#I love this TYSM for thr suggestions!
I saw your recent post regarding fnaf merch ideas and I whipped up these concept sketches as quickly as I could! (In between the 10 billion interruptions)
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I thought of these for double sided keychains. Feel free to use the idea if they spark inspo, or don't, I just thought they'd be neat (note, these are rushed doodles)
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m1dn1ght-hag · 2 months
okok so i have a lil request for u :)
(you decide if u wanna make hcs or a oneshot)
so, fem reader coming out to thirteen as a lesbian? and shes internally like having fireworks firing off bc shes had a crush on reader but thought she wasnt interested, but with this new info shes just like without thinking "so like i love u" like IMMEDIATELY shooting her shot
and readers also there like 🤯🤯🤯 bc shes had the biggest crush on thirteen as well lolol
tysm !! ❤
☽ starring | Thirteen x female reader
☽ pronouns used | she/her
☽ genre | fluff <33
☽ summary | lesbian Mc comes out to thirteen
☽ CW | none
☽ note | dude i never got thr notification for this request and im so upset about it cause its so cute. i have not played any of the recent lessons (i think i stopped at lesson 7 oops) for nightbringer so this will be set during the last lessons in the original game <3
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Mc took a deep breath to try and calm her nerves, however that was proving fruitless when her thoughts were running rampant from her anxieties She was planning on coming out to Thirteen today. In her mind, Mc was aware that she was being irrational, and that Thirteen would accept her no questions asked - but, she couldn't help but panic considering it was her literal crush she was planning on coming out to, only working to make her anxieties all the more overwhelming. She didn't know if Thirteen herself liked girls, and it only made her hands all the more clammy at the thought of rejection. But, she reminded herself that she had to do this, or else she’d never know how Thirteen felt. But, goodness, was it not terrifying?
She consulted the brothers the day before, asking if she should come out to Thirteen, and was met with an astounding yes from everyone (especially Asmo.) Beel, however, had thought they were already dating, receiving a babble from Mc as she tried to explain that she and Thirteen weren’t dating (“yet,” Asmo so helpfully quipped as Mc groaned in exasperation.)
Solomon proved to be an exceptionally terrible person to turn to for advice, especially when he suggested a hypnotic potion to "ease the nerves." The audacious offer was swiftly shot down and she left the sorcerer as quickly as she arrived. She didn't know why she considered him in the first place considering Solomon's and Thirteen's "friendship", but in her defense, she was nervous and wanted all the reassurance she could get before finally going through with it.
Simeon and Luke, while they didn't provide any advice, comforted her a bit despite her own thoughts betraying her. They reminded her that Thirteen would support her one hundred percent and that she wouldn't know how Thirteen felt unless she shot her shot; but, as much as Mc wanted to shoot her shot, she didn't think she was brave enough to do so quite yet. She had only barely worked up the courage to come out - asking her out was a complete other level she didn’t think she'd be ready for for a long time, if at all. Regardless, she thanked them for their reassurances, feeling a little more confident than she did before.
Consulting the demon lord and his butler didn't prove fruitful as she only got a beaming grin from the former and a knowing smile from the latter. The advice Barbatos offered was cryptic and completely flew over Mc's head. Whereas Diavolo's advice, although well-intentioned, only worked to make her anxious and unsure again, bringing her back to square one.
Having consulted everyone she could think of, she sighed in defeat, flopping back down against her bed as her arm instinctually moved to cover her eyes. Groaning in exasperation for what felt like the millionth time this day, she shifted her arm away from her eyes to study the vines grown above her bed, trying to ease her nerves before she backs out.
Mc was startled from her thoughts by the sudden knock on her door followed by Asmo’s sing-song voice, “You’ve got this, Mc!”
She offered a thanks in appreciation before heaving a deep sigh.
Pushing herself up from her bed, and smoothing out her clothed she began to fret over her appearance. She wanted to make sure she was presentable before leaving the house, and possibly, maybe by miracle, coming out to Thirteen.
Once she ensured she looked decent, she recounted all the advice she’s gotten and left her room. As she passed the living room she glanced in and got a thumbs up from Belphie, whom was lounging lazily on the couch. Beel also gave an encouraging smile before returning to his snacking, quickly adjusting Belphie’s neck so he didn’t strain it after it had dropped uncomfortably into the arm of the couch.
“Good luck, Mc,” Satan offered offhandedly, enamored with a new book he’d picked up from the library, nose buried in it as soon as he entered the front doors.
Mc hummed quickly, offering him a swift “thanks” before she was out the door and heading towards Thirteen’s lodgings, the directions etched into her memory from the numerous times she’d been over. ‘This is just another outing with Thirteen… Except for the fact you’re about the confess - Nope. Not confessing. Simply coming out.’
Lost in her thoughts, she hadn’t realized that she’d arrived until she was at the front door, fist subconsciously raised to push the doorbell.
“Mc!” Thirteen called as she opened the door, signature smirk on her face.
“Oh! Hi,” Mc returned the smile, feeling her face bloom as she stepped into Thirteen’s house.
Thirteen swayed off into the kitchen as Mc made her way to her room. It was routine now to plop herself down onto Thirteen’s bed while she waited for the other to join her and plot traps for Solomon together. Except, this time she’d be dropping a bomb on her, and she only hoped it didn’t sour their friendship.
“Mc,” she jumped at her name being called, eyes landing on Thirteen standing in the door with a bowl in her arms, “you’re distracted, how are we supposed to prank Solomon like this? What’s on your mind?”
The tone of her voice easily gave away she wasn’t actually upset by her empty-headedness, but Mc was too lost in her own worries to recognize the concern lacing her words.
“Oh, uh-“ she swallowed thickly, grimacing at the knot in her throat, “it’s nothing, don’t worry. We’ll plan the most diabolical prank for Solomon yet!”
“Well, duh!” Thirteen drawled out using her free hand to exaggerate her words, “But I can’t have my prank partner being out of it, so what’s on your mind?”
She approached the bed and placed the bowl on the nightstand, hand on hip as she urged Mc to continue.
‘Damn. Should have known I couldn’t get past her intuition.’
“Well-“ she wets her lips and wrings her hands, nervously picking at the skin around her nails, “-I, uhm. Have something, ahem, to tell you.”
“Well? Out with it,” she urged Mc to continue, staring expectantly.
“I, well, I’m a lesbian. I like girls.” Mc finished quickly, feeling relief for having gotten it out before it was quickly replaced by dread.
“Is that it?” Thirteen quickly reiterated her words, “Sorry, that wasn’t what I was trying to say. Thank you for telling me, I guess I should tell you I am too.”
“You too?!” Mc shouted, nerves instantaneously dissipated at the revelation.
“Well, duh,” Thirteen joined Mc on the bed, crawling over her legs to get situated in her designated spot, “damn, Mc, I’m hurt that you didn’t know.”
Mc sighed and elbowed Thirteen, smiling at the lighthearted quips the two were able to comfortably exchange.
“Since the cat’s out of the bag,” Thirteen quickly adds on, halting Mc’s laughter, “I guess now I can say that I like you.”
Mc stared, dumbfounded at Thirteen’s confession.
“I didn’t want to say anything ‘cause I figured you already had something with one of the others, but, you obviously don’t so, sucks to be them.” Thirteen smirked, studying Mc’s face.
“Huh???” Mc gaped, mouth opening and closing like a fish on land. “You- HUH??”
“Have I not been obvious? Really, Mc, I thought you knew me better,” Thirteen faked disappointment as she flopped backward onto her bed and dramatically held the back of her hand against her forehead. “Oh, woe! How can it be so?”
“I really wasn’t expecting you to like me, I guess?” Mc offered, unsure of what she was saying herself. Of course it made sense. Only, literally everyone else could see but her. “Okay, no... Oh, I don’t know.”
Thirteen pushed herself back into a sitting position to hold Mc’s gaze, her green eyes observing Mc’s expression. “That doesn’t matter now, what matters now is this: do you feel the same? Is this something we can pursue?”
“Yes!” Mc answered a little too quickly, slapping her hand over her mouth in embarrassment, “shit, sorry, I mean yes. I would like to pursue something with you.”
“That’s all I needed,” Thirteen’s eyes scanned Mc’s face before moving in as if to kiss her, the corner of her lips tugging upwards as she could hear Mc’s breath hitch.
Mc leaned in as well, eyes slipping closed nerves arising once more from anticipation of a kiss rather than unrequited feelings before it was all dashed as Thirteen swerved to place a kiss against her cheek instead of her lips.
“Aww were you expecting it on the lips?” Thirteen teased as she watched Mc fumble embarrassedly once more. ”How forward, at least take me yo dinner first.
Thirteen delicately weaved her hand together with Mc’s.
“Don’t be mean,” Mc leaned against Thirteen, resting on her shoulder as she squeezed her hand in acknowledgment, “I thought your pranks were reserved for Solomon, and I don’t remember changing my name.”
“You are his apprentice - willingly - so it’s only fair I get to tease you for it.” Mc scoffed at Thirteen’s answer, rolling her eyes even if it was unseen to her. “besides, you’re cute when you pout.”
“Ugh, no way you’re being corny?“ Mc teases back, dodging Thirteen’s flick to her forehead.
Im response to Mc’s quip, Thirteen swings her free arm over Mc’c chest and pulls her down with her so Mc was laying flat on her back with Thirteen propped up against her chest. Mc yelped at the sudden movement, not expecting Thirteen to drag her down. She made a motion to complain but was silenced when she heard Thirteen’s laughter fall from her lips, a sound Mc’s had the privilege to hear on numerous occasions on her outings with Thirteen, but now it sounded different, warmer. More content. As Mc continued to admire her, she took in the way her hair cascaded perfectly over her shaking shoulders, and the way her green eyes shone with mirth as her laughter began to die down and her head now lay propped against Mc’s chest.
“Cat got your tongue?” Thirteen purred, stray chuckles sneaking past her words.
An unconscious compliment fell from Mc’s lips, “you’re beautiful.”
Thirteen was stunned temporarily but she managed to regain her composure just as quickly. Using her free hand, she maneuvered it to pinch Mc’s cheek, ”who’s the corny one now?”
Mc hummed in response, having no words to humour to Thirteen’s quip as she allowed a comfortable silence to drown out their bantering.
Using the position they were currently in to her advantage, Thirteen adjusted their intertwined hands and got comfortable laying against Mc’s chest, taking revelry in the silence and newfound partnership. As Thirteen got settled, Mc could feel her heart skip a beat, and she could only hope that she didn’t hear. (She most definitely did and would be teasing her later for it, oh well.)
After Mc’s nerves settled, she adjusted herself to get comfortable as well, molding herself to Thirteen and relaxing breathing in her scent and feeling a drowsiness slip over her.
They both lay embracing one another in the comfort of Thirteen’s bed, original plans abandoned in favor of an impromptu nap.
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☽ final note | I AM SO SORRY THIS TOO SO LONG I AM BOO BOO THE FOOL anyways ihope you liked it amd i hope its emough i tried but i am not caught up on the story and im rusty on writing for obey me weeps
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ivanzplaid · 2 years
Ok I've only seen the like og saw so I have no idea who a lot of these dudes are. Tbh you can show me a picture of Hoffman and Mathews and I'd think they're the same guy but I do know who Lawerance is. Anyway this is an excuse to tell me about all of your head cannons for the saw men you love.
OH MY GOD I SAW THIS AND SCREAMED THANK YOU THANK YOU🙏 youre literally the best im so excited, i dont like hoffman that much so any slander good slander but this made me smile so again tysm🫶🫶 the og saw is so good but damn its smth,, i love talking abt these things smth
requests are open n masterlist is up :)
screaming and kicking my feet youre so sweet for this literally lysm💖
Saw General Headcannons! ( Lawrence, Amanda, John, Hoffman )
Warnings: Fluff, Abusive Homelife/Relationships w Addiction for Amanda, Mentions of Ptsd from Saw Traps, Scar mentioning, My Hcs🫶
Lawrence Gordon
he is an ambivert, doesnt go out of his way to mert new people but knows how to keep a conversation and is a fairly confident person
his cane itself doesnt bother him, but the memories of adam and the bathroom give him shudders and a heavy sigh
he doesnt agree with everything john believes, he feels an immense amount of guilt and even though on the surface he survived, he feels he shouldnt have but will never admit that, a part of him died when he made it out of the basement
AWFUL bedhead, wakes up with either his hair going every direction or sticking to his head
he doesnt use a ton of product, a comb or brush and maybe 1 or 2 other things
great hygiene, he knows whats up and he doesnt use the bs 3 in 1, not musky and showers once a day
his teeth are pretty straight, few cavities as a kid and maybe one now but def had to have braces as a kid
grew up with loving and nurturing parents, they were attentive to him and gave him a lot of praise but took control of his life alot, thats why he needs to feel in control when he does his apprentice work or in his personal life
very reassuring man, since he grew up with great care he knows how to give it as well, he is generally a great relationship guy and knows how to treat his s/o
romantic in personal times, not huge on pda, will hold your hand or let an arm go around your shoulder/back
he does not have a huge online presence, a facebook is really it, thats all he could handle, social media for him isnt a need so dont expect to see him on it alot
im SURE him and hoffman had some type of way of knowing eachother before hand and i wish we saw that, whether it was mutual hatred or snarky remarks, the way lawrence said 'i dont think so,' when hoffman was in the bathroom made me WEAKK i loved his heinous arc so much
hoffman and lawrence probably argue but hoffman is under an anonymous account trying to instigate a fight
def has nightmares / ptsd about thr basement and will wake up in cold sweats imagining hes still there
natural blond, is too afraid to dye his hair because growing up everyone loved it
hes a classical man, appears very charming and can allude himself of much suspicion
he and john talk decently, im sure john has a biased liking toward him, they probably sit down and discuss what should happen next even though lawrence hates it, he still does it
i love to believe that the apprentices and john celebrate holidays or birthdays together, they all have nobody but eachother basically so this hives them the sliver of humanity that most desire
not a jewelry man, thinks it looks a little tacky
has a high self image to maintain
not really an outdoorsy guy, youd have to make him go on a hike, but if you suggest going out to dinner or the movies, he gladly drives you two
doesn't celebrate his birthday, nothing against it but just doesnt
likes italian restaurants
has strictly one barber or hair dresser he goes to, he only trusts them
he most likely did all the group work back in school, he always resented those kids
easily makes a bomb homecooked meal, will leave you wanting more
has a dad bod and he does not care, finds no need to
he likes shopping a decent amount, but if you go with him he will keep you there for hours
im so happy you asked me this omfg, theres more but i think i filled up his section🫶🫶
Amanda Young
she deserved so much better than what she got
you wont see her in saw 2004 ( i believe ) butshe was manioulated by john, and even in his final moments she cared about him, shes a vulnerable woman who latches onto people who treat her with the least bit of kindness or respect
HARD time expressing how she loves or cares for someone, she panics a lot
mainly stemmed from her childhood abuse & neglect, she has a difficult time processing her emotions and stress, making all situations hard to evaluate or stressful in general
she is very caring and loyal to those she trusts, being slightly clingy because if her fear of abandonment
she's surpassed her addiction, but will definitely have a long road to recovery, supporting her and judt being there, driving her to addiction centers throughout her time shows your dedication to her and she may be anxious at first, but warms up to you after a while
besides that, im sure as a child she experimented with so many phases and styles, she wanted to fit in and gain her parents love, schooling was difficult as well for her
im sure she had a few friends, maybe one or two ones that she spent a lot of time with, she was an outcast to begin with, most teachers didnt mind her, im sure she befriended one or two
her grades looked like B's & C+, shes fairly smart but due to her environment she was pushed to her potential
had a few girlfriends in her teen years, she grew into an identity of a 'bad' kid and that attracted some people, possibly forming a group
snuck out a lot, nobody cared when she did so it became a nightly occurrence
she was not ready for any relationships, they were long but toxic, she was vulnerable and needed space and therapy ( still does )
reaching adult years she outgrew her friends and relationships, turning to homelessness possibly after her parents kicking her out, and then messing with a bad group of adults
she definitely likes to shop in the mens and womens section, doesn't care what the clothes are as long as it fits and is warm
she loves when her sleeves are longer then her arms, likes to wrap herself in them
if you take her out for food, she doesnt care where, fastfood is lovely and so is a nice restaurant, shell thank you for the whole night
loves to play boardgames, and if she knew hot to play videogames that would be her favorite as well, anything to fill in the hole of her childhood with bonding time
dislikes marks hoffman.
takes after johns beliefs, he 'saved' her in her eyes so if he says jump she asks how high, dedicated asf
she has the ability to be a healthy soul, but after becoming an apprentice it was gone
i love her am but shes just so💔💔💔😢
John Kramer
i love him
no shame
he most definitely was intelligent growing up, never showed it or talked about it though
reserved, but if he was partnered up for school he would talk what's necessary, super chill kid
not a huge music guy, but maybe in his younger days hed turn on the radio while he worked on designs for inventions, but he never minded if he had to work in silence
he didnt care what other kids thought of him, very humble child who could keep himself company
liked to help his mom with his lunches, had a close relationship w mom, his father was a supporting factor in his life who pushed him to do his best but also was proud of him, however his mom was there more
very hands on type of man, we know hes always tinkering with something
has multiple scars and burns from accidents when making the traps, but has one scar below his hair from the car crash
box dyed his hair as an adult because a past s/o told him to try it, he hated it
very decisive person, if he had social media he would get in arguments alot, he thinks that his way is the right way in a calm way, his username on facebook is probably "@jkramer1" something simple to remember, most likely made a sticky note and gave it to amanda to remind him
dislikes soda & fastfood, would rather make something himself
really doesnt care who he loves, if he finds someone who he can genuinely love and trust hes content
if you date him he is a talker, not like billy lenz, but hes calm & loves to share facts about his inventions, will not let you know their intention because he loves you
he loves animals, he most likely had a childhood dog(s) whom bonded
he considers lawrence his favorite, he likes his independent traits, yet how he still stays with john, its intricate
hoffman on the otherhand
we know what he wanted to happen ( and what did ) to hoffman, so im assuming his apprenticeship was short lived, maybe serving as punishment because john did not respect mark
i believe that he did love jill, but overtime it dwindled
he fucking loves billy the puppet, he has an emotional attachment to it and will always repair it
talks to billy when nobodies around, its therapeutic
my little maniac fr
Mark Hoffman
do not expect a lot of hcs for him i cant
obviously a determined and vengeful person, believes in justice, and possibly the way john does, but not as,, extreme
had a great sibling relationship, the moment his sister died and then her murderer was not done right, he lost it, a part of hoffman that everyone knew before left because he was always close and protective of his sister, and he let his anger out
his sister used to give him haircuts, started when they were seven and just playing around, but she eventually became good at doing his hair so he only trusted her with it
very irritable person, not afraid to break bonds or deceive acquaintances
wants to appear smart & diligent, he needs people to see him better than he is
sensitive in rare instances
hes very protective of loved ones in general, and after he lost his sister its like a cage surrounded you, he wouldnt let you out of his sight
most likely tried weed as a teen and coughed the whole time, was offered something stronger and with tears in his eyes he declined
lawrence and amanda love to mess with him, they tag team on pranking him as their little fun
def got his head smashed into his birthday cake as a kid
fucking loser
john subtly fucks with him everytime they have to meet, john hates these meetings more than hoffman
hes the one who uses 3 in 1 in the shower. sweaty.
had a minor sweet tooth as a kid
on halloween he probably went as a cartoon character by a costume he made
i hate him
thank you for listening🫡🫡
ziggy thank you sm man this was sm fun🙏🙏 ill always have hcs for them and your request made my day 🫶
requests are open, masterlist is up!
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bimber-dews · 7 years
Hi! So I luv ur blog, its awesome! I was wondering if u could explain what happens to yuri? (Is that how its spelled) and victor/viktor? Im a little confused on their relationship
Awww tank you so much anon! Okay so the ship your talking about, Yuri Katsuki and Victor Nikiforov, or as we shippers say, Victuri, is about two competitive figure skaters. It is from the anime Yuri!!! On ice. So Yuri was a huge fan of Victor Nikiforov so naturally he grew up loving this legend's skating, buying posters of him and overall aspiring to be like him. Victor, after seeing a video of Yuri skate to one of his programs, flies to Japan to coach him. They gradually grow closer as Victor coaches him and fall in love. A whole ton of crazy stuff happens but I don’t wanna spoil it for you, so I suggest watching it. Honestly, I love this anime so much. The ice skating it actually really cool, the romance is sweet but not over the top, and thr character development… oh man it is amazing. Yuri on ice is a masterpiece and I hiiiighly recommend it. Lol this got long and i hope this makes sense, but tysm for the ask!
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