#I cannot believe it’s taken me this long to write some Harrison whump its practically a crime
whumpacabra · 8 months
3 - Solitary Confinement
Military setting, captivity, isolation, claustrophobic environment, mention of snakes and arachnids, unintentional self harm, blood, dehydration, starvation, apparent abandonment
[Directly follows Three Little Pigs]
Harrison could hear. That was the worst part. Blind in a stone hewn cell, he didn’t have to see what was happening to his remaining comrades friends brothers. But hearing their screams conjured gore and horror beyond what was physically possible.
At least, that’s what he told himself to keep himself sane as the screams echoed from the other side of the heavy door.
The first hours (day? days?) were fine, aside from his thornless threats and enraged cursing.
Harrison wasn’t afraid of the dark or anything in it - he expected snakes or scorpions or any manner of horror to be locked in The Box with him. But he was left alone - save for what his mind imagined was in the dark with him.
It was when he first started to feel the effects of dehydration that the panic set in. He could feel his mind haze, his movements grow sluggish, his desire for water waning. The screams on the other side told him they were still alive - still there - but it wasn’t long before he could hardly tell their screams from his own, everything reverberating in an awful echo.
He clawed at the door, its rough stone face unyielding to soft flesh and chipped finger nails. His blood dripping from the cuts and broken nails was another maddening echo in The Box.
Harrison was well acquainted with hunger; their captors barely fed their prisoners enough to keep them alive, but they did feed them. Not in The Box, though. The dull ache in his stomach had become a distant memory.
He was too tired to stand, too tired to scream, too tired to claw his hands bloody against the door. He was almost too tired to think, his mind muddled with hallucinations in the dark and the incessant echo of his blood hitting stone.
Too tired to realize the screams had stopped.
And still, no one opened the door.
[Directly before Rude Awakening]
(Part of my Freelancers: Swansong series)
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