#I remember it happening during quieter moments and on ambience type things
chloepleasestopdying · 7 months
My favorite pricefield moment is in the first episode when Chloe has just gotten done bitching at Max and is driving her to her house (which: I know if MY best friend ignored me for five years I would drop her off somewhere else- not the point here though) and the camera kinda drags its way up Chloe’s tattoo to her face and she’s all lit by the setting sun-
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What makes it my favorite is the fact that Max IMMEDIATELY reaches for her camera after this. LiS is from Max’s point of view even if most of the time we don’t see things from her exact perspective but to me it feels like Max was looking at all the changes and new details of Chloe and saw something she wanted to take a picture of (and if her camera wasn’t broken I totally believe she would have taken a picture)
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