#I almost forgot Nagito bc I do not care about him in the least lol
spittyfishy · 2 years
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And here is our Future Foundation line up for the V3 remnants au! It’s sorta rough lol, I needed to get it done for the animation so I just made up the outfits as I went lol
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shsluckymushroom · 7 years
Komaeda trying desperately to surprise kamukura on his birthday to make him crack a smile?
Sure thing - this might be a little slap dash bc it’s 4 am but I tried my best lol.
AU where Kamukura is just an ordinary born kid who ends up at HPA, I suppose.
If there was something everyone in Class 77-B knew, it was plainly and firmly that Kamukura Izuru was not one for social events. He was not one for idle chatter. And he was not one to ever, ever smile.
Another thing that, most of them knew, was that despite this, Komaeda Nagito followed him around and tried to talk to him so often.
Most just decided to let it be - Kamukura and Komaeda were both, really, seen as the strange ones in their class. Why not let them hang out together...it didn’t seem like they were doing any harm, anyway.
And for all his social awkwardness, Kamukura did seem to at least tolerate the white haired boy. Tolerate, if not completely endorse the presence of.
“Kamukura-kun!” Komaeda practically skipped over to the other’s desk as the bell rang in the air. As always, he had an enigmatic smile that no one could read - but most people thought was creepy or unsettling.
“...Yes, Komaeda?”
It was only lunch, so they didn’t have much time to talk. Kamukura never talked much, really. But Komaeda was the only one to continually approach him even after he’d shot him down so fiercely.
Something like that was at least interesting.
He knew the others whispered about how he was strange, and arrogant, and rude. Standoffish and anti-social. That was fine with Kamukura. He’d never been one to want for friends. He didn’t need them. Of course.
“Um...I was just wondering, Kamukura-kun...can you tell me your birthday?”“January 1st.” He said simply and smoothly, not even looking up from his lunch as he took a bite out of it.
“Oh, that’s New Year’s Day! What a lucky birthday, Kamukura-kun.”
“It is just the same as any other day, Komaeda. It isn’t special.”
Komaeda puffed up slightly, sitting down in the currently empty desk in front of Kamukura’s. “For starters, it’s your birthday, Kamukura-kun...that’s definitely cause for celebration.But having it on New Year’s...ah, that’s definitely lucky.”
“I do not see why.”
“...Aha. I guess you wouldn’t…”
Komaeda often asked him questions like this. It wasn’t exactly irritating, but he had to wonder what his purpose was. He could tell Komaeda didn’t want to use him, or exploit him - he seemed to genuinely just enjoy his company for whatever reason.
How odd.
No one else did, so it was something he took notice of. Komaeda, he supposed, was someone he took notice of.
“But I definitely think it’s special to have a birthday on a holiday, Kamukura-kun. But I’ll definitely remember to remember it as your birthday, and not the holiday. Would that make you feel better?”
“...It makes no difference…”
“Aha...I guess it doesn’t…”
Such conversations about various. Meaningless things such as this took place almost every day. Despite Komaeda’s clear lack of confidence, he still came to talk to him.
And he is the only one…
The months rolled by, and while Kamukura didn’t forget about the conversation, he assumed that the other likely would. After all, it’d just been a brief, four minute conversation. Especially as the holidays came by...why would he remember?
And indeed, as his birthday rolled around, as their class went to a festival planned for the occasion, no one mentioned it. Not even Komaeda, who dragged him around to the various booths.
I should not be surprised that he forgot.
Kamukura’s parents were very clinical, very focused on their work. They saw something like a birthday as a distraction for Kamukura - something that tore his attention away from his so important studies. He had never celebrated one. Never thought it was important.
And yet, when he was younger, sometimes on television, or in class, he’d see children celebrating their birthday, or handing out invitations to their parties, and while he never got one, he could observe and tell that it was something very very important to the children.
Thanks simply for being born…
He couldn’t imagine it. He only got thanks or celebrations, briefly, when he did extremely well on tests or was exceptionally diligent. It was extremely rare. So to be given thanks simply for being born...it seemed like such a foreign and unknown concept to him. Praise was not something given. It was something earned, and even then, only rarely and with the top efforts.
I should not have expected…
“Kamukura-kun.” Komaeda smiled up at him after the fireworks were over and the others had gone back to the booths. “Did you have a good birthday?”
“...” For a moment, he didn’t know what to say. He merely blinked down at Komaeda as if he expected him to fluster and say he’d said something wrong, but Komaeda just smiled, somewhat sadly.
“I know you thought I probably didn’t remember. I mean, I didn’t say it all day...but I told you, I wanted to treat today like your birthday. I wanted to do what you wanted to do, and win as many prizes for you as possible.”
...That was why he’d taken him to so many booths? His eyes widened, just slightly. Komaeda was testing his luck here...winning so many games on purpose was sure to trigger his bad luck eventually…
“The truth was, I was little scared...I thought if I did something big or grand, it’d just embarrass you. Kamukura-kun doesn’t seem to think his birthday is very important, even though I think it’s one of the most important days of the year, so I didn’t think you’d ever celebrated it before. I didn’t want to overwhelm you with a huge party, even if I think Kamukura-kun definitely deserves one. But...I still wanted to surprise you. To be honest…”Ah, there was that flustered reaction he’d thought he would have gotten earlier - Komaeda cheeks flushed pink as he toyed with his bottom lip.
“I really wanted to see Kamukura-kun smile on his birthday...because I’ve never seen Kamukura-kun smile, even though it’s been months and months since we started talking, and I’m sure it’s really beautiful…! But I wasn’t sure when the best time to tell you it was for your birthday would be...everyone was always suffocating us, haha, and if they heard...I thought you’d be overwhelmed. I haven’t, um, celebrated my birthday very often, either, and it can be very sudden and overwhelming to have groups of people suddenly celebrating it, right?”
“...It could be.” He finally managed to say. He couldn’t really believe what he was hearing - just by avoiding saying the words, Komaeda had managed to celebrate his birthday without him even noticing, and in such a considerate way…
Komaeda Nagito is so strange.
“Why do you care so much?” Kamukura finally spoke up bluntly, making Komaeda look up in surprise. “I have done nothing for you. I have never used my talent to your benefit. I may be conventionally attractive, but I doubt base lust could have pushed you to do so much when I have been so cold towards you.”
“Kamukura-kun...I don’t think you’re really cold.” Komaeda shook his head, “the others say that, but...I don’t really think it’s true, deep down. Kamukura-kun listens to my words, and lets me speak with him, and answers my questions, and lets me sit with him...um, I think Kamukura-kun is very kind, really. Everyone else looks at me like I’m malicious, and maybe they’re right...but Kamukura-kun is kind to me. That’s why...I wanted to make sure Kamukura-kun...had a good birthday.”
No one had ever called him kind before. It simply wasn’t a thing spoken of Kamukura Izuru. He blinked at the other, as if he doubted what he was hearing.
“...Are you, um, happy, Kamukura-kun? Ah, speaking of it, I didn’t even say happy birthday, did I? Um,” he glanced around, as if checking to make sure no one was there.
“...Happy birthday, Kamukura-kun. And...thank you for being born. I’m very happy I got to meet Kamukura-kun. Even if I’m just a tick, a bug, a worthless insect to Kamukura-kun...I think I’d be a lot more lonely without you around.”
Thank you for being born.
Komaeda was completely and utterly sincere when he said these things. It was such genuine care, that he found himself taken aback.
“...I suppose...I am happy. Somewhat.”
“...Ah…?” Komaeda looked up, then smiled brightly. “That’s wonderful! I’m glad...I could help you have a happy birthday, Kamukura-kun.”
Komaeda really had risked a lot for this. Running all those raffles and draws in the games...Kamukura’s backpack back at the entrance was now stuffed with toys Komaeda had given him as gifts. But he’d seen other students doing the same with stuffed animals today, so he’d just assumed...it was a New Year’s tradition…
“...You said...specifically that you wanted to see me smile…? What an odd thing to want.”
“...Aha, yeah, I’m sure it sounds pathetic to you...but one day, I really really want to see Kamukura-kun smile...even if that’s so presumptuous of someone like me…”
Kamukura had been taught that displaying emotion was a sign of weakness and distraction - it kept him from being focused on his studies, but…
He could smile just once, just fleetingly, just in thanks.
“...Thank you, I suppose.”
Komaeda’s reaction was predictable - his eyes went wide, and face bright red, before he buried his face in his hands.
“Um...um...ah...I d-didn’t really think I’d get...to see Kamukura-kun smile...this is so much good luck, ahaha…”
Perhaps I shouldn’t have done that.
“It was just a soft smile.” Kamukura’s expression was back to it’s usual neutral one, as if nothing had even happened. “...Komaeda…”
He sighed. “...I will walk you back to your house, to make sure nothing happens, if you are that concerned for your luck.”
“Ah…? Ah, okay…” Komaeda finally managed to pull himself together, looking up at him again. “Thank you, Kamukura-kun. See? You really are kind…”
“It is not a bother.”
Komaeda just giggled and followed after him, happy and content despite knowing that bad luck was on the horizon.
My bad luck could never be enough to effect someone brilliant and talented like Kamukura-kun...so long as that’s the case...it’s really fine…
To see Kamukura Izuru smile, though...he really was...amazingly and truly lucky.
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