#I do think Jerma would make a good taskmaster he already does the harsh abuse boss shtick on some of this event streams
woosh-floosh · 11 months
I've been inching my way though the UK game show TASKMASTER and wondering how well a COMPLETELY live twitch show could work (excluding prerecorded tasks of course!).
Twitch streamers are already fiercely competitive, used to embarrassment, and have little human dignity left so I think they would be prime candidates to be subjected to tasks!! You could probably bring in youtubers and tiktokers in there too I guess
Think about it! A five night special event live on twitch! With a live audience and twitch audience participation! Sure it would probably be bad and clunky and realistically I'll probably despise some of the contestants but I think it could be fun!!
But would I rather see Jerma985 as the taskmaster or a contestant is the question....
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