smooth skin makes her look more like a doll. She’s thin, as she was sent away because of some illness, and hasn’t done much in years. She was trained like a knight, but I doubt she’ll ever use her training. Her husband is the only thing for sure in her life, even if it’s to her brother, the faceless king. In some regards, I pity her.
         “I’ve never seen a princess before,” Hansung has a look of awe on his face as he turns to look Yeowool and my way.
         “Hurt,” I scoff.
         “You’re a different princess,” Yeowool runs his index finger over my cheek.
         “Why is she here?” Sooho asks, no longer looking out at the princess.
         “To ruin my only girl thing here,” I grumble, tossing the fan at Yeowool.
         “Yeowool chuckles, “Oh Ara, no need to be jealous. She’s here to be wed, of course.”
         Hansung and Sooho’s faces fall into looks of confusion as they look back at the princess.
         “She is at the perfect age for marriage.”
          “Great,” I sigh as I see how much attention Hansung is giving the royal girl. A pang of hurt shooting through my heart. “Why else would the doll come to the Hwarang house? Ruining my life.”
         “It is filled with top, eligible, young masters,” Yeowool pats my shoulder in comfort. “She’s looking for a spouse.”
         “Her mother probably wants her to marry the king, to keep bone states and whatnot,” I bite my bottom lip. “I hate it. I hate the cursed system.”
         “She is not my type,” Sooho folds his arms over his stomach, looking back at us.
         “And your type is me?” I tease, seeing Hansung whip around to look at us again. “Flattery won’t cheer me up.”
         “The Hwarang Princess,” Hansung winks at me. “Better than the one born royal.”
         “Of course you’re my type, Ara,” Sooho tenderly smiles. “A special girl in this sea of boys, and different than that princess. She’s not like her mother at all. Why is a woman so cold? She does not smile.”
         “She has no reason to be cold with the life she was born into,” I can feel my face tighten in anger.
         “What are you even talking about, Sooho?” Yeowool confusingly looks at the boy.
         “Her mother is colder, is she not?” Hansung’s eyebrows are knit together.
         “She’s the devil,” I apologetically shrug at Sooho. “Sorry, but my life has been hell because of bone rank and such. If they would just do away if that ruined system, everyone’s life would be so much freer.”
         “No need to worry about it,” Sooho waves my words of hatred off.
         “I am jealous of her outfit,” I shake my head. “Stupid, I know, but I like how it’s a brighter version of ours in a way. Not quite, but close to it. And, of course, it’s a dress.”
         “Do you think she’ll want to talk to you?” Hansung has perked up.
         “She’ll probably want to dual Ara for top spot as female,” Yeowool picks up his fan to use. “Both beautiful in their own way, and talented with weapons.”
         “Thank you, Yeowool,” I slightly smile, leaning into the pretty boy. “I’d rather not take down the princess though.”
         “Confident that you’d be able t beat her in a sword fight?” Sooho grins.
         “I’m good at sword wielding, archery, and knives,” I catch the princess walking away from the balcony. “You boys don’t know how good I am. Mainly because you never let me show you.”
         “I know,” Hansung sits up straighter. “I’ve been on adventures with you.”
         “Is that code for something?” Yeowool fans my face.
         I shove off the boy, a chuckle bursting past my lips. “No, not at all. It’s just the word I use to say I’m going out and exploring. Hansungie has accompanied me many times. He’s also had to carry me back home several times after I hurt myself.”
         “That’s cute,” Sooho tenderly smiles. “Why can’t a date with me be an adventure?”
         “Because she’s-” Hansung starts before I cut him off.
         “I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” I stand up, reaching for the sky to stretch my back. “It’s all for the best, as we are both in Hwarang.”
         “She’s smart, don’t forget it,” Yeowool pokes my side with his fan.
         I swat at the fan. “That’s what happens when you are stuck inside for years. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go write a letter to my father, and clear my head. Too much is happening in a short time, and it’s not going to slow down.”
         “This was your feelings,” Hansung points at me.
         “Feeling?” Sooho curiously looks at me. “What does that mean?”
         I shrug, “I just had a feeling that something was going to change around here, and those feelings have never been about something good. Then, the princess shows up for no reason, and I can only assume that life here is going to get a little crazy until she leaves. If she ever leaves,” I place a hand on my hip. “There were things happening that I thought of strange, so it’s not like my feeling wasn’t base on some sort of fact.”
         “Life around here isn’t easy, anyways,” Yeowool says.
         “I agree,” Hansung lets out breath.
         “All you boys know is easy,” I chuckle. “We have barely done anything yet, other than the chores, and you already make it seem like we have been here for years.”
         “Ara’s right,” Sooho places his hands on his knees as he leans forward. “We need to pull ourselves together and be ready for whatever comes our way.”
         “Her feeling already came true, though,” Yeowool rolls his eyes. “The princess showed up.”
         “She hasn’t done anything yet,” I turn on my heel. “I’ll see you boys later than. Don’t do anything stupid without me!”
**** ++++ **** ++++ **** ++++ **** ++++ **** 
Hope you enjoyed reading! A bit of a filler chapter, but there were still a lot of important things said! There may be another chapter before the end of the month, but we’ll see! Please, as always, let me know what you thought!
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taehyungiestummy · 5 years
Lucky -- Chapter Nineteen
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Masterlist     Previous     Next
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3227
         “I am in so much trouble, Ahro,” I groan, dropping my head into my hands. “I shouldn’t be here.”
         “Here as in my clinic, or here as in Hwarang?” Ahro unwraps my feet, throwing away the dirty bandages into a bucket.
         I pull my head up, shifting around on the cot. “Hwarang. Being in your clinic is good because this is the only time we can talk.” I hold out my feet to see the little redness.
         “Your feet have not been bleeding, right? Stopping the bleeding is my most important goal.”
         “Nope, no bleeding. Just tender from some rubbing still,” I sigh, letting my legs relax. “I wish that they would just fit like normal, but I guess my feet are just too small.”
         “So, what is troubling you?” Ahro begins mixing some medicine cream for my feet.
         “I have four boys trying to, how do I say it? Win my love?” I chuckle, shaking my head. “It sounds so stupid, but I can understand why some of them would go after the only girl in this crazy place.”
         “That doesn’t sound stupid at all,” Ahro walks back over to me, kneeling down to be closer to my feet. “You are very pretty, I’m surprised more boys aren’t trying to get you to fall in love with them.”
         “I think most are afraid of me. I mean, they should be, but you can still come up to me. If they aren’t afraid, then they don’t want to be associated with the lucky title that I will never accept.”
         “So, what boys think that they can get you?” She begins slowly applying the could cream to my feet.
         “Hansung, as always, but I am letting him in so close. Yeowool, the pretty boy just loves to flirt, which can be fun banter at times. Sooho, but he swears I’ll go on a date with him one day, no matter how much I tell him our friendship is too important to me. And then Jidwi. He’s a bit more confusing than the other three, since it’s been clear from our conversations that he likes you.”
         “Yup, he likes me from the advances he’s made. The state of my clinic is the result of his feelings towards me.”
         I take a good look around that clinic that has been upgraded with every fancy and expensive item in Silla. It is not what I expected when I walked in, so I held my tongue. Ahro has surprised me more than once, so having an over-the-top clinic could have just been one of those surprises.
         “I didn’t want to say anything, but,” I nibble on my bottom lip, trying to come up with a nice way to say that the room is loud.
         “It is way over the top, I know,” Ahro sighs, standing up and walking away to get bandages. “I yelled at him.”
         I chuckle, “It was a sweet attempt, though. He seems to be knowledgeable about many things, but women is not one of those things. It is like he grew up without access to many other people, and they taught him nothing about relationships of any kind.”
         “He forced himself on me, so that is clear evidence that he is an idiot when it comes to women.” She has made her way back to me, and is kneeling once again to be near my feet. “Such a pervert, but he can have his good moments.”
         “He’s a good dancer,” I shrug. “Your brother, not so much.”
         “I’m having my doubts that he is actually my brother,” she begins wrapping my feet with the bandages. “He didn’t know our mother was mute. Is that something that you would forget being gone as long as he was?”
         I suck in a breath, “That’s a big thing to forget. Even if he has been gone for quite some years now. Knowing that your own mother is mute isn’t something that most people would easily forget. She wasn’t even my mother, but I remember that.”
         “She loved you like a daughter, and knew that you had no mother to look to,” Ahro sadly smiles. “At times, I really wish he was my brother. I have been waiting for my brother to come back for years. Still, there are other times I don’t want him to be my brother. Ah, I can’t take it, Ara.”
         “I’ll always be here for you, I hope you know that,” I stand up at the same time she does. “Just because I’m training means nothing. Friends before Hwarang. Forever and always.”
         “No, I don’t want to ever take you away from your training. Even though it is super sweet that you think that way. You keep working hard, and come here from time to time so that I can make sure your feet are as okay as possible.”
         “Of course,” I pull her into a hug. “I work hard to prove to those around me that I was never handed anything. But you are my best friend, so I can come to your side if you need me.”
         “Hansung is also your best friend,” she pats my back. “And he will always be by your side. That’s my advice for you.”
         I sigh, “I now. He’s my life. If he were gone, I don’t know what I’d do. Who I would go to?”
         “That will not happen for years, so you have nothing to worry about.”
         We pull away, holding each other out by the shoulders. A soft smile graces Ahro’s lips, and I know that my goofy smile must be plastered on my face.
         “You should probably head back to whatever it was you were doing before coming in here,” Ahro giggles.
         “Dance practice, actually,” I shake my head. “I never thought that is something I would ever say, yet here I am having to go back to dance practice.”
         “For the festival coming up, yeah?” She pulls her arms away.
         I let my arms fall to my sides. “That would be it. I swear, if someone runs into me one more time, I may lose my mind. How hard is it to just let the music flow through your body like water?”
         “Boys will never understand dance, so good luck with teaching them how not to trip over their own feet.”
         I chuckle, “With the fact that we all have to do good to pass, I probably will be teaching them a lot.”
         “Yell at them if you have to. You have my permission.”
         “This is why you’re my best friend, Ahro. You and I think almost the same.”
         I groan as the noise from the boy’s practicing their different instruments keeps me awake. Even with them outside, and so many walls in between, I can still hear them as clear as ever. All I want to do is fall into a deep sleep, but that will never be easy with the terrible music they are producing. It is like they are punishing all of Hwarang for a reason that I was not informed of.
         “Honey,” Hansung whispers, gently shaking me by the shoulders. “Are you awake?”
         I flip onto my back, eyes wide open as I stare up at the boy staring down at me. “No, I am fast asleep thanks to the lovely music. Can’t you tell?” I scowl, sarcasm dripping off my every word.
         “I’m sorry,” he clutches his pillow closer to his chest. “It is a bit loud and annoying, but they do have to practice like everyone else. If only that could do it a bit quieter.”
         “A bit?” I rub my left hand over my face in hopes to wipe away the tiredness. “Hansungie, I can’t sleep, and I am so tired,” I push my bottom lip out slightly. “Why must they practice at night? Was the day not good enough? Is it because the festival is at night, so they need to practice in the dark? What about a room with no windows?”
         Hansung lowly chuckles, “I think you know the answer to all of those.”
         “I just want to cry,” I take a slow deep breath.
         “Come on. Grab your pillow, we’re moving.”
         “Moving? Like running away to a new city to get married?” I feel my brain already coming up with hundreds of ways that we could possibly escaping from Hwarang.
         Hansung smirks, “Just moving to a different room. However, if you want to get married, we can go and do that instead, I have no objections.”
         I sit up, grabbing my pillow from behind me. “No, no, I just spoke too soon. I’m so tired…Wait, why are we moving?”
         “Because I said so, now come on,” he holds his hand out for me. It is like he is giving me a choice: to grab his hand and follow him anywhere, or just lie back down and forget his offer. There is no choice though, and we both know it.
         I sigh, placing a hand in his so he can help me stand up. “Can we even do this? We have name tags, and we had a chance to switch roommates at the beginning.”
         “Doesn’t matter, don’t care,” he starts pulling me towards the door. “I’m sick of these boys. I am sick of the way they treat you, and I hate how they look at you. If we get in trouble for leaving, so be it.”
         In the next moment, we are out in the hall, and Hansung has no hesitation on where he is going. It is like he has thought about this very chance to escape from our room for a few nights now. I have no doubt in my mind that this is a moment he has been looking forward to.
         “The Hell Room?” I let a yawn pass through my lips, rubbing my right eye with my fist.
         “They are our friends,” Hansung can’t help yawning after me. “And accept you for all that you and are not. Unlike some other people in this place. I think they will be great roommates.”
         I barely smile, wiggling my hand out of Hansung’s grasp. “I can’t argue with that.”
         Hansung slides the door to the room open, stepping in with me close behind.
         All five boys are awake, and their gazes land on Hansung and I as we stand at the front of their room. I don’t blame them for being confused on why we have suddenly appeared.
         “Hansung?” Sooho pushes up onto his elbows. “Ara? What are you doing here?”
         I shrug, shuffling over to Sooho’s bed, not really sure who I will sleep with. At this point, I could curl up on the hard wood floor and pass out. Anything is better than being awake at this point.
         Hansung rushes over to a bunkbed, climbing to the top where Yeowool is. “I cannot sleep because of the noise, I need to study too, so we are sleeping here from now on. I have already decided that.”
         “Are you going to sleep with me, Ara?” Sooho smirks, scooting over as if making room for me in his bed.
         I look over to see Hansung watching the exchange from the ladder. The boy wears his heart on his sleeve, but his face is completely blank as he waits for my answer. Though I can’t even think to open my mouth to reply to Sooho. There is no one answer that could make both boys happy.
         “Princess, come lay by me,” Jidwi speaks up, giving me an out. “None of those boys are pure enough for you.”
         I giggle, skipping to the back of the room. “I am a princess.”
         Jidwi softly smiles at me, scooting over and lifting the blanket for me to climb in. “You are a special girl, that is for sure.”
         “Hansung, are you not jealous of Ara sleeping in another man’s bed?” Sooho speaks up. “I know that I kind of hate it.”
         “I am here favorite person,” Hansung is not in Sunwoo’s bed. “She loves me, so I don’t need to worry.”
         I roll my eyes, settling in beside Jidwi in his bed. “Hopefully, in a new room, with people that I actually like, I will be able to sleep.”
         “This is unbelievable,” BanRyu grumbles.
         “Try and sleep,” Jidwi moves hair off my shoulder. “Don’t mind those idiots.”
         I sigh, closing my eyes.
         Even with the drums loud annoying noise going on outside, I feel at peace. Finally safe in this room of the Hwarang house. Sleep takes me into its sweet hold in minutes.
         I twirl my practice sword, watching as the six boys closest to me spar one another. “You know, I want to practice my sword skills too. I am not a weakling. I bet I could take most of you down. If only I was giving the chance.”
         “Well, it is only because we have an odd number,” Sunwoo glances at me, offering an apologetic smile.
         “Sure, sure it is,” I bring my sword down between Jidwi and Sunwoo’s swords. “You boys sure are funny. Mind telling me why you really don’t want to fight against me?”
         “I’d fight you,” BanRyu evilly grins at me.
         “And yet, you aren’t,” I roll my eyes. “What’s the point of me even being out here if you will not let me show how badass I am?”
         “Guys,” Sooho smiles, looking around at everyone. His gaze enough to say what we all are thinking at the back of our minds.
         “Go?” Hansung widely smiles around at everyone.
         We all look around at one another, smiles growing on our faces as we all agree without saying a word. This proves to me how perfectly I fit with these boys, and how changing rooms was truly the best decision we could make.
         “One, two, three,” Sooho counts off as we all spin into position for the dance we’ve been tasked to learn.
         “Come on guys,” I giggle as the back row, consisting of Sunwoo, BanRyu, and Yeowool, keep running into one another. “You need to find your flow.”
         “Do it right,” Jidwi spits out, glaring at the back row.
         “What do I have to do to get you to do it right?” I almost run into a sword as I can’t keep my eyes off Hansung’s fluid movements.
         “What are you willing to give up, Hwarang Princess?” Yeowool angrily sighs as Sunwoo bumps into him again.
         “Every time you perfectly do your moves, I’ll kiss your cheek,” I grin, looking around at the wide-eyed boys. “If you want, of course.”
         “Let’s go again, boys,” Sooho snaps his fingers.
         I chuckle as the dance starts over, and I’m floating between the boys. I am like a butterfly in the wind as I avoid swords and hit all my moves with ease and perfection. Ahro is right, boys will never understand dance like us girls do.
         “Ara, I am doing perfect,” Hansung pouts as he taps my thigh with his sword.
         I swiftly press a kiss close to the corner of Hansung’s mouth. “Always perfect.” I drift away, noticing that a group has gathered off in the distance to watch our dance. “We have a crowd,” I chuckle.
         “Great,” BanRyu grumbles. “Just what I wanted everyone to see. Us dancing.”
         “You know you’re enjoying it,” Sooho glances back at the one he hasn’t called enemy for a while. Still, there is a tension between them that I can’t quite put my finger on.
         “Dancing is freeing,” I press a kiss to Jidwi’s cheek. “Think of how happy people will be as they watch us. Our goal is to make the people happy, and it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.”
         “They will be laughing at us like those boys over there,” Yeowool nods at the group that has gathered to gawk at us.
         “They are probably wishing to be one of you, since you get kisses from the only girl,” I press a kiss to Hansung and then Sooho’s cheek. “Feel special boys?”
         “No,” the back row groans, messing up again and avoiding my kisses.
         “I don’t want a kiss form you, anyways,” BanRyu glares at me.
         “She’s beautiful and you’re an idiot,” Yeowool flashes a smile at me.
         “That is sweet of you to say, Yeowool. However, I don’t want to kiss him either,” I stick my tongue out at BanRyu for a few seconds.
         “She really only wants to kiss me, so don’t get too cocky,” Hansung stands up a bit straighter.
         “Yet, she slept like a child with me,” Jidwi taunts. “Something she couldn’t seem to do with you.”
         “Hey, I just want us to get this dance to as close as perfect as we are capable of, and will give you an incentive to get us there,” I look around at all the guys. “I like all of you to the same degree, and want us all to be friends. No fighting, please.”
         “She’s the princess,” Sunwoo speaks up. “We have to listen to what she says.”
         “Glad you all understand,” I smirk, getting back into position. “Now, let’s try this again. I know we can get it right if we try hard enough.”
         “Do you have any other words of wisdom, oh princess?” BanRyu shakes his head with a look of disgust on his face.
         “Actually, I do,” I twirl around, pointing at each boy as I do so. “Don’t focus too much on the moves that you get lost in them. Remember that you need to let the music flow through you, and that you can’t be stiff.”
         “Hear that?” Sooho looks around at everyone. “Now, let’s go again.”
         This time around the boys actually seem to take my advice, and the back row flows better than before, but they still mess up enough that they get no kisses from me. The front row on the other hand, have the biggest smiles on their faces from the multitude of cheek kisses that they have gotten.
         “Can I just have a kiss for support?” Yeowool groans.
         “You three are giving a good effort,” I smile, walking over to Yeowool. “We are almost perfect, so I might as well help you get to there.” I press a kiss to Yeowool’s cheek.
         “Stay away from me,” BanRyu holds his sword out to keep me away.
         “Wasn’t even going to get close to you,” I step up to Sunwoo. “You are too worried about messing up, so just relax and the moves will come to you.” I press a kiss to Sunwoo’s cheek. “We all have to start somewhere, but we can all become great.”
         “Do you get wisdom from whoever gave you those eyes?” Sunwoo tilts his head slightly as he stares into my eyes.
         “No, I don’t think so,” I barely shake my head. “Whoever gave me these eyes wasn’t that nice.”
         “A galaxy was placed in your eyes for a reason, though,” Jidwi pulls my attention to him. “That reason is standing around you.”
         I chuckle, stepping back into starting position. “You think so? You think I have night sky eyes is why I am standing with you goofs today?”
         “If they were normal, I doubt you would be with us right now.”
         “Enough of this crap,” BanRyu commands.
         “We can discuss my eyes later,” I chuckle. “Come on, one more time. We are so close.”
**** ++++ **** ++++ **** ++++ **** ++++ **** ++++ **** 
Hope you enjoyed reading! Sorry that it has been a while since an update. Luckily I am now on Summer Break, so I can keep up with posting now. Another chapter should be out no longer than a week from now. And as always, let me know what you thought! :D
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