#I legit could've just made a separate post with them
thefirstknife · 10 months
Sorry to dump this rant in your inbox but the community’s attitude this entire season has legit got me tilted to the point I ignore pretty much the entire community outside of tumblr and a few irl friends. A lot of it has been frustrations I’ve had since Lightfall dropped wrt acting like the story was dogshit bc it didn’t give all the answers.
I legit got so fed up with Byf’s whole “oh all this season of the deep lore should have been in Lightfall” stuff bc like. My guy. You were one of the biggest complainers about the seasons having zero lore or story relevance. Fucking pick one or the other. Either seasons are all filled bullshit or you’re gonna get cliffhangered and expected to have some damn patience for storylines to get picked back up over time in the seasons after the main campaign of an expansion is done.
Especially bc like. IMO anyone expecting anything not a cliffhanger from the end of Lightfall when we KNEW The Final Shape was coming after it was just setting themselves up for disappointment, you need big tension and shit like that before the final act and this way getting dripfed answers in the lead up feels less like we’re dicking around doing nothing useful for the entire year as we wait for TFS to drop. It legit felt like being a KH fan back when KH3 dropped who had payed attention and played all the games and knew wasn’t the end of the series, just the conclusion of an arc and anyone mad about the stuff left unfinished was being unreasonable when it was made pretty explicitly clear it would either be answered in the future bc this wasn’t the ending or had been answered ages ago and people just hadn’t bothered to pay attention to it. Lightfall was never going to have all the answers bc it wasn’t the ending, and Bungie has proven they’ll circle back around and answer questions and pick up story beats if you’d just have a little patience! I’ll agree it wasn’t done perfectly and could do with more focus on the Veil and less on Strand but come ON my guy!
Combine that with the general toxicity of non-story focused Destiny YouTubers, especially PvP only typesc about Destiny and the way their fans have behaved and I’m full on not watching Destiny content creators anymore. Genuinely never seen content creators who need to touch grass and maybe just. Take a break. I’m not saying Lightfall was perfect or that Bungie hasn’t fucked up but I’m honestly just. Extremely fucking tired of how the community outside of tumblr has reacted to everything. And I’m especially sick of crybaby crucibros being obnoxious. Much as I don’t actually think it’d be at all good for the game there’s a part of me that thinks the idea of them splitting PvP stuff and PvE stuff into separate Destiny games in the future might have some merit to it purely so those of us who just want to explore and enjoy the story in peace can never bother with them again
Go off, honestly. So true. I've felt the same and I've pretty much not watched any Destiny youtube content in months. I started a few of them, but then stopped because of how utterly annoying and just plain wrong they were. The Lightfall situation is such a shitshow, not because of Bungie or the expansion itself, but because I genuinely believe that Destiny is above the reading level of most gamers.
Obviously, I still have some issues with how some stuff was handled, just as you do. Literally nobody is saying that everything in Lightfall was perfect. And I extend that to all expansions btw. Every expansion had faults. None of them are perfect. I think Lightfall's mysterious storytelling could've been a little bit clearer. And make no mistake, Lightfall WAS clear that nobody knows about the Veil, it just wasn't as clear as it could've been. Nothing would've really changed about the mystery if this was made more obvious earlier on in the campaign.
But dear lord, the bullshit around it is so tiring. I get it. I was confused at first too. I even posted here that I found certain things not as good and that they made me a little annoyed! And like that's fine! Your first impressions are your first impressions. But please move on. Are you seriously deciding everything based on first impressions? Do you never look into things and see if maybe there were things you missed or were wrong about? Like, it's okay to be confused at first and then realise later that you missed things. That's how learning works.
And yeah, the whole "everything should've been in Lightfall's campaign right away" is not only annoying because of the stuff you said, it's also annoying because it ignores that there's too much content to fit inside of a single campaign and also that this content has a theme. The campaign is a self-contained story with a theme and a plot (and the plot is NOT "learn what the Veil is." The plot of Lightfall is "stop Calus and the Witness from destroying Neomuna" which has concluded perfectly well in the campaign). Post-campaign stuff, the Witness cutscene and the Veil Logs are all things that don't fit thematically with the high action 80s movie story about protecting a city from destruction. These things were deliberately spread out through the year to give us multiple stories to follow while we wait for TFS. It's a live service game. You're here for the whole year. And it's fine if that's not the storytelling type you like. It's fine! That doesn't mean the story is objectively bad.
But yeah, agreed with what you said. It helps to vent! There's definitely people out there who are in the same situation and who just want to enjoy the game as usual and not having to deal with crybabies who make the whole experience absolutely miserable and make it impossible to engage with anything. Luckily, there's also always people who are still engaging with the game normally. We like the game and we like engaging with the game. And when I stop liking it, I'll just stop engaging with it. I wish other people could do the same.
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infatuatedheloise · 2 months
31. have you ever said or done something that, in hindsight, might have been hurtful to them? have they ever done the same to you?
obvi haven't done any of the other questions but this one gives me a good reason to recount something serious that happened btwn us earlier in the year that I haven't quite found a reason to bring up yet LOL, I imagine this'll be kind of long but bear with me
back in February, I was in his office & we were talking about a bunch of stuff. he asked me about a theater event I had gone to that weekend & had posted about on Instagram, so we started talking about theater in general since we're both interested in it. he had a flier for the upcoming campus play sitting on his desk, and he asked me if I was going. I said I wanted to, but didn't know where the ticket office was, nor did I have anyone to go with. He said, "Well, would you like to see [the play]?" which was his way of asking me to the play with him. I said yes, so we picked out a day to go, and he said he'd invite his wife and see if she wanted to come along (I was a little sad because it wouldn't be just me and him, but whatever)
I was suuuuuuuuper excited about going to see a play with him, so I told all of my friends and my mom. To my surprise, they all said that it was weird and I shouldn't go. They said that spending time with a professor outside of classes is weird, that going together would look like we were something more than professor/student, and some even said that us following each other on social media was weird enough.
Their words got into my head and I started to freak out about. Was he really trying something? Would it really look like something was going on between us? Would it be better if his wife went along? Should I even go at all? I was legit panicking. I mean, if he was trying something, I wouldn't really care, but if it would've looked like something was happening, I wouldn't want to put his job and our reputations on the line. I didn't want people to think the wrong thing and then have him/us get in trouble.
So........ I told him all of this. I told him the things my family and friends were saying and their concerns with the situation, and I tried to make it clear that I didn't think he was trying anything, but I was concerned with how it might look. He was very nice and understanding of my feelings, and he said, "It's better to talk about it than to wonder." He also suggested a plan to work it out: We'd each buy tickets separately, and since the seats are usually fairly empty, we'd meet up at that night, pretend it was a coincidence we were both there on the same night, then sit together outside of our assigned seats. Honestly maybe kinda sketchy LOL but it made me feel a bit better, though I was still super concerned. At this point, his wife was also planning to come along, so though it wasn't going to be just us, I felt better that we'd have at least one other person there with us.
But also: He said he had invited his wife, and I asked if he was sure it was ok--I had never met his wife before and I wondered if it would be awkward. He said that he'd talk to his wife and ask her if she was ok with me coming along...which meant that he invited his wife to come to the play, but didn't tell her that I'd also be there, which only added to my concerns about the situation. By the time I had the conversation with him about my concerns, he had discussed my being there with his wife, and he said she was ok with it.
ANYWAY, to the actual question in the post, I feel like discussing my concerns about going to the play could've (and maybe did?) hurt his feelings. He assured me that everything was fine: "I'm just trying to encourage you to go to these things as part of my job, and our interests often line up." But the fact that I came to his office all like "yeah my friends and family think something weird is going on and they think it's weird you asked me to the play and I feel kind of worried about it, too" definitely could've been a bit insulting. I texted him later that day just to clarify 100% that I didn't think he was trying anything weird, but that it might look like something was happening and that might be bad. He said that he appreciated me speaking my mind, and we've never talked about it since.
I did end up going to the play with him. Our plan about buying separate tickets was immediately thrown out, though--the next day after that convo, we walked to the ticket office together and he ordered our tickets together, so we couldn't pretend to have coincidentally gone to the same show.
But in the end, it was totally fine. I didn't know a single other person in the audience, so I was less worried about anyone thinking it was weird that we were there together. The only weird part was that I ended up sitting in between him and his wife. We jumped down to our seats from the row behind, and his wife ended up stepping on a seat when jumping down, so she claimed that seat. That left two other seats, and the furthest seat remaining was sitting next to total strangers, and Abelard claimed that seat...meaning the one in the middle was mine. I hesitated and looked in between the two of them, like "Don't you guys want to sit together??" his wife noticed and said I could sit wherever made me most comfortable. I said I didn't care (I kind of did, but whatever).
The play was good and since the seats were so small and close together, abelard and my arms were touching basically the entire time!!!! It was soooooooo nice to have that prolonged contact with him, though I felt a little weird about enjoying it since his wife was sitting right next to me/us....
But yeah, I absolutely cringe thinking back on that whole situation and the fact that I ever actually told him any of my concerns, which were totally unfounded. I said I would never mention it again, but I just feel so bad about it all and I die inside a little every time I think about it.
TLDR: Abelard invited me to see a campus play with him, my friends and family thought this was incredibly weird and I shouldn't go because of how it might look, I told him these concerns and talked about how I was worried it might look weird if we went, he assured me it was ok and we went to the play together (with his wife) in the end
The only hurtful thing he's ever said was when he told me I needed to stop overthinking, which was not helpful to my already overthinking brain LOL so I cried
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incorrecttwoset · 4 years
Lesson time with Dani:
I think the lesson we all learned here today is why do we still watch top ten channels? Or just... list channels? In general? Like sure, i watch them sometimes when i know the info is real and legit like top 10 Philippine urban legends you've never heard of (lol thats a lie, everyone knows that literally every Philippine university is fucking haunted and i grew up on that shit bitch) but when the listing is so BLATANTLY FAKE with the most clickbait thumbnail, why do people still fuckin fall for that shit, ugh. Didn't we already learn from last year's youtube rewind? Jesus...
Anyways, let's get on to twosets... CRITIQUE on their top 10 hardest instruments.
10. Drums. Oh. My. Fuckin. God. So the conductors are literally just hired to fucking stand there and look pretty? And that all that practice of trying to play that song or piece oN TIME WITH AND WITHOUT PERCUSSION was for nOTHING? Oh my gosh, i never kNEW. And like, dude. Driving needs all four limbs at once, is it considered doing four separate things at once??? Fucking nO, BECAUSE ALL THE LIMBS ARE DOING AND ACCOMPLISHING ONE GOAL. AKA DRIVING. And like, AJSKBSOSDJ watch twoset's explanation. I don't think i can properly explain without going into a rant... its also midnight and my brain is fucking deteriorating. (Even more so with this top 10 video)
9. Pipe organ. Dude, i was immediately lost after they showed the bumblebee clip. There are!!! So many!!! More good!!! And more amazing!!! Classical pieces!!! Than fucking bUMBLEBEE!!! Dude, you could've just asked her to play Bach toccata and fugue in d minor. oH, AND SPEAKING OF TOCCATA AND FUGUE IN D MINOR, WHY DID YOU- AJSNSJDKANDK YOU PUT THE ORGAN IN THERE WHY DID- ASOFBEIFJEK OKAY okay. Im calm. It's just different recordings, its fine. And the sentence the guy said while that clip was playing? Bro, i watched that part multiple times, and i sTILL don't get what you're trying to sayyyyyyy. And the divine intervention thing? Bro, i wish this top 10 vid had a divine intervention.
8. Acordion. Dude. Let me just... let me just pull a direct quote. Ahem... bASS NOTES ANE KEYBOARD DOESNT MEAN YOURE OLAYING TWO INSTRUMENTS. I just... the levels of frustration ive ascended to. My god, for once im glad that i didn't get to post this at midnight. Gave me some time to gather my head so i can watch this without fucking bursting.
7. Oboe. Oh boy. Dude. I've learned a bit of recorder and im pretty fUCKING sure that you make a sound by moving your fingers and lightly blowing into it, not by fucking folding paper origami with your mouth. And like, the moistness doesn't even matter that much. Your mouth will naturally moist the mouthpiece, you don't need to fucking spit on it. God.
6. Guitar. Okay, first time i saw guitar on this list i actually laughed out loud. (No offense guitarists i still think yalls music is great) Also, what the fuck. What the fuck. What the FUCK are they saying. First, yall say that it's all played the same way. THEN, you follow it up play saying it has tons of styles?! Oh my god, its like the video inforgraphics made for the scp foundation all over again... fam i haven't even watched that vid but i already know its shit.
5. Piano. Like twoset's point, if you're making a top 10 HARDEST, gET SOME HARDER PIECES AND RECORDINGS. DUDE, THERES FUCKING LISZT, RACHMANINOFF, THE LIST GOES ON. God, yall could've found a recording of La campanella and i would be fine. Fur elise even. But okay, sure. Do whatever. At least twoset gets more content this way. And wOW ALL THOSE HOURS OF PRACTICE WAS USELESS AND FOR NOTHING?!?!?!? aMaZiNG!!!! Can you tell i want to die.
4. Harp. Like I said earlier, if you're gonna play a recording of a piece, might as well make it match to the instrument but okay sure this is fine. Put a fucking recording of an ORGAN piece to the harp but okayyyyyy sureeeeee. I mean i get that musicians can play whatever they want but like, dude. This is a list. Do some fucking research. I don't even think i need to say anymore on the subject. The boys already said it all. And im tired. I just woke up and immediately, i am tired. Tsvtwt, please bless me with pics and fancams pLEASE.
3. Bagpipes. Do i need to reiterate my point from harp.and piano? Also, wha- how- why- dude. Ugh, all the shit this guy said in this entire video can just be slapped onto literally any instrument, as twoset said.
2. French horn. I have never met any brass players but, im pretty fucking sure you don't need an ego the size of texas to play that. I just- man, i wanna go back to sleep. It's morning already and fUCK analyzing how fucking wrong watchmojo is, is killing me.
Fuck dude, i had to scroll thru tsvtwt for energy. This is how wrecked my bad is. I never take tsvtwt breaks in the middle of making these posts. God...
And dude. Theremin is so much better than that. Agt... yall couldve hotten a better recording...
Anyways, back to the listing.
1. Violin. (Heavy flashbacks to instrument ranking vid) Dude. Wh-why you showing a fiddle recording. I- just look at my points for piano and harp. And dude, holding the instrument is probably the easiest part. Watch me sink into the floor and turn into a puddle of frustration guys.
Sigh. I think the lesson we all learned here today (other than the lesson up top) is that all instruments are hard.
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