#I hope it's ok to tag you trin?
luna-lovegreat · 22 days
So one thing I like about Time is that he will talk about his life and journeys
He talks about it! He'll tell the boys stories and answer questions. (...when asked)
Obviously he tells his family- Malon knows everything
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But he has also never held back from telling the boys stories or answering questions
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I'm still always cackling over him telling them about gerudo town- he is way too proud to brag about being a mischievous gremlin
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"I proved to be a greater thief than all of ganons tribe"- oh yeah. He's definitely the good influence. (That's sarcasm, Wars is the one good example for the younger ones.)
He just. He looks so smug to tell them about his experiences with the Gerudo- I love how often we see him just talking to them and answering questions about his life.
Even if it's clearly painful memories- he has still always told them
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Obviously Time talks to Twilight the most about stuff- and everyone knows that (to where Sky went to him for questions about Time)
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But the thing that get me the most is Wind.
Wind asked about... everything! Wind asked about his first journey and his life- and Time told him
The sheer transition from
"I was wondering... about your original journey"
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"You told me about your original journey. Everything you said... the sages you described, the old traditions, the old stories- all of it! ...)
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And this literally drives me insane because Time told him- Time told him everything! He told him about the sages, traditions- Time literally openly talked to Wind about his first Journey because he asked.
The Hero of Time's story had always been a tragedy- I mean... yikes. Trauma much? But I think people overlook this part of him- that he's older. All the hurt and scars are still there, but he has learned to talk about it to deal with it. And I think I know why- (Read)
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Malon Malon Malon Malon!!! Jojo showed this set up for their marriage- Time was and is traumatized. But he and Malon worked to talk through things. I mean. Can you imagine keeping secrets from Malon? I don't want to. I feel like she would throw a cow at me. Anyways.
It takes a lot to work through trauma and learn to talk through it. Malon claimed him tho, so I don't think he had a choice. But seriously- she helped him work through things as family. Which led to a successful marriage for both of them, and got Time to where he can talk about these things with the boys :D
Time is a troll, so although he will share his insane life stories.... he will also say he fought the moon with no more context, and tell his wife that they have a descendant but not freaking tell her which one it is.
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He's so insane I love it <3
Just don't forget this part of him... don't forget that rather it's sad or goofy or whatever- he will talk about his life. If someone simply asks
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Art and comic by Jojo @linkeduniverse au! :DDD
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the-teezone · 2 months
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Hi! I'm trin. she/her. 25. Black. cheerleader for Teezo Touchdown!
To get to know a little bit about my hopes for this blog, be sure to check out this post, where I go into more detail about the reason for creating this blog, my goals, and upcoming content!
The short of it is: to serve as an archive, to connect with other fans, to have a place where I, too, can rant and rave about Teezo.
With that being said, here's a directory/tag list for the blog!
#COVERBOY, where you can find him covering magazines like Rolling Stone, Wonderland., and more!
#ImJustAFan, where you can find some of his interactions with fans, sticky note conversations, etc.
#ShoutstoJonJon, where you can find any content that was sourced from the Youtube channel Jon Jon. They are like the OG Teezo archivist so thank you so much if you ever see this!
#TeezosMixtape, where you can find music by other artists that he loves and has co-signed.
#TZOFeatures, where you can find music that he is featured on.
#TeezosMusic!, where you can find his own music.
#TZOMashups, where you can find mashups that incorporate Teezo's music. Usually done by myself unless stated otherwise!
#TZOShorts, where you can find short songs that he released for campaigns, to celebrate making #coverboy status, etc.
#TZOSingles, where you can find singles/loosies that he released but aren't a part of a specific project.
#HDYSAN, where you can find songs and content specifically related to his debut album, How Do You Sleep At Night?
#TZOComedyHour, where you can find tweets, videos, and other posts of him just being funny, bc he's a funny guy idk.
#TZOFashionArchive, where you can find media of him for different fashion houses.
#TZOInterviewArchive, where you can find clips, excerpts, and links to his interviews, both print and video.
#TZOLore, which will be tagged for media that specifically speaks to the origin of himself, his upbringing, something he does, etc.
#TZOPhotoArchive, where you can find just cool pictures of him, in general, bc we could always use more pictures of him fr (and the occasional sticky note).
#TZOTours, where you can find tour content such as promotional content, concert footage from fans, videos while he's on the go, etc.
#SpendTheNight, where you can find content specifically from his first headlining tour, the Spend the Night Tour.
#SpotDates, where you can find content from spot shows and festivals that aren't necessarily part of a tour.
#TZOVideoBox, where you can find video media such as music videos, live performances, skits, film credits, appearances, etc.
#VintageTeezo, where you can find content of him pre-2020, before he evolved into the Teezo Touchdown we know him as today.
#TrinSpeaks!, where I rant and rave about Teezo myself! These are my own thoughts, opinions, and delusions lol.
Finally, we have year tags, which indicates what year the content is originally from! These tags begin in the year of our Lord 2020 and go on from there!
#2020 | #2021 | #2022 | #2023 | #2024
I also hope to have a fan content tag as well for when the fandom starts to grow on here, so when the fanfics and fan art really start to flourish on here, I would love to feature that somehow with a tag as well! So, send submissions if you want! Okay, that's all!
[cue opening guitar power chords from "OK" by Teezo Touchdown]
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guildtree · 1 year
Music Game
Tagged by @praise-joko
RULES: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people. No skipping!
Aaaand this is where I have to admit I'm weird and don't have a proper playlist 😅 I rely entirely on ad-blocked YouTube and putting one song on loop for four hours while I draw. So the closest thing I have to a playlist is the "My Mix" thing YouTube makes for you, but since that's algorithmic instead of curated by me I can't say how accurate it is. Thus I have included author's commentary.
River in the Sky - The Weepies (thank you Chaskana for showing me this one)
Monumental - Aviators (I have never played Dark Souls)
A New Way to Die - Shinedown (definitely not my favorite from this album but okay YouTube)
Renegades - X Ambassadors (??? I have no idea where this came from)
Hand of God (outro) - Jon Bellion (this definitely came from a warrior cats animation. good song tho)
Dear Fellow Traveler - Sea Wolf (good song no complaints)
Beneath the Brine - The Family Crest (this would be on my Mai Trin playlist if I had playlists)
A Good Song Never Dies - Saint Motel (also good song no complaints)
Godhunter - Aviators (ok this one fits guild wars I know why its here)
The Silence - Manchester Orchestra (was on loop for drawing the angsty Kasjory but I would probably find an instrumental version now)
Getting music through YouTube suggestions leads to a weird range of genres, but I probably gravitate towards alt-rock and indie, though I avoid songs that are mostly vocals. I'll dig up a hard rock or metal album when I'm angry (or want to write a fight scene). Mix in a good dose of 70s and 80s music and the occasional weird unhinged song I thought was funny and you have me, basically.
Tagging @accidentallyadorable @menotthatkindoforc and @fireskarr to hopefully do this challenge properly. Hope none of you have already been tagged.
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kxmberlyhart · 7 years
Hey I was wondering if maybe u could please write a Trimberly fic where they get caught being gay by Kim's parents or the other rangers and Trini is freaking out but Kim just finds it super cute and hilarious and teases Trini about it? Xx :)
Here ya go.
Summary: Basically they get caught making out and Trini freaks out and Kim calms her down.
Rating: T
Tags: It’s getting hot and here comes the parents
The thing is… Kim’s parents are often gone. Kim’s dad is a pilot, an air ambulance pilot to be exact, often on call 24/7 and given random days off; her mother on the other hand is a doctor, often working overtime because of the demand, often coming home late (when Kim is asleep) and waking up early (before Kim wakes up).
The other thing is… Kim brings her one month old girlfriend home to make out and maybe touch each other in the privacy of their own home (Kim’s home). Going to Trini’s would be chaos if her family, especially her mother, were to find out about them. Trini just knows that coming out to her parents would be hell on earth, she knows how they think and she knows how she will be treated when she does come out.
So, here’s Kim and Trini, on their way to Kim’s home after a nice dinner date to celebrate their one month. Kim had treated Trini out to a nice Italian restaurant near the bigger city and they had been handsy all night long, that’s what happens when you sit next to each other on a booth table. Groping each other, mostly Kim, running their feet up and down each other’s legs, and kissing when available.
Kim had one hand on the wheel, the other on Trini’s knee, caressing it softly. Fingers brush in between the two knees, and Trini opens up her legs a little bit. Trini allows Kim’s hand and fingers to caress the inside of her thighs, keeping it innocent at first but slowly, dangerously caving inside. Trini is just pleased at herself for wearing her short dress for this occasion.
When they got home, Kim had poured themselves a glass of wine from her family’s collection, one that is surely not to be missed by her mother or father. Kim had turned on the surround stereo system built in inside the entire house and letting some tunes play, also setting the lights to dim to set the mood.
They start making out in the kitchen, Kim grabbing Trini by the waist and pulling her up to sit on the countertop.
“Feels good not having to lean down to kiss” Kim teased, using her hands to hike up Trini’s dress and just caress her outside thighs.
“Jackass,” Trini kissed back, a teasing smile forming on her face as she leans down to capture Kim’s lips. Legs wrapped around Kim’s slender figure to pull her even closer.
“I know you like it when I make you feel tall”
Kim pulls Trini off the countertop and brings her feet down to the floor again. “I don’t… I like being on top”
Trini blushes madly at the suggestive comment that Kim just made. She stuttered but not managing to get any words out her mouth. All the sudden, Trini knew this is happening, Kim is kissing her, they start walking away from the kitchen, still kissing and hands not wandering far from each other.
They make it to the living room and all the sudden the lights went from dim to bright. This broke their kiss and eyes towards the light switch and land on the two figures standing by the front door.
“Mom… Dad… Hey…” Kim rasped at the sight of her parents with a confused look on their faces.
Trini had hid herself behind Kim’s body, hoping the height would cover her smaller height. Even if figure wise, Trini has the curves and Kim has the lean figure. Clutching on the sides of Kim’s dress and buried her head on Kim’s back.
“Hey, Kimmy. Your mom just picked me up from the airport, we got Indian takeout. Uhhh…” Ted Hart starts, trying to find the words but just gives a soft chuckle under his breath then looks at his wife, Maddy, “We’ll be in the kitchen if you need us”
“Okay,” Kim gives a soft smile and places a hand behind her to grab Trini’s hand. Kim watches her parents whisper something to each other as they head to the kitchen.
“Oh, God. Kim that was so embarrassing. I can’t even. I should go, I shouldn’t be here” Trini whispers and mutters to herself as she lets go of Kim’s dress and starts pacing around looking for her items. “I can’t believe this is happening. Now Kim’s life is going to be hell on earth for being gay with me. Urg, stupid Trini.” Trini continues to mutter to herself, Kim only caught a couple of those words.
“Hey, stop.” Kim gets in front of her girlfriend and takes her hands, “Relax”
“No… I—I just outed you out to your parents” Trini whispered, looking towards the kitchen and seeing the door closed.
“Trin… You do know I’m already out to my parents right?” Kim runs her hands from Trini’s small hands and up her arms then resting underneath Trini’s jaw, getting Trini to focus up into Kim’s eyes.
Trini was silent for a moment then let out a “pssh” then waves a hand nervously, “Of course I knew” then completely avoiding Kim’s eyes at the lie.
“You’re so adorable” Kim rests her forehead on Trini’s forehead. “Look, I know things with your parents are… a bit toxic. Mine may not be around much but we talk a lot and communicate and understand. Whenever you need people like that, you have the boys, my parents, and especially me, okay?”
Kim presses a kiss to Trini’s head and she hears a soft “okay. Thanks” Kim smiles mid kiss then brings her lips to Trini’s.
“Now, I think it’s time you meet my parents”
“Oh, okay”
The husband and wife sit on two person couch diagonal from the couch where Trini and Kim sat. They talked and Trini was ecstatic at Kim’s parents and how they share their love, something she wishes her parents have.
“Sorry tonight is bit of a bust” Kim whispered as her parent’s attention drew away from them and onto the television.
“It’s ok. I like meeting your parents. It’s very homey meeting them” Trini whispered back, she felt Kim’s fingers intertwine with hers and then felt a soft kiss the cheek.
“Kinda funny how you just freaked out at first” Kim sends a teasing smirk.
“Well, making out in front of your parents wasn’t exactly how I wanted to meet them, you know” Trini put on her big girl face and pouts at Kim’s remark. It was embarrassing for Trini but she knows she’ll learn to be more open especially with the help of her friends and support from Kim’s parents.
“So, Kimmy,” Ted interrupted with a small cough, “you know how I freaked out when you cut your hair. This style is what they call the bisexual bob, right?” He teased.
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anxiousauthor89 · 5 years
I'm Here For Him
Alexander laid in what was becoming a pool of rain water and his blood. Eyes open. Staring at an upside down angle. Grace was near by holding her chest and silently crying when she noticed the heartbreak on Elijah's face. She politely said excuse me as she gently pushed through the crowd to get to the Steeples. "Hey Trinity...this must be your parents...did you all know this young man?" Everyone stood in silence. "I wanna talk to him." Elijah whispered. "Im sorry what?" Judith shot a side eye at her husband. "Baby we need to go...this is too much and im worried about where this may take your stress level I don't want you having another stroke...we can help pay for the funeral and all but lets just go. Lets get you home." Clearing his throat and fixing his tie he repeated him self. "I wanna talk to him." Never seeing her father in this state Trinity tried to reason with him. "Daddy he's gone you cant talk to him. We need to get you home and in bed." Fighting tears and frustration Elijah lost all patience. "Since when do I listen to yall? I been leading this family 25 years and I done damn good at it!" They knew he was upset because Elijah didn't curse. He always told them there are too many words to resort to the bad ones. "That was my son. He has my eyes. He was supposed to come home with us. With Peanut. I know hes grown but I was ready to raise him. I was gonna show my boy real love. He was right about me. I should have tried harder. And I just wanna talk to him. It aint been long. His spirit is still near this realm and he can hear me." Respecting the honesty and understanding the pain, Trinity nodded while Judith held his hand tight, giving the signal that she was with him in his decision. "I can take these two to the car." Grace took the wheelchair from the escort and Judith gave her the keys and pointed to the car they arrived in. "Kiss him for me daddy...he was a good person deep down...im sure of it." Trinity sadly reassured her father. "Sure thing princess." He let out a tiny chuckle as he kissed her forehead before wiping a tear. As Grace turned the corner pushing Trinity and Peanut away, Elijah walked to the Monte Carlo that was now wrapped in yellow tape. "This is our son. And I need to talk to him." Elijah spoke with the authority of the president, as he made his voice heard. The police hesitated, but saw the look in his eyes that they didn't want to test. "5 minutes We gotta call his next of kin that's in the system...its not you but...I will allow it....5 minutes only though...don't push it.... Its a crime scene until the medical examiner confirms this was a suicide. Sorry for your loss." The officer spoke with his head down in remorse lifting up the tape, allowing Judith and Elijah to crawl under. Unable to avoid the puddle of spreading blood Elijah's foot made a small ripple beside his sons head. He bent down on his knees with Judith still holding his hand and closed Alexanders eyes. "Im so sorry son. Forgive me please. Come see me in my dreams. Let me know you crossed over alright. I will never stop wanting you. And I will never forget you." He wept uncontrollably as he traced the features of his sons face with the back of his hand. "I love you my boy. Yo daddy loves you." He bent down and gave him the kiss Trinity put in her request for. "That's from your sister. She said you a good person. Almost like you two already met.....don't forget to visit me son...i'll be waiting." Elijah gave Alexanders mocha skin one last touch. He gave a quick salute to the officers as a thank you, and headed for the car. Grace and Trinity were laughing about funny African names the escort nurse had suggested when they spotted the couple approaching the silver Stationwagon. "Welp I gotta get inside im sure a few of these nurses need to talk about what just happened. Trinity has my number you guys call me anytime." She smiled waving as she stepped away. "Yall ok? We leaving?" Trinity asked hoping she wouldn't get fussed at for being so anxious. She hated to see the police. It made her feel guilty. If she didn't set Shawn up Alexander would be alive. He wouldn't have a reason to be at the hospital. "I didn't even get his name." Elijah said to Judith. "Yea babe I don't think he ever said it." Judith tried to recall. "Alexander." Trinity spoke out loud while remembering the moment the mask came off. "What? He aint say that did he?" Elijah turned to the backseat. "Yea he did." Trinity lied. "Uhh...I guess Yall just aint hear him." She said pretending her seatbelt wouldn't click just to avoid eye contact. "Hmm. Alexander." Judith repeated. Elijah chose not to speak. He switched the music from Shirley Ceasar to Rance Allen, and began to pull out of the parking lot. As the car circled around the scene where Alexander took his life Trinity heard a familiar voice. She had heard that loud voice before. It was giving her chills. "Daddy, stop stop!" She patted her fathers shoulder. "Whats wrong Trin?" Judith asked. "Just wait here im coming right back!" Jumping out of the car leaving her parents puzzled, Trinity followed the sound of the familiar voice. "GET OUT MY FUCKIN WAY BITCH I DONT GIVE A DAMN! JUST MOVE BEFORE I PUNCH YO ASS IN THE FACE!" Trinity saw through the flashing lights the officers trying to restrain a woman dressed in red and black. Long hair that was black and curly just like Alexanders. "Ma'am stop or I will arrest you!" The officer demanded. "FUCK YOU SLIME ASS PIGS! I JUST WANT YOU TO MOVE SO I CAN GET THROUGH GOT DAYUM!" Tired of her unruly behavior the biggest officer came forth and the woman was slammed face down on the patrol car. As she got closer Trinity decided she wanted to help. Until her memory made her put a face on that familiar voice. Every memory of Shawn came rushing back so fast she almost fainted. "OOOOH AND YOU!! BITCH IM STILL GON BEAT YO ASS! WHILE YOU LOOKING DITSY AND DAZED!" Trinity forced her mind out of memory lane and realized the woman was talking to her. Squinting her eyes in disbelief, she fell in utter confusion. "Shawns wife??!" She shouted. "Oooh aint God good!! I need a bitch to strangle I got plenty problems built up!" Trinity forgot she had just given birth. "Hoe why you here on my brother scene? You wanna beat who?" She removed her earrings and threw them to the ground. "Bitch I will kill YOU! You aint pregnant this time I will drag you through the streets! What the fuck you doing here?! You came for me? Im here bitch and Im ready to tear some ass up lets rock bitch!" Trinity pulled her hair up and put her set up. "Girl fuck yo skank ass! You see this pig got me bent up I cant tag you but I will and that's on my kids! And you can have Shawn I aint finna marry that crippled mufukka! And why you keep saying YOUR brother? I don't wana know a single member of the hyena family that raised yo ugly ass!" The woman spat back. Trinity put her set down, thinking about how foolish it would be to fight in front of the police. And besides. The bitch was bent up. The officer had one arm in a chicken wing while his elbow sunk in the back of her neck. "So what monkey ass? Why you here?" Trinity folded her arms. "Making a fool outta yoself."  She said as she looked disgusted. Rolling her eyes the woman smacked her teeth. "Because BITCH if you must know..." she struggled to breathe from the pressure of the police on top of her. "The man on the ground is MY brother. We were born 6 minutes apart. I'm his twin!" She took a deep breathe still struggling for air. "Im not here for you...Im here for him....."
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