#I know nobody will pick the kubrick one LOL
celestialrequiem · 3 years
In Progress/Coming Soon!
So @guiltyfiend and @instincts-baby are incredible writers who inspired me to start writing ❤️❤️ I already have some concepts in mind 🥰,  I personally never would’ve thought to be part of a fandom again at the age of 23, (the last fandom I was in was true crime and KPOP, and both were toxic LMAO) and I never in my life thought I would ever write fanfics but here we are. Lol. Thank you to Carissa and Dana who made me believe that there are great & amazing fanfic writing, you truly inspired me with the fictional worlds you have created and blessed this fandom!
Here are my concepts so far. :-)
1-Apollo and Daphne (Michael is Apollo and Reader is Daphne) inspired by Greek Mythology. I wanted to do Hades and Persephone but that’s been done before by great writers!! (@7-wonders and @rainbowxmisa check them out!) (will possibly be a one shot!)
2-  Celestial Requiem (In Progress, Chapter 1 will be done soon!) It is a period/historical fic. Soft Dark!Michael is a hunter, who falls in love with Zeus’s naive and pure daughter (a nymph). Michael works for Zeus! (It will be multiple chapters!) This concept was inspired by one of my favourite collages by Max Ernest called “Approaching Puberty” and inspired by Greek Mythology (again)  lol. This will be dedicated to @guiltyfiend and @instincts-baby 🥰 
3- Kubrick Characters as the Cody boys, (this will be headcanons) This is self-indulgent tbh because I am a Kubrick hoe LOL. (I will be mentioning “Eyes Wide Shut by @guiltyfiend” obviously because she made me (or us?) haha envision Michael fitting in that world!/film!) This also might be the first thing I finish, because it’s headcanons. Lol. 
4- Based in the 60s, Dark!Duncan Shepherd is a corrupt Sheriff who falls in love with a waitress working at a diner (inspired by one of my favourite shows Twin Peaks...I am whore for David Lynch okay)  Duncan probably has a housewife/misogyny kink  👀. (It’s the 60s duh, his character will be like Don Draper from Mad Men) 
5- Opera (inspired by Phantom of the opera and Opera by Dario Argento) Serial Killer Michael! is an obsessed fan who kidnaps ballet reader and holds her hostage at the opera (I started working on it, probably will be a one shot) 
I am planning to continue writing once I finish my finals!
If you guys are interested in a particular one let me know 🥰(pick a number)
Thank you !
honourable mentions to other writers who inspired me Ashe, Eva and Jocelyn! ❤️❤️ @sojournmichael  @jimmason @michaellangdonstanaccount love your work each one of you! ​
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primonizuto · 5 years
movie asks: J, A, M, E, S :^)
movie asks
j: a genre you wish was still popular
man idk what’s popular and what isn’t any more but i would love to see more cool and innovative movies about pirates, that would be nice. cutthroat island 2 maybe
a: a movie you think is underrated
the beach boys/brian wilson biopic love and mercy! the performances are really great, it looks beautiful, and the sound design was amazing not just in terms of the music but the auditory hallucination scenes. i know it’s not exactly underrated like people recognise it was good but i never seem to see it up there when people are talking about good music biopics? idk man it rocks though i wanna rewatch
m: a sequel you like better than the original
perhaps controversial but t2 trainspotting. i love the original but there’s something about t2 that makes me so happy it’s just like. it makes me feel so safe and happy! i know it was almost entirely nostalgia but that’s what i really loved about it, it really revelled in the fact that it was a sequel to trainspotting while also being its own movie. it was bittersweet without being depressing and to me it didn’t ever seem to say “i wish they were still young” which is what a lot of 20-years-later sequels tend to do imo? it was more like “remember when they were young?” which to me is a better experience because it puts the filmmakers and the audience on the same page? idk man i just love t2 trainspotting
e: a silent movie you love
i have barely seen any silent movies but i did watch a couple during undergrad and of those i think my fav pure silent film was the cabinet of dr caligari. vampyr half counts because it was largely silent with only occasional bits of spoken dialogue and i do remember liking it but it creeped me out so bad lol
s: a movie you’d like to see remade and which director you’d pick
some mild sacrilege but i would love to see a kubrick film remade as if the kubrick film had never been extant in the first place, so what i mean is like a re-adaptation of one of the books he adapted WITHOUT taking into account the kubrick adaptation? nobody is surprised to hear me suggest full metal jacket here but i truly think there’s a lot more in the book that could have been more adeptly translated to film by literally any other director, and this is from a person going to london in a few days to see the kubrick exhibit at the design museum like. i love full metal jacket but it... frustrates me! idk enough about directors to suggest someone else but just. someone who understands the book better than kubrick did lol
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