#I might pick it back up and create a sideblog to post it (I lowkey am just cringed abt posting it on my main. Not the best writing)
citrusbugz · 1 year
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Oh yeah, I had a Marcaniel KwamiSwap! AU. *redesigns them*
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I was tagged by @artificial-jazz who unwittingly answered my hopes of “oooo lowkey hope Jazz tags me!” asdfgdsdfgh
Name: Mary
Nickname: uhhhhhhh my roommate from last school year calls me Piss Baby Slut but idk if that counts. I had a “reserved for being very affectionate” nickname of Nutmeg back in middle school when my online pseudonym was Meghan. I’ve always lamented over the fact that “Mary” doesn’t lend itself well to nicknames
Zodiac sign: Aquarius sun, Pisces moon, Leo rising, I can never remember the rest. I will say that my friend reading and explaining my chart to me over Houseparty during like a 3 hour call will always be a fond memory for me.
Nationality: American
Languages spoken: English if you want any sort of real conversation. I’m majoring in French so hopefully I get that to usable before I graduate. I know enough American Sign Language to find myself impulsively signing along with one line of a song and then being like “fuck I need to go back to studying that”. Once I get more into the groove of the summer semester I’m hoping to pick Malayalam up again, and maybe be able to have a short conversation with my friend before the fall semester.
What time is it: Currently 2:15pm but I might end up doing this in a few chunks since I’m desperately trying to stick to a schedule today.
Celebrity crush: I feel like I don’t pay enough attention to celebrities to have one. Can I just say “Alaska’s thighs”?
Favorite fictional character(s): Not to be full of myself but I’m very much a fan of the character Minnie from the book I’m working on. The character that had the biggest impact on me as a kid (aka I was in love with for a solid like 4 years) was Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson. Also a fan of Harley Quinn and Ms. Marvel (as in Kamala Khan), though my knowledge of comic books is admittedly very limited. Also @artificialortega‘s Clara <3
Favorite musician: I always find this a stressful question and this is a drag blog, so lets say the members of the AAA Girls, both collectively and seperately.
Favorite sports team: Detroit Pistons if you make me choose, though I really don’t care for sports that much, including basketball. If “whichever roller derby team lets me join them hypothetically in the future” is an acceptable answer then it’s that
Favorite season: Fall!!! Getting colder but no one’s yelling at me about the fact that I don’t own a winter coat, apple picking, the smell of dead leaves... I love it
Favorite flower: Violets because I’m gay and dandelions because they’re very good, actually
Favorite scent: Dead leaves. Like I said, big fan of fall.
Favorite animal(s): If you’re going to make me choose right now it’s gonna be either Grammostola porteri (because my babies) or Nhandu chromatus (because pretty, and also like my babies but a little less). They’re both tarantulas so like. Arachnophobia heads up if you were thinking about looking them up.
Favorite food: My cravings for pad Thai and broccoli cheddar soup in a bread bowl are unmatched right now.
Dream car: Public transportation. I haven’t wanted to own a car or drive since I was like 14.
Dream trip: I feel like every time I try to have an actual solid answer for this it feels weirdly performative. SO instead of actually trying to choose a place I’ll say going abroad with the (still un-met) love of my life. Also I’m really excited about the concept of going on one of the spring break trips with my lab team but idk where that’d be or even if I’ll get the chance to.
Instruments: I can play a decent chunk of All The Small Things on flute from memory and that’s about where my musical ability ends.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Tea, I guess. Coffee’s good too. 
Dog or cat person: I’m gonna cheat and say both.
Following: 288
Followers: 119 on this blog
Other blogs: @fab-wolf-in-the-gloom is my main, @fab-wolf-is-aesthetic is an aesthetic blog that I really need to change the icon from like 14 year old me, @enoughofadyketobeworthknowing is an occasionally active Good Omens side blog, and then a few more that don’t really get used.
Blog established: My main? July 2012. This blog was created sometime in 2015, I believe, to be my Once Upon A Time sideblog, but I didn’t post on it until October 2017 when I wanted to yell about Willam and @artificial-jazz (and others, I guess) somewhere other than my main.
Do you have a tumblr crush: A little one
Do you get asks: Like an average of one a month, never to this blog.
What are you wearing right now: Hayley Kiyoko shirt paired with white cherry print shorts.
Drink(s) of choice: Water, for the most part.
Number of blankets you sleep with: There are currently nine blankets on my bed (three of which are comforters), but my excuse is I sleep in a nest and own no pillows.
Average sleeping hours: 5-6, I’m trying to do better. Hence the schedule thing.
Random fact: The previously mentioned schedule is not going well. I’ve been working on this and goofing off in other ways for over an hour now. Buy my book when it comes out in like 10 years lmao
Tagging: @thuggums, @lesbianellenripley, @nastyelizabethgal, and @synagoths, If any of you feel like it
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shima-enaga · 5 years
Tag Game!
So I was tagged by the lovely @livefree-and-diestrong​ in not one, but TWO tag games under the read more! :> This was super fun to do and I really liked learning more about you from your own post Ree!
× share 5 little things about yourself that people might not be able to tell without seeing you in person, and tag a few people you want to get to know!
I played piano back in middle school up until my undergraduate years before I stopped which was about 7-8 years? I only recently picked it back up again after being inspired when I heard First Love by Yoongi.
During the time I stopped music I picked up knitting and crocheting because I really like making stuff with my hands. I like making shawls in particular so if I’m ever wearing a shawl or a cardigan, there’s a 98% chance I’ve made it~ 😘
I yell about this in the tags all the time but I really am 5′0′′ (152.4cm). I haven’t grown since middle school uGH
My trip to Japan this year was actually the first time I’ve ever traveled internationally!! 💖💖💖
I also did ballet and acrobatic dance up until middle school, which is why I have so much admiration for persons so dedicated to the craft ✨
Random Questions Tag~
Name: My real name is a secret but you can call me Shima :>
Nickname: Shima. During my rp days my nickname was Susu, but my friends irl like to call me ‘lil nya nya’ or any iteration that relates to a cat because they have decreed that within our circle, I’m the house cat lmao 🐱
Star sign: Libra, aka the most indecisive fucker in the zodiac. Don’t count on me to make decisions, just don’t do it. Spare yourself the pain
Gender: Female
Sexuality: I don’t prefer putting a label on it but if it helps, I am queer
Favorite color: Cherry blossom pink, like my hair!
Time right now: 9:20PM
Average hours of sleep: 6 on work days, 8 when I’m not working
Lucky numbers: I…don’t know? I’ve never really thought about it lol;;
Last Google search: FFXIV bard class and sakura sake kitkats 🍶
Number of blankets: One during the summertime since my sister blasts the a/c but I need two in the winter because my mom likes to leave the heat off and I despise the cold with a burning passion
Favorite fictional characters: Luke fon Fabre - Tales of the Abyss (this game and his character arc in particular saved me during a dark period in my life), Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya - Persona 5, Arsene Lupin - Code:Realize, Sakura from CLAMP, 
What are you wearing?: Cat printed pajamas
Favorite Book: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle, Kafka by the Shore by Haruki Murakami, After Dark by Haruki Murakami, And then There Were none by Agatha Christie, Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie,
Favorite Musician: Kajiura Yuki, Kalafina, Rurutia, Ludovico Einaudi, Yoko Shimomua, Nobuo Uematsu, Epik High, BTS. I often fall in love with songs rather than I do artists,
Dream Job: I love what I do now but if I had the chance, I really would have pursued something in music 🎹
Number of followers: 6
When did you create your account: This account specifically, since March actually 😅 I’ve been on tumblr since my undergrad days but the hellsite deleted by old blog during the purge 
What do you post about?: BTS and other kpop groups I’m interested in. I try to post most of my non kpop stuff and selcas on my sideblog
What made you get an account?: @livefree-and-diestrong actually :> I wanted a space to freely express my admiration for BTS without being made fun of by my friends so this came to be! 😊
Do you get asks on a daily basis?: Never, since I keep to myself and I’m such a lowkey blog
Why did you choose your url?: Shima enaga refers to a species of bird native to Hokkaido, Japan. Idk if the are actually the birds referenced in Baepsae but they are the cutest little cotton balls like omg just look at them 😢
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Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it! Also bc the only mutuals I have, have already been tagged lol;; 
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