#memes ;; truth serum
harringroveera · 7 months
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AU where Steve returned after the fight to check on Billy, and well, some truth was spilled
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wwdits-kink-meme · 1 month
Seeing Guillermo's distance in s4, Nandor decides to use a wish to implement a failsafe in case Guillermo tries to get turned by another vampire. After asking Derek to turn him, Guillermo finds himself unfortunately still human and, for some odd reason, compelled to confess all his sins to Nandor. Nandor choses to forgive his betrayal...for a price
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dantaliones · 1 year
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february otp prompts #5 -> fear gas / truth serum / pollen
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madmanwonder · 7 months
(Prompt, Superhero AU, Truth Serum) While Tarzan is still feeling the effects of the Truth Serum that he had to drink, Queen La uses this opportunity to ask if he desires her body. To see if she can use that.
John Clayton, aka Tarzan glared heatedly at the wicked white-haired woman. She gave him a wicked smile of mirth as she stare at him with confidence in her cyan eyes.
"Such anger, Beloved." She giggled. "I dare not assume that your wrathful nature doesn't translate in your desire for my body~?" The ruler and high priestess of Opar asked in a mockingly teasing tone of voice as she look at the rugged, handsome, heroic jungle warrior.
"You're right to assume my anger toward you translate strong desire for your body." Tarzan replied, shocked at the response he gave to the now pleased priestess-ruler.
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melogranoinsanguinato · 2 months
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Indie Rp blog for Fausto Damiano | Vampire/Dhampir OC | created for D&D 5e | penned by Jay (she/they, 28) | follows back from @foxytonic | NSFW present | 18+ only | read rules & about before interacting | Ask to tag
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anotherhumanpet · 8 months
Truth Serum: Do you genuinely think Gramps has changed enough to be trusted?
send “Truth Serum + [ a question ]” , and my muse has to answer truthfully.
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"I do. It's just... Last time I brought him up, everyone got a little tense about it and I was politely told to stop talking to him while I was on base. So...
"You know how adults are. They always think they know best and that kids don't know anything. So, it's tricky trying to be his friend sometimes while everyone's in the back of my mind, telling me no."
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kittlesandbugs · 2 years
Truth Serum. Are you a person Riley?
She spins around, glaring daggers at you. "Of course I--"
The next word dies on her tongue as she struggles to form it, stuttering and restarting again and again.
"I-- I--"
Her shoulders sag as she drags a hand down her face.
"I... I don't know," she finally admits quietly. "I want to be. But I don't know how to be anymore."
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themissilesilo · 8 months
Temporary Pinned!
Until I get a proper promo set up, this is going to be my pinned. Finally have the rules and muses page set up, so feel free to peruse! Fair warning, activity is sporadic.
Rules + Muses
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harringroveera · 7 months
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Steve answered that a little too fast
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ask-the-scrapper · 2 years
✘ What's the worst thing you've ever experienced? Besides dying. We know you do that a lot ;P
"Worst thing I've experienced besides the unending cycle of dying 'orrible deaths? Damn.
Being 'ere, everything feels like a shitty experience... Fuckin' repeating nightmare. But if you want something specific, it depends on what you want to know I guess. So I'll list some; Bein' stuck 'ere not knowing if anyone cares or even realizes I'm gone? Feels like shite. Can't say it's the worst, but it's up there.
The feeling of impending loneliness and cold that this place gives me? Shite. Seeing a familiar face eager to murder me? Also feels like shite. I don't even wanna think about it actually.
Can I talk about something else-"
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anotherhumanpet · 8 months
Truth Serum: Dennis who's your favorite Protectobot?
send “Truth Serum + [ a question ]” , and my muse has to answer truthfully.
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"Screw you, and First Aid."
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kittlesandbugs · 2 years
Seems like someone snuck some truth serum into Riley's drink. So, Riley... could you really kill Ortega if necessary?
She freezes, stock still but for the shudder running through her. The glass falls from her hand, shattering on the hardwood floor. She flinches and turns an ashen grey as her jaw clenches tight. Like she can keep the word from forming, from escaping, from becoming real.
Despite what seems a herculean effort at containment, it swells beyond her control and slips out anyway.
"Yes..." she growls and claps a hand over her mouth as her eyes widen in disbelief.
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Spill it! Name one thing you regret when it comes to marrying Sypha
"I hate to admit it, but I can't say I'm fond of marrying a know it all. Sorry @asksyphabelnades-belmont . You're the love of my life, but I can be more than your mindless man servant at times."
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truth serum: Kit, why do you stay with Valencia after everything she's done?
@ofviolentdeath || truth serum meme (still accepting!)
“Because I love her. Fuck off.” What kind of bullshit question was that?
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ask-the-scrapper · 2 years
Be more specific about this 'familar' face wanting to murder you :3c ✖️
"Why do you need me to be specific damn it- Pizza is the familiar face.
I got used to workin' with 'im in trials. 'E wasn't that bad at gens and all that. 'Cept I might have distracted 'im a couple times..
At first, I kind of got annoyed by it. 'Course now I know why I was distractin' I guess.
The little guy would get a real red face around me. Nearly matched his outfit with 'ow red 'e got. Like a tomato.
It was cute then.
...Feels.. awkward saying that aloud.
Anyway-.. I liked bein' around 'im. Liked 'im more than I liked other survivors.
But when 'e became a killer, 'is face went from cute to frightening. I don't like the way 'e taunts me in the trials either.
Bein' mocked and murdered by any other killer is different. Not like I planned on getting to know them.
It 'urts worse with 'im. Especially since 'e enjoys what 'e's doin'."
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gildedjock · 1 year
truth serum: Do you have a guilty pleasure, and if so, what is it?
find out my muse's darkest secrets with truth serum
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“ Guilty pleasure? Wanting to kiss guys. ”
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