#I just realized The Neck™ gif also has Stubble™
anonfromtheflight · 4 months
Usually everyone agrees that Omar is an exceptionally beautiful human, but one time on I think reddit someone said there are a million Omars walking around Latin America and he is nothing special and I was like WHAT
They're lying and it's such a ridiculous thing to say OMG I get that not everyone can be into him but saying he's nothing special??? That's blasphemous!
Look, I live in like the 6th most populated city in Latin America and it's fairly diverse in terms of the amount of Latin American immigrants that live here. Coincidentally, a large part of those people are from Venezuela... I've lived here for two years full time, I ride the always full subway every day and have never ever seen someone as beautiful as Omar Rudberg. Like I wish!!
I also visited México City in November last year and no, sorry, no one compared to Omar's beauty either.
I'm from a smaller city in Chile and there, I know men that look like Pedro Pascal and Oscar Isaac lmao like your average looking Latino who's handsome if you like their style? Diego Luna too, who looks exactly as one of my old uni classmates. Funnily enough there's always a Pedro Pascal double contest going on somewhere here, with thousands of contestants lmao 😭
And like OKAY I know I'm biased AF but Omar isn't just handsome. He's beautiful. Even lesbians think he's beautiful, come on!
He's aesthetically pleasing, as my very lesbian sister says, and no, you just can't find anyone that looks like Omar here. Curly haired, brown men? Sure. But as GORGEOUS as him? Not at all.
If I ever find someone as beautifull as Omar, I'll let you all know!
For now, there's only one Omar Rudberg and he's more beautiful than all the other men out there!
Whoever said that is a lying liar who lies.
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With make up, without make up? GORGEOUS!
No Omar slander on my watch! 🙅🏾‍♀️🙅🏾‍♀️
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