#I feel like crying when Irokousui plays ngl
yuu-kumeii Β· 10 months
A/n : I might be wrong on what cinematography is and if I am pls tell me 😭 I just have ambitious thoughts alrβ€”
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Sometimes I end up thinking about things like Suna with an aspiring cinematographer reader making a music video with the song, Mellow by Keina Suda (Skip to Loafer op song). It just sounds so fun and upbeat, something that captures your time being in Inarizaki. There's shots of the school and the classroom sprinkled through. Some clips were taken from your camera roll, specifically ones of you and your friends at school, others were taken from Suna's, ones of the volleyball club like Atsumu trying to show off, Osamu stealing food, Kita reprimanding the team like a parent, you cheering on the stands and so on.
Of course you shoot your own scenes too, ones that show you looking down from the rooftop, Suna alone in the hallway looking back at something, moments that showed how this whole project was, at it's core, a love letter to you and Suna's relationship while still being a video to celebrate everyone's time at Inarizaki. Your favorite part of the whole thing was the dance, something the animated opening had and something you wanted to include. So you learned the dance with Suna in tow, happily jumping around to emulate the energy in the original. But you still wanted to invlude everyone so the duo changes every move until finally settling on you and Suna together. The rehearsed fall was definitely Suna's favorite from that because he made you think he was gonna drop you, of course he caught you in the end.
It was the perfect cummulation of your memories at Inarizaki, something you wanted to show at graduation. Your dream finally realized when you got to show it to everyone as a final thank you, yes even to Suna. As the years went by it became a distant memory, yet something cemented within your conscience as one of the things that defined your school life. Though you didn't expect the song to ring in your ears when you laid eyes on him again,
You were entranced by his lively figure
If the true nature of this blue warmth is still love, then...
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