#I remember you talking a bit about this series before (especially with the aforementioned lily) and I remember liking what you said a lot
ok this is a bit specific but i would love to hear your take on a zombieland saga s/i for yourself where you're part of the idol group. some stuff you can use as a launching off point: whats your music genre/era, and if you would be "the legendary __", what would you fill in the blanks with? (for context: every girl in the group has their own title in that format, eg. the group's youngest member's, lily's, is "the legendary child actress prodigy")
(this ask is so long im so sorry dkjdkdjd)
Please don't apologise, friend, it's absolutely fine!! I really appreciate that you took the time to send this as it is, so thank you ^-^^
(source: "Assign Me a Universe!" by selfshipstation)
drop a name of a piece of media in my inbox; I then have to construct a self-insert for the world of that media - well, I had a slightly adjacent idea to your suggestion of being a typical performer part of the group, which is that I would get to basically be their "tech girl" - as in, not strictly being on-stage singing and dancing, but instead being the one who's in control of the lights and music and effects and stuff to make sure that each live performance goes as it should and sounds as best as it can. I wanted to do this in our drama class all the way back in Year 9, but the teacher never got around to letting any of us see how the tech stuff with all the cool dials and switches worked..
I wouldn't say I myself have a specific associated music genre, but my era here could maybe be back around the 80s or so when synthesised music started to become more of a thing (maybe making my genre something like technopop or maybe chiptune??), as a reference to the fact that I now would handle the digital/electronic side of the idol group's performances! ..I'm not 100% sure on this as a title, but I've just remembered what the actual phrase I was looking for earlier is (it's either audio engineer or sound technician), so maybe something like "The Legendary Sound Tech" might fit??
I hope that this response was alright - thank you so much again for sending the ask in, friend!!
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