#I mean shit I'm planning on changing my hair from black to natural auburn
lowkey, the vibe I'm getting from america lately with all the increasing push laws to criminalize people for existing, well, we're turning into Germany during WW2, let's just hope the rest of the world can fucking offer some hope. s'not like the normal nonfacist citizens can like all pack up and leave and idk I'm simutaneously like really fuckin scared and so so numb.
On a lighter note, i've been working a crazy amount of hours so I can have some spending money in Oregon, might get a little (like small dainty vibes? maybe?? but def not a big piece) tattoo, any suggestions? also My Letter of the Day is H, for Happy and Helpful as I power thru working 27 hours in 48 with only 4 hours of sleep in between u.u
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