#I am so sorry Brucie you are a good man but Roman's just a dick
masquenoire · 2 years
Do you often regret your actions and/or decisions? And hope to achieve a better version of yourself?
My muse was given truth serum. Ask them questions on anon and they’ll have to answer honesty. They must answer no matter what the question is.
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“No?” Roman answered in an incredulous tone, looking at Batman as though he were stupid. What actions or decisions could he possibly regret? Roman Sionis did not regret, he made every decision with planning and full intent. Sure, sometimes his plans hadn’t worked out as well as he’d hoped in the past but they’d been his decisions all the same and he came out a better man for the experience regardless of whatever happened. His expression twisted into a sneer, blackened flesh taut over the skeletal structure of his face. “What, you think I’m going to suddenly repent and beg for forgiveness over the lives I’ve ended or something? All of them had it coming one way or the other, getting involved in something they shouldn’t or simply pissing me off. I don’t give a shit how precious you think lives are, most people ain’t worth the dirt they stand on.“ His words were delivered without an ounce of warmth or remorse, tongue dripping with callous disdain as though he were merely speaking of exterminating some particularly annoying vermin. That’s what most of his victims were to him, pests scuttling around in the wrong place at the wrong time or simply because squashing them was fun. His face continued twisting, his mask a veritable visage of anger at the idea of becoming better than he already was. The better version of him had already arrived long ago, even if Batman was too blind to see the truth right in front of his eyes. "Speaking of achieving a better version of myself, you’re far too late to be commenting about that. I’ve come a long way as you know, Batman, and I’m still not done no matter how many times you try and stop me...” Regret indeed. The only thing he regretted was not pulling the trigger quick enough so he didn’t have to listen to this rubbish right now.
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