#I can't rant or grieve on other socials since people will ask and he will see
closetspngirl · 10 months
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zoyalannister · 1 year
that's nice, for me I wished to see more of AriAnna, I know Anna wasnt very nice in choi specially with her, but I think we dont know the whole story, maybe during the previous years other girls had made nasty comments of Annas looks or of her being a lesbian and Ari didnt defend her publicly in fear she would be shuned (also she is adopted into a wealthy family that could very well be homophobes so its not easy to come out, and specially in that era). I like that they had a tumultuous relationship, which sometimes happenes during those years, but that at the end Ari was the ONLY ONE that was there for Anna after Kit death, when she barely knew him, while ALL THE REST never asked her how she was doing.
That scenario would be possible if TLH was even vaguely similar to reality, but apparently no one in 1903 had problems with gays. I'm not saying I want to read homophobia in books, but it's just unrealistic that in 2007 Alec was treated like shit for being gay because the Shadowhunters are homophobic, and in England in 1903 when being gay was literally illegal Shadowhunters have no problem in accepting gay children.
I have no problem in believing that Gabrily 100% accept and support Anna because they're great parents, but the rest should have looked at them as the weird ones. At social events there should be people talking behind Gabriel and Cecily’s back saying things like "do you know that the Lightwood’s daughter is homosexual and they have no problem about it?" in the same tone they would say Gabrily committed a murder.
Instead the vision of homosexuality from Shadowhunters, who are supposed to be super bigots especially in 1903, is: oh I don’t understand why Charles made a big deal of the fact that he likes men.
Maybe it's for these reasons that I always glanced over AriAnna relationship, since I always felt it unrealistic. I also think that the YA target really cuts down all the toxic part of their relationship that would have been interesting to explore in a NA, but this is another rant fro another time.
You're right, I liked Ari because after Kit’s death she's the only person who cares about Anna’s well being, is worried for her and grieves Kit far more than his ""friends"" do despite she talked to him like three times in the whole trilogy. And I think that’s the wake up call Anna needed to understand that she really cares about Ari, too.
My headcanon is that Anna goes to India with Ari and then they both go to live there permanently, both because she can't go back where she lived most of her life with Kit and to cut contact with the rest of the gang who were too busy crying over their love interest rather than asking her how she was after her brother literally died in her arms.
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