#I can’t remember if Q is still ceo but not involved w the studio or it he stepped away completely
nocinovae · 23 days
If they were gonna do this why didn’t they just do it from right after the short shutdown.
Like if I remember the planning for all the start of the server took a while and even tho it’s not a complete start of a server they’ve lost like all their big writers, developers, admins.
Most of the players aren’t really interested or too much have stuff going on now so like are they getting new people? That takes a while to gather and plan?
Also I don’t feel like they’ve even tried to regain trust or show us they’ve changed. They just wave shiny new things in our faces. I’m so cautious towards anything from QStudios bc all I can think is “did the creator get paid” “are the admins rn treated okay?” I mean they haven’t even compensated or communicated anything or hell even just an apology and acknowledgment of what the admins went through this past year.
It’s so frustrating bc I want to like it. It’s still my hyperfixation as hard as I’m trying to throw myself into other content (bless the shelter mwah).
It drives me insane because regaining trust could be pretty easy. Like now we can even hold the CEO accountable bc we don’t know anyone behind the scenes in charge of QStudios. Which to me just makes me even more wary of trusting them.
Gah I could rant for days. It makes my brain feel like it’s gonna explode ffs
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