#I feel like people ignore Raph’s love of wrestling too much I think it’s so cute he loves it as much as he does 😭
turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Raph amassing a decent squad of stuffed animals when he’s little and coming up with wrestling matches between them.
Captain Cuddles is the winning face, and Cheech is his long-standing heel rival. Their fights are legendary.
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ju1cyfru1t · 9 months
Y/N’s Guide of a Snapping Turtle Mutant
Rise! Raphael x reader
Fluff! :D gn reader, romantic leaning but can be read as platonic
In which Raph stumbles upon your documentation on himself.
Donnie Leo Mikey
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∑Subject of interest
Snapping turtle mutant; large humanoid turtle man
∑ Diet:
Pizza, soup???, meats, carrots, ⚠️allergic to peanuts⚠️
∑ Likes:
Red, punching stuff? (owes me new mirror), hot (specific) soup???, wrestling, Lou Jitsu (watch movies), teddy bears (save coupons), R&B, Jupiter Jim (movies, comics, games), shell scratches, red buttons (owes me an uncracked collar bone; ask why Donnie would add sear ejectors)
∑ Dislikes:
Turtle tank (claims to be “tank-aphobic”), hurting other people’s feelings? (very sweet), “Leo’s tomfoolery” (me too, bro, me too), reading, being snuck up on
∑ Tail language 🛑 do NOT pull, subject screams very loud🛑
twitching rapidly: threatened, scared, nervous. (can smell fear on subject? should I be concerned?)
wagging: excited, happy, proud. (Turtle likes to hear he’s doing a good job)
still and loose: relaxed, confused, sad. (Subject tends to overthink; or not think enough)
Raph sighed with a big, swooning smile, setting your paper down on the counter as he finished reading it for the 5th time over. It just made him misty-eyed to see that you, someone so perfect to him, cared so much about him, a big scary mutant. (Even though he’s really not all that scary.)
It made his heartbeat quicken and his chest feel tight, but in a good way. In the best way.
Obviously he knew it wasn’t right for him to read through your personal notes, but I mean, hey. The folder had his name on it, so that basically made it his too.
Still, he didn’t want to seem like a jerk. He had to make it up to you somehow…but making his own gifts was never his strong suit. But…he could add to yours?
∑Subject of interest
Snapping turtle mutant; large humanoid turtle man
∑ Diet:
Pizza, soup??? ? I mean it’s ok, I guess., meats, carrots, ⚠️allergic to peanuts⚠️
∑ Likes:
Red, punching stuff? (owes me new mirror) Sorry. What size you want?, hot (specific) soup??? You have got to watch Lou Jitsu. , wrestling, Lou Jitsu (watch movies), teddy bears (save coupons), R&B, Jupiter Jim (movies, comics, games), shell scratches, red buttons (owes me an uncracked collar bone; ask why Donnie would add seat ejectors) I’M SORRY
∑ Dislikes:
Turtle tank (claims to be “tank-aphobic.” What does this mean?) it means exactly what it sounds like (I blame Donnie), hurting other people’s feelings? (very sweet) Who, me? Naaah, “Leo’s tomfoolery” (me too, bro, me too), reading, being snuck up on
∑ Tail language 🛑 do NOT pull, subject screams very loud🛑 WE DON’T TALK ABOUT THAT
twitching rapidly: threatened, scared, nervous. (can smell fear on subject? should I be concerned?) STOP TALKIN ABOUT MY FEAR STINK I TOLD YOU IT’S PERFECTLY NORMAL
wagging: excited, happy, proud. (Turtle likes to hear he’s doing a good job) Yes, he does.
still and loose: relaxed, confused, sad. (Subject tends to overthink; or not think enough) HEY. That’s …so fair.
sorry this took a hot second
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pigeonsgrame2 · 5 months
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Decided to make a complicated diagram of the main people in RB but it’s not gonna fit words so I’m writing everything here. All of the info is going to be the basic info for lack of spoilers and lack of time to write.
Long infodump under the cut:
Obviously, we have the siblings; Hamatos, Umigames, the step siblings. But how are they with each other?
The Umigame twins have a very rocky relationship with each other, but they do need each other and have been each others safety for years.
The step siblings… well. The usual. Kendra manipulates Jase etc. eventually Jase stands up to her though, after mutation.
The Hamatos are mostly the same, but now have new concerns for each other: Leo’s avoidant behaviour, Donnie’s smoking, Raphs meltdowns, Mikey’s tremors. Also, Frida isn’t a Hamato
Then we have the romantic relationships
Aris and Donnie go from strong loathing to severe codependency. They’ll get antsy if they haven’t seen each other for a more than an hour. Jason and Aris go from friends to partners, but Donnie and Jase are very jealous and often are competitive with each other, sometimes even after actually getting together themselves.
Kitsune and Chizu ran away together in their early teens, as Kitsune was homeless already and Chizu was suffering in the Neko Ninja clan. Very in love. They’re wholesome. Judge people together.
Leo and Usagi, the stars of the show, have a very shit relationship. They’re very loving and caring in human form, at first not knowing the other wasn’t truly a human person. Leo struggles with saying I love you, and it hurts Usa a lot, but he tolerates it for his comfort. But in their natural forms things are really… Okay they’re just really complicated and you’ll see
While also dating Sheena, Jennika eventually ends up with Frida and Plato as well. The two end up together as a frenemys to lovers first, and Jenny is an eventual addition. Jenny and Frida work as big mamas assistants together, Frida having worked for her since childhood
Other Relationships
Plato is best friends with Raphael. They wrestle, have feelings jams. She’s also the person she ends up sharing a room with when the Umigames are forced to move in. Aris, however, is intimidated by Raphael, and tries to leave her alone. She scares him.
Plato isn’t too close with Mikey, but they sometimes cook together. Aris also isn’t too close with them but they give him little Dr Feelings sessions, which he used to ignore until meeting Dr Delicate Touch.
Plato is also pretty close with Leo, but they tend to make fun of each other. Since Leo reminds Aris of his twin, he finds him annoying and doesn’t like his company… much. Sometimes he’s tolerable.
Plato doesn’t like Donnie at all. He went from hurting her brother and now he’s in his pants? Hell no! She annoys him a lot. He doesn’t like her either. She’s worse than Leo.
Leo and Donnie don’t trust Frida, and neither does Raph but she… tries to be nice. Mikey LOVES her and considers her family even though she isn’t related to them in the slightest. It’s a lot like the Draxum situation.
Aris doesn’t just not trust Frida, he HATES her. Which sucks, cause if he got past his Big Mama Trauma TM, they’d probably be close friends.
Mikey is very close friends with Jennika and goes to her for intel on Big Mama, Leo thinks she’s dope, Raph sometimes spars with her. Donnie doesn’t like her but they’ll tolerate her presence. She’s useful.
Everyone fucking hates Kendra. Except Kitsune, Kistune thinks she’s cool as fuck.
Donnie has Kitsune steal things for him, and he’s pretty good friends with Chizu because Autism to Autism Communication.
Gen and Raph are also pretty close! They met before the rest of their little teams met each other. Small world.
Mikey likes Usagi, but nobody else in the family trusts him. The boyfriends get NO trust in those families.
Gen took Chizu and Kitsune in when they were younger. His parents were never home anyways. Eventually he decided he was adopting Usagi as a little brother too. They’re family now. You can’t stop him from collecting siblings.
Aris and Chizu made out once when he was 15 and she was 16 and then never talked about it again. They’re casual friends now. Don’t really talk much.
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