#I know the CCP have their hands around your necks but come on
justintaco · 10 months
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Arknights during every other event: Nationalism and divisions are a sham. Nations and their power structures exist only to uphold themselves. The powerful will gladly sacrifice millions of lives for their own comfort.
Arknights any time the story involves Arknights China: Serving your country is very noble and there's many ways to do it :)
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sherlockmormorrp · 4 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like teenlock, and johnlock.
Stranger: Practice had run a bit late, which may or may not have been deliberate, considering it meant John would bump into his chemistry teacher on his way through the school car park. It was just starting to get dark and just starting to rain, the rugby captain still wandering around in his rugby shorts smeared with mud, bag slung over his shoulder, when he finally locked up the sports shed and spotted Mr Holmes heading to his car. Mr Holmes, who was breathtakingly brilliant and clever and gorgeous and yeah, okay, he wasn't the only one with a crush on the teacher, but he sure was the only one who actually got on with him alright too. The man had little patience for careless, indignant students, but when it came to John he was a little bit friendlier, a little bit smilier. Or maybe that was John's imagination. Maybe the latter. Still, that didn't stop John from grinning and giving a wave as their paths crossed. "Well hey, sir. You're here late. Running another experiment in the lab?" John smirked.
You: (reading)
You: Sherlock looked up as he heard one of his favorite students approach him. John was right, he had just finished up his experiment, access to the chemistry lab was one of the main reasons he still taught. He could get incredibly frustrated with his students even for teaching the AP chemistry course they could still be rather dim. John, however, actually tried in class even if he got the equations wrong Sherlock could see he was trying and appreciated that. He eyed the other before he checked his wristwatch, "John? Why on earth are you here so late?" he asked, "I'm fairly certain practice ends sooner than this?" he asked. (Is this highschool or Uni?)
Stranger: [I'm thinking high school! John's 18] The student gave a little shrug, checking his own watch. Oops, yeah. It /was/ a bit of a late one today. But still, they had a real match coming up soon, it was normal for practices to run a little over so close to season. "Yeah, guess we lost track of time," John chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his damp neck. "I help coach pack things up at the end of practice anyway, and some of the lads are a bit sloppy so we worked them over time tonight. They needed it. But don't worry, I promise I won't be too knackered for class tomorrow." He flashed Sherlock another smile.
You: Sherlock nodded, John was very fit from rugby. He was a clear athlete in his build but yet wasn't a complete jar head, he took his studies seriously and Sherlock admired that. "Oh-" he frowned as it started to rain, he used his briefcase to cover his head. "How are you getting home, John?" he asked, concerned for the boys wellbeing in the rain and this time of day. (sounds good to me)
Stranger: It was incredibly sweet, the concern in Sherlock's tone then. Though surely he'd be concerned for any of his students wandering around this time of night. John tried not to let it get to his head, as he shrugged. "I was just gonna walk. It's not that far, really," he assured him, seemingly unfazed as the rain started to come down. In all fairness he probably would've caught the bus, but he'd missed the last one, running practice so late... but oh well. "Spot of rain never hurt!"
You: Sherlock frowned in concern. "Are you sure? I can give you a ride home." he offered, "I insist really. I'm not letting you walk in this rain at this time of night. " he unlocked his car. "You can put your bag in the trunk." he told, not giving John the option of saying no. He couldn't in good faith let John walk home, it was dangerous. Sherlock hurried into the drivers seat to get out of the rain, he started his car and waited for the boy to get in.
Stranger: It... was an incredibly kind gesture, but John wasn't sure it was such a good idea, agreeing to be in a confined space with Mr Holmes. Not that it really mattered, of course, nothing would happen other than maybe John making a fool out of himself. He hesitated for a moment, but Sherlock really wasn't giving him an inch to protest, so he gave in and put his bag in the back seat, grabbing his jersey out of it. "I'm real, real sorry if I get dirt all through your car, sir," John said hesitantly, placing the relatively clean jersey on the seat before he got in and sat down, careful not to shed mud everywhere. "Thanks for this though, if you're really sure. I don't mean to be a bother, and it's really not that far."
You: Sherlock chuckled, John was very polite, not like most of the rude students he had. "You're fine, John. I can't let anything happen to my favorite student now can I ?" he shot him a smile before he headed out of the parking lot. "Just direct me to your home." he told. He turned to look at him, "Your mother and father don't pick you up after practice?" he asked, "Especially when it's this late?"
Stranger: Favourite student? John's face lit up at that, even if he was sure Sherlock was mostly teasing. Surely his favourite student would be someone clever and passionate and witty like he was, not plain old John who tried his damn best but still wasn't anything exceptional. "Hell, I'll try not to let that get to my head, Mr Holmes, but no promises," he chuckled, before navigating the way for his teacher. It was still roughly a fifteen minute drive, and John was gonna make sure to make the most of it. He hesitated when Sherlock asked about his parents, looking down at his hands before shrugging. "Oh, you know. Dad's busy working late, and Mum's not too well at the moment," he replied, keeping it vague.
You: Sherlock nodded, noticing the change in the boys body language at the mention of his parents. "I'm sorry to hear that." he muttered softly. "Well, if you're at school this late again you come to my the lab. You'll most likely find me there at all hours. It isn't exactly safe for you to be walking so far this late." he turned to look at him briefly while at a stoplight. "You certainly look like you can handle yourself, but no need in putting yourself in danger." John had a short stature but he was very muscular thanks to rugby and could definitely hold his own in a fight, but why subject himself to unneccisary danger. "I can give you a ride home if needed." he assured him.
Stranger: John couldn't help but smile at the offer, genuinely touched by the concern and generosity. Shit, it wasn't often someone went out of their way for him. And for it to come from Mr Holmes, was... well, really lovely. "Thank you, sir," he said genuinely, entirely grateful. "I wouldn't want to be a bother, especially if it's a bit of a detour for you, but I do really appreciate it." He found himself looking up at the teacher warmly for a little too long and finally glanced away, ears pink. "Some of the other kids say some awful things about you, Mr Holmes, but you're the best teacher - the best man, I think - that I've ever known."
You: Sherlock chuckled at John's statement, "I'm sure most of what the kids say about me is true." he chuckled. "I am not the easiest teacher. I actually expect my students to learn and apply themselves. Unfortunately that isn't instituted with the rest of the teachers." he said with an eye roll. "But thank you, John. Really it's just a ride home." he couldn't help but smile though, it was sweet of John to say. He was at least glad that one of his students didn't completely hate him.
Stranger: Right. Yeah. Of course. Just a ride home. Maybe he was getting ahead of himself. But even still, it was more than anything anyone had done for him in a while, and it was really, really nice. So John just shrugged and smiled, looking out the window at the rainy street sliding past. "I still really appreciate it. And I think that's part of what makes you so good as a teacher. You don't put up with slack. You push us to do our best. And I know mine's average at best, but you still get me trying my hardest, and I'm grateful for it," he murmured, glancing back over to the elder. "And yeah, you can be a bit of a prat sometimes too but that's half the fun," he teased.
You: Mr. Holmes grinned at John calling him a prat. "You are very clever, John." he praised. "You are far beyond average." he assured him, "And what you lack in your arithmetic you make up for with your persistence. Chemistry does not come easily at all and it's very easy to get flustered and quit. But you don't. You come to me with questions, you're engaged during class and you come to tutoring. That means a lot more to a teacher than the actual grade you may get on tests." he let out a soft sigh. "I know I am a strict teacher but I don't think many students realize that if I see an effort that a student is trying I will bump their grade to reflect that effort. "
Stranger: The praise meant a lot to John, coming from Mr Holmes. He couldn't quite will away the blush that rose in his cheeks and the tips of his ears as the teacher reassured him that he wasn't quite as much of a dunce as he often felt, and he smiled up at Sherlock for a moment. "Well, I'm glad you can see when someone's trying. Though hell, I'd hate to see what my grades would look like if I /wasn't/ putting so much effort into it," he laughed lightly. Not that his grades were bad to begin with, but still. "So all it takes to be your favourite is to try hard and be engaged, huh? Here I was thinking it might've been my charming smile or something."
You: Sherlock looked over to John and immediantly noticed the other was glowing pink with embarssement, he smiled softly to himself finding it very..adorable really. He chuckled at John's statement, only pausing for a moment to access what he said. That statement was awfully... flirty, coming from anyone else mouth of course. John was certainly not flirting with his teacher. That wouldn't be appropriate at all. He hesitated before he spoke, "It doesn't hurt.." he hummed, flashing a smile to the other that was all teeth. "It's just nice to know that there are still students who give a damn." he hummed.
Stranger: The hesitation didn't go amiss, and yeah maybe that had been a little flirtier than John should have allowed, but hell, Sherlock's response almost could've been considered flirty too. Had it come from anyone else, of course. Mr Holmes wasn't the sort of man to flirt with his students, and John needed to remember that. Still, he couldn't help but chuckle at the reply and the toothy grin, quietly delighted. "Of course there are. You make it pretty easy to get invested and interested," John smiled, hoping that wasn't too much of a double entendre.
You: Sherlock rose an eyebrow, "I do?" he asked, "I didn't think my lectures were that enticing.." he frowned as he realized they were getting closer to John's home. Was it sad that this was the most social interaction he had for months? Outside of teaching Sherlock didn't talk to anyone, and he wasn't exactly talking with his students more so at them. He enjoyed John's company, he was clever and very mature.
Stranger: "Are you kidding? Your lectures are easily the best," John assured, honestly surprised that Sherlock didn't realise quite how captivating he was with this content. "No other teacher gets quite as passionate and knows quite as much about their subject as you. You're definitely the easiest to listen to and engage with. Like when you started off about cations and anions and their reactions, that was incredible. It can sometimes be a little hard to keep up with you because your head just runs at a lightning pace, but it's amazing to listen to," John grinned, trying very hard not to be too disappointed by the fact that they were only a few blocks away from his house.
You: Sherlock felt ridicoulous because now he was the one blushing. No one had ever said such nice things to him before. Most found him annoying and pompous for knowing so much about Chemistry. He was happy that John recognized his passion for the subject. He turned to face him, heart warm by his words. "I..Thank you John. That..really means a lot" he admitted. He parked outside of the other's home, a little sad their conversation had to end. "Well.." he muttered to himself. "Don't forget your homework due tomorrow.." he muttered a bit lamely, he didn't know what else to say.
Stranger: The colour in Sherlock's cheeks was far prettier than it had any right to be, and John got a little lost looking up at him for a second there. His stupid, hormonal, teenage brain teased him with the thought of maybe leaning in to... hell, maybe even just kiss him on the cheek. But that was so ridiculously inappropriate and wrong and he quickly shoved that thought aside, heart fluttering. "I won't," he nodded gently, looking up at his house. No, he wasn't looking forward to going home. If only he lived on the other side of town, so they could just keep talking and... well. No, best he get a move on. "Thanks again, Mr Holmes, I really do appreciate it. You're very kind." He opened the door a fraction, and turned back to give Sherlock a warm smile. "I'll see you tomorrow."
You: Sherlock noticed the hesitation, he frowned a little in worry. He hoped John's home life was alright, he seemed tense at the topic of his parents and the younger man didn't seem to want to leave the car. He nodded and smiled back, "See you tomorrow, John. Don't forget your bag." he reminded.
Stranger: Right, yes, he'd better get a move on before Sherlock started deducing things at home. He stepped out into the rain, and leaned down to look back in the car long enough to smile and say, "have a good night, Mr Holmes. Thanks again." And then he closed the door, grabbed his bag from the trunk, and started up towards his gate. He turned to give Sherlock another wave, before heading up and inside, feeling warm in his chest, smile stuck on his lips.
You: Sherlock didn't leave until he saw John safely enter his home. He ran a hand through his curls and let out a deep breath. John Watson was a very charming boy, but he was exactly that-a boy. A student. Sherlock really sort of overstepped by offering to take him home but that was in good faith. The thoughts he was currently having about the blonde were not so good-willed. He cleared them from his head quickly, the inappropriate thoughts anyways. John was not flirting with him. He was his teacher and John was simply a good student who cared deeply for academics. He made it to his home and entered his lonely apartment and began grading tests.
Stranger: The warm feeling managed to last a little while, at least. He managed to get in, have a shower, and get dinner started before his father got home and the bickering started. Between Dad and Harry constantly arguing and Mum with her anxiety and headaches keeping her in her room most of the day, it was... well, not ideal. But he managed. Ever the caretaker, ever the mediator, he made his family dinner and managed to pry Harry away from stirring their father up even more and managed to miss a second clip around the ears, and so it was fine. It was a fine night. Because he got to go to bed thinking of that blush on Sherlock's cheeks and his damp curls and that silly, toothy grin. When the next morning rolled round, he got to school early, having pushed himself and his sister out the door before their father had a chance to wake up. He wandered into class to find it empty except for Mr Holmes, and smiled. "Well, good morning. Sleep well?"
You: Sherlock looked up from his desk when he heard someone come in, it was very early-no student should be here by now. He was pleased to see John entering his classroom. "Goodmorning, John." he greeted, he tapped his coffee cup with his pen. "Haven't slept actually" he answered honestly. He pushed his chair away from his desk to face John. "What can I help you with, did you have a question on the homework?" he asked.
Stranger: Hadn't slept? Well shit, he looked fairly perky and alert for someone who hadn't slept all night, and there was no way a single coffee was holding him up. Which meant he likely regularly didn't sleep. Which was... well, concerning. "How come you didn't sleep?" John frowned, wandering forward to drop his bag at a desk. He rubbed the back of his neck at the question, hesitant. "Well, not really. Just wanted to get here early," he shrugged, and it wasn't quite a lie, just not the whole truth. But oh, hang on. "Wait, no, could you look something over for me? I struggled a little on question fourteen and I /think/ I got it, I just want to make sure my thought process was right," he said, grabbing his notes and wandering up to Sherlock's desk, leaning against it as he handed the work over.
You: Mr. Holmes smiled at John's concern. "I don't sleep often." he answered. "I'm working a lot, and lose track of time. But I manage." he shrugged, usually until his body collapsed from exhaustion. He nodded when John asked him to look over his work, he took John's paper and scanned the work quickly, he turned his head and noticed just how close John was watching over his shoulder. "These all look good. You are missing a valance electron for this calculation of the lewis dot structure of Potassium Chloride." he explained. "Take another look at it." he told, handing him a pencil from his desk.
Stranger: Still, to lose track of time enough to miss an entire night of sleep? That couldn't be healthy. "You really shouldn't be taking work home with you, you know. I've heard that's killer," he warned with a small smile, before leaning close to watch Sherlock pour over his work. Ah. Bugger. Of course he'd missed an electron. "Damn, and it's so obvious now that you've pointed it out, too," he sighed, leaning in to reach over and correct himself, shoulder brushing against Sherlock's. He tried very hard not to think about it. That, and the pleasant scent of coffee and body wash and chemicals. John sat back a little, cheeks pink again. "Is that right?"
You: Sherlock noticed that damn blush again, was it from the small amount of contact? Of course not, John must be embarrassed about the simple mistake. He smiled and nodded, "Yes, everything looks good." he assured him. "It's easy to miss the little things. But you've clearly mastered the concept which is important," he assured him. He wrote a 100 on the top of the page and handed it back to John. "Very good work, John." he reached for his coffee, taking a sip before he spoke again. "Oh, I'm not staying up all night grading papers. I finished that fairly quickly. I'm working on my own personal experiments. Outside of the ones for class." he explained
Stranger: A 100, even with his slight mistake? Well. John blinked, a smile lighting on his face even though he almost felt like it wasn't quite deserved. "Thank you, sir," he nodded, delighted with the perfect mark and praise. "Really doesn't hurt to flash a smile once in a while, huh?" He teased, before straightening up again. He leaned against Sherlock's desk a little and raised a brow, curious, but also careful not to invade his space too much again. "Yeah? What are you working on at the moment?"
You: Sherlock chuckled softly, "Well.." he hesitated, "I don't mean this in an insulting manner but it is far above Chem 1." he warned, "But I'll try and explain it as best I can." he assured him. He stood and went to the board. "You're familiar with Carbon, obviously. Well, Carbon is a very fascinating element. So fascinating that an entire section of Chemistry is devoted to it. It's called Organic Chemistry. Every living thing contains carbon in one form or another. " he began. "Now, you recall going over Lewis Dot Structures for a visual aspect of how elements are going to combine with other elements. Well Carbon is very interesting because of /how/ it forms with different elements. It has properties that are very unique to Carbon." he drew out the lewis dot structure for carbon. "Organic Chemistry is basically...the study of how carbon combines with different things and what happens." he turned to see if John was following along with him. He tried to remember that John had told him he could talk a bit too fast on accident.
Stranger: John was already captivated, having perched himself on the edge of Sherlock's desk to watch him comfortably, listening to him start on organic chemistry. He remember Mr Holmes had mentioned the term a few times, and had briefly touched on the significance of carbon before, so he was able to keep up so far. And God, he could just listen to Sherlock speak about anything he was interested in all day, if the teacher allowed him. Even just the sound of his voice was - right. No. Don't get distracted. John nodded instead, grinning. "I'm keeping up so far, I think. Please, go on."
You: Sherlock noticed John's look of..almost dozing off and he feared he was boring the other but he insisted he continued. He nodded slowly, "Right- well. As I said Organic Chemistry is incredibly difficult, they don't even allow it to be taught in high school it's strictly at the university level." he explained. "I've been trying for years to get an organic chemistry course put in, at least for the students who think they want a career in something-medical perhaps. It will benefit them greatly." he sighed and shook his head. "Anyways, I've recently redirected my focus to Organic Chem, I dabbled in Nuclear Chemistry for a while but-eh it was boring." he shrugged. Sherlock was far too brilliant to be teaching at a high school that much was clear.
Stranger: It was wonderful, hearing him talk about it be excited about it, and honestly John couldn't help but be excited too, leaning forward slightly, intent. And he also honestly couldn't help but ask the obvious question, really. "Mr Holmes, I mean this with the greatest respect, but what the hell are you doing teaching /high schoolers/?" He asked with a light chuckle, shaking his head. "You should be teaching at a university level, if anything. And then that way you /could/ teach the things you want to, advanced things like organic chem. Your mind is too vast and brilliant to be... not wasted, I guess, because a lot of us still learn so much from you, but Christ."
You: Sherlock turned around and smiled softly, he let out a soft chuckle. "Ah.." he had expected this question, he moved to sit back down at his desk. "That's well..a loaded question, John." he answered. "The nice version?" he asked. "High school is a very important time for a growing mind. A good teacher at this level can determine whether a student decides to continue their education to the Uni level." he answered. "And well..a more practical answer. I am a..very hard man to get along with. I step on toes, I never shy away from what I'm thinking and...that has gotten me into trouble." he admitted.
Stranger: That was a fair point, to be honest. Part of John had almost wanted to be something of a writer, even as a hobby, if not for the rubbish English teacher he'd had two years ago. Which in hindsight was probably for the best, but still. He knew what Sherlock meant. High school teachers had a lot of influence. But the practical answer... well, it just didn't sit right with John. He gently leaned back against the desk and knocked his knee against Sherlock's, with a well-meaning frown. "You're not /that/ difficult to get on with. And if anything, surely you'd get away with that more easily at uni, wouldn't you?"
You: Sherlock chuckled and smiled-almost shy like at John's compliment. "I did work at a Uni for some time...but I pissed off the department head and was fired." he explained. "You'll learn John...that in life its all about pleasing the right people. And well..I've never been very good at that." he laughed softly. "I'd rather focus on science than worry about impressing the right administrators and playing the politics of it all." he rolled his eyes. "I can't be bothered to worry myself with it all."
Stranger: Oh. John immediatley felt bad for bringing it up, and honestly a little angry that someone had dared fire him. For what sounded like a personality difference, no less. It just didn't seem fair. And quite right, Sherlock shouldn't have to worry about the politics of it, surely it should just be about his intellect and his ability to share and teach new information. "I'm really sorry, Mr Holmes. That sounds really rough," John said gently, nudging the elder's foot with his own in an awkward sort of attempt at a comforting gesture. "What about a different university, maybe? But... well, us mere high schoolers are very , very, very lucky to have you regardless." He smiled gently.
You: Sherlock opened his mouth as if he were going to speak but shut it. Deciding he definitely should share too much of his past with his student. "I.." he gave a weak smile at the gesture. "High school is fine for me. Right now," he answered simply. John seemed to look up to him for whatever reason and he didn't want to ruin John's ideal of him by revealing that he was a recovering drug addict. That wasn't very..noble of him. In actuality teaching, high school was recommended, supposed to be less stressful and ease him back into teaching and living sober, blah blah. For now, it was fine, Sherlock missed having access to more advanced lab eqipment, but he meant it. Students like John were starting to make the job seem worth it.
You: (shoudn't**)
Stranger: There was a hesitation, a reluctance in him then that suggested he was holding something back, and as curious as John was, he knew better than to pry. Maybe Sherlock had other reasons too and that was fine. It wasn't his business. Honestly he was grateful the man could share even this much with him. "Well, I'm glad you're here," John said gently and sincerely, with a warm smile. "Oh and hey, I meant to ask, I didn't leave a mess in your car, did I?" He asked with a sheepish, apologetic grin, running a hand through his hair. "Because I'd be very happy to clean it up if I did. I know I was pretty muddy after practice, and being damp and all."
You: Sherlock smiled, ignoring the feeling in his stomach when John said he was glad he was here, no one was ever glad he was in the room. He looked up at John, admiring the way he looked when he was..shy and running his hand through his hair like that. "In all honesty, I didn't even look." he admitted. "Even if you did I'm not worried about, I can easily get the car detailed." he assured him. He looked John over briefly, deducing simple things about him. He'd showered this morning and was wearing a strong aftershave. It seemed he wanted to seem..mature, possibly draw attention from girls. "You're doing well in your other classes?" he asked, "I assume so, I know athletes can't play if they are failing classes."
Stranger: There was a certain way Sherlock was looking at him now, slightly more intensely than before, and oh yeah, John recognised the look he got when he was deducing people. He'd only witnessed the teacher deduce other students aloud three times, when calling them out on excuses or lies or bad behaviour, and it was incredible every time. Being on the receiving end of that look was no less incredible, but certainly a little intimidating. That warmth rose to John's cheeks again, and he swallowed, collecting himself. God he hoped Sherlock couldn't read him too deeply. "Yeah. Yeah, of course. I'm doing really well in bio and phys-ed. The others are all okay," he smiled, before giving a small shrug. "Not /quite/ as well as I'm doing in your class, I'll admit, but then again of course I'm doing the best for my favourite teacher."
You: Sherlock chuckled, "I'd hardly qualify Phys-ed as a class." he mumbled with a playful roll of his eyes. He grinned when John called him his favorite teacher, "Well, I'm well off in anything science. So if you need help with Biology I can help with that as well. Biology and Chemistry work side by side really, nearly everything that happens in the human body is a form of chemistry." he hummed. "And math, but I am absolutely no use in anything English or History." he chuckled.
Stranger: John chuckled lightly, shrugging. Yeah, he couldn't imagine Sherlock would have much interest in things like literature or history. Science, though. Anything and everything scientific, he was sure Sherlock had or would master. "Well thanks, Mr Holmes. I really appreciate it. And you know, I probably could do with a little bit of help with bio," he said carefully. "I swear I'm not just trying to spend more time with you. Although I wouldn't mind that too," he teased with a small smirk, knocking his knee against the teacher's lightly. That wasn't too far, right? Not /too/ flirty?
You: Sherlock was painfully aware of John's third attempt at subtle physical contact with him. He rose an eyebrow, quickly realizing that John was flirting with him. It was hard to believe but he couldn't ignore the obvious- supposed to be subtle hints. Sherlock was incredibly good at reading people and John-well the poor boy was basically an open book. He licked his lips subconsciously as he thought about how to approach this. He gave John a small smile. "Well, You know where to find me. Before or after school, or during my office hours" he answered. He wasn't overstepping, it was just tutoring. John simply saw him as a role model at most, it was nothing to worry about.
Stranger: Okay, so maybe that wasn't quite as subtle as he'd hoped. But hell, if he was being a little too obvious and if Sherlock did realise that maybe this was a little inappropriate, surely the teacher would gently, nicely disengage. Right? And yet, Mr Holmes was practically offering an invitation - a very professional one, of course, for tutoring and nothing more - and that swipe of his tongue over his lips... John swallowed. Oh, he was so letting it get to his head. "Well, maybe I could stay behind after school today? You could tell me more about organic chemistry and help me with my bio paper," he suggested innocently enough, though the colour in his cheeks was such a stupid, blatant giveaway.
You: Oh, Christ that blush. John was smitten, he could see it over his face. Oh god, was the aftershave for him? It did smell nice subjectively but John wasn't supposed to be trying to catch the eye of his teacher. He was supposed to be interested in boys closer to his age, perhaps another rugby player or something. Not his chemistry teacher. Mr. Holmes hesitated for a moment before he nodded, "That'd be fine." he agreed softly, knowing that was a terrible idea but he couldn't say he didn't enjoy John's company. Besides, it wasn't like he was taking him home with him. It would be in a professional environment. Just-tutoring and conversation. That was harmless. Mr. Holmes looked up when the bell rang, he looked to John. "You better get to first period. You don't want to be late." he warned
Stranger: Something in his abdomen did a delightful little somersault when Sherlock agreed to see him at the end of the day. Even if it really was just to keep talking about chemistry and school, John didn't mind one bit. He was a hopeful young man, but he wasn't naive. He knew in his head nothing would ever happen, not that Sherlock would even ever be interested, and yet... and yet he just couldn't help but grin as he nodded, and straightened up. "Right. Yeah," he said as other students finally started to filter into Sherlock's class. He grabbed his bag, unable to wipe that smile off his face as he turned back to Sherlock. "Thanks again, Mr Holmes. I'll come find you later. And definitely have another coffee," he chuckled lightly, before dipping out the door and hurrying off to English, grinning and pink-cheeked the whole way.
You: Sherlock let out an exhale as John left the room, he ran his hand through his curls and tried to focus on getting his lesson plan together and actually-teaching something but he found himself distracted all day. He found himself comparing every student to John. John would of known that answer, John would understand what he was saying. John wouldn't be on his phone while he was teaching. By the time it was lunch Sherlock was sure he was going mad. Yet even still he found himself watching the door, expecting-well hoping that John would come looking for him.
Stranger: ((Brb!))
You: (no prob!)
Stranger: It was incredibly difficult paying attention in his first two classes of the day. They seemed to drag by, as his much less interesting teachers drawled on without much enthusiasm at all, obviously going over content they'd taught time and time again and had gotten sick of. Sherlock would never be this boring. But God, he really couldn't get too hung up on the man just yet... but then lunch rolled round and his rugby mates said something about kicking the ball around on the field for a while and John said he'd catch up with them shortly, he just needed to run something by one of his teachers. Which was mostly true, anyway, as he quickly finished his lunch and headed back to Sherlock's classroom, popping his head in the doorway. And there he was, looking his way, almost expectant. John laughed, grinning. "Hey. You look like you're waiting for someone," he teased, stepping inside.
You: Sherlock hated that he lit up when John did come through the door. He adored John's smile, it just seemed to light up the whole room. And the smile was just for him. Mr. Holmes couldn't help a shrug, "I had a feeling I would be seeing you during lunch." he admitted. He gave John a raised eyebrow, wondering what excuse he had come up with to be spending his lunch with a teacher instead of friends.
Stranger: There was no mistaking the sudden rush of life and light in Mr Holmes' eyes, then. And John tried really hard not to credit himself for it because that would just be daft, of course he didn't mean that much to his teacher, and yet. And yet, he loved the idea that Sherlock had known damn well he would pop by and had been waiting patiently. John chuckled again and closed the door behind him, blocking out the mindless chatter of other students in the corridor. "Just wanted to make sure you're still awake. And besides, I've got you for next period. Maybe I wanted a head start," he shrugged with a smirk, wandering forward. "Have you had lunch already?"
You: Mr. Holmes watched John very closely, when the blonde shut the door he had a little wave of panic but didn't say anything. John's tone and posture signaled he was getting braver, more comfortable around the older man. Sherlock swallowed at the thought of that, having mixed feelings about that realization. He nodded, "I'm not tired in the least." he answered, which was not a lie. John had been filling his mind all morning, it was becoming bit of a distraction. Sherlock shook his head when John asked if he had eaten, "No, I usually leave for lunch. Not too fond of the excuse for food they serve you poor students." Sherlock stood, needing to stretch his legs, "What's got you so eager for class?" he asked.
Stranger: Oh. Oh, there was the barest hint of trepidation in Sherlock then, a faint hesitation that gave John pause. He didn't want to make the man uncomfortable, not at all. Was he coming on a bit strong, now? Had he gotten the wrong idea? Was he letting Sherlock's friendliness get to his head? John tried not to over-analyse it too hard, but quietly tried to rein himself in a little, giving a small smile. "Fair enough, honestly. I usually bring something from home. It's generally better than the cafeteria stuff," he agreed, setting his bag down
Stranger: ((Oops wasn't done, sorry!))
Stranger: bag down. He floundered to come up with an excuse for wanting to see the teacher, and really this was just going to end up embarrassing if he wasn't careful, but he gave another shrug. "I just didn't fancy listening to Thomas go on about the birds he's been sleeping with, and you know, getting one hundred percent on my homework has sure inspired me to keep learning."
You: Sherlock rose an eyebrow, he couldn't help but smirk to himself. John was a quick thinker, but he had to know he'd see through the lie. Come on John, you're smarter than this. "Ah.." he hummed, "Isn't that what boys your age are supposed to be doing? Your hormones are running wild at this age." he reminded, sort of leading John to the idea that this crush was just hormones, nothing more. "And I assure you Thomas has not slept with any women. No one who brags that much is telling the truth." he joked
Stranger: Oh yes, the implication that John's affection could be put down to nothing but hormones didn't go amiss. But that meant Sherlock knew. He had to know, and yet... and yet, wasn't he kind of feeding into it? Even when if he was trying to suggest this was just a hormonal crush? John's heart fluttered and he tried not to think too hard about it, tried to fight the heat in his face at the concrete realisation that Mr Holmes knew damn well he was smitten with him. But that was fine. It didn't matter. He enjoyed his company regardless. "Well," John shrugged again, tucking his hands in his pockets. "Maybe you're rigjt
Stranger: right. Considering you can tell what students are sleeping with who based on the turn of their collars," he teased lightly. "I'm not innocent, I'll admit. But it's pretty overrated. Fooling around."
You: Sherlock rose an eyebrow by John's statement, this conversation was definitely not an appropriate one to be having with his student, but really they had cross appropriate a while ago. "Oh? " he questioned, "Are you implying you're immune to the body's own primal urges?" he asked-using that I know you're lying tone of his. "Asexuality is certainly valid-don't get me wrong, but I don't think you're asexual John.."
Stranger: "Oh no, no - I didn't mean to imply that," John quickly tried to correct with a shake of his head and a rush of red to the tips of his ears. Oh no, there was no trying to convince /anyone/ he wasn't interested in sex full stop, let alone Sherlock Holmes. "I mean, you know, the shitty teenage thing. Of dating people for a couple of months before moving on to the next crush
Stranger: crush. Or hooking up with whoever and bragging about it the next day. Just... I don't know. It all seems a bit daft." He shrugged, running his fingers through his hair anxiously again
Stranger: again.*
Stranger: ((I dont know why my thumb is suddenly so attracted to the send button I'm sorry haha))
You: (Haha no problems)
You: Sherlock hummed in thought, "I hate to break it to you John but that daft behavior is around way past high school." he joked, there it was again. John was very mature and just...thought differently than anyone else his age. "I'd have to agree with you then- I suppose. " he shrugged. "It's a shame..you are very popular with the girls in the class. "
Stranger: Was he, just? The pink in John's cheeks darkened slightly and he laughed, this time running his hand through his hair slowly, a little more deliberately. "What can I say? I'm quite the catch," he teased, waggling his brows. And then he laughed it off, perching himself on the nearest desk. "I'd rather something a little more meaningful, I guess. Wait for something I'm sure of. Some/one/ I'm sure of." As if that wasn't pointed at all. But the message was clear - he wasn't going to rush into anything, regardless of opportunity. "What about you, sir?" He asked daringly, tilting his head.
You: Sherlock caught the pointed message, he ignored it. Every teenager thought they were sure of everything at that age. He frowned and shook his head,"What about me?" he asked, unsure what John was asking. Was this his way of asking if he was single?
Stranger: John put his hands back in his pockets and looked over at Sherlock carefully, wondering. It was definitely crossing a line to pry like this. Into his love life, of all things. It wasn't his businss
Stranger: business. He had no reason to ask. Even to make conversation, it was probably a bit far. And yet... "Do you have anyone? Girlfriend? Boyfriend?" John asked, curious.
Stranger: ((Brb for a while, I'll try keep the connection up but I'll be a few minutes!))
You: Sherlock shook his head, "No." he answered simply, not going into any further detail than that. "I'm- for all purposes solely focused on my work." he answered. That seemed like the most appropriate answer he could give his student. Sherlock had been with people in the past but-nothing serious.
You: (do you want to switch over to email?)
Stranger: ((Yeah that works!))
You: (i can send the log over!)
You have disconnected.
6 notes · View notes
First Time
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: haha sorry
You: nice abs
Stranger: lol thanks
Stranger: like your smile btw you seem cute af haha like wtf
You: how mamy times ur on the gym
Stranger: try 3-5 times a week
You: that dedication tho
You: hahaha
Stranger: haha i try
Stranger: oh shoot and you got that freckle dayummm
You: i did go once
You: i puked
Stranger: you got the whole package hahah
Stranger: oh shoot that means you a hard worker
You: its a beauty mark
You: more like a cursed mark
Stranger: it really is
Stranger: nah
Stranger: beauty mark for sure
Stranger: dides find that super sexy ngl
You: hahah calm ur tits boo
You: im here for wholesome shit
You: but i dont know why im on the unmonitored sec
Stranger: yeah? for example?
Stranger: oh lol like what wholesume shit?
Stranger: you low key "bored" or nah ll
Stranger: sorry im so excited
You: im here for stories and confessions from you guys
Stranger: just always haha like what?
Stranger: what you tryna hear?
You: im not into sext and stripping stuff. Treat me like a commercial from dicks lol
Stranger: haha aight
Stranger: where you from tho?
You: im in the middle east rn
You: working :(
You: you?
Stranger: really
Stranger: how old are you?
Stranger: im basic form the us
Stranger: in FL
You: 23 haha do i look younger?
Stranger: haha yeah you look good for 23
Stranger: is it cold there?
You: haha dont make me smileeee
Stranger: haha why
Stranger: you have a fucking great one lmao
You: nnah im just covering my ppajamas hahaha
Stranger: haha ok..... why tho?
Stranger: protection from the dicks?
You: coz people might think ill strip when i have this angle
You: and they see a shoulder and shit
Stranger: ahh gotcha
You: hahahah correct
Stranger: oh shoot that shoulder...
Stranger: lmao
You: haha shhh
Stranger: haha you funny
Stranger: what time is it there?
You: so are you here for dicks or boobies before u met me?
You: its 2am
Stranger: honestly?
You: oh shit its the us timezone wait
You: 125PM
Stranger: dang nice
You: were on the opposite part
You: wait my sister is calling
Stranger: gotcha makes sense
Stranger: ugh and your voice.... :)
Stranger: you are literally the cutest thing lmao idk why tf you on omelge haha
Stranger: I hate to break it to ya bt... I saw your pajamas
Stranger: haha and even your shoulder ;)
Stranger: watch out
You: hahaha dont get horny or youll leave me
Stranger: haha I would never leave you
Stranger: you would leave me if anything
You: i would if you start asking me to strip off my comfy blanket
Stranger: haha dang
Stranger: I just want you to feel good lol
Stranger: so if you comfy that's chill
Stranger: but you did ask why I was on here....
Stranger: you honestly want to know?
You: noooo haha
You: youre naked
You: and shit
You: so i kinda figure it out
Stranger: haha i got pants on
You: im just stalling you before u encounter some dicks again
Stranger: lol sorry a man's curious
Stranger: ive just never done anything with a girl so i can't help it
Stranger: you know?
Stranger: you gotta remember back in the day don't ya?
You: back in the day?
Stranger: haha when youve never actually done anything with a guy
Stranger: you weren't curious?
Stranger: or want to experament?
You: oh okay
You: so how was your experiment going?
Stranger: haha not good everyone skipped and there were no girls lol
Stranger: that's why im shocked you stayed
You: hahaha so thats why stayed with me
You: even tho i want that non stripping part
Stranger: hnestly yes.. and you are super cute fr
You: haha dont make me smileee
Stranger: I mean idk... even if you don't want that I can't skip you haha
Stranger: I wish i could make you smile lol
Stranger: your so chill
Stranger: and are those little dimples?
You: i dont have dimple look
You: i wish i had.
Stranger: you have little ones
You: how about u?
Stranger: one the corneres of yor mouth
Stranger: nope i dont
You: i love how you smile then go back to the poker face
Stranger: hah you do it too :D
You: haha copycat
Stranger: nah nah nah
Stranger: im defo not copying you
Stranger: i don't have that much style lmao
You: hahaha stop idolizing me
You: its just meeee~~~~
Stranger: haha im not
Stranger: youre just you....
Stranger: and super dope and cute lol
Stranger: haha yes that' smile
Stranger: i love it
You: hahaha tell that to girls around you and you'll get a girlfriend instantlyyy
Stranger: what's that?
You: are u shy in person?
Stranger: kinda
Stranger: like irl yeah...;(
Stranger: kinda sucks
Stranger: like I can talk to em but like scared to shoot my shot and have it be wrong lol
Stranger: guess that's why ive never done anything
Stranger: I just want them to be happy
Stranger: ya know?
You: aww you are soo sweet
Stranger: I don't wanna do anything they have to or want to say no to
You: i bet your future girlfriend would be soo lucky
Stranger: haha hopefully
Stranger: only she might be disappointed I don't know what im doing...
Stranger: do ya think?
You: you look like a nice guy not the douche type you know
Stranger: lol thanks I guess
You: and i bet youll love her endlessleyyy
Stranger: that's the goal ;)
You: well they say nice guy finish last hahahaha i remember the niggahigga
Stranger: haha ess
You: but right now ur stuck with me haha
Stranger: nigahiga is hilarious
Stranger: haha happy to be lol
Stranger: jk..
You: so good to hear that ahaha
You: lol
Stranger: it actually sucks to have to look at your smile all the time
Stranger: like ughhh
Stranger: man its horrible
You: whyy
Stranger: *note lots of sarcasm lmao
Stranger: im kidding your too cute
Stranger: it would never be horrible haha
Stranger: and you have those deep eyes you look deep into
Stranger: why can't you be in the staes?
You: hahaha that why i dont stare at people.
Stranger: why its a gift
You: they get hypnotizedd
Stranger: haha ok that makes sense then hah
You: hahaha US is crazyy right now
Stranger: true that
You: even in my country is crazy
Stranger: what is your country?
You: i can't even visit US even tho i want to.
You: lot of racist stuff on the internet
Stranger: oh dang that sucks ;(
You: Philippines
Stranger: the internet is garbo
You: but most people think im chinese
Stranger: don't listen to it
You: coz of my eyes
Stranger: ahhh that makes sense haha
Stranger: nah that's why you so cute idk why but phillipino's are so attrative
You: hahahaha coz we got everything in our blood. americans, spanish, chinese
You: maybe indian too?
Stranger: haha that explains it
Stranger: got the best of all worlds
You: hahaha we like the powerpull girls
Stranger: lolll you goofy :P
Stranger: what do you do for work?
You: maybe u can visit PH then, my face is very common there
You: im in corporate bullshit haha
Stranger: haha doubt i
You: you?
Stranger: t
Stranger: ah gotcha
Stranger: im in colleg still
You: what course you taking?
Stranger: business managment/ entreprenuership
You: i hate collegee haha the test and stuff
Stranger: haha its tough fr
Stranger: good for me tho
You: haha ur same like me. your gonna be stuck to a desk too in the coming years
Stranger: nope
Stranger: I hope never to be at a deskjob 24/7
Stranger: hope to start a company or go into relations and build a small company
Stranger: my dad does it and has his own businesses and that's wht i hope to get into
You: i hope you achieve that!
Stranger: be my own boss its stressful as heck but workhard itll pay off
You: Dont be a corporate slave like us haha
You: yeah youll be so good at managing people
Stranger: haha someone has to do the dirty work
Stranger: lol why do you say that?
You: hahaha true dat
You: well based on our convo
You: you look nice but has that fierce aura haha
You: im not guru
Stranger: lol fierce aura
Stranger: your too nice
You: haha i hope it wont be a disadvantage
You: being too nice
Stranger: haha you can never be too nice so long as you know when to switch
You: haha from dominant to submissive?
Stranger: haha what do you mean?
Stranger: don't get me don't tease me lol
You: haha sorry your confused face made me smile
Stranger: lol
Stranger: ywe talking about business thenyou ask, dom or sub?
Stranger: haha im lost
You: i think cockteaser is my worst trait. I lead you but no action :(
Stranger: haha i mean...
Stranger: you could change that
Stranger: nothing you dont wanna do tho haha
You: haha naahh im good with reading
You: aww you know me now
Stranger: haha in some senses
Stranger: ;)
You: hahaha im more like into imagining than action
You: i love reading those confessions
You: on what guy do to girls
Stranger: ahhh gotcha
Stranger: haaha that's kind hot
Stranger: im more into action but I love pleasing so like compromise?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: wanna know what i sevretly fantasy?
You: whaaat
Stranger: like very intamate sensuall start with like cuddling ahhh
Stranger: it would be amazing
You: have you ever tried that?
Stranger: be the big spoon holidng someone so close
You: youre good with words
Stranger: keeping each other so warm as i wrap my arms arudn them
Stranger: then softly kissing the back of her neck with my lips
Stranger: as she feels my soft breathe on the back of her neck through her hair
Stranger: ugh it would be amazing
You: i had goosebumps reading that
Stranger: ugh such a tease... I want her to feel so good
Stranger: get goosebumps and have the shivers
You: she would be very lucky
Stranger: just tease her and let her feel amazingg
You: tell me more please
Stranger: id just be holding you close hands on your hips wrapped all the way around you
Stranger: as the little spoon youd look over your shoulder
Stranger: our eyes would meet and lock gazes our lips moving slowly closer and cloer
Stranger: seemingley drawn together
Stranger: then our lips would finally meet
Stranger: softly caressing eachother as our eyes closed and we just felt the moment
You: its so good it hurts so much. i cant even breathe
Stranger: so close so warm so much energy courseing between us
Stranger: ugh yes
Stranger: wed bgin to roll aroudn on the bed
Stranger: so much passion
Stranger: our lips locked so tight
Stranger: our lungs would be gen to get sore and tight from not breathing but i wouldnt care
Stranger: id just press into your lips more
Stranger: you being my everything
Stranger: then finally to breathe id slip my lips down look you in the eyes and wed both smile
Stranger: as m my eyes looked at your whole beautiful body as we were on the bed
Stranger: so amazing
Stranger: slide my lips down sloly from your lips down to your chin
Stranger: to your neck
You: damn ur sooo good
Stranger: you trusting me wholly exposing your vulnerable neck
Stranger: thanks ;) just imagine what i wish we could be doing
Stranger: your beatufil amazing self ughhh it would be soo good
Stranger: its honestly making me horny.. so sorry if i get too excited ;)
You: girls would be so jealous reading this chat from you
Stranger: id be kissng your neck softly yet passionately as my hands held you by your smalll of your back and your hip
Stranger: feeling your body up and down with my waarm rough yet gentle hands
Stranger: just teasing you wanting you to feel soo good my lips would continue to move down
Stranger: slowly kissing your chest
You: never in my entire life i would imagine this would happen
Stranger: looking you ito your eyes after each amazing smooch
You: i feel like reliving those gone wild stories on reddit lol
Stranger: well if you wre from FL it would have to happen
Stranger: haha yes it would be so perfect
You: if i were in florida you would never glance at me
You: im too small to be noticed haha
Stranger: my hands would slip up under your shirt and yud draw a short breath but trust me anyway
Stranger: amazing things come in small packages
You: that could be ur branding for ur business haha
Stranger: my hands would realol sure
Stranger: ugh you are so cute i love it
Stranger: does it make you feel good?
You: the air here is so thin i have to breath so heavy
Stranger: ughhh that is amazing
You: its so good it hurrrrts
You: thank you for making me feel this way :)
Stranger: ugh id wanna make your eyes go back into your head just imagining
Stranger: how amazing it would be bb
You: my feet is all curled up just imagining it
Stranger: ugh yes ;)
You: you swoop me with you words :(
Stranger: should I keep going?
You: go on
Stranger: and feel free to add in or suggest things
Stranger: where was i?
Stranger: u remmember?
You: wait
Stranger: ugh and you have th eperfect hands <3
You: your hands is under my shirt
Stranger: yes thats right
Stranger: Im just about to make my big move
Stranger: im so nervous but I go for it annyway
You: but you found out i have a petite body
Stranger: my hands under your shirt my lips kissing your ches from your
Stranger: low cut chirt that sags
Stranger: your petite body is so small under me and my big hands
Stranger: im 6'2
Stranger: (fr)
You: you would just toss me
Stranger: and my hands slip behind and unclip your small petite perfect bra
Stranger: id be very gentle or unless you wanted something else
Stranger: ;)
You: gentler please
Stranger: your bra would just seemingly slip off
Stranger: and wed again look at each other and grin
Stranger: you slightly nervously in anticipation
Stranger: but exceited
Stranger: i relieved you are feeling soo good
Stranger: id then go down to your stomach
Stranger: lifting your shirt up and crawling it up your stomuch right above my lips
Stranger: at your wasitline moving up
Stranger: then to your bellybutton and slightly above
Stranger: before id pause
Stranger: look you in the eyes and keep going
You: damnnnn its so hot!!!
Stranger: running my hands up ands down your perfect petite and small body
Stranger: you are amazing
Stranger: so sexy and hot
Stranger: in those same pajamas your n
Stranger: in*
Stranger: then id get to your ribcage with my lips
Stranger: youd draw in a deep breathe of pleasure
Stranger: it wold give me the courage to keep going
You: my hands is so sweaty just reading
Stranger: right up to the very bottom of your bossom
Stranger: id be in awe of your amazing bidy
Stranger: making me so tunred on
Stranger: my lips wold quiver and keep going
Stranger: so softly yet excitedly with passion
Stranger: (if we disconnect add my snap)
Stranger: masonbrink 8
You: i just waxed down there :o
Stranger: masonbrink8
Stranger: your perfectly smooth body
You: i dont have a snap!!!! :(
Stranger: im at the bottom of your soft boobs so amazingas im lifting youru pj's with my hands kissing rihgt behind
Stranger: how can we find if we lose eac other?
Stranger: my intenet is bad
Stranger: internet*
Stranger: I keep lifting....
Stranger: your pjs are now up to the bottom of your nipple
Stranger: im teasing you so hard and it feels so good for both of us
Stranger: as I rip my shirt off too
Stranger: show my abs as you run you perfect hands over my abs and i have you lift your hands
You: my heart is beating soo fast
Stranger: we hgaze deep down into each others eyes and I lift yoru shirt
Stranger: exposing your amazingly soft supple body
Stranger: your petite breasts
Stranger: are they big or small or medium?
You: my boobs are small but my nipples are always hard
Stranger: ugh that' the perfect comboooo ;)
Stranger: kissing your underboob
You: perfect for bitting
Stranger: working my way up not missing a single spot
Stranger: except the nipple
Stranger: im just teasing it
You: what a tease
Stranger: making them harder and harder
Stranger: my hands are grabbing you by the hips feeling all along there
Stranger: my bb is amazing
Stranger: then I do it
Stranger: look up and grin
Stranger: I move right to your left nipple
Stranger: teasing it soft t first
Stranger: with my tongue and lips then to your other one
You: jusmyo marimar
Stranger: as I get a little bit more playful
You: hahaha
You: its omg in spanish
Stranger: haha what is that?
Stranger: ugh yes perfect
You: i want to roll on my bed its so perfect :(
Stranger: then I tease your little rock hard nipples with my teeth
Stranger: fotly biting them teasingly as my hands are having a great time on your perfect body
Stranger: and you are running yours all along my abs going down to the waist
Stranger: feel free to do whatever bb
Stranger: i want you to feel soo good
Stranger: if your want to rooll or rock a little or tease a little feel free ;)
You: my hands is too small to explore every inch of you
Stranger: your small little hands meeling the edge of my waistband
Stranger: feeling*
Stranger: teastingly snapping it as I giss your beatiful nipples
Stranger: and I do it right back slipping my hands into your tight little wastband
Stranger: ugh yes your sooo cuteee
Stranger: so sexxy
You: sorry i have to get comffyyy
Stranger: its perfect i can teell you are because I think you are moaning a little bit ;)
Stranger: that is so sexy making you feel soo good
You: i know its so hard not toooo
Stranger: just echaling with pleasure
Stranger: do it I want to make you moan bb
Stranger: I want you to just feel it all
Stranger: so then I was teasing your waistband as I kissed your nipples
You: this is heaven right nowwww
Stranger: id slowly go down off of them
Stranger: never missing a spot but working my way back down
Stranger: then skip a bit to your bellybutton
Stranger: wanting to make yowanting to make you soo wet for met
Stranger: your freshly waxed body id just slip right down it
Stranger: my lips nearing your bandline
You: its hard for me to get wet. try harder :)
Stranger: edge of your underwear and your pajamas
Stranger: ok:P
Stranger: tell me if you are getting wet tho bb
Stranger: with my lips nearing your sensitive spot
Stranger: my hands on your thighs as im on top of you
Stranger: your layig back with your arms above your head
Stranger: clenching the pillows trying not to squirm too much
Stranger: my hands soflty touching your thighs teasting them
Stranger: just brishing closer and cloer on your inner thigh
Stranger: you know its coming but cant wait
Stranger: so sxcited you can't contain a little shiver and soft moan
Stranger: so I think im gonna do it
Stranger: should I d it?
You: no
You: you go back to my lips
You: teasing me more
Stranger: you knew what was coming :P
Stranger: I keeo going down but then
Stranger: im sooo close to your tight little pussy starting to get wet then I pull back
Stranger: look you in your eyes and go back to your lips
Stranger: pasvery softly very softly
Stranger: quick kiiss then pull away taking it all in
Stranger: feeling every inch of your soft lips as they are so moist and n chemistry with mine
Stranger: i continue to hold you by the small of your back and do this over and over
Stranger: holding the back of your head and kissing you
Stranger: softly
Stranger: slowly getting more passionately
Stranger: we begin rolling on the bed and around the room
Stranger: we don't care we are just locked in enamored
Stranger: just fully enveloped in teh moment and each other
Stranger: I pull away once again
Stranger: leaving your lips midair trying tdeperately to meet mine
Stranger: then you feel my lips on your neck again
Stranger: with your eyes closed you jsust embrace it
Stranger: it feels so good
Stranger: sending shivers throuout your body
Stranger: sort engouh to be gentle and leave yo wanting a little bit more
Stranger: just a little bit mroe passion
Stranger: the passion that is always growing between us
Stranger: you just close your eyes in pure bliss
Stranger: as I pull away and you never know where my lips will land
Stranger: jsut slowly teasing yoru chest
Stranger: maybe surprisingly on your nipple as they are soo perky and hard like they are so cold
Stranger: or maybe on your vulnerable exposed nck
Stranger: or maybe on your perfect soft lips wating there to meet mine
Stranger: my hands just holding you close
Stranger: pulling you in
Stranger: as you wait for my lips to land in thos places you are running your hands along mmy body
Stranger: from my chest across my abs
Stranger: to my beck as our lips meet
Stranger: neck*
Stranger: around my back just soaking it all in
Stranger: as am I with you
Stranger: you feel over my shorts how beautiful you arelly are
Stranger: with how much you are teasing my
Stranger: me
Stranger: with your small little hands you just feel how hard your making me in my pants
Stranger: busting to get out but I won't stop kissing you
Stranger: I won't stop n omatter what you do
Stranger: then I finally give us some distance
Stranger: we look each ohter up and down
Stranger: you grin and slip my shorts off
Stranger: leaving me in nothing but my boxers
Stranger: you can feel my warmth as my shorts are slipped off and feel me pressing up against you
Stranger: once again my lips begin to make their way down your body
Stranger: just crawling ever so slowly
You: this is ittttttt
Stranger: it seems like a lifetime
Stranger: i get to your waistband of your pajamas finally
Stranger: I look up, we grin
Stranger: we both know this is it
Stranger: I slip my hands down your pajames holding you by your hips and go give you a quick kiss
Stranger: right on the kips
Stranger: foftly as I slowly slip donw your pajamas
Stranger: you hardly notive but feels so good as your being freed
Stranger: what did you say?
You: dont type so fast
You: cant barely read it
Stranger: ok perfect
Stranger: you are just so beautiful
Stranger: I see your whole body laid out before me so small and beautifully petite
Stranger: perefection
Stranger: I continue to slip your pajames down and take them off your ankes as they get caught
Stranger: you are just lying there... in bliss
Stranger: we are feeling so amazing
Stranger: almost as if te moment will lsat forever yet only 2 seconds
Stranger: completely naked except our unerwear we are in totall hapiness
Stranger: your eyes rest on my boxers and you grin
Stranger: hands go down and tease me so much
Stranger: right around my cock making it sooo hard as you brush the edges of it
Stranger: it feels so good on your small hands
Stranger: evyour hands are even
You: i dont really know how to do hands
Stranger: a bit sweaty beacuse your nervous
You: im more of a mouth kind
Stranger: its ok
Stranger: then you surprise me
Stranger: I go back up to your lips and neck
Stranger: teasing them once more
Stranger: then
Stranger: all the sudden
You: why are u thinking
Stranger: you reverse it
Stranger: I lie down and you come up on me
Stranger: our lips still locked as we flip
Stranger: but now your on me your short little legs feel my whole body as your resting on me
Stranger: then you begin to do something
Stranger: exactly what I did to you
Stranger: you you work slowly from my lips
Stranger: to my neck
Stranger: caressing so carefully and gently with your perfect lips
Stranger: I let you go becaues it feels soo good
Stranger: then you keep working down from my neck
Stranger: occasionaly pausing
Stranger: as you run your funger down the center of my abs
Stranger: feeling every bumb as syour finger and lips pass over it
Stranger: you are just seeing the pure tease on my face and are enjoying every socnd
Stranger: your lips begin to get close
You: i love every word
Stranger: you see the elastic of my boxers
Stranger: with a great smile you continue
You: think of me when you do your thing later
Stranger: with great anticipation
You: WAAAIIIIT my battery about to die
Stranger: plug it inn
Stranger: all fresh and ready to continue?
You: go on
You: is it kay to eat my sandwich
You: youre making me hungry
Stranger: :P well you wil be eating something soon ;)
You: hahaha
Stranger: do you ever tease yourself while you read?
Stranger: too feel good to the max?
Stranger: even if you don't show
You: no i just let it feel sore down there
You: throbing
Stranger: haha your such a tease
Stranger: is it throbbing rn?
You: it stopped coz u stopppped
Stranger: ugh well you were so close
Stranger: so close to my waistband
Stranger: your eyes begin to catch my bulge
Stranger: a perfect smile goes
Stranger: across your face
Stranger: your blood is rushing full of pure bliss
Stranger: your hands are sweaty
Stranger: you are trhobbing from all the teasing
Stranger: so you contnue
Stranger: your view is here iwth only my boxyers
You: damnnnnn
Stranger: then you see my bulge
Stranger: kissing each abdomen
Stranger: you want cam on my face or here?
Stranger: because I want you to feel so good
You: faceeee. i love ur reaction
You: every small breathe
Stranger: ughh yes
Stranger: you are such a tease
Stranger: makng me so tunred on
Stranger: do you think you can help me after?
You: lets see how it goes
Stranger: ok ;)
Stranger: so you were at my waistband with your lips
Stranger: questioning
Stranger: do you make the move and finally give me everything ive been wanting?
Stranger: you decide not yet
Stranger: run your finger along it then you go back to my lips
Stranger: lying right on top of me
You: tease you moreeeee <3
Stranger: and we go into another long makekout
Stranger: im practically bursting at my boxers
Stranger: but you dont care
Stranger: you can tell
Stranger: you feel it on your body as your laying on top of me
Stranger: then onve again
Stranger: I flip you over
Stranger: this time exploring a bit
Stranger: kissing your shoulder
Stranger: gently right to your collar bone
Stranger: making you really feel every breathe as yoru lungs are so tight
Stranger: your small little body is so wound up
Stranger: you can't take much more so you decide to do it yourself
Stranger: you rub your hands and fingers across your clit really quickly as you quickly inhanle
Stranger: it is so close throbbing
Stranger: but you take them off
You: but you stopped me
Stranger: just teasing them that muchh more
You: you want to be in control
Stranger: I grab your hand
Stranger: yo need to wait
Stranger: You need to wait for my mouth to finally please you fully
Stranger: you won't want to move your hand but you allow me to place it back on the bed
Stranger: where you have to hodl the covers
Stranger: im holding each breast taking turns
Stranger: mteasing you more and more than I thought I could each time
Stranger: your nipples are so hard
Stranger: sticking straight up
Stranger: right into my mouth where they brush my teeth as i gently play with them
Stranger: softly yet a little tough so it doesnt hurt
Stranger: you are having to do all you can to keep you hand from slipping back to your underwear
Stranger: slowly teasing under there
Stranger: you begin to move your hand
Stranger: but again
Stranger: I catch it
Stranger: you trhob harder and faster than you were before
You: you tease so mch i love ittt
Stranger: your body is seeming like it is yelling every muscle in your body
Stranger: just do ittt
Stranger: it weill feellll sooo goood
Stranger: just rub it a little more
Stranger: but im hokidng your hands in place iwth one of mine
Stranger: as I sense your uge and am fighitng it for you
Stranger: you can't control your short sharp breaths
Stranger: and your exhales as you are moaning
Stranger: so softly
Stranger: yet so despereatley
Stranger: I begin to notice something as my lips once agin slip down below your belly button
Stranger: your panties are getting a bit wet
Stranger: i grin and look up at you
Stranger: I see you want me to keep going down so bad but i continue to hold your hands
Stranger: Ido go down
Stranger: of shoot
Stranger: I randomly matched iwth someone else
Stranger: she has her tits out
Stranger: im sitll just holidng
Stranger: you
You: hahahahah what do you mean u matched with someone else
Stranger: another tab
You: go on let me eat first
Stranger: no
Stranger: Im gonna skip here
Stranger: dnne
Stranger: you are too aamzing
Stranger: my lips are still hovering so close as they pulled of your stomach
You: she must do all the action im here for the pussy throbing stories of yours
Stranger: right above the wetspot on your panties
Stranger: you want it so bad
Stranger: but I continue to move downward
Stranger: right to your bare thighs
Stranger: my lips land right on thm after softly kissing your panties on the way by
Stranger: you though that's what you wanted....
Stranger: but really
Stranger: It just made your urg efor more worse
Stranger: yurge for more*
Stranger: my lips are on your thigh
Stranger: slowly going to your inner thighs so perfect
Stranger: my hands up on your chest
Stranger: I feel something in your legs as I get close
Stranger: they quicker a bit
Stranger: jsut shake a little
Stranger: your hand begins to fight mine
Stranger: but I hold it down
Stranger: not allowing it to satisfy your pussy
Stranger: no matter how hard you fight i you can't get there
Stranger: liek now
Stranger: you can just brush over it yet you can't linger
You: sorry iwas distracted something in my mouth
You: from the nuttella
Stranger: as im hoding you ther all I can notice is your panties getting wetter and wetter
Stranger: its ok
Stranger: your moaning is getting more often and more often
Stranger: once again I lift my lips
Stranger: then ever so slowly
You: coz were getting on the best part
Stranger: move them to your panites
Stranger: right over them
Stranger: you can practically feel my breathe
Stranger: teasing down your clit and g spots
Stranger: you quiver again letting out a huge sigh
You: where is the g spot
You: i cant even find it
You: :(
Stranger: hopeefully we will find it in a minute ;)
Stranger: instead of kissing right down n it I smile again
Stranger: so gently rub up it with my han as I bring my face back up to yours
Stranger: our lips going to meet ocnce more
You: no
Stranger: only this time all that is racing through your mind is your pussy
You: dont kiss me
You: with vag juice on ur moth
Stranger: I will kiss you
You: noooooo
Stranger: i don't have juice yet
Stranger: I just barely kissed your pantie befre it was all wet
You: once u go down theres no coming back to my mouth
Stranger: But I still won't totally kiss you
Stranger: just one little smooch on the neck
Stranger: my hands getting as close as they have ever been
Stranger: just the edges of my fingers brishing the edges of your panties
Stranger: you can practiacally feel me going all the way
Stranger: yet instead
Stranger: I pause
Stranger: One more time
You: i still havent reciprocate
Stranger: Keep an eye on your hands making sure you don't go to please your pussy
Stranger: as I slip my boxers off
Stranger: since you know it isn't time yet no matter how much your pussy is screaming at you you woldiny jump on me as I allow you
Stranger: quickly kiss over my chist to my abs
Stranger: this time it isnt just my bulge you feel
Stranger: you feel mmy bare warm cock
Stranger: aginst your thighs as you slide down lips getting closer and closer
Stranger: you feel it pules as your pussy throbs
Stranger: seemingly made for each other
Stranger: yet I don't allwo it yet
Stranger: yout mouth is on my happy trail lips forming a kissing grin as you imagine
Stranger: finally
Stranger: you are getting down to what you pussy is really craving
Stranger: you feel it throb with your heart
Stranger: I put my hands on thour head
You: not yeeetttt
Stranger: holding your head steady
You: i need to do you first
Stranger: I make you look me in hte eyes
Stranger: I grin and say im a gentleman
Stranger: so a furiosly flip you over
Stranger: hold your hands down again
Stranger: this time go straingt to your thighs and lower abdowmne
Stranger: I notice your panties are almost soaked
Stranger: so much wetter than before
Stranger: I thin this is finally it
Stranger: your nipples are fully erect
Stranger: your pussy is so tight and wet it is throbbing harder than youve ever had
Stranger: your breath speeds up with anticipation
Stranger: as I look up at you kissing your inner thigh
Stranger: Once more I feel you quivker only more than ever before
Stranger: but you let out a sigh
Stranger: imagining it is just another tease
Stranger: im just gonna pull away leave you wanting forever
Stranger: but no
Stranger: as you close your eyes
Stranger: waiting to be left thhrobbing once again
Stranger: about to give up
Stranger: you suddenly fel it
Stranger: feel it
You: i want to be on top
You: guide me
Stranger: my fingers brushing acrossyour
Stranger: panties
Stranger: sliding them off finally
Stranger: as we flip over
Stranger: you getting right on top of me as I slip your panties onto the floor
Stranger: your legs spread on either side of me
Stranger: you are finally ready
Stranger: so excited of finally not being disappointed
Stranger: do you want to tease a littleunder your blanket as we finally make it? feel free it will add to the story if you want
Stranger: I hold your hips
Stranger: two hands as you are right on top of me
You: no i like your storyyy
Stranger: you reach down with your small little hands
Stranger: yes I will keep telling you
Stranger: it
Stranger: grab my cock and realize its been waiting as much as you
Stranger: you just feel it up and down
Stranger: fantasizing about how good it will really feel
Stranger: just lost in the moment
Stranger: it feels like perfection that will never end
Stranger: after a minute
Stranger: I take oe hand
Stranger: and finally decide
Stranger: to guide you
Stranger: I take control of my throbbing warm cock and look you in the eyes as you sit on both knees
Stranger: directly on top of me
Stranger: your eyes closed in pure bliss
Stranger: anticipation
Stranger: I take my cock
Stranger: with my other hand your body
Stranger: slowly guide it won
Stranger: down
Stranger: the tip just brusihng your throbbing pussy
Stranger: we are finally
Stranger: after everything
Stranger: both totally bare
You: is the other tab still open? :(
Stranger: exactly where we want to be
Stranger: no
Stranger: I skipped her for you
Stranger: ;)
Stranger: why do you ask?
You: i heard something just now
Stranger: as my tip just ever so slightly brusehd your pussy
Stranger: it is magic
Stranger: both of our eyes close
Stranger: we can't keeo em open
Stranger: as our eyes roolll back
Stranger: our breaths shorten
Stranger: we gsasp
Stranger: its more than youve imagined
Stranger: as I slowly rub my tip against your wet throbbing pussy
Stranger: slowly warming up
Stranger: your pussy seems to be reaching out and grabbing
Stranger: almost trying to pull me in it just want to go
Stranger: but I slowly just apply more pressure
Stranger: you just lower yourself with each inch your eyes go back further into your head
Stranger: and your exhalesrunrn into louder moans
Stranger: you sllwoly got down past the tip
Stranger: there are still 5 more inches and your tight pussy wants it all
You: what with the other sound :(
You: i cant concentrate :(
Stranger: you keep going as you feel it right up against your walls
Stranger: im sorry I have no idea
Stranger: its just me and you tho
Stranger: 5 more inches
Stranger: you just sit down even further
Stranger: 4 more
Stranger: it alread fells like heaven
Stranger: youre pussy is just gushing now
Stranger: just wants to lubricate to go deeper
Stranger: I go out after 3 inches in
Stranger: youve only gone halfway
Stranger: back in nice and slow
Stranger: as you exhale moaning with me
Stranger: as finally Im getting to enjoy your whole perfection
Stranger: as we become truly one
Stranger: you are up to five inches
Stranger: feeling so full and like you can't go
Stranger: but you push yourself all this anticipation building you up wanting to take it all
Stranger: finally
Stranger: you succeded
Stranger: you feel it up in your small body and it is pure completion
Stranger: you feel it right against your walls
Stranger: and wiggle in pleasure
Stranger: so warm
Stranger: so hard
Stranger: so tight
Stranger: so perfect
Stranger: you just go up feeling it slide along
Stranger: then back down
Stranger: youre still fully stretching and loving every second
Stranger: you on tom of me hands on your hips
Stranger: encouraging you to go faster
Stranger: you are slowly speeding up
Stranger: moaning
Stranger: more and more as we go faster
Stranger: just gasping for ari yet loving it all
Stranger: never wanitng to end
Stranger: then i begin to move my hips
Stranger: thristing
Stranger: somehow going deper than you though possible
Stranger: you know what we finally find?
Stranger: i ht something you neer have felt before
Stranger: it sends electricity througoutyour whole body like youve never felt before
Stranger: you shake
Stranger: as I thrust it happends again
Stranger: you are in awe
Stranger: pure pleasure
Stranger: just feeling us work as one
Stranger: so deep it is your G-spot
Stranger: every ride up and down is like a new snensation
Stranger: you can't stop
Stranger: it is the best feeling in the world as you feel it perfectly and me smiling up in bliss a tyou rding me
Stranger: your moaninng gets uncontrollable b
Stranger: but you don't care
Stranger: you just want more
Stranger: so I slow down
Stranger: then go nice and gentle
Stranger: as your breathing settles I then go fast again
Stranger: shocking you
Stranger: with that shivering g spot
Stranger: again your back to maoning so muucchh
Stranger: you can''t stop
Stranger: you are feeling as if your pussy is throbbing again
Stranger: youve never had this feeling or beeen this wet
Stranger: getting all over my cock sliding up and down
Stranger: we are running out of breath but don't care
Stranger: fater
Stranger: faster
Stranger: yes you moan
Stranger: just like that
Stranger: over and over
Stranger: felling of happiness overflowing
Stranger: screaming yesss
Stranger: it is everything you imagines
Stranger: then as we are going faster and faster you begin fto feel this new thing
You: everything and more
Stranger: yes and more
Stranger: youve never felt this before
Stranger: you feel as if your pussy isn't just throbbing but your gonna let loose
Stranger: a feeling you cant control
Stranger: you can't do anything but moan and go faster
Stranger: it feels better and better
Stranger: so your going faster and faster
Stranger: bumping up and down
Stranger: g-spot g spot gspot
Stranger: you didn't think this was possible
Stranger: then all the sudden you let one loose
Stranger: you scream as if in pain but it is pure pleasure
Stranger: you couldn't get wet boefore
Stranger: but now
Stranger: your letting it al out
Stranger: your pussy begins to gush all over
Stranger: squirting all over my cock as you go up
You: i neer tried that before
Stranger: it is so amazing
Stranger: you never triend squirting?
You: i dont think i can
Stranger: all women can if it is right i think
Stranger: some more and some less
Stranger: but you can
Stranger: did I make you wet at all?
You: when i feel i gotta pee i stop pleasuring myself
Stranger: you just need to let ygo
Stranger: that's the difference
Stranger: you feel it all building up
Stranger: then almost like you have to pee
Stranger: while your riding me
Stranger: but you don't care this tiem
Stranger: its too good
Stranger: you keep riding
Stranger: I don't stop
Stranger: then you let it all lose
Stranger: never knewo you could do it
Stranger: but let it all go almost like your beigng
Stranger: inly it feels like perfection
Stranger: you are in pure harmony
Stranger: squirting everywhere but I don't care because Im there too
Stranger: as I pull out you continue to squirt
Stranger: and on your final moan... i can't hild it
Stranger: let loose all over
Stranger: finally my rock hard cock can't take it
Stranger: it explodes shooitng cum
Stranger: all over as you are insipire for one last squirt
Stranger: as you rub your clit
Stranger: we finish together
Stranger: sighing with totall satisfctin
Stranger: it was perfect
Stranger: my first time
Stranger: and your first time squirting
Stranger: and finding your g spot
Stranger: we lie next to each other
Stranger: breathe
Stranger: look at each other
Stranger: then smile ;)
You: its so perfect
Stranger: then we fall asleep and can't wait for nect time ;)
Stranger: it is perfection :)
You: youve been rock hard for almost 2 hours
Stranger: hah ayeah.....
Stranger: its huritng my balls now lol
Stranger: so im starting to not get as hard its all pent up
Stranger: do you want to try something or are you satisfied?
You: im so satisfied i can touch myself
You: you need to do it also
You: or else it will hurt
Stranger: yes ;thank you
Stranger: do it together?
You: i dont like people seeing me when i touch myself. But i want to hear you
Stranger: did i earn it?
Stranger: it would be so amazing
Stranger: ighhh
Stranger: I can't make noise still but you can watch
You: let me turn off the lights so i can concetrate.
You: whyyy
Stranger: I have a roomate
Stranger: aww turning lights off ;(
You: hahaha how can you jack off with a room mate
Stranger: its ok I guess I just wish wait I can still see you
Stranger: because you are too sexy lol and he is sleeping
Stranger: its exciting
Stranger: daring
Stranger: edgy
Stranger: you ready bb?
You: i wish you could read some of it to me but you have a roommate :(
Stranger: yes maybe next time
Stranger: is there any way of contact?
Stranger: bfoere we do this?
Stranger: ugh your so dang hot teasing with that lip
Stranger: make me want to do this soo badd
You: our convo is too damn sexy
You: we can meet again here next week
Stranger: it is
You: its too dangerous outside
Stranger: email?
Stranger: yes
You: lets make a tag here
You: im only available every saturday.
Stranger: my email is [email protected]
Stranger: saturdays are best for me
Stranger: email for time?
Stranger: every sat is different for me
You: 2AM your time?
Stranger: 1AM my time?
Stranger: that would be best
You: whats ur timezone?
Stranger: Central
You: hmm whats our tag
Stranger: first timers"
Stranger: ?
Stranger: first timers
You: its too common
Stranger: what then?
You: blanket
Stranger: ok
You: can u check if theres similar
You: on your other tab while sexting with me
Stranger: sure
Stranger: didn't fine anything
Stranger: blanket
Stranger: 1am
Stranger: Saturday
You: what time is it now?
Stranger: 6:55
You: am?
Stranger: yes lol
You: you didnt sleep?!
Stranger: haha no
You: im sorry hahahha
Stranger: ive never done this and you were too perfect and you wanted to keep going haha
Stranger: so 1AM next saturday again?
You: wait let me set a reminder
Stranger: ok
Stranger: then we finsih off to make it memorable?
You: haha okay you can only here me okay
You: i need to concentrate
You: to find that freaking g spoty
Stranger: please to
Stranger: do*
Stranger: I will try my best without seeing you
Stranger: what do you want to see from me?
Stranger: face or my cock bb?
Stranger: yes bb tase it make it so wet for me
Stranger: tell me when your getting close with thumbs up
Stranger: im so hard for u rn
Stranger: if you can talk and tell me when your close ill cum with you
Stranger: yes find that g spot bb
Stranger: fast n slow
Stranger: deep strokes bb
Stranger: show me ur face if you can bb
Stranger: mmm im sooo hardd
Stranger: ready whenver you are bb
Stranger: get soo wet fro me
Stranger: so I can go nice and deeo
Stranger: scraping those walls
Stranger: and say yes bb when your close an dI should go
Stranger: ride me bb
Stranger: nice and fast then slow
Stranger: fast for a bit
Stranger: then faster then slowww
Stranger: im edging so hard for you bb so close
Stranger: take it niceand deep bb
Stranger: im so close to cumming bb
Stranger: are you?
Stranger: answer real quik sexy
Stranger: i can't hold much longer
Stranger: im about to cum
Stranger: did you cum bb?
Stranger: ready for me?
Stranger: thumbs up or say yes or type bb
Stranger: I wanna cum for you
You: soooo hot <3
Stranger: you too ;)
Stranger: wich you could see how much that was for you
You: sorry i didnt see ur chat
You: i was so focused
You: go clean an dsleep all sunday okay
Stranger: haha thank you
Stranger: do you finsih good?
You: i dont know if its done coz its still throbing
You: you know i cant squirt
Stranger: ;)
Stranger: well I hope you had a great night
Stranger: im gonna get some sleep now :)
You: go on then good morning haha byeee
Stranger: bye ;)
Stranger has disconnected.
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thepornohungryloser · 4 years
Tumblr media
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like role play.
Stranger: hey
You: hi
Stranger: f19
You: m22
Stranger: what role play do you want to do
You: down for nurse/patient?
Stranger: yeah is good
Stranger: who is who
You: im patient
Stranger: okay
You: ill start
Stranger: okay
You: <presses call button for nurse in my bed>
Stranger: i come in to the room and say: you called me?
You: um... this is really awkward but... the medication i was given had a side effect <looks to my groin with a pained expression> and it really hurts
Stranger: oh i can take a look at it if you want
You: <blushes heavily> i feel really weird about this
Stranger: i can believe you, but i you feel to weird about this i can give you a pain killer
Stranger: or do you want me to look at it
You: i guess you can take a look <blushes and turns away as it throbs>
Stranger: yeah i'll take a look at it then
Stranger: (removes the blanket from your body)
Stranger: (pulls your boxers down a little)
Stranger: from first sight i can't see anything that could cause this pain
Stranger: and were does it hurt exactly
You: the, um, the shaft. it feels like its going to explode <keeps facing away out of embarrassment>
You: Ordinarily, id just go to the bathroom and, uh, take care of it, yknow? but with my good arm in this cast im sorta stuck...
Stranger: yeah i know
Stranger: so i guess i'll have to help?
You: i mean... <blushes again> it would really help me out, if you dont mind
Stranger: yeah sure, this is my job so i'll have to do this, if you don't mind
You: <my dick pulses in anticipation now> no i just want it to stop hurting and if this is the best way then yeah
Stranger: okay <i grab your cock and start stroking it>
You: <i moan loudly and bite my lip as my toes curl> fuck
Stranger: is it already better like this?
You: <nods silently, unable to speak>
Stranger: and how haven't you been able to cum
Stranger: how long*
You: at least 3 weeks now <i finally make eye contact>
Stranger: wow that's a long time
Stranger: <i grab your cock harder and strart stroking faster>
You: <i groan quietly and clench the bedsheets tightly> oh god thats good
Stranger: i think i need some lube or something to make it go smoother
Stranger: let me look if i can find some here
You: i mean, you could always just use saliva, right?
Stranger: yeah i think i have to bc i can't find any lube
Stranger: do you mind if i did it with saliva?
You: not at all. youve already helped so much i trust you
Stranger: okay <i put your cock in my mouth and make it all wet>
You: <i moan loudly and my hips buck slightly pushing myself further in>
Stranger: <i gag because of that>
Stranger: < i grab your cock back in my hand and stroking again> Is this better?
You: <i smile meekly> not as good as a second ago but better than before yeah
Stranger: if it was better before i can do that again <puts cock in mouth again>
You: <moans again as my hand drifts up into your hair>
Stranger: < i start deeptroathing>
You: <moans loudly as my hand holds your head down and my cock throbs in your throat>
Stranger: oh you really like this i can tell
You: <mumbles agreement but i cant stop staring at your ass>
Stranger: maybe i can so some more to make it feel even better
You: how so? <i look up at you innocently>
Stranger: pull my pants down i say when i put your cock back on my mouth
You: ok<slides your scrubs down to your ankles and breathes heavily at your tongue on my cock>
Stranger: i get on top of you while i rub your cock on my pussy
You: <smiles in ecstasy and reaches my free hand up to your chest>
Stranger: i put your cock very gently inside of me and i start riding very slowly
You: <moans very loudly and begins to rub your nipple through your top>
Stranger: i lean down and start kissing while i'm slowly speeding up
You: <moans into your mouth as i reach around to grab your ass>
Stranger: < i start riding really fast now>
You: <smacks your ass hard and bites your lip>
Stranger: < i moan while you slap my ass
Stranger: < i whisper in your: do you want another position or is it good like this>
You: <bites your neck as i tease your backdoor with a finger> im great right here
Stranger: you like my ass i can tell
You: i do <i say as i buck hard into you and squeeze your cheek hard>
Stranger: do you want me to put it in there aswell
You: actually, if you could sit on my face and start blowing my again, i think ill be able to cum
Stranger: okay < i get up and sits on your face and starts to blow
You: <moans into your pussy as i flick you clit with my tongue and my finger teases your asshole again>
Stranger: < i moan very loudly>
You: <bucks my hips so my cock fucks your throat as i wet my finger on your pussy and start to wiggle it into your ass>
Stranger: < your cock is so far in my troath that i can barely breath>
You: <continues to suck your clit as my finger bottoms out in your butt> can i cum in your mouth?
Stranger: yeah sure you can
You: <moans loudly into your pussy and continues to fuck your throat as pressure begins to build in my balls>
Stranger: < i start sucking even harder>
You: <begins to fingerfuck your asshole as i reach the edge of orgasm>
Stranger: < i moan very loudly as i start choking on your cock>
You: <nibbles your clit as my cock starts to pulsate, shooting my cum down your throat>
Stranger: i start choking in your cum
You: <moans as i continue to fuck my cum out of your mouth and onto your face> <pulls my finger out of your ass>
Stranger: well that was a lot of cum < i say while my mouth is full of cum and my face is fully covered
You: < laughs and smacks your ass> yeah you should probably either swallow that or clean up or something
Stranger: i swallow whats in my mouth but i'll have to clean my face < swallow the cum>
You: <grins widely> well i feel much better, nurse. but i may feel some more discomfort a little later
Stranger: glad i could help, but why discomfort
You: i just meant i may need your help again
Stranger: oh really
Stranger: with what
You: the same thing haha
Stranger: oh yeah , i can help with that
You have disconnected.
0 notes
chromacomaphoto · 6 years
What Does Owning a Leica M mean here? (or anywhere I suppose)
The brand of the red dot has been accused of attracting snobbery beyond compare, it’s a rich man’s game and of that there can be no doubt, but where is it really at nowadays in The Land of Smiles for adherents to this brand?
 Materialism is huge in Thailand. Don’t be fooled into thinking otherwise for a moment. The ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ shenanigans that you might have escaped from the West to avoid is actually being played here at a much higher level in many ways. It had been that way here for many decades with the smaller elite but with the rising middle class of the new millennium and their new money, petite bourgeois bank accounts swelling out of control, there’s now an increasingly large number of people who feel the need to loudly shout and display to others just how far removed from the agrarian proletariat they have become. It’s no longer exclusively the reserve of the Sino-Thais either; it’s been a bigger change across the board. It always used to be a Rolex at the peak of Mount Aspiration in Thailand. Now that brand is merely the entry point to the climb, with Pateks abound on the skinny wrists of the Thai soccer moms parking their 300% import dutied Benzes at the mall.
 For the guys in this social class, the narrow selection of imported grey paperwork motorcycles of the late 90’s simply wouldn’t have been enough. The local market bike laws changed and so did their incomes. Now, a whole slew of new monied young to middle aged Thai blokes have to at least a Ducati. So much so that the richer guys no longer want to be seen dead on one unless it’s a limited edition high end affair. They even have Ducati dealerships now in large cities in the Northeast; you know… where the poor people live! It simply won’t do. One well-known young Thai celebrity hunk recently complained to me about how ‘very low’ Ducatis have now become.  It’s hard to know what to say and what face to pull here sometimes, it really is.
 Once the trophy wife, minor wife, house plus condo, Benz and unmentionably expensive ‘wrist game’ has been sorted, other toys come onto the radar. A camera is needed but not for really taking pictures, more as ‘neck game’ to go with the watch. The fact that it also can be used for taking ‘snaps’ of their spoilt, poorly behaved children is merely a bonus of course as nearly all of its owners photos are typically shot on his iPhone anyway right?  Without really giving full attention to actually learning photography too seriously, the questions soon arise: ‘Which is the most expensive?” and “Which is the most hi-so brand?”…maximum obvious brand recognition and luxury status are the main objectives in the first instance. One need not make any attempt to learn the craft as long as one has the keywords to the most expensive items off-by-heart in case the need arises to actually talk about the camera with one’s peers, not that it matters as they are usually in the same gang of course. Perhaps Leica is like the Rolex of cameras. Great brand history, previously popular for decades because it was genuinely perhaps the best tool for the job and purpose back in an all-analogue world. Its reliability and fit and finish became the stuff of legends until gradually it became mechanically obsolete, existing now as an expensive anachronism that has long since been superseded in the eyes of any sane, rational person. The legend then helps form the ultimate high end, boutique branding that the other brands would kill for but just can’t quite catch up to, at least not within the same niche. Then come the amusing statements about how ‘A Summicron isn’t fast enough or good enough” somehow? Typically the people in question couldn’t shoot to save their lives but the root of the problem is always that they haven’t got the very best kit, it couldn’t possibly be related to a lack of skill, ability or just simply putting the time in and doing the work now could it? They don’t care anyway, most expensive = best and most face gained. Sure, there are people in Thailand with M’s who can shoot amazingly and make stunning work. Trouble is, you don’t often ever meet them as most of the red dot guys here seem to be the South East Asian equivalent of  ‘rich dentists with a Leica’ demographic that is often mentioned in North American circles.  
 Yes, I’m hating and ranting but it stops here…..why? Because in some way, I am ashamed to admit that I am probably one of them, at least in part. I love to covet a Leica M, I love the gestalt, I adore the feeling of it in my hands and the way it handles and looks…none of this has that much to do with the results that actually come out of the bloody thing. There’s a fetishism that’s hard to ignore, it’s palpable, and quite hard to resist if you are that way inclined. There’s also very little else quite like it. For post-war Aryan assembled mechanical heft and optical brilliance, the only other thing which equals (and surpasses) ownership of an all brass era Leica M is perhaps my Rolleiflexes (till death us do part). There’s really not any other camera that I could even begin to compare to an M. It’s hard to pin it down to one specific criteria, rather it’s a case of being greater than the sum of its equal parts. I also do kind of like ‘being in the gang’ with one even though it’s full of dilettantes and posers of every stripe. Hell, perhaps I really am one of them. My only genuinely fair argument in support of my owning one is that I am a ninety-nine percent film shooter and I like public, street and candid sort of work with some forays into photojournalistic style work. For the well practiced in this area, and to those who do so on film, the Leica M is perhaps the best tool ever made for the job. I will offer some concession to any small film SLR like an old Olympus or Nikon with a small, fast prime for being quite possibly nearly as good but I still think an M just pips them to the post for such work.  This is my only genuine justification that really holds water. Sure, I could wax lyrical about resale value and ‘as good as money in the bank’, ‘best way to use the Leica glass I’m already invested in’ etc. but deep down inside I ‘fess up to the fact that I just plain like the swanky feel that I get from one. I admit they just feel great hanging from your neck or shoulder, it’s a really great feeling. It somehow even completes my outfit for the day, and I know this (but wouldn’t actually say it aloud!) I get it, I really do…they are actually cool.
 Let me continue my weak attempt at justifying why I’m not a hipster and everybody else is: Wanting one for shooting film is actually a reasonable defence to take against the heinous photo legal charge of ‘posing with an M in a built up area’. At least it separates the wheat from the chaff in this category as the vast majority of Leica M local owners you’ll find here in Thailand are firmly in the digital camp. You know they tell you to never say never? Well, I’m saying never because I will NEVER buy a digital Leica, the idea makes me laugh. Don’t get me wrong, digital cameras are great but German cameras get two things right and they typically always have, mechanics and optics. Pay huge money to a German brand for outdated electronics in a product that will be obsolete in a few years anyway? No thanks, that’s why we have the Japanese brands. I mean everything about the electronics, screens and software of the various digital Leica M’s I’ve tried so far only serve to confirm this assertion. They just leave me cold. And to pony up that sort of serious coin for something that definitely isn’t going to be handed down as an heirloom but simply end up as a very expensive paperweight, sheer madness to my mind. I would probably go with Fuji if I needed something like that, not quite a rangefinder but close enough and great glass for good prices.
 I think that owning a Leica M in Thailand these days is really just a way for people to flaunt wealth and have some fun with their money buying a new toy here and there. Nothing wrong with that. It’s just so amazing to see what Leica M cameras were and what they once meant versus where they are now. I doubt it’s much different elsewhere in the world in all honesty but with Thailand having experienced an explosion of the new money crowd in this millennium , there’s just more of them around to see I guess. Funny story: There’s a well-off Thai man here in Bangkok known in certain camera buying circles who collects ONLY digital M’s, starting with the M.8 through to the present day. A worse use of funds I have never heard in all my life. It’s not just madness to my mind either, he’s the source of much confusion and bewilderment to quite a few within the trade here also. Still, like Ms.Crow sang ‘if it makes you happy…it can’t be that bad”, good luck to him. In fact, good luck to all of us red dot toting wannabes in the Land of Smiles.  I’m not a hipster, I’m not a hipster (repeat to fade).
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