#I mean take a look baby he’s the real kaching!
No thoughts head empty just every single song in Ride the Cyclone going through my head at once
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Amber & Cosmo
Amber: [Okay so I’m just gonna write my diabolical idea here so we know how it’s kicking off, basically whenever Dash and Amber hooked up- which was long ago enough that he should but hasn’t given her the stash back but literally never long enough ago that it won’t be gross to Cosmo that this happened, soz boy- she thought they were doing so in Dash’s bedroom but it’s actually his brother’s so when she comes back looking for her stash/anything she can replace it with, she’s actually ransacking Cosmo’s room and we know it’s blatantly because he lied that he didn’t have any drugs when he in fact did so he’s an all around lovely boy]
Amber: [picture the scene of him walking into his own room like wtf and then she has to hurriedly explain all of the above and then I figure I can start this convo when she’s for real in Dash’s room searching the right one lol]
Amber: I’m so so so sorry
Amber: I can’t find the words…
Cosmo: [The levels we would’ve been like GET OUT without terrifying her into fully leaving, in our room fuming rn]
Cosmo: Did you take any of my shit?
Amber: I’m not here for anything that isn’t mine, I told you
Cosmo: You said a lot
Cosmo: and fast
Cosmo: You’ll excuse me if I was more distracted by the more pressing issues like the stranger in my fucking room
Amber: Because you were saying the same thing again and again
Amber: and loud
Amber: my pressing issue was, and is, me not getting arrested
Cosmo: That’s your life choices
Cosmo: maybe don’t break and enter if you don’t wanna be worrying about that, there you go, pro-tip
Amber: Passive aggression towards me is understandable but please don’t threaten a real act of, you know I’m no burglar
Cosmo: I don’t know that, I don’t know who the hell you are
Amber: If you need to empty out my pockets to be sure, I’ve not left
Amber: yet
Cosmo: I can’t see anything missing
Amber: I feel stupid for not realising it couldn’t be his room
Amber: stupider
Cosmo: It’s an unpleasant way to find out he’s a piece of shit for you but you’ll be better off for knowing
Amber: Typically unfair of the universe not to let me have the information before we had sex
Cosmo: I might be more willing to extend sympathy if it weren’t in my fucking bed
Amber: Take mine because it was
Amber: but believe me that I didn’t know
Cosmo: Doesn’t change the fact
Cosmo: He’s fucking dead
Amber: I can’t change it now, but I’ll bring you some new sheets to show you the sorry was meant
Amber: and knock before I come through your window
Cosmo: Or you could just not, on both counts
Amber: if you want
Cosmo: Funny when someone breaks in you don’t really get much say
Amber: It’s your choice from here on though, I was being pushy when I thought it was your lying brother’s window
Cosmo: Generous
Cosmo: What are you even looking for?
Amber: 🌿 I borrowed my dad’s stash
Amber: borrowed is the important part
Cosmo: How does that work
Cosmo: except for not, clearly
Cosmo: You may as well go, ‘cos that will be long gone
Amber: Empty handed!? I can’t do that
Cosmo: Help yourself to any crap he’s got in there
Cosmo: doesn’t bother me
Amber: I don’t think there’s anything in here my father would accept as a 🕊
Cosmo: No shit
Cosmo: Unless he’s also got the taste of a wannabe hippie
Amber: Their wardrobes are unsurprisingly similar but he’d kill me if I brought home new items to replace the handful of old clothes he already owns
Cosmo: You’re one of them
Cosmo: Figures, only people who’ll associate with him at this point
Amber: Them?
Cosmo: You live in the compound
Amber: oh right 👽
Amber: yes, I’ve lived there for a few months
Cosmo: My sympathies on that one
Amber: 😂 Thanks, but even going back empty handed wouldn’t result in a RIP 🥤 ending, it’s okay
Cosmo: There’s hardly a shortage where that came from
Amber: or of worse places I could or have lived
Amber: Have you always lived here?
Cosmo: I’d phone social for you but the case is well-established already, I reckon
Cosmo: Dublin? Always
Cosmo: Better postcode for a bit but now just on the weekends
Amber: better because…?
Cosmo: All the reasons they put on the listings
Cosmo: price, location, near to whatever amenities you might want, idk, you know what better means
Amber: You forgot no strange girls climbing in your bedroom window, it was the perfect opportunity to stay angry at me
Amber: but this is better, agreed 🙃
Cosmo: I’m still angry, don’t worry
Cosmo: you’d not get anywhere near my dad’s windows
Amber: so you get the weekends off from me
Cosmo: I’m definitely not doing his dirty work for him, he doesn’t deserve that but neither do you so
Cosmo: If stealing your stash and not letting you in his room wasn’t hint enough, he’s not gonna make you his girlfriend, okay
Amber: I’m not THAT stupid, I don’t know what you got from first glance or this on going impression but it sounds like I don’t want to know
Cosmo: You aren’t going to be here every weekday then, that’s what I mean
Amber: I could be, I found a lot of spare rooms on the way to his, they’re not as nice as yours but they don’t have horrific memories attached
Amber: yet
Cosmo: We’re not looking for lodgers and you just moved
Amber: over half a year ago isn’t a just
Amber: Why don’t you want to live with me?
Cosmo: 😂
Cosmo: You’ve got jokes, at least, if not your stash
Amber: if you had manners you’d help me
Cosmo: You and my brother desecrated my bed
Cosmo: Why’d I owe you anything, like
Amber: You’re 🤬 at him, he’s owed us both getting our own back and I can’t do a good enough job at it on my own
Cosmo: You’ve got a point, alright
Cosmo: [Come in]
Amber: [picture her buried in this carnage because she’s so smol and his room was such a mess before she even got there, just looking at him as she’s trying unsuccessfully to like throw this mattress out of the window like hello]
Cosmo: [just walking over and taking that off her with ease because you’re tall, lean it against the wall like not gonna happen babe, because as much as we’d like to throw your mattress in the stinky pond, we don’t want to cause hassle for Ali or Billie because we’re a good boy unlike someone, rifle through the mess of clothes and put aside any that might be worth something, indicate as much by doing the money thing with your hands like kaching]
Amber: [at least she’ll be too busy being shamelessly impressed by how tall and strong you are to pout about it, so you’re welcome but also lowkey not because like I said shameless haha]
Cosmo: [at least you can maintain eye contact and look at her right back as you’re like ‘what?’ ‘cos you don’t not know what you look like lol]
Amber: [sitting down on a skateboard that’s on the floor because the bed would be off limits even if the mattress wasn’t on the lean ‘what are we doing?’ like we need do more than raid his clothes if we wanna really annoy him but also the saucy undertone is obvious especially because eye contact hasn’t been broken remotely]
Cosmo: [shrugs ‘he doesn’t care about anything’ but not as offhand as that sounds because we are constantly and entirely at a loss with him ‘take what will make it worth it for you’ break that eye contact to look around like hmm]
Amber: [rolls the skateboard at him but obvs in a playful not aggressive manner cos we’re getting up as if to leave like ‘it was nice to meet you’ because not at all unspoken vibe of that makes it worth it for me]
Cosmo: [pick it up as we raise a brow half like was it and half yeah it was ‘cos duh ‘these are pricey-’ gesture to all the skateboards lying about with the one you’re now holding ‘and easier to get out the window’]
Amber: [sitting on said window ledge rn because even if it’s a tiny one so is she and we were gonna climb out before he made that suggestion DUH ‘maybe but what’ll I do with them’ looks down at self and her aesthetic because we’re nothing if not self aware baby ‘other than string one of the wheels onto a necklace’]
Cosmo: [a small lol but in a yeah that’s true look at you way without being THE RUDEST ‘put ‘em in a sock and you’ve got a weapon’ does the thing where you pick something up with your toes on some laundry ‘I’d supply your own sock though’ like ew]
Amber: [a lol of her own at his monkey footed antics and opening the window like that sock is THE GROSSIEST and it stinks in here which lbr isn't that much of an exaggeration 'the creativity doesn't sweeten the deal enough that part of it would be allowing me to use violence for conflict resolution, sadly' a pout 'but admitting you want me to stay here instead of trying to get me kicked out of there remains an option, thankfully' a grin like 😁]
Cosmo: [at least you can throw some of his clothes out the window without affecting your mother and grandmother so doing that without touching anything truly DISGUSTANG but giving her a look as if that suggestion is, but with a 😏 ‘cos don’t need to go that hard with the rudeness rn ‘we’d charge more rent’]
Amber: [looks around at the stuff he has already said is worth money before hopping down from the window to pick up a guitar Dash has obvs left lying around 'how much?']
Cosmo: [shrugs because not our bag ‘aren’t all instruments kinda expensive?’ ‘cos true unless it’s like a play guitar lmao]
Amber: ['instruments in this condition are, sure' because we're blatantly holding a flashy electric guitar rn not a beat up acoustic like she's used to seeing all the hippies play 'but it can't have any sentimental value' like there's no point taking it if he's not even gonna notice]
Cosmo: [‘good luck with that’ like he don’t care about anything ‘cos that’s how it seems hen]
Amber: [such a face on because even though he's proved they weren't friends and he's a dick she at least thought his hippie vibe wasn't total bollocks but all this expensive shit hard-core goes against that so with a sigh and a shrug she's going back to the window like well I might as well leave then 'thanks anyway, and sorry, again']
Cosmo: [a noise like that’s simplifying things a bit, a psh if you will, ‘guess he fucked you over first’ but a sincere face to show we know he did ‘just don’t do this again’ gestures vaguely like what bit do you mean sir]
Amber: ['it's my dad's stash, not mine' as if that's the only thing Dash did wrong because we're not gonna get into the fact you've known him for months you thought and likewise thought you were friends as everyone just thinks you're a slutty hippie stereotype so you have no reason to believe it's not the same assumption here 'I'll find a different way to replace it']
Cosmo: [reach in your pocket like how much even though you are a bit 😒 because essentially paying for your dickhead brother’s habit rn]
Amber: ['no!' such a fierce shake of her head and such a fiercely angry face because it's not his debt or problem even if it was actually about the money/ drugs instead of the lies and Dash's shitty behaviour which turns into a sad face/head in hands moment when she says 'I was beginning to think I couldn't feel any worse about how I've treated you' and just really quietly basically under her breath adding 'stupid' because @ herself for everything including thinking this was a good idea and still being here]
Cosmo: [‘hey’ and moving forward but then moving back awkwardly just as fast ‘cos we don’t really know what to think about you rn, as is this weird situation you find yourselves in ‘forget about it, I’m fine’ add ‘and the bit that ain’t fine is on him so don’t feel bad, honestly’]
Amber: [at least you can't see that awkward move back and feel worse for that gal because even though he's right and it's not really your fault you feel bad 'it's my fault he used your room, plenty of other girls from the commune wouldn't and haven't insisted on going anywhere else, and mine too that I'm at your house again today...I should've let it go' because we're never gonna be the peace and love cliche soz parents but we know that's what you want]
Cosmo: [‘he’s owed worse’ like I get why you didn’t let it go, even if your method is dubious babe]
Amber: [a smile that’s genuine relief because who else gets it in your life remotely but then you remember that so you’re like ‘retribution delivered karmically not by me’ but we still haven’t left and we obviously don’t mean it and aren’t trying to pretend we do with our tone because we’re not at the commune now bitches fight us]
Cosmo: [‘good luck with that’ ‘cos same energy of that’s bullshit]
Amber: [a little lol because he literally typed exactly that earlier like okay boy I get it ‘I’m owed worse’ than bad luck or being called out on bullshit that isn’t even hers but he thinks is, both definitely]
Cosmo: [‘undoubtedly’ and a shrug like soz, life’s shit]
Amber: ['where did you get it?' Meaning the money he just tried to give her obvs because she's thinking she might have to get a job to pay her dad back and even though she's clearly worked out from what he said about a better postcode at the weekend and how much stuff Dash has and how he treats it that it's likely from his dad but we hate when people make assumptions about us so we're not trying to do that]
Cosmo: [‘I go to a football academy’ not in the braggy way that sounds just stating the fact, she’s probably not aware that means you get paid boy but go off ‘if you need the cash, you should just take it’ like seriously gal, looking at her like]
Amber: ['What's that like?' SO surprised and intrigued in all the ways not like you could NEVER boy but she's obviously never met anyone else who does anything like that and even more importantly just really driving the point home that we don't know a thing about you and how wild it is we are here having this convo not to mention you're literally offering us money again which we are gonna shake our head to again as we make yet more eye contact 'when I need the money, I'll figure it out for myself' not angry tone this time just stating a fact]
Cosmo: [When you don’t really know how to answer that ‘cos the assumption always is that it’s a dream come true obvs because it is a big opportunity but it’s still a job at the end of the day, one you start much younger than most kids even get a part-time so we’re kinda like what do you mean lmao ‘yeah, it’s great, better than wasting my time at normal school, like’ asking a question back ‘cos not rude ‘you go to school?’ ‘cos undoubtedly aware loads of the commune lot don’t]
Amber: [‘I'm picturing the hunger games with a football' cos we are and that's what we mean lol because normal school is savage enough never mind something so focused on talent and competitiveness like 'are you a scorer?' Bringing back her adorably not knowing football terms and it's like it makes sense you would thrive there if you are and that type haha, nodding our answer to his question 'my dad teaches the kids who don't go' as if that's the only reason we go to school]
Cosmo: [little lol ‘maybe when you’re younger’ ‘cos obviously not all of you make it ‘but we all have pro contracts now, the deadweight is gone’ pop off with the basic explanation of your position on the team for her, we know the vibe hun, nods back ‘better than nothing, I guess’ but we clearly don’t really think so ‘you’re in his year?’ part sympathy part disgust lmao]
Amber: [obviously gonna ask him who his contract is with and if she can see him play but I won't commit you to picking a real team if you don't want to it's just to show that she's genuinely interested because likewise asking him other relevant questions when he's explaining the position he plays etc 'I don't mind school, being in the year above him definitely helps’ because my vibe is she would like school for lots of reasons but she's also Lowkey struggling a lot with it hence she doesn't really have time for a job rn very past me energy of having to do schoolwork until you literally go to bed]
Cosmo: [‘I don’t think it’ll be your scene’ and such a look of confusion that she asked like what do you want, suspish lol, smile though ‘that’s something’ ‘cos no one should have to suffer Dash in our opinion lmao]
Amber: ['Why not?' Such a genuine question but we aren't mad yet because we've clearly never been to a football match before so he might have a valid reason for thinking that and gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and obviously gonna throw something vaguely school related out of the window but nothing that would inconvenience your poor mother or nan though like yeah it's gonna be very important to me that we don't have to cross paths at school as well cos livid lol]
Cosmo: [‘Come on, you don’t think it’s all meat pies and
misogynists, like?’ with a 😏 energy ‘people like you are more likely to run onto the pitch with a sign than sit in the stands’ shakes head ‘sure he skives loads anyway, as the rest of this house actually has places to be and can’t keep a constant eye on him like the kid he is’ like you’ll barely have to see him, don’t worry, probs true]
Amber: [a lol ' are you saying it is or just that you don't want someone like me waving a sign with your name on from the stands?' Ignoring the Dash stuff entirely because now we know what a knob he is we are so over him]
Cosmo: [who can possibly say energy because that’s amused us lowkey]
Amber: ['I wanna see you play' because we do]
Cosmo: [‘why?’ because the levels we’re like WHAT DO YOU WANT cannot be overstated lmao]
Amber: [' Because I think it sounds fun, why don't you want me to?']
Cosmo: [‘if you want to go to a football match, you can’ like you don’t need to come to mine, which sounds ruder than we mean it, just pointing this out]
Amber: [the poutiest because rude and also we aren't stupid we're aware of that thank you boy 'and hold up a sign saying what, for who?' Because duh the fun is cheering you on sir]
Cosmo: [‘We don’t do cheerleaders’ but looking at her slightly less suspish and more curious]
Amber: ['okay, I won't wear the outfit, your loss' accidentally very saucy mental image soz not soz]
Cosmo: [we’re getting such slag vibes ‘cos of how this has all gone down so we’re like steady on gal ‘cos we’re not trying to put out that we’ll get on you ‘cos we know you’ve got previous, not that kinda boy, very #awks on your behalf ‘funny’]
Amber: [Ngl love that because she’s really not but he’s gonna keep thinking this for ages if she hooks up with a random at the clerb again this time and when she dates this old ass dude despite the fact it’s the first time she’s done either haha ‘Pom poms are usually plastic’ spoken like plastic is a swear word lol ‘and tissue paper isn’t recyclable either, environmentally responsible arts and crafts are the limit’]
Cosmo: [rolls eyes but not in the sarky energy of the emoji ‘what the fuck would you wave, some broccoli?’]
Amber: ['I can cut the cardboard into any shape’ so amused genuinely ‘so yes, if you like’]
Cosmo: [‘sure I wouldn’t wanna hinder your creativity, express yourself’ in a faux hippie energy]
Amber: ['I wouldn’t want everyone to think I was there protesting the pies and misogyny’🤔 ‘What number are you?’]
Cosmo: [‘hopefully I don’t mess up or you’ll have to add the racism to the list’ but tell her your number obvs]
Amber: [do a tick on the palm on her hand with her finger like noted ‘Does that mean I’m invited?’]
Cosmo: [‘it’s not an invite event’ shrugs ‘cos we still do not get this lmao ‘can’t stop you’]
Amber: [‘Unfriendly’ because I’m bringing that pun back thank you]
Cosmo: [my boo says I can and I will, ‘so weird’ kinda under our breath but not in a snide way so she could hear]
Amber: [‘it being weird to be interested in getting to know you says more about you than me’ like 😏 energy of what you’re so unlikeable are you as if the weirdness doesn’t come from the fact you hooked up with his brother and then broke into his house but okay babe]
Cosmo: [‘we’re not going to be friends’ like that’s a fact, bit rude but also I understand]
Amber: [‘We could be’ again so genuine as if there’s not reasons why you wouldn’t]
Cosmo: [‘no’ very simply even if we’re a bit #conflicted ‘cos don’t want to be a dick to you]
Amber: [‘okay’ because you literally can’t and wouldn’t argue with that so just actually go to leave for real this time gal]
Cosmo: [gonna have to let her go for now but let some time pass but like 15 mins ish not like a long time, enough that she’s gone though]
Cosmo: I didn’t mean to offend you
Amber: You didn’t, it would have offended me if you’d said no after your first 👀
Cosmo: Good
Cosmo: because it’s not about you
Cosmo: it isn’t a problem with you personally, I mean
Amber: it’s about your brother, I know, I’m not a real 👽 I understand why
Cosmo: Amongst other things, yeah
Amber: other things you don’t have to explain to me, it’s okay, I meant and mean it
Cosmo: alright
Amber: Thanks for trying to help me
Cosmo: There’s other ways to screw him over, if you want to
Amber: are there?
Cosmo: ‘course
Cosmo: there are things he cares about, even if not his things
Amber: like…?
Cosmo: think about it, he made it obvious
Cosmo: access to drugs and hippie girls
Amber: I don’t have a way to take either of those from him
Cosmo: Yeah you do
Cosmo: you live there, they’re your ‘family’ or whatever nonsense
Amber: not the girls he goes for, they’re always new
Cosmo: you can’t put it in the welcome pack
Amber: I’m not going to draw more attention to him, there’s already too much, and some of these girls would be more attracted to any negatives I pointed out, for reasons I don’t need to explain
Cosmo: drugs then, the new girls won’t be the source of those
Amber: Neither am I
Cosmo: it’ll be blokes
Cosmo: or at least adults
Cosmo: braindead or otherwise, they can’t all be fooled by him and his bullshit
Cosmo: get him cut off
Amber: I’m flattered you think my word is worth more than money to a dealer, but I’m not sure it is
Cosmo: I thought it was nature’s bounty with you lot only
Cosmo: and you pretended to have morals about it all
Amber: pretended being the key word, but I’ll try and get him blacklisted
Cosmo: I’m just saying, fuck up his spot there, that’s the only thing that would bother him
Cosmo: If you can’t then you can’t, sorry
Amber: I just don’t want him to think I care about his behaviour because of the bad sex we had, which he probably will
Cosmo: Yeah, probably
Cosmo: he loves himself enough to believe everyone else does
Amber: If they were my sisters this would be a lot easier
Cosmo: It’s a big enough place to avoid him, yeah?
Amber: But letting him get away with this is giving him free passes for as long as he wants to lie and treat other people the same, I shouldn’t allow it when the only reason is because I don’t really have time for a full blown vendetta, who am I if I do that?
Amber: …sorry for the vent, this isn’t your responsibility
Cosmo: You’re clearly a decent person
Cosmo: You can’t be responsible for all the ones that aren’t
Cosmo: I should do something because he’s my brother, right
Cosmo: but I can’t
Amber: I’m taking the compliment, after that we can stop talking about him
Cosmo: You wanted help with it
Amber: And the dealer angle is helpful ⭐️
Cosmo: Alright, I didn’t have to like but I felt bad for you
Amber: You could’ve stopped there and not made me feel bad about myself
Cosmo: I was trying to do the opposite
Cosmo: you got sarky with your ⭐️s
Cosmo: I didn’t fuck you over
Amber: It was genuine, for a genuinely good idea! I also said thank you and sorry, like, multiple times
Cosmo: Who uses gold stars genuinely
Amber: My dad has sheets of them he never uses sarcastically if you wanna start being someone
Cosmo: Alright, teacher jokes
Cosmo: You understand that it looks sarcastic though
Cosmo: To standard people
Amber: To people who don’t think it was a good idea, you mean, but who are they? It makes sense and will probably work
Amber: and I understand why it’s easier for you to take this stance with me, sure, we’ve been through that
Cosmo: What stance?
Amber: close to argumentative without crossing over the line, defensive
Cosmo: You broke into my house, I dunno how you aren’t getting that
Cosmo: unless you’re purposefully pretending not to, which is your dick move, not mine
Amber: I know I did, but you have no reason to feel unsafe because of me, which we’ve also been through
Cosmo: I don’t, feel unsafe
Cosmo: I don’t think that means we need to talk or get to know each other
Amber: It’s not going to happen again which means you don’t have to see me again, and we can stop talking any time too
Cosmo: You’re acting like I’m being rude
Amber: No, I said it was fine when you asked me if I was offended
Cosmo: What were you trying to do, asking about me
Amber: get the answers
Cosmo: 🙄
Cosmo: Yeah but why
Amber: Why wouldn’t I want to leave you with an impression which isn’t me as some BIG BAD coming through your window? Because I’m not and you wouldn’t think so if we bumped into each other in town anywhere ‘normal’
Cosmo: So you was trying to get yourself out of trouble
Cosmo: Yeah, okay, that makes sense
Cosmo: I just wanted to know why, that’s all
Amber: I don’t wanna be in trouble but it wasn’t that calculating
Amber: isn’t
Amber: meeting new people, striking up conversation in situations that other people often don’t think are natural, kinda are to me
Cosmo: It’s not a bad thing, I could’ve called the police on you
Cosmo: obviously you don’t want that
Cosmo: you don’t need to worry, I won’t, even if it is a bit late now anyway
Cosmo: Sure, but even so
Cosmo: you can’t say you’re doing that on the regs
Amber: You don’t have my name and the description you could give wouldn’t narrow it down very much once you directed them here
Amber: but I’d still prefer you didn’t, I’m not gonna lie
Amber: I don’t get pushed to those extremes regularly, no, because most people who say they’re my friends are and don’t treat me how Dash did
Amber: if you’re waiting for me to say sorry for making the best out of the unexpected, you being there, I’m not going to
Cosmo: I’ve seen plenty of them, they don’t look like you
Cosmo: Well I’m glad to hear you aren’t regularly breaking and entering
Cosmo: I don’t need an apology
Amber: What do you need, besides the ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️?
Cosmo: Ha ha
Cosmo: like I said, I just didn’t get it
Cosmo: and who says I want to leave a bad impression either
Amber: I haven’t met a ⚽️🏆⭐️ before, if I asked too many questions, that’s why, but if I made you feel uncomfortable, that’s a worse impression and you’ll get an apology anyway
Amber: Not you, or you wouldn’t have helped and I’d be talking to the police instead
Cosmo: I’m used to that
Cosmo: Usually from lads though
Cosmo: or girls but it’s more obviously fake
Cosmo: I’m no ⭐️ yet anyway
Cosmo: I’m not being compared to him, even if that means doing shit it isn’t my job to, I’d rather
Amber: I’m not comparing you, in spite of it turning out I only know Dash as well as I know you
Amber: you could’ve told me you didn’t want me coming to watch you play because of the other girls that do, I’m used to plenty at school being jealous of the way I look
Cosmo: And I intend to keep it that way, the lack of comparison
Cosmo: If I say that’s not what I meant will you accuse me of trying to make you feel bad again?
Amber: What did you mean? If you’re not trying to make me feel bad, I won’t accuse you of anything you haven’t done
Cosmo: It’d be weird if you came because my dad will be there
Amber: I’m even more used to that, all my ‘normal friends’ parents are judgmental about my piercings and the tattoos they can see, it’s okay, I don’t have to come
Cosmo: He wouldn’t judge you, but games are about winning, focus, all that
Cosmo: not inviting random strangers
Amber: He’d still be judging me for how he thinks I’ll behave, as a distraction, either way I’m a bad influence 😈
Cosmo: He’d just be pissed off with me, honestly
Amber: I’ll have to wait to watch you on tv one day, keeping it a secret from my parents who’d be 😠 at me
Amber: and if I get too impatient I can always break into the bedroom of one of your teammates, befriend them and cut their number out of cardboard…
Cosmo: You reckon, do ya
Amber: That you’ll be a 📺⭐️ or someone else on the team will be happy to have me appear in their bedroom? Because yes, I do
Cosmo: 😂 Can’t knock the confidence
Amber: Negging hasn’t been considered flirting since approximately the 90s, so no
Cosmo: Reckoning I’m flirting with you borders on delusional
Amber: which borders on what, ableism? Keep going if you have nothing to do but dig to Australia
Cosmo: Entertaining your fantasies isn’t a requirement for being a good person, whatever politically correct label you wanna throw on it
Amber: If my fantasies were that instantaneous I wouldn’t need entertainment from anywhere else
Cosmo: Good luck with that
Amber: Thanks, I am bored enough to attempt construction of a fully make believe world
Cosmo: You have time to get bored?
Amber: it’s not a forced labour camp
Cosmo: you wouldn’t keep around useless stoners if it was
Amber: And as someone who fits that mould, thank god 🙌🏽
Cosmo: it’s usually more exploitation in the name of free love anyway
Cosmo: and that doesn’t sound familiar at all
Amber: Because you’ve never been in any way exploited
Cosmo: I haven’t, actually, but that’s not really the point
Amber: Of course you have
Cosmo: How have I?
Cosmo: You’re chatting shit which won’t detract from the fact that place attracts nothing but predators of one kind or the other
Amber: Your parents sacrificed you to ⚽️🏆⭐️ the same as mine did to me with ✌🏽☮️💙 we’re both indoctrinated, yours just has a definite job prospect attached to it
Cosmo: You don’t know a single thing about me or my parents, you asked a few questions
Cosmo: you confirmed my brother picks off new girls like a opportunist abuser, and I know he ain’t the only one who treats that place like that
Cosmo: I didn’t say fuck all about you or your parents
Amber: Sport attracts predators too, nobody’s condemning it because of how a large number of people in positions of power treat the ones they have power over
Cosmo: Sport is regulated
Cosmo: for fuck’s sake
Amber: We open our doors to vulnerable people, there are always going to be other people who try and take advantage of that, and maybe at the next place they do there won’t also be as many people around who care
Cosmo: Yeah, you’ve identified the problem there
Cosmo: vulnerable people need protection and actual help
Cosmo: not care from a bunch of people who are entirely unqualified to do shit
Amber: They get help from qualified adults, not every person living there is a clueless teenager and you are actually allowed to leave
Cosmo: Yeah, that’s the point, anyone getting enough real help would leave
Cosmo: it’s a half-way house at best and for every ‘success’ and person that gets the fuck out, you have just as many that get sucked into bullshit they otherwise wouldn’t if you weren’t there
Amber: You’ve never even been there
Cosmo: Don’t need to
Cosmo: if the evidence weren’t out my window, it’s in my house and all so
Amber: Dash based evidence would make anyone cynical
Cosmo: You wish he was your only problem
Cosmo: just because he’s a dick, don’t mean he’s not got it from somewhere, or he wouldn’t get away with it
Amber: Nowhere’s perfect or fucked irreparably, you wish it was that cut and dry
Cosmo: I’m not the one who thinks I’m creating a utopian society
Cosmo: no one needs perfect, just not batshit harmful bullshit
Amber: Neither am I
Cosmo: Not you personally
Amber: So stop attacking me personally, get a 📢 and point it out of your window towards someone who really believes all the things you think are harmful bullshit
Cosmo: I’m not attacking you
Amber: You’re saying things I either have to agree or disagree with about my home and way of life that I’ve already had to spend a really long time defending or denouncing in exactly the same way
Cosmo: You don’t like it because it’s true
Cosmo: I can’t help that
Cosmo: but it’s exactly why there’s no point talking again
Amber: I can’t help that my parents like it there and really believe in things I don’t
Cosmo: Don’t they care what you want?
Amber: I go to school, we’ve stayed long enough for me to make friends, as far as they are concerned, I’m getting what I want
Cosmo: Is that all you want though?
Amber: it’s getting my own way more than a lot of my friends do, what 17 year old gets everything they want?
Cosmo: Parents should give a shit about their kid’s happiness
Cosmo: it’s not being a brat about wanting more money and a later curfew
Amber: I care about their happiness too
Cosmo: they aren’t meant to make that your problem
Amber: Putting me first and their own lives to the side would cause problems for all of us, if they’re miserable I’m not gonna be happy, and not expressing it wouldn’t mean it wasn’t still obvious
Cosmo: Are they happy?
Amber: Happier than they’ve been for years, my dad left his girlfriend and my mama has a new boyfriend, they’re both loving their jobs and the people they’ve met here who they aren’t dating too… I’d say they are
Cosmo: You’re scared they’ll want to leave again
Cosmo: or that place will get shut down and they’ll be no choice in it
Amber: They will or it will, what I’m afraid of is when it does I’ll make the choice to stay and they won’t
Cosmo: If they’d rather be helping other people than their own kid that’s fucked
Amber: I’m their 👶🏽 forever but not a child, they’d rather treat me like an adult
Cosmo: Whether you’re ready for that or not?
Amber: Some things you don’t ever feel ready for, but they have to happen anyway and when they do you’re almost always 😁 or at least slightly relieved it’s done
Cosmo: You aren’t old enough to be left anyway, whatever they’d rather do
Amber: An irrational fear for a while longer
Amber: I’m not bored enough for crystal healing
Cosmo: That’s not a thing
Cosmo: you’re taking the piss now
Amber: it’s not something that works, but it’s something that happens
Amber: often
Cosmo: I suppose I don’t even wanna know what that entails
Cosmo: if it’s not good enough for max boredom even
Amber: What are you doing? Now that you’re done making me question my entire life
Cosmo: I really weren’t
Cosmo: I know there’s fuck all you can do but there’s plenty actual adults there could and haven’t long before you showed
Cosmo: I need to go do my run
Cosmo: I’m behind schedule now
Amber: You haven’t really, don’t feel bad, it’s my turn again for putting you behind schedule
Cosmo: Inexcusable, really
Cosmo: If we’d have found a way for you to get back at him and/or get your money back we’d be further behind so win some lose some
Amber: I’m sorry x 9
Cosmo: I get it, I don’t deserve the sincerity of actually bothering to type it out
Cosmo: Call it even then?
Amber: I’d prefer to call us odd but okay
Cosmo: ‘course, got to keep it 👽 I know
Amber: Tempting fate slightly, unless you want to get abducted on your run
Cosmo: I was clearly after an invitation, yeah
Cosmo: I’m alright, tah, only one dickhead who looks like me will be showing
Amber: Is that my invite to a race? Because I don’t think I’d be able to beat you
Cosmo: Is that humility? Doesn’t seem like you
Cosmo: you’ve already been abducted yourself, obvs
Amber: Or shameless untrue flattery
Cosmo: Hmm
Cosmo: Possible, yeah
Cosmo: but you never would beat me so we’re at real delusion again
Amber: Distance or speed?
Cosmo: I have unfair advantages for both
Cosmo: I run up and down a field for 90 minutes a time, and I have about double the leg length you do
Amber: It’s really cute you think I’d let anything happen fairly when I could just cheat
Cosmo: There’s no point having any kind of competition if you don’t follow the rules
Cosmo: take your hollow victory then, see if it feels good
Amber: You’ve made me not want it now! 🥺
Cosmo: N’awh
Cosmo: right buzzkill, I know
Amber: Besides leg measuring, what do you do for fun? And don’t say run up and down a field for 90 minutes
Cosmo: Just what us footie lads are like, good clean fun, unlike rugby
Cosmo: what do you actually do, when you’re avoiding crystal healings?
Amber: The big 🚿 at the end can’t be what makes you happiest either, I don’t believe that’s true of anyone
Amber: other than shopping, I’m sure I do mostly the same as the rest of the girls you know
Cosmo: IDK I’m sure it makes the predatory coaches buzzing when we’re all lathered up 🧼
Cosmo: but shopping is all the girls I know do 😜
Cosmo: I’m the same, is your actual answer, what every 17 year old lad with some disposable income does
Amber: Great, I’ll need the healing to erase that visual…
Amber: It can’t be, because then I’ll have to feel sorry for you AND the girls you know, they’ll have other interests they’re avoiding telling you about, like I am
Amber: the boys I know our age definitely don’t seem like they do much of anything, besides get drunk and high, so there must be A LOT of other hobbies they’re keeping secret from me too
Cosmo: Maybe you’ve uncovered the truth there
Cosmo: Girls and boys don’t tell each other everything, or anything
Cosmo: Or we both know poor examples
Cosmo: Who’s to ever be sure
Amber: But now it’s been uncovered, either way, we can change it
Amber: I’ll go first, the childish faves I was keeping from you are swimming and dancing, because they make me sound about 9 years old
Cosmo: I don’t think so
Cosmo: depends on how you frame it, swimming is great cardio and underwater is a great place to think or not think as much as you need
Cosmo: dancing, likewise great cardio, and good for the soul, sure your lot would put it, mood-boosting for the rest of us
Cosmo: you sound very well-⚪️ed, if anything, not 👶
Amber: It’s your turn
Cosmo: alright, bossy
Cosmo: you already know I like football and I like to run
Cosmo: I like the gym too, swimming as well, actually
Cosmo: going out for meals, drinks, all that stuff
Amber: Nobody likes the gym, the effects and ego boost maybe
Cosmo: I do
Cosmo: it’s a building with workout equipment in, not a torture chamber
Cosmo: and the one at the academy is really good
Amber: you like how much you can 🏋🏽‍♂️ and having your friends to compete against
Cosmo: is that a question or an assumption
Amber: I’m changing it to a question because you caught me in an assumption, which I hate, so ?
Cosmo: 😏
Cosmo: competition is a good motivator, so is seeing progress in your abilities, sure
Cosmo: exercise makes you feel better, whatever form you like doing it in, it’s that simple
Amber: I’m not gonna lie and pretend I do yoga for any other reason than how flexible I am as a result, I guess we finally agree on something, even if it is something shallow
Cosmo: It’s not shallow
Cosmo: giving a shit about your body and your health isn’t just because looking good is nice, it also feels better
Amber: but if I cared about my health there are vices I’ve picked up that I wouldn’t have and things I wouldn’t put into my body which I do, you’re on a journey and I’m doing the occasional day trip
Cosmo: Very hippie-approved
Cosmo: songs about it and everything, right
Cosmo: I do drink, I just try not to get wasted
Cosmo: it’d be unsociable not to at all
Amber: You’d look like a 👽 and you’d have to move somewhere that isn’t Dublin
Cosmo: And change my occupation
Amber: drastic avoidance tactic to stop me from meeting your dad or watching you play
Cosmo: 😂 Not all about you, hippie
Amber: That’s the rudest thing you’ve said to me so far!
Cosmo: And WAGs are meant to be high-maintenance…
Amber: meaning they put time and effort into their appearance, which you just applauded as a virtue in yourself
Cosmo: No, meaning you have to put a lot of effort in to maintain the relationship
Cosmo: but it was a joke before you get all soapbox about it
Amber: a joke I’m not gonna let you get away with making, boy
Amber: but if we need to talk about anything it’s that you don’t think all relationships require a lot of time and effort
Cosmo: I didn’t, it’s a joke that’s made, by people in general
Cosmo: it’s more 🤑🤩 maintenance people are implying, not 🥰😘
Amber: You repeated it, like it’s funny or true, or both
Amber: after I told you I hate assumptions, and stereotypes aren’t any different
Cosmo: They’re inevitable and you’ve made loads about me, my friends and my family so
Cosmo: that sounds like your problem
Amber: The difference is, I’m trying to not and I apologised when I did, you’re doubling down
Cosmo: I’m not doubling down because it’s a joke, which means I didn’t mean it in the first place
Cosmo: You did and that’s why you’re mad
Amber: Why are you like this?
Cosmo: Like what?
Amber: 2 seconds away from an argument at ALL times
Cosmo: You’ve started every one
Cosmo: People like you reckon you can say whatever bullshit you want like you’re so knowing and zen and then I’m the arsehole for not just letting you chat shit on me
Amber: You keep saying people like me, when I’m obviously not like that
Amber: zen or all knowing
Cosmo: I said it was bullshit
Cosmo: It’s what you wanna project
Cosmo: that you’ve got it figured out, which is why you live such a mental way of life, because it’s actually the RIGHT way of life and we’re all stupid and brainwashed, not yous
Cosmo: ⭐️
Amber: I told you why I live there and that I don’t believe in it
Amber: using ⭐️ against me is bullshit
Cosmo: Maybe you can’t help it
Cosmo: you don’t even know you’re doing it
Amber: Do you know you’re being a fucking asshole?
Cosmo: Yeah
Cosmo: do you?
Amber: now I do
Amber: It’s not an intention, but you’re right, sometimes I open my mouth to speak and either of my parents come out
Cosmo: I know the feeling
Cosmo: maybe that’s inevitable too
Cosmo: how individual are any of us really, we’re all just a mess of the people we know
Amber: Better not be! Or I’ve really wasted years fighting to think for myself, carving out compromises to end up not even wanting them
Cosmo: Won’t say good luck with that but
Cosmo: it’s a nice thought, anyway
Amber: A nicer thought than becoming them, living like this forever and being happy with that
Cosmo: What do you want to do?
Amber: It’s stupid
Amber: but I wanna eat 🍕 and buy a new 👗 to wear out somewhere and come home and sleep in a 🛏 on my own or with the same fucking person
Cosmo: That isn’t stupid
Cosmo: I think that’s what a lot of people want
Cosmo: Some variation of, when it comes down to it
Amber: It’s what my school friends already have, that’s why it’s stupid, because I shouldn’t have to fight for it, it’s stupid because they think I have the type of freedom they daydream about
Cosmo: Maybe you do have things they don’t have but want
Cosmo: maybe they’re not as close to their parents, or they’re an only-child who would kill for all the people around
Cosmo: or maybe some people are lucky from the start and some have to make their own
Amber: maybe x 9
Cosmo: If you’re keeping count
Cosmo: You’ll be able to get all those things
Amber: Not for a while, but one day, maybe
Amber: because if I’m keeping count that’s only 4
Cosmo: There’s time for a few more
Amber: If you introduce me to the girls you know who do nothing but shop, I could get a new 👗 in no time, right?
Cosmo: Or you could go with your own friends
Cosmo: the non-commune ones, that won’t cry at a plastic bag
Amber: Maybe… if I hadn’t had the fast fashion rant at them all, I don’t even know I’m doing it, I told you you’d got that right
Cosmo: Ah
Cosmo: I see
Cosmo: I could take you if you want
Cosmo: you’ll have to take cover in the rails if you see one of them coming
Amber: I don’t wanna mess up your schedule again, you’ll have to fit me in when it suits you, not when I’m pouting
Cosmo: Right, so when are you not pouting? 🤔
Amber: When you stop being mean to me
Amber: maybe
Cosmo: Good use of a maybe
Cosmo: How about Saturday lunchtime
Cosmo: I have to eat, after-all
Amber: Teeth off me and my 👗
Cosmo: Not a cannibal
Cosmo: or a moth?
Cosmo: I’m just saying, that’s a free hour, if you’re worried about my schedule
Amber: okay, 1 shop, I promise
Amber: less than an hour
Cosmo: I’ll take that as a maybe
Cosmo: I’m not going to put you on a timer, like
Cosmo: Saturdays are pretty flexible and you’re going to wanna take time to enjoy yourself and all
Amber: You don’t wanna race me, I know
Cosmo: You don’t wanna cheat no more
Cosmo: maybe
Amber: I won’t
Cosmo: Alright
Cosmo: I still don’t wanna make you sad
Amber: I’m not gonna cry because you take 🥇
Cosmo: As long as that’s a promise
Amber: it is, maybe I didn’t know anything about ⚽️ before today but I understand sportsmanship`
Cosmo: What shops do you want to go to?
Amber: I was kinda hoping you’d know the answer
Cosmo: I do, I’ve got you covered then
Cosmo: Pick you up [time]
Amber: from where?
Cosmo: There’s a phonebox outside there, right? Go there
Amber: 🦸🏽
Cosmo: I’ll look for the 🤓 then
Amber: When you asked me what I wanted to do, my first thought was my homework
Cosmo: Serious?
Amber: I have a LOT and it’s really hard to concentrate here
Cosmo: You remember what window is actually his?
Cosmo: ‘cos he’s never in so
Cosmo: You could
Cosmo: as long as you don’t come in the rest of the house, my room included
Amber: Are you serious?
Cosmo: It isn’t my room
Cosmo: just keep to sociable hours, why not
Cosmo: you said homework, not wild party
Amber: thanks
Amber: I’m almost as speechless as I was when you were telling me to leave
Cosmo: I know
Cosmo: I’m not saying I didn’t say some harsh things
Cosmo: It’s been weird but there’s no reason you can’t have somewhere quiet
Cosmo: and apart from me and him, no one really comes up to the first floor much
Amber: weirder than my usual daily life deserves every ⭐️ my dad has
Amber: and so do you, for this and everything else you’ve helped me with
Cosmo: Nah, it’s nothing
Cosmo: not my finest hour, actually
Cosmo: but it’s alright
Amber: it’s not nothing, it’s definitely something
Cosmo: We’re even
Cosmo: it wasn’t all ⭐️s so
Amber: plenty of it was
Cosmo: That don’t make it alright
Cosmo: I don’t make it a habit of being a fucking asshole, believe it or not
Amber: Neither do I
Amber: we’re even
Cosmo: 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Amber: that’s a weird visual, thanks for it
Cosmo: You’re welcome for the artistic inspiration, like
Amber: if your idea is that your teammate bans me from matches too, there are gonna be easier ways than encouraging me to show up with 9 thumb shaped cardboard signs…
Cosmo: My theoretical teammate
Cosmo: That you ain’t gonna meet
Amber: Yes, him
Cosmo: 😏
Amber: The entire squad can’t all have pushy parents and intense girlfriends
Amber: ⚽⭐🏆🥂🤵
Cosmo: You’re doubling down on the whole stalker thing then, yeah
Amber: The positives speak for themselves
Cosmo: Maybe you’ll be offered a better place to do your homework
Amber: for when you’re spending your weekends in a better postcode and Dash’s room’ll have to be off-limits unless I make no noise and write my essays in the dark
Cosmo: Of course
Cosmo: unless you really wanna explain wtf you’re doing to my nan
Amber: Is the 🍊 thing real? To win over your friends, not your grandma, necessarily
Amber: I’d go for a different fruit in that case
Cosmo: It’s more of a thing when you’re a kid but it’s not not a thing
Cosmo: And fruit baskets too, very retro
Amber: okay, there’s my in
Amber: using the wonky ones would help my cause if we’re pretending to your nan I’m in that dire need of sanctuary, but find out her favourites, if she’s not gonna fall for the SOS
Cosmo: Would you rather not be incognito
Cosmo: She might think you’re Dash’s girlfriend or something
Amber: It wouldn’t take long to correct the assumption, but I only would if I had to, like, if she’s suddenly scared she’s living somewhere haunted
Cosmo: Wonky veg at the ready 👍
Amber: Always
Amber: but I’m actually excellent at hiding, which makes me sound how old? 3 maybe
Cosmo: It makes you sound deluded, definitely
Cosmo: I found you well easy
Amber: Because I wanted you to
Cosmo: Not me
Amber: yes you, Dash enters a room very differently, I knew it wasn’t him
Cosmo: You didn’t know me, you couldn’t want me to
Amber: You’ve heard of curiosity, right? I didn’t have to know you to want to find out who you were
Cosmo: I’ve not got 9 lives 🐈
Amber: that you know of
Cosmo: You think that’s a theory to test?
Amber: I’m not dangerous, remember
Cosmo: Allegedly
Amber: You can allegedly run away at the speed of light and even though you haven’t bragged about it, could probably also pick me up and throw me out 💪🏽⭐️
Cosmo: I’m not going to do that
Amber: I’m not a test
Cosmo: Debatable
Amber: Today’s events, maybe, but that isn’t what you should define me by
Cosmo: It’s okay, I won’t
Cosmo: we said we were even, I meant it
Amber: make your mind up on Saturday when I test your patience by trying on every dress I like and ask you what you think
Cosmo: That’s your prerogative
Cosmo: delegated to the bench with the other men
Amber: 🥼👖👟👓 I know you have the money to get a new outfit too because you were willing to give it to me twice
Cosmo: I might
Amber: I won’t tell you what I think if that’s what’s putting you off 😶
Cosmo: I think I can handle your fashion critiques 🤣
Amber: Because I don’t have any fashion sense or because yours is ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and above criticism?
Cosmo: We have different styles
Cosmo: I’m not going to dress like a stoner, you’re not gonna dress like a WAG
Amber: Like a stoner? Really?
Cosmo: I went for the male and female equivalents
Cosmo: so you can’t pout
Amber: Yes I can, you’ve seen me in 1 outfit, which I wore to climb through a window
Cosmo: And I ain’t said nothing bad about it
Amber: there’s nothing complimentary in the tone of us having different styles when you follow it up with I’m not gonna dress like you
Cosmo: Are you going to get your own footie strip? No
Cosmo: It wasn’t an insult, not towards you
Amber: If they weren’t ridiculously expensive, I would, if only because it would annoy you now
Cosmo: Now that sounds 👶
Amber: it’d be worth it to see your face
Cosmo: 🙄😏
Amber: Besides, we’re the same age, I don’t have anything to prove
Cosmo: Am I a test?
Amber: you’re a boy I wanna know, it’d put me to the test if you hadn’t said no already
Cosmo: Somehow I doubt that’s ever been a challenge for you
Amber: I don’t see it as a challenge, no means no, and if you change your own mind, it means you’re open to it and there’s no obstacles to get over
Cosmo: A PC response but a fair one
Amber: I can’t complain when boys take my no for a maybe if I do the same, and I don’t like it, so keeping my mouth shut would be hard
Cosmo: Your mind just jumps to some weird places
Cosmo: I just said we’d make no sense as friends
Amber: That’s your mind leapfrogging to the strangest possible place
Amber: thinking all your friends have to be like you
Cosmo: It’s easier
Cosmo: like you and your school friends, you already put your foot in it
Cosmo: that doesn’t happen when you’re the same
Amber: Nothing happens when you’re the same, nothing ever changes
Cosmo: You want things to change for you, it makes sense for you
Amber: why don’t you?
Cosmo: Why would I?
Cosmo: I’m set up in ways people would kill for
Amber: Why wouldn’t you, even if you love everything that’s happening in your life right now, change can still be good
Cosmo: I’m not anti change
Cosmo: as long as it’s in the right direction
Amber: and I’m the wrong direction?
Cosmo: No, you’re like
Cosmo: a completely different path
Cosmo: we run parallel
Amber: I’m not gonna force you down any paths
Cosmo: I know
Cosmo: and I know it’s rude
Cosmo: but it’d be ruder to waste your time, I think
Cosmo: and I don’t want to do that
Amber: What do you wanna do?
Cosmo: I don’t know
Amber: I can go by myself on Saturday, to make things easier
Cosmo: There’s no need
Cosmo: It’s not like we need to be besties to do that
Amber: besties
Amber: maybe if we were 👶🏽
Cosmo: Well exactly, you get my point
Cosmo: we can just
Cosmo: be aware of each other
Amber: Thanks for not asking me to become unaware of you
Cosmo: Be unfair of me to ask when I won’t
Amber: and when you hate when I pout
Cosmo: That too
Amber: you’d especially hate being at school with me, pouting’s all I do
Cosmo: I thought you liked it? 🤓
Amber: I like learning new things, but not how many new things there are that I have to, what feels like all the time
Amber: progress doesn’t just apply to fitness, I wanna see some with this
Cosmo: That’s understandable
Cosmo: It’s a lot, leavers cert
Cosmo: Do you get any help or whatever?
Amber: Extra work whenever I ask for it, but none of the teachers are expecting me to still be here by the time we take exams, which means I’m another school’s problem or success story, and that could be a different country, so they aren’t gonna work hard to get me through leavers cert, are they?
Cosmo: No, I guess not
Cosmo: They should but you’re right they probably won’t
Cosmo: Do you think you’ll be here?
Amber: No, we’ve been here for months already
Cosmo: If you was leaving you’d be gone already, like
Cosmo: Maybe get another student to tutor you
Cosmo: they’re better than teachers ‘cos they’ll let you know what you actually need to know to do well on the tests
Amber: We’re not leaving while my parents are happy and feel needed but nobody at the commune wants summer schooling and my dad will get restless
Amber: but that’s a good idea while I am, I’ll find someone
Cosmo: I’m not smart enough or I would
Cosmo: I just did what I had to to coast by but it’s not the focus
Amber: You don’t have the time, boy
Cosmo: True
Cosmo: Speaking of
Amber: Oh sorry! 🤓 rant over
Cosmo: You’re alright, I need to actually get a decent workout in now though or it doesn’t really count
Cosmo: Saturday though, yeah
Amber: I’ll be at the phonebox at [just before whatever time he said]
Cosmo: 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Cosmo: You’ll remember what I look like and not get in a random car, right?
Amber: I’m not a goldfish
Amber: and if I did forget I’d stalk your 🏋🏽📷
Cosmo: Oh right, I forgot you were a dedicated creeper
Amber: I wouldn’t be 😠 if you did
Cosmo: Too bad 😏
Amber: goodbye x 9
Cosmo: 👋
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