evoxyr · 4 years
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sylvia hak for @crescendemon‘s bc
party animal ; dance machine / goofball / active
sylvia is the eldest of four children born to struggling parents in willow creek. growing up, she always had to help her parents out, starting out with helping care for her younger siblings and eventually getting a job as soon as possible in her teenage years to assist with the family’s finances... buuuuuuut as soon as she graduated high school, sylvia threw caution to the wind and moved out as soon as possible to san myshuno to pursue a career her parents never approved of: dancing.
fast forward four years, at the age of 22, sylvia’s now become a very successful backup dancer for quite a few big names pop singers (but shhh she’ll never expose who without a fight, although it’s not hard to search on simpedia hehe) and is no stranger to celebrities and fame, although she isn’t really one herself. she flies under the radar and remains unnoticed most of the time due to her position, but that’s just fine by her since she’s doing what she loves.
this career choice did not come with any familial repercussions, however. her parents are a little prouder of her than they once were, as she is now able to send money home to support her parents and younger siblings (especially since sylvia has paid off her sister veronica’s student loan debts and is continuing to support her through university)... yet they still think she needs to find a “real” job before her “luck” runs dry, despite the fact she’s incredibly skilled and spent all her free time time outside of work and school as a teenager working out and training herself.
despite being quite responsible and grounded due to her upbringing, sylvia loves to let loose. yeah, she does have a great sense of humour and will goof off every now and then, but she also goes a step further: she loves a raging party. she loooooooooves them. do not challenge her to a dance battle. you will not win. if you don’t challenge her, she will 100% get you adequately inebriated and drag you out to the dance floor with her. maybe she gets a little too wild... but hey, when you gotta let loose, you gotta let loose! sylvia worked her ass off to get where she is now, and she does live in a small cozy apartment to save her money and help support her family... she feels she deserves at least a little bit of wildness 👀👀👀 though she might take “a bit” a lil far oopsies
other facts
sylvia’s last relationship ended because her girlfriend felt like she was away too much due to work and was more committed to her job than her relationship... but that was over 2 years ago, before she truly found her footing with her career. despite this, sylvia has had commitment anxiety since, although she has casually dated a few people here and there, but never taking the full plunge into a relationship with them
her relationship with her parents is still strained, but they all love each other nonetheless
although she did get her tattoos after her first few paycheques out of spite (they’re still not happy about it)
sometimes she does wonder if she should’ve gone to school to pursue a different career instead, and insecurity gets the best of her
veronica, her 20 year old sister, is kind of bitter about sylvia just “fleeing” after she graduated high school. veronica finds it selfish as now she was left to patch up the holes sylvia left, but other than that they don’t have that many problems
she’s currently in sulani wrapping up video advertisement for a swimwear company and loving the sun and sea (her morning run has never provided her with a better view!)
initially she was just looking for an excuse to stay in sulani and just browsing what was going on... she didn’t wanna just enter any random bachelor challenge and toy with someone’s heart, but then she realized it was michael, someone she kinda had a celebrity crush on as a kid
the awestruck crush feeling for him has mostly faded as now she realizes celebrities are people too and shouldn’t really be idolized... though she still definitely finds him super SUPER attractive and figured she’d shoot her shot, why not? she hears he can party pretty hard too ;)
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