#I recently remade it with a bunch of compliments and art I’ve received from y’all and it makes me feel so happy whenever I look at it
sincerely-sofie · 6 months
Made up my bulletin board all pretty with art and goals for the upcoming New Year! Hopefully staring at Twig cheering me on will get me through writing the last chapter for The Present is a Gift. It’s a real doozy, that one…
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Making the art for this was a real treat. I almost like the two mock-ups I made for possible bulletin board layouts more than the finished product!
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On the topic of The Present is a Gift’s completion status: I have one chapter left to write, and then the full first draft is done! Once it’s finished I’ll let the manuscript sit for a couple weeks or so and then come back to edit it with fresh eyes. The chapter is giving me a lot of trouble though, because it’s an extended flashback that dives into Darkrai’s backstory from an outside POV, and I am struggling to get into the narrating character’s head enough to write it very well. Nevertheless, I persist, and I’m hoping I can get the pre-edit break period mostly over before the end of December!
Thanks for reading my goofy lil post on my bulletin board. Enjoy this meme.
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