#I build up TONS of these types of pictures that are just random daily life stuff and not actually costumes or anything interesting and I
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misc. photos of the past few weeks or so :0
#descriptions and context in the captions as usual#I build up TONS of these types of pictures that are just random daily life stuff and not actually costumes or anything interesting and I#always forget to post them or do anything with them so... I will spam a few in a row#but then will be all caught up. This is the most recent one and I think covers like..#feb 2022 - july 2022#the other ones I just posted .. gods I'm not sure how far back some of those are#2021 or 2020 at least lol#I do not take a lot of personal pictures often hbhbj#OR I DO but they're literally ALL of the sky#something about me is I take constant pictures of the sky#but like it'd be weird for this blog to post 8 cloud pictures a week and just become a cloud blog and not a 'personal/art blog' so its#like ....... what do I do with them#YEA h   in my folders right now (I sort pictures into like 'personal' photos 'cat' photos' nature photos etc. )#my cloud/sky folder has 685 pictures in it gybhjbhgjh#when I say I love cloud print and sky imagery and stuff I am not joking. that's one of my Big Things on a similar level to cats and snow#(+ other precipitation /weather. I also like rain and sleet and stuff just not as much as snow)#ANYWAY trying to catch up on images since Why Not#I really need to clean pictures off my computer more often since the space is being taken up#I mean not REALLY I think out of 900GB storage I have like 500 used so I still have 400 left AND I make videos#so that's good considering I have hours and hours and hours of game footage laying around#BUT still. that's another thing I'm weird about is being bothered by and always trying to clear away digital clutter lol#if you don't want to see posts like this then just block the tag 'photo diary' since I think thats what I've always used for them in the pas#t and now#and if you do like to see posts like this then you're in luck since I've just posted like 10 of them lmao#anyway#photo diary
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szopenhauer · 4 years
What was your last dream about? pamiętam tylko tyle, że M. powinna uważać na jej byłego
Would you like to build/design your own house? yes
Do you have a cherished childhood teddy bear? it’s not really a teddy but yeah
Are you psychic in any way? it seems
Are you a good dancer? meh
Are you a good singer? nooo
Are you a good cook? not the worst
Are you a good artist? maybe
Are you a good listener? try to be 
Are you a good public speaker? but don’t like to 
Are you a good babysitter? might be but hate that
Are you a good dresser? have my own style
Are you a good comedian? I’m funny :P
Are you a good cleaner? not good enough
Are you a good actor? I am
Are you a good writer? just like to write
Do you ever get chills & goosebumps when you listen to music? tell me about it...
What was the last song that had that effect on you? not sure which was last
Do you know what any of your siblings did over the weekend? I don’t care
Was the last book you read a hardback or paperback? paperback
What was the last thing you required the use of a spoon for? I was eating breakfast
The last time you ate something, was it in a bowl or on a plate? neither XD
Can you recall the last time you held hands with someone? I can
What was the last thing that made your heart melt? hmm...
Can you recall the last time you visited a bookshop? not the exact day but yep
Did you purchase anything? I don’t think so
Have you been wearing homemade masks or store-bought ones? both
Do you call yourself stupid a lot? sometimes
Are you listening to music right now? not rn
What is your newest favorite website? aliexpress?
Do you have a headache right now? had before today
What month is your birthday, and what month would u change it to if you could?  February and would like June, July or August that’s why I will spend my name day during summer instead of spring with my sister
Have you ever had to use an epi pen? not yet
Do you know the names of 3 of your neighbors? (list if you can): personal
What was the last grocery store you shopped at?
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Do memories from your past come back to haunt you ? frequently
Have you ever seen an angel? or a ghost
Have you ever seen a demon? that time in a mirror?...
What color was the last sweatshirt you wore? grey
What was the last act of creativity you displayed? Vinnie’s tiny bird next to her signature?
Do you ever find yourself just writing/typing out your feelings? my tumblr is full of this shit
Whose house were you at last, besides your own? my current partner’s
Do you like your teeth? not really
Does piano music tend to calm you down? wouldn’t say so
What’s something you need to get done soon? ugh...
Is your best friend awake right now? they are
If I came to your house, could I find any kind of chocolate? ask my mother
Who was the last person to upload a picture with you in it? M.
Do you ever wear sleep masks when you sleep or shower caps when you shower? neither
Don’t tell me lies, so where’s your man? where’s Nat? XD
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex? dad
Has anyone said they love you in the last week? yasss
Have you ever kissed under water? hell no
Have you kissed anyone whose name starts with a M? hahaha
Would you kiss the last person who texted you, on the lips? done and I hopefully will
Camping with a ton of friends or hotel with a few friends? hotel 
Could you go the rest of your life without a cigarette? absolutely
Have you ever wanted something you couldn’t have? like health
How is your boyfriend/girlfriend doing and where are they now? she’s angry, has a flu and she’s working
What was the last topic you read about? DID?
Do you prefer Windows or Mac? Windows
What’s the best amusement park ride you’ve ever been on? I’m not a fan of rides tbh
Would you know how to read a house blueprint? partially?
Do you keep notes on your phone? What sort of things do you write? used to on my old cell
Do you remember much from high school? tought so
Has anyone ever come out to you? yup
What was the last album you listened to in full? Red army choir or Anastasis?
Do you have Disney+? we don’t
Have you ever sent a package or letter to a foreign country? postcards
How many jobs do you have on your resume? 0
Are you comfortable with leaving the house without any makeup on?: I don’t wear makeup
Do you have any expensive hobbies?: if I had money...
What length do you like to keep your nails at?: short
Have you ever felt physical pain in a dream?: but not as much as Nat 
Have you ever had Christmas carolers come to your house and sing for you?: when I was a kid
What’s your favorite Studio Ghibli film?: Porco Rosso?
What did you learn from your last failed relationship?: can we not talk about it...
What’s something on your to-do list that never actually gets done?: I’m a huge procrastinator
Have you ever been really passionate about something but then lost interest? If so, what was it?: collages
What’s the worst thing about being male/female (whichever you are)?: period, being able to get pregnant and have female kinds of cancer etc.
What movie has the best special effects?: I’m into practical special effects more than cgi but... there’s too many to name
When did you last have a vision test?: ages ago 
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augustjcrdan · 4 years
{ kj apa ♔ 24 ♔ he/him } well, well, well if it isn’t [august ‘aj’ jordan ] running around peach hollow. legend has it, they come from [olive avenue] and have lived here for [all their life]. if you’re wondering what they’ve been up to, i hear they’re an [NFL player] for a living. they have been known to be [naive] yet [CHARMING]. a word of advice to them, always look over your shoulder. you never know who is watching. { adri ♔ 26 ♔ est ♔ she/her }
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basic information ↴
full name : August Michael Jordan nickname(s) : AJ preferred name(s) : AJ birth date : November 3rd age : Twenty Four zodiac : Scorpio gender : Male pronouns : He/Him romantic orientation : Straight sexual orientation : Heterosexual nationality : American ethnicity : Samoan, Scottish current location : Peach Hallow, Atlanta living conditions : Bought his own home recently in the same town he grew up in. Had it designed & built from scratch
background ↴
birth place : Atlanta, Georgia hometown : Peach Hollows, Georgia social class : Upper-Class education level : Went to college for 4 years before entering the NFL draft, but didn’t graduate. Was one semester short of getting his teaching degree parents: Divorced  father : Mike (girlfriend Gwen) mother : Christina (married to Jake) sibling(s) : 6 biological, 4 step siblings previous relationships : Angel - high school sweetheart
occupation  ↴
nfl tight end for the atlanta falcons.  wears number 83 does endorsement deals helps promote giving back to the city helps out a lot with children events at hospitals has appeared on lot of social media campaigns, has his own workout plan to purchase
physical appearance  ↴
face claim : KJ Apa eye color : Honey Comb hair color : Red with darker roots sometimes hair type/style : slicked back with some gel or just free flowing dominant hand : Right height : 6′1weight : 200lb build : super lean, abs for days tattoos : 8 but wants more piercings : both of his ears marks/scars : one in the middle of his eyebrows
When August’s parents were in college, both out of state and newbies to Atlanta, they found themselves with an unplanned pregnancy and a decision to make.
Mike and Christina decided to keep their son when they were 20 and 21, raise him in an off campus apartment while they finished up their degrees and figure out things along side their friends and extended family. 
They moved to Peach Hollow when Christina finished college. August has lived in quite a few places throughout the town as he grew up and loved it.
His dad, a Chicago native was a huge basketball fan. Being named Michael Jordan growing up, he thought he was the man and wanted more than anything for his kid to love basketball. When August came out with firey red hair, Mike thought that was the sign and called him basketball head for most of his life. But little did he know, AJ had a completely different plan.
His mom, a soccer player in college, was never going to push sports or anything onto her baby. Her parents were super hard on her and disappointed that she would never make the USA team after having a baby in college, so she wanted to raise August to pick whatever he wanted in his life to do.
Christina was more laid back in the parenting department and Mike was more demanding and short tempered. This caused for a lot of fights and a lot of blow outs that AJ witnessed at a young age. One of those fights resulted in his scar that he got in between his brows that he tells everyone was a slam dunk gone wrong.
Once Christina got the balls to leave Mike after a failed marriage, she found herself starting a lifestyle magazine in Atlanta along with a boutique. It wasn’t long after that she met her now husband, Jake, who already had a son and the two went on to have 2 more kids. Giving them the picture perfect, 4 kids, white picked fence life. Jake was in business and Christina’s life really took off.
Mike on the other hand wasn’t stable at all. He worked all different kinds of dead end jobs and bounced from one girl to the next, having 3 with 3 different women thinking that was his ticket to getting them to stay. The unstableness was uneasy for Christina to deal with having in August’s life and she had to often keep her son from seeing his dad for long stretches of time. 
Mike was quick to turn to alcohol and get drunk to deal and cope with how he failed as a father in many ways. And there were many drunk phone calls made to their home, restraining orders, the whole nines. It wasn’t something he really told many people about.
Jake was a great step dad, and his brother was cool, but at the young age of 7 - August really wanted to play football and have an escape from his life. He wanted to play the game he loved to watch on tv. Whether it was the Falcons, Bears or the Eagles (Since his mom is originally from Pennsylvania) he was mesmerized by the plays, the positions and the entire game.
Once he played in his first game, AJ was in love. He was tall for his age so jumping others and ‘mossing’ other children, August fell in love with being a tight end. There was no other position that he loved more. He got to be physical, block, protect the qb but also score touchdowns and create them all at the same time.
His workouts and daily routines became intense. He was talented and wanted to ride out his dream, he promised his mom if she let him go through with this, he was going to give it is all and he always has.
Having abs at 14 was something that was nice to impress girls his age with, but never did he think that older women would be hitting on him? Sure, cheek pinches and all of that were nice but when his mom took too much interest in him, he really didn’t know what to do.
She was someone his family trusted, someone they used to help further AJ’s career in high school and beyond and behind everyones back, she was taking advantage of him and sleeping with him. Her name is Macy and she still haunts his thoughts today.
Throughout high school, she took photos when he was asleep, would use them against him for blackmail to get time with him. She caused him so much pain, anxiety and depression that he couldn’t tell anyone about. Regardless of knowing he could take her down, she had some mental hold over him and he hated it. Plus, most people don’t think guys/men can get abused/raped and when AJ tried to tell his dad once, he said an older woman is every high school kids dream. She’s not. It’s not. It’s a nightmare.
Once he was able to get away from Peach Hollow, he attended PSU for four years and flourished. He was able to shake away Macy and though he missed someone from his past, still loved the hell out of her and wanted to be with her, he has always told himself he was protecting and saving her from the wrath of Macy.
Atlanta wasn’t where he was expecting to get drafted. Not at all. He was actually hoping and praying it would be to any other city for another fresh new start, but they took him in the first round. As a TE, that was huge. He was their ‘hometown’ hero guy that earned the nickname red jordan or red around the league easily thanks to the hair.
Now that he’s been playing and signed a huge, multimillion dollar deal with the falcons, along with tons of endorsements, a new management and pr team, he decided to move back to Peach Hollow and build a home on the lot he always admired on his walks home from school. It was another dream he was able to make a reality. Along with taking care of his mom.
His dad is still a mess, he’s with a girlfriend now and they’re having another baby on top of the 6 combined they have together. He asks AJ for money constantly and it’s the hardest thing in the world to have to turn down supporting his father, but once you give someone an inch, they usually take a yard. That’s exactly how he would describe his alcoholic, still over the top, biological father.
random headcanons  ↴
has two dogs; max & luna. had one growing up that was his best friend named scar. loves cars. has 5 favorite drink is whiskey straight or rum and coke. will do as many shots as you tell him to and is king of keg stands. will never shy away from jumping behind the bar. had to learn how to play the guitar in high school for an extra curricular class and still from time to time picks it up and jams out. he can’t really dance, so the guitar it is. if you put bacon on anything, he will eat it. hangs out with celebrities and acts like it’s no big deal. has issues knowing how to dress for events? he likes to keep it casual and relaxed like every day looks, so needs to hire someone to dress him. is obsessed with hats to hide his red hair. hates being asked if he was born in august. his mom picked the name out of a baby book, he wishes there was a cooler story behind it. his mom has been filmed on RHOA a few times and it gets to her head if you talk to her about it. so please don’t.
wanted connections  ↴
best friends step brother possible sibling like cousins/grew up together childhood friends matched on a dating app sports world friends hookups/one night stands models/girls he’s taken out on dates college friends anything/everything. i like to build off our characters and what they want/need in their lives!
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meetseoexpert-blog · 5 years
how to create web 2.0 professional
WARNING: web 2.0s still work, but they do come with some risk. Super Web 2.0s are safer, but web 2.0s are risky no matter how you build them.
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Borrrrinnnnggg… Yeah, I’m talking about manual web 2.0 creation.
Although it’s not a glamorous form of post-Penguin link building, it is still effective.
Just so you are aware:
Using web 2.0s for backlinks is a grey hat tactic. That means this tactic comes with risk.
What is a “Web 2.0”? Web 2.0s are free blogging platforms. Most properties allow you change URLs, images and video, contact forms and a ton of other goodies.
What Makes a Web 2.0 a Great backlink? Web 2.0s are effective because you are piggy-backing off their authority and trust. Yes, it is a sub-domain and your page authority will start out with a goose egg ZERO.
But there’s one important thing to remember about these properties:
they build Page Authority (PA) FAST.
With only a few strong links, any given web 2.0 can go from a PA 0 to PA 30 +.
In addition to the authority, you are also getting super a super relevant link.
Relevancy is king when it comes to link building. Don’t forget that.
So, the question is: how do you build a quality web 2.0?
Step 1: Prepare to WORK Since most automated programs can’t post on the best web 2.0s, you will need to do it manually.
You need to remember that your first tier of links MUST BE high-quality.
The days of spamming thousands of links to your site are long gone.
Google wants authoritative, relevant, and trusted links hitting your site. If you fulfill all three of these important goals, then you will see the rankings you desire. It sounds so simple right?
Step 2: Create an Email Address You’ll have to make accounts for these web 2.0s, so I recommend making a default email for this purpose.
It doesn’t matter if you use the same email account to create the properties.
Step 3: Sign-Up for 10 (or a million) Web 2.0s There is no specific reason why I chose “10”, but it’s a good place to start.
Depending on your keyword competition, you might need to make more.
If you’re super paranoid, then use proxies when you create the properties. Hide My Ass will do the job.
Step 4: URL Creation Now that you’ve created your accounts, you will be prompted to create a URL like this:
Here are how some of your web 2.0 URLs should look:
https://bbcsports24live.wordpress.com/ http://bbcsports24lives.blogspot.com/ https://bbcsports24live.weebly.com/ https://bbcsports24live.wixsite.com/bbcsports24 You see how these URLs look natural? If every web 2.0 you make includes “NBA basketball” in the URL, then it may throw up some red flags.
Diversify, diversify, DIVERSIFY.
I can’t say this enough.
Be RANDOM when you make these properties.
Step 5: Ways to Create Content That content you place on your web 2.0 is the most important part of the process!
There are few different ways you can approach the content creation.
Deciding on which technique to use depends on your resources and time.
Write it yourself (BEST)
Writing unique content for all your web 2.0s is the absolute best thing to do. If you can afford to, you should consider outsourcing it. If your budget is tight, then just write it yourself or consider the following option.
Advanced Spinning
If your budget is tight and you need to produce a lot of content, then you might want to consider spinning.
I’m going to be honest with you, I don’t use spun content on tier one EVER. I always use unique content. This isn’t to say spun content doesn’t work. I just sleep better at night knowing my content on tier one is 100% unique. And the trust is, it just plain out works better.
If you decide to take the spinning route, you have to use ADVANCED spinning. Not low-quality one-click spins… An advanced spin will take you at least 2-4 hours to complete.
Scraping Content (Not Recommended) There’s nothing wrong with scraping content for your tier two or three, but I definitely advise against it for your tier one.
I’m not saying it won’t work.
It’s just a risky move if you’re trying to build a long-term authoritative website.
Step 6: Content Guidelines No matter what type of content creation you decide on, you must make sure your articles are 400 + words.
Try to include your primary keyword throughout the article without keyword stuffing.
We want these properties to look natural. 1-3% keyword density is more than enough.
Step 7: Setting up the Post Paste your article inside the editor for whatever web 2.0 you choose.
At this point, you will need to gather photos and videos for your post.
You can include one photo and one video, two videos, three videos, three pictures… you see where I am going with this?
Keep it random!
To mix it up, sometimes I won’t even include a picture OR video.
After you have inserted your photos and videos, it’s time for you to insert your links.
One link will be for the page you are targeting, and the other be will to a relevant or authority website.
Be random with link placement and use many different types of supporting outbound links.
And after I have a few posts on a single web 2.0, I also like to interlink.
This gives the 2.0 even more credibility because it’s linking just like a normal site would. Don’t worry about securing every last bit of “link juice”.
Worry more about quality and relevancy for your web 2.0 links.
It will pay off in the long run.
At this point, your post should be completely ready to publish, but STOP right there!
We need to talk about filler content before you publish that post.
Step 8: Filler Content Thought you could just post your article and be good to go? Well… you actually can, but this is definitely not recommended. You want these links to be permanent. Most important, you don’t want them to get deleted.
Single-page web 2.0s are more likely to get deleted.
Keep in mind:
Google will give more weight to a link that is from a site filled with useful content. That is, compared to a site that has one piece of content.
This is when filler content comes in.
Filler content will give your web 2.0s the appearance of an active site.
For filler content you can use scraped articles, related video posts, images, and even random posts about your life.
5-10 posts per web 2.0 is stellar, but even 2-3 posts can do the job.
Make sure you read The Art of the Super Web 2.0 to learn how to create super authoritative web 2.0s.
Step 9: Schedule (If Possible) or Publish Your Post Some web 2.0s allow you to schedule posts and others don’t.
I recommend scheduling your posts in daily intervals. Do not post all your web 2.0s in one day. Always keep your posting frequency random to make sure things are staying natural.
I recommend posting filler content first on the web 2.0. Then follow it up with the article that you are going to place your link in.
Sometimes don’t post your main article until the web 2.0 is 4-5 posts deep.
Or, post it first.
Be unpredictable.
Finals Thoughts on Manual Web 2.0 Creation Using web 2.0s is one of many link building strategies you can use to achieve awesome SEO results.
Here’s the truth:
Using 2.0s alone likely will not help you achieve #1 rankings.
You need to diversify your link profile with blogger outreach links, business citations, etc.
I recommend you use web 2.0s to supplement your link building strategy.
Since ANYONE can create a web 2.0 and place a link, the value of the link is lower. That’s why you shouldn’t rely on them as your sole link building tactic!
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Have more questions about manual web 2.0s?
Click here to more details
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Sustainability in School
It may seem impossible at first to implement these lifestyle changes as a busy and stressed student. I promise that it’s so much easier than it seems, and often can make life a lot simpler.
Going digital
The paper waste we see as students is quite apparent. Taking notes in a notebook is a classic, however going digital is just one of the benefits of this age of technology. I really like taking notes digitally because it allows me to put down information a lot faster, and keeps me much more organized. Smeared, messy handwriting will never win over a nice and clean outline with the font of your choosing. My senior year of high school the school district provided everyone with iPads. This was a game changer. My backpack became a lot less heavy and I fell in love with the app Notability. It allows you to take notes writing with a stylus. Some people are opposed to typing notes, and sometimes the class doesn’t work with the method, like math for example. It also can get quite pricy to print class notes every week, so going digital is great for our Earth and your wallet!
Approximately 1 billion trees worth of paper are thrown away every year in the U.S. Americans use 85,000,000 tons of paper a year; about 680 pounds per person. (1)
With how busy life can get as a student, it’s all too easy to get caught in the process of disposable products. So here’s a reminder of what reusables you can implement in your daily student life. Reusable coffee mugs/cups/water bottles and reusable bags are obvious ones. Using Tupperware instead of ziplocks in your lunches, putting in the effort to make your own lunches which are often much healthier. My high school served lunch on styrofoam trays every day, with every single aspect of the lunch disposable. Even on my college campus the majority of lunch options involve disposable ware.
The average human needs to drink 4 plastic bottles per day, you would be saving 1,460 plastic bottles per year by using a reusable bottle. Even if you only purchased one plastic bottle per day, you're still wasting over 300 non reusable containers that could be spared with one reusable bottle. (2)
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I was once in a pinch, looking for a place to get lunch and was so tempted to get Canes. However, with the sheer amount of plastic and waste I would create in just one meal, I stuck to my sustainability goals and instead went to Target and grabbed a can of vegan lentil soup. The only waste I produced was the aluminum can I recycled. It’s little actions like these that contribute to the bigger picture of the health of the environment.
Campus Activities
If you take a look at your closet, you’ll probably find a drawer full of random t-shirts from everything you’ve ever participated in. Next time your team or group is looking to put an order in for a t-shirt you’ll likely wear less than 3 times, contribute your knowledge and suggest to use the budget elsewhere. Some examples are ordering water bottles instead, which also promote the sustainable pillar of reusables. Even better, suggest the money go towards a charitable cause instead, such as holding a team bonding event at Feed My Starving Children.
It takes 700 gallons of water to produce one cotton t-shirt. (3)
However, the matching outfits can sometimes be unavoidable. I was on a cheerleading team, and part of the sport is being uniform, which requires matching everything. Our names were embroidered on everything, which at the time seemed cool, but now I have a closet full of items I cannot donate because they are personalized. Discourage this practice, so then the items can be passed down to other team members and have the greater chance of having a second life in general.
For many of us, the only way to get to school is through some mode of transport. With that being said, I encourage carpooling. I carpooled with three others for part of my high school career, and I still remember the morning jams we had in the car. It’s more fun, more environmentally responsible, and cheaper to split the cost of gas/parking permits. Now that I am in college, I either walk to my classes or take the bus. Biking or skateboarding are great options too. Let’s be real, driving on any campus causes unnecessary stress with parking and expensive fees.
Getting Thrifty
Textbooks costs are a student’s worst nightmare, and they’re not so great for our Earth either. Amazon is a great place to start for renting used books, but make an effort to find your books within your community to avoid the extra transportation and packaging waste that comes from delivery. Getting the online version of a textbook is often much more budget friendly as well. When you’re done with your books, donate or resell them to keep the secondhand train rolling.
With all the paper we waste each year, we can build a 12 foot high wall of paper from New York to California (4)
Supplies aren’t the only thing you can get thrifty with. Furniture shopping for dorms and apartments are a big part of college life, I strongly encourage you to check out Craigslist of any of your local thrift stores to find what you need at a much lower price. Especially since these are temporary living conditions for the majority of us, there’s no point in spending big bucks.
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Showing school spirit is one of my favorite parts about being a student, especially with how creative you can be. Avoid buying new, and diy your game day clothes. This can be anywhere from cutting up old t-shirts to thrifting fun novelty items. I hate to admit this, but I once spent $50 on a skirt in my school colors, you can guess how much I wish I knew about the power of thrifting and diying back then.
Spread the love!
If you see you school or community participating in unsustainable practices, take action! This may seem scary, but most people don’t actually want to damage the Earth, they are just unaware of the harm they are causing. Do your part to introduce your community to better practices, and don’t be afraid to speak up, we’re trying to save the world here! This can range from anything to switching to compostable materials for lunch, setting up recycling/composting in all parts of your school, starting a club, the possibilities are endless!
Lastly, if you yourself are interested in sustainability, why not learn more? Take classes that surround issues in the environment, I became so passionate, I even changed my major to Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management. Chances are, whatever aspect you like, you can make a career out of it! Our society is becoming more aware of the importance of caring for our Earth, and the demand for professionals will increase with this.
1. University of Southern Indiana. Paper Recycling Facts. [Online] https://www.usi.edu/recycle/paper-recycling-facts/ (accessed April 3, 2019)
2. Arcadia Power. How Many Plastic Water Bottles Does One Reusable Bottle Save? [Online] https://blog.arcadiapower.com/how-many-water-bottles-does-one-reusable-bottle-save/ (accessed April 3, 2019)
3. World Wildlife. The Impact of a Cotton T-Shirt. [Online] Jan 16, 2013. https://www.worldwildlife.org/stories/the-impact-of-a-cotton-t-shirt
4. The World Counts. Paper Comes From Trees. [Online] May 13, 2014. http://www.theworldcounts.com/stories/Paper-Waste-Facts (accessed April 3, 2019)
5. Unknown. National Aquarium. https://www.google.com/search?biw=1430&bih=683&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=HRKlXMqlFcOisAXi5bzADA&q=plastic+waterbottle+vs+reusable&oq=plastic+waterbottle+vs+reusable&gs_l=img.3...19307.27631..28211...2.0..0.112.2292.32j1......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......0j0i67j0i10j0i10i30j0i10i24.0pRQMcdLwbI#imgrc=jOV6xCyh0isJqM: (accessed April 3, 2019)
6. Unknown. My Info Cart. https://www.google.com/search?q=goodwill+furniture&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwixs-GO3bThAhUJKa0KHVk1CLIQ_AUIECgD&biw=1430&bih=683#imgrc=T5MqQZZUmFpq3M: (accessed April 3, 2019)
April 3, 2019
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