#I don't think that interferes with how quickly dyl was like
needsmorewlw · 2 years
Oh my god YES to Eliza only talking to certain characters. I reasoned some of them are natural mediums/have a stronger connection to the "other side". I'm glad someone else picked up on this. I also wondered if Eliza targeted those she thought would be more empathetic/easier to get on her side? laura had no qualms about wanting to kill the Hacketts, Dylan says "you gotta be careful with this stuff, that shits true" Meanwhile Ryan's like "nah" to the spooky plus his connection to chris - drylan
For sure I think she was trying to get people on her side! In that context her talking to Laura makes sense bc she can single handedly cause the deaths of all the hacketts except for Chris and Caleb. But then again, if that was the reason, you'd think she would talk to Ryan and Kaitlyn since they're the ones who handle the rest of the hacketts.
Idk about Dyl, Abi and Jacob tho. Which is what made me think maybe she just talked to them purely because she could and she knew they could hear her unlike some of the others. Maybe like you said! Trying to garner some sympathy from the softer characters who might be able to sway the others to protect Silas maybe?
Meanwhile I think dyl was mainly just siding with Ryan to flirt when he said "this shits true". I thought dyl was a believer too but then I realised one day that Dylan's a huge science nerd? Ofc he wouldn't believe in ghosts. He's probably got a thesis worth of shit to explain away ghosts with his favorite topic. But he would definitely entertain the idea of them for the cute boy he has a crush on.
But it's all super interesting and I wanna look more into it 👀👀 and also hear other people's thoughts.
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