#I LOOOOVE this episode for them
itsallaboutbl · 2 months
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Who the hell are you?
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soupdreamer · 26 days
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rashawn and ross the duo you are
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Cousin Vinny aka Vin Diesel
Abbott Elementary | 02×04: Principal's Office
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ozzieinspacetime · 3 months
Forgot to post abt the last few tmagps but. I'm sensing a polyarchives 2.0 and I am THRILLED about it,, Gwen/Teddy/Alice/Samama/Celia I believe in you <3 you can succeed where Sasha/Tim/John/Martin failed. You can be the miserable polyamorous rep I need!!! Trust me guys I can see it.
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maulfucker · 7 months
Poast about the "fucking some guy" saga behind the scenes because I can't shut up about it :]
The idea of this series started as just some Maul porn (possibly as a kinda flashback in what became They finally fuck each other this time) where he fucks a guy. Originally i was thinking of going with a twi'lek because they're what we see as sex workers the most in canon, and also the idea of them having two dicks (to match the two headtails) entertains me
As mentioned before, the base of They finally fuck each other this time is actually a wip I've had for Months and didn't know where to go with
There was a scene in the wip where Obi-Wan gives Maul a patdown to check if he's really unarmed, but it was not homoerotic enough and felt kinda out of place and out of character so I cut it
(There were also supposed to be more scenes with Bo-Katan, but once again. did not fit well enough.)
There was gonna be a scene like right after they fuck where Obi-Wan gets a call from the Jedi Council because he's been gone and out of contact for Hours so of course they're worried. and he's like. "oh don't worry I was just having a conversation with a slightly paranoid possible new ally. nothing much going on :) " [<- his neck is visibly covered in hickeys and bite marks]
[yoda voice] some bacta you need. terrible post coital manners your new friend has.
The original original idea continues well after where I ended the series, and involved Maul being imprisoned after Bo-Katan gets the throne except he's put in like. a ray-shielded apartment. and Obi-Wan has to live with him. because there's no way simple technology can keep a Force user imprisoned so they should have a jedi guard him, and Bo-Katan asked him so nicely, how could he possibly refuse to submit to the torture of living a domestic life with his nemesis with benefits.
And from then on it's all just. silly gay slice of life.
Very awkward jedi visits because everyone wants to see how Obi-Wan is doing but they're all distrustful of Maul even though he's just. vibing in his corner. sipping tea or reading a book. ignoring everyone staring at him.
VERY awkward Anakin and Padmé visit because he Senses she is pregnant and the children (he can feel it's twins) are Force-sensitive and he's like. well that's Interesting [<- doing his best not to bring up the topic of fucking jedi]
(the visit slowly turns into talking about the merits of leaving the Jedi Order for love and how that's totally fine and not a betrayal of one's morals and if someone wanted to stop being a jedi to go marry a senator and become a father that would be totally fine Anakin we would all be so happy for you. hypothetically.)
A mandalorian tries to "jailbreak" Maul but he's like. I'm fine where I am, so no thank you. and this probably happens like once a month.
Arguing about tea (it's like a hobby for them) (force help anyone who visits them during these arguments, they WILL force people to take sides)
And more!
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5-pp-man · 6 months
migi n dali just keeps getting better. ep 10 was crazyyyyy i was on the edge of my seat the entire time, and if i wasnt it was just so sweet or hilarious. this show is the perfect blend of emotions honestly.
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strayslost · 9 months
love how dazai, sigma and atsushi are all getting killed by their boyfriends.
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 1 year
i love my podcast so much. the horrors <33
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godslittlesadge · 1 year
been watching ats and got to season 4 loving cordelia to bits. my roommate who im watching with tells me "hey so uh. you might want to get prepared to expect that situation changing soon shit gets pretty bad [cause of the pregnancy thing]" and i was like "im sure they couldn't have done anything that bad" << CLUELESS
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hecksupremechips · 2 years
I’m writing a "love confession/first time having sex with each other" scene for my ocs and like. I think the way I write sex is fucking gay. Because I’m a fucking lame ass idiot who focuses on the "you don’t know how long I’ve wanted this" and the "you’re allowed to touch me, I WANT you to" or the "omg you wear boxers with little dolphins on them akjdkska???" stuff instead of the "his COCK was HUUUGE" shit
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deanpinterester · 5 months
i think my general thoughts on the percy show is just that they're way overcomplicating everything
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Ooh okay promo time!!
Oop a girl in the ER, back to patients where we need to figure out what's wrong (I mean instead of planned patients), entirely at least.
Uh ohhh
Oof Lim I think it would be better for both of you, and everyone else, to at least be a little better than that xdd
Ooooh a discussion/confrontation (not in a bad way, hopefully) between Shaun and Lim 👀👀
Looks intense o.o
The episode I mean
I'm thinking maybe the talk will be at the end and it will end well, or well-ish at least? Idk though we'll have to see 😬
So yeah! That's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I loooved this episode! We got to see some new pairs, and some old pairs, and it was a switch up of format with all the related patients and teams. Very interesting! We also had the Shea angst 😭😭, which is awful, but they'll work through it <3. Right now though, it's best to just feel their feelings :( :/. Poor guys <333.
So about the case over all, I thought it was super interesting! They're all technically connected but also complete separate cases, though they have mostly the same start conditions (like, premature and all that). It was a great narrative device for the different pairs of people, and of course fit with the general baby theme this episode :).
First off, Shaun and Lea. I feel sooo bad for them 😭😭😭. The acting is amazing, by the way. Their sadness just feels so real :((. I'm sure it'll work out eventually, even if they can't have biological kids, but it's heartbreaking to see them go through this 😭😭. I'm so glad they have each other though, them supporting each other and not blocking each other out (that's a lot of 'each other's but whatever lol) ❤️❤️❤️. And besides the sadness, they were so cute and excited in the first scene :DD 🥰🥰🥰🥰. The excitd part of course makes it more heartbreaking, but whatever xD. Anyway, in interesting to see where their story goes next, with this part of it I mean. It's sure to be a hard road <33.
Jordan and Glassman, like I said, I'm not surprised didn't work easily together. But kind of like how Powell and Shaun were doing last week, they can challenge each other's ideas and make them better, so that's good :). They needed both of them to do it, and they did manage to overcome a huge obstacle and succeed <3. I'm proud of them, and I'm so glad it did work out :D. Plus that part of Glassman telling Jordan thank you for helping him keep hope? VPBOWNUXBWLJD amazing 🥰🥰🥰. Or not giving on hope or whatever, you know what I mean xD.
Powell and Lim! They were fun this episode :D. Again, they had some bonding, and Powell telling Clay to bring Lim food was sly, and sweet lol xD. Even if that conversation was probably horribly awkward for Lim, I'm glad they have each other that they can talk about this stuff with, even if theyre not in exactly the same situation :)). It looks like Lim will have to confront her feelings about Shaun in the next episode though, so that's sure to cause some tension. But I'm honestly thinking they're going to work it out, and at least partially make up. Oh well, we'll see ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯.
Also this guy is WAY BETTER THAN THE OTHER GUY. If only because it's an actual date lol. But AHH I'm so happy for them :))). Mostly Lim, admittedly xDD, but I think that's warranted. She is the main character of the two of them, to be fair lol. But yeah, I'm really happy for her, they're sweet 🥰🥰. Idk if it'll last last or not, but I'm here for the ride :).
Park and Morgan were cordial this episode lol!! Wild I know xD. Also yes I'm leaving Asher and Jerome for last, you can't stop me xD. Anyway, it was TENSE between these two this episode lol, and it's certainly gonna be rough still in the future (I think I even glimpsed something about that in the summary of one of the next few episodes lol), but I'm glad they're making up, at least a little bit :). I mean, she's inviting him to breakfast so he can help her judge sperm donors XD. That's pretty close if you ask me lol. Like, pretty intimate (platonically I mean) for someone you just made up with. So, I think they are gonna keep reconciling, and who knows? Maybe they will get back together in the future :). Or, maybe they won't! But still, it seems like things are looking up a bit on their front :)). For once xDD. Anyway, yeah, love them 🥰🥰.
Finally, Jerome and Asher :D. Like I said, I'm leaving them for last, let me have this lol. Besides, I can do what I want xD. Anyway, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Okay okay, lol, hoo, I'm fine xD. Anyway, I wanna say again that it's totally fine to not want kids, or to want kids, but people who are opposites on that don't tend to work together. They just want fundamentally different things, and it hurts, but that's okay. So a big reason I'm so happy here is just the fact that this won't cause problems between them xDD, and they'll stay together (even if a breakup wouldn't have been immediate lol).
And also just because they, I can want my favorite couple to have kids okay xDD.
(btw I have many favorites they're not my number one out of all my fandoms lol, and maybe not even of the show, they might be tied with Shea, idk)
Anyway lol. The chicken callback as really sweet 🥰🥰, and BOTH OF THEM SINGING 😭😭😭?? They're (the show) just out here trying to kill me, aren't they xd. But yeah, that scene of Asher singing the same song Jerome sung earlier to the baby? Amazing, 10/10, I love them with my whole heart <33. Anyway, they ended on a good note, so while this does leave the kids thing open for the future, I don't think I really have much to say about specifics of where they're going next story-wise :). Presumably kids, and maybe/probably marriage at some point, but who even knows if that would happen during the run of the show? Eh, anyway, for the immediate future, I'm just excited to see what their next storyline is. And their individual ones! I'm interested in a more individual storyline for Jerome, even as a side character. I'm just thinking that as a supporting who's in a relationship with a main and interacts with them (like bro was the only nurse in the teams of two lol xD), the group of mians that is, it wouldn't be unreasonable :). Anyhoo, we'll see!
Overall, I really loved this episode. There were so many great moments, and I loved the change up of format for the case(s). We did have the sadness of Shaun and Lea's storyline, but it was balanced well. And sometimes, you just gotta have a little sadness lol. It's not a show without angst xD! Not one I'm watching anyway lol. Anyway, I also just really love all my children 🥰🥰. There was a good spread of focus today, which I really liked :D. Plus the cases themselves were different and interesting! I can see a lot of storylines being set up and continued, and many that are continuing are kind of also set ups because it feels like they're moving into the next phase. So, I'm excited to see what comes next! I'm sure it'll be great :).
So yeah! I absolutely adored the episode, I thought it was amazing. Next week looks tense, I'm really excited! This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 7: Boys Don't Cry
I loved it! It was so well-executed. I'm super interested in seeing how everything plays out in the next episode! I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 8: Sorry Not Sorry
See you then!
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celestialprincesse · 2 months
first of, ofc i have notifs on for you. hello? have you read your work? 🙄
second, not sure if you take requests right now but i’d kill for some simon fluff. been sick in bed for the past few days and been dreaming of that big strong military princess taking care of me🤧
Big strong military princess I love him 🎀🫶
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"You look fucking terrible, darl." Simon grumbles as he returns to your shared bedroom, where you currently lay wallowing in self pity, darkness, and a mildly concerning fever. You attempt to level him with what you hope is a steely glare, which isn't made very easy with the way your eyes are so swollen you can barely keep them open. "Soup and then bath, or bath and then soup?" He probes, although he's already hoisting you up by the armpits to carry your lank, worryingly sweaty body to the bathroom, where he props you on a little stool as he fills the bath with steaming hot water and epsom salts. "-lusion of choice." You slur, leaning your head back against the cool bathroom tile in the hope of some reprieve from the way your body feels like it's being slow roasted. "Mm. Yeah." The low rumble of Simon's attempt at seeming interested in your incoherent babbling falls on deaf ears as he turns off the tap and sets to work undressing you, throwing your sweaty pyjamas in the direction of the hamper before easing you into the hot bath. The moment you're submerged, you're already attempting to climb from the bath, grabbing for Simon's shoulders as he keeps you in the tub, splashing and hissing like an angry cat. "Needs to be hot, baby, need to sweat that fever out, yeah?" He croons, holding you until you relax back into the water.
Once you're safely settled back under clean sheets, in fresh pyjamas, the hazy figure of your boyfriend returns to the doorway, this time with a bowl of soup and a spoon balanced with one hand, and your hairbrush in the other. "Right, let's get you fed, hey?" He coaxes, attempting to feed you the soup, which you flat out refuse to let him do. Instead you relegate him to brushing and braiding your wet hair as you sip the chicken broth directly from the bowl, sighing deeply as it warms your insides. The warmth of the soup, paired with the fuzzy haze that's settled across your brain like morning mist in the valley, have you practically falling asleep sitting up. "Done?" It's impossible for Simon to miss the way your head begins to droop and your loosening grasp on the soup bowl, which he grabs before you can spill it all over yourself. "Tired." You rumble, barely holding back a yawn as you snuggle back into Simon's chest, falling asleep not long after to the gentle thump of his heartbeat, and the same episode of Real Housewives you've watched at least four times in a row, having had to restart because you kept falling asleep.
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I loooove you 🦇 anon! Giving me cute ideas!! Thank you!! I very politely need a buff military man to look after me at all times always for the rest of ever pls🫶 Also 🦇, how do you cope with having notifs on for me all I do is come on here and yap🫣
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
good evening :D could I plz request something for Adam and Lucifer (seperate)x reader who really likes watching childish shows?? My little pony, Pokemom, stuff like that!
Adam and Lucifer x reader who loves watching kids shows
I regret reinstalling neko atsume because it led to me reinstalling old clicker games I used to play and oh my God my productivity has taken a nose dive
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I'm not even going to lie, hes going to make fun of you. At least a little bit. ESPECIALLY for you watching my little pony. Absolutely refuses to watch it with you because as far as hes concerned its for little girls. I don't think he would exactly bully you.. but he does tease you and call you a dork. You might get him to sit down and watch a few episodes of pokemon, it might devolve into you guys assigning pokemon to each other or building your dream teams. Naturally, Adam chooses the badass looking pokemon for himself. Bonus if you two have access to the games and you both decide to do some battles.. you.. beat his ass, easily...
Sometimes he does something quietly in the room if you're watching one of your shows. "You tell em fluttershy!" Whenever her, or really any character starts spitting facts. I can see him trying to get into the shows you like, even if he feels a little silly for doing do.. but good lord hes going to get invested in my little pony, real bad. LOOOOVES the villains and loves the songs! You sometimes catch him humming this day aria or winter wrap up. He might make figurines for you, personalized and everything for you to suit your vision of the characters! He.. has to fight himself to not make them duck themed...
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cats-closet · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Lucifer Morningstar and Lilith AND READER!!!!
I am obsessed with Lucifer after the most recent episodes he is my shmookums stupid ass short king
On socials I've found this to be a popular sentiment and those of us that want to give Charlie a sibling seem to have reservations with him having a wife that he's deeply in love with :/
A POLY relationship with BOTH OF THEM!!!
Lilith is so cool and hot I have YET to find any content for this but I love both of then even though Lilith hasn't gotten much time in the show but her design is beautiful she is so gorgeous and I WANT BOTH OF THEM!!!!!
I want to be doted on by Lilith after a long day and for Lucifer to lighten the mood with his shenanigans!!!!
I know it might be hard to make canon but it could be like sooo cute I swear
It cooould be a pre-established love/pinning/crushing before Lucifer falls for Lilith and then he introduces her to you and she also likes you and then like, they both love you and if youre reading this far you also love them :)))
So when Lucifer is cast out of heaven either you're taken with or you choose to go with them and then you guys live happily ever after
You might also meet them later maybe they've already had Charlie and are doing their shit when Lilith discovers you first, her situation is still very mysterious but I loooove the trope of weaker person A (you) finding an injured, stronger person B (Lilith) (maybe hurt by an angel or smn idk idk) :3
My personal characterization of her is that she's very reserved, mature, and closed off so a weak little sinner finding this random possibly dangerous demon and risking their own safety to help them would warm her heart :'0
It seems like right now in the canon Lilith and Lucifer are physically separated right now (still married obvi) so maybe when she finally visits him in his silly little shop she bring you along and youre just like the cutest most pathetic little thing :''O
I don't know if I'm alone in this love for them or if it's silly but like I think it would be delightful >:)
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springheartarts · 11 months
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The Queen Bee of Gluttony I AM IN LOOOOVE with this design! The Lava lamp hair, tail and MID SECTION?! AHHH! It’s so much fun to watch! I keep watching the episode so I can just listen to Cotton Candy and support them. <3 I want it on my Spotify playlist like yesterday!
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