#I kept wanting to mention a few Plushtrap things recently
incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 2 months
With Plushtrap being in the Dr. Scraptrap AU, there’s just a quick little thing that I wanted to mention—so that I wouldn’t end up forgetting later.
Plushtrap goes by He/They/She.
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Alec is out late with friends on a weekend and he gets a text from Fetch to come home because Lefty is worried about him but won't text him himself because he doesn't want to come off as too controlling.
Tym 2 come hom
Alec didn’t initially understand the wording, he knew it was Fetch based on the strange texting language, he also didn’t understand why Fetch had texted him in particular, yes Fetch was synced to everyone's phone and would text them if necessary but he mainly communicated with Greg and Lefty.
His phone then received another message:
U need 2 come hom
Was Fetch asking him to come home?
He did see the time on his phone screen said 10:45 pm, he had been given permission by Lefty to go to the movies with some boys from school, the movie ended a while ago and Alec had decided to grab something to eat, he was just sitting inside the fast food place after eating just using the WiFi to watch videos on his phone.
Now Fetch was texting him.
Fetch had only texted him three times before, once because Fetch couldn’t get in touch with Greg, unaware Greg's phone battery died earlier.
RU on UR way now Alec?
Alec stood up, he had already decided it was time to go home but he decided to respond to Fetch first:
I'll be home in twenty minutes
Fetch responded:
C U soon
Alec checked the time before he went inside the house, he knew Lefty wasn’t particularly about curfews but Lefty did say before for everyone, which included himself, Ralpho, Sarah, Millie, Pete, Oscar, Stanley, Matt and everyone else, that it was a good idea to not be out of the property after midnight. The reason being that there were threats Lefty hadn’t captured yet, like Funtime Freddy, Alec hadn’t seen him aside from pictures but Lefty warned him enough that Funtime Freddy could potentially be stalking Millie and might be coming to watch the house after midnight for an opportunity to grab someone.
Creatures like Plushtrap, Eleanor, and Foxy were also problematic, and the reasons why the doors were impossible to break complete with multiple locks that would give enough time for Lefty to get a spell ready to repel them.
Nothing bad had happened so far, Lefty did say he was certain Eleanor showed up a few nights ago because Fetch kept barking at the window and Lefty saw a tall figure running down the street, obviously spooked by Fetch barking.
Alec pushed the door open, then closed it behind him, he immediately saw in the living room, Lefty was sitting on the sofa, and Fetch was next to him, he appeared to be asleep.
Lefty looked over at him, “Oh you're home...”
“Yes, I live here.”
“I just didn’t know when you would be coming home, that's all,” Lefty answered.
“Fetch texted me to come home,” Alec told him.
“I didn’t notice that he did,” Lefty looked at the dog who was at his side, Fetch slowly opened one of his eyes and looked at Alec.
Alec's phone buzzed, he figured Fetch had chimed in with something and looked at what he said:
Lefty was worried abt U
Alec nodded, Fetch then added on:
He won’t admit
Lefty don’t wna ctrl U
Alec interpreted that as Lefty wanting to let him have freedoms but not wanting him to get hurt by those freedoms.
He noticed from the very first time he met him that even with him unaware who he was, he saw Lefty was trying to protect Helpy from a potential threat. Then when Alec said who he was, Lefty was always looking out for him, at the time Alec was a two-foot Lonely Freddy and could disappear into the vents, Alec even got trapped in a pipe once after he fell into it and it wasn’t fun, Lefty did pull him out when he found him. Lefty was not just looking out for him, but protecting him like how a parent would.
Alec did realise after he was put back into his body that the family life he thought he wanted for several months wasn’t the one he needed.
That was months ago, and Hazel had followed him to this new life with Lefty and the others.
Lefty was still sort of new to being a parent, technically he had eight kids to watch out for, him and his sister included.
“You know if you want me to come home, just text me,” Alec said to Lefty, he didn't want Lefty to worry about him.
“Well, you know what I said... don’t be outside after midnight.”
The whole midnight thing wasn’t as much of a curfew as it was a safety rule, Alec was fine to follow any rules Lefty had because they weren’t unreasonable, Lefty expected him to do homework and chores but he was okay when Alec wanted to take a break, play games and go out for the afternoon, Lefty had never fought with him or scolded him.
“I wouldn’t,” Alec answered, “Because I know you don’t me to get hurt.”
“I don’t want anyone in this house hurt,” Lefty seemed to correct him.
“Not even Matt?”
Alec had spoken the name of an adult man they recently met, Alec knew Lefty was having arguments with Matt regularly but they seem to be less now.
“Me and Matt are establishing a better relationship,” Lefty explained, “He's starting to break a lot of bad habits, I think Spring could also to be thanked for that, I mean yes what happened wasn’t nice but it was a wake-up call, and in a way... everyone here has had some sort of wake up call.”
Alec felt like he had two wake-up calls:
When he realised Hazel wasn’t a manipulative brat, and when he realised he was a lot happier when Lefty was filling the parent role better than his own parents.
“Regardless no one in my opinion deserves to be attacked by a rogue robot.”
“What about the people created Lonely Freddy?”
“Well... I already showed those people their actions have consequences and Karma's a bitch.”
“Well, you are Karma then.”
Lefty chuckled at that, “I guess I am.”
“So not grounded for being out past eleven?”
Lefty shook his head, “Alec, I don’t really ground anyone, you know that but I'd like you to go to bed now, you need to have at least 9 and half hours of sleep.”
Lefty didn't particularly enforce an exact time for sleep, he did however liked everyone to be asleep by eleven, and he said Hazel and Chuck should have about 10 hours of sleep.
Alec nodded, “Okay, goodnight dad.”
Alec did occasionally call him Dad but not always, Lefty wouldn't force it, Alec never saw how Lefty would smile when he heard that.
“Goodnight Alec...” Lefty responded as Alec disappeared upstairs out of view.
Lefty looked at Fetch, who turned his head to him and gave him the innocent look like he did nothing wrong, he gave that look yesterday when he tracked in mud on the kitchen floor.
Lefty saw Fetch had sent him a message on his phone.
U need 2 jus communicate wn U'D lk him 2be hom
“I guess I need to do that... I mean... he's legally my kid now, heck I even considered him my kid long before, I put in the effort that his real parents never did,” Lefty said, ”I don't want to come off as controlling, however.”
I nvr met Alec's M&D but dey don’t sound gd like Greg's, U btr parent 4 them all
“Ian and Meg aren’t the same as Greg's parents...” Lefty told him, “I don’t like talking to Ian or Meg, but I’ve threatened Greg's father saying if he ever hurts him again then he better start running immediately because I won’t be held back this time by anyone.”
Fetch growled at the mention of Greg's father, something they both hated was Greg's father, he then shook his head and yawned.
“Yes, let's go to bed, Alec's back home now, just go to bed, I'm going to have a quick look, make sure everyone is actually asleep,” Lefty stood up from the sofa and went upstairs, Fetch followed behind him.
Lefty checked on Hazel and Ralpho first, he liked her for some reason so he often jumped on her bed while no one else was looking and fell asleep there, he then checked on Sarah and Millie, who were both asleep in their bed. Delilah also was asleep, with her alarm set for eight AM so she could go to work, Stanley, Matt and Spring were asleep.
The boys all were asleep, Alec obviously would still be conscious but his eyes were closed, the only things Lefty noticed was Pete didn’t take off his hat so it was still on his head and Oscar had his phone in his hands, he obviously fell asleep while texting Issac and Raj.
Lefty then snuck to bed, Fetch had already taken his place on the big dog bed in the corner near the door, Lefty walked pass him, he took off his hat and bow tie then laid down, drifting into a dreamless sleep.
That was until Fetch woke him at eight, asking for breakfast like he always did.
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