#I gave him classic abas glove and his neck scar is due to the fact he miiight have probably experimented on himself after escaping
doubleedgemode · 30 days
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I was listening to Slipping Through My Fingers and felt inspired to draw stuff about A.B.A and her creator... See, the "creator Paracelsus listened to A.B.A's namesake group while creating her and left their music in Frasco" is a joke headcanon of mine but of COURSE I could make it angsty, why not.
Yeah, we don't have a design or much data about A.B.A's creator but I wanted to give it a try. Honestly, I am not set in a design or story of my own, (not even the gender... Did we get confirmation the creator's a guy? Felt like going with one for this) but I went with slightly basing his appearance off the real life Paracelsus, especially off the portrait by Augustin Hirschvogel, though my take on the creator is not supposed to be the gg equiv of the real alchemist. (Note to self, I gotta practice how to draw double chins in side profiles).
I don't fully know what's his deal nor what are A.B.A's full opinion about him, nor does she, either... I imagine that due to her upbringing, it's complicated, and so would be a reunion. But, for sure, there would be plenty of feelings in her end. :')
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