#I still need to do Strawb and Chili
mobisharksona · 8 months
Woa… Ancients AU..
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ouraidengray4 · 4 years
31 Healthy Snacks for When You Love Fruit but Have a Sweet Tooth
Fruit is never a chore. Nature’s candy ranks up there as one of our favorite things about being people.
However, the same way we won’t just stroll out the front door stark naked, we also don’t have to limit fruit consumption to the way nature intended it.
Tatjana Zlatkovic/Stocksy
Would humanity really be humanity unless we found ways to dip everything in chocolate, make it into pizza, or shove a skewer through it? Of course not.
We found 31 amazing ways to make your fruit snacks a little more… fruity.
When dessert puts on its healthy hat.
1. Chocolate kiwi ice pops
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Photo: Show Food Chef
On the days when the strawberry/chocolate combo seems a little overdone, you can pull this surprise out of the bag and turn your snack time on its head.
The recipe calls for just three ingredients (kiwi, dark chocolate, and coconut oil), but we love ours with nuts or coconut flakes sprinkled on top.
Easy, delicious, and different.
2. Chocolate-covered fruit
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Photo: Chelsey Amer Nutrition
Pick your favorite fruits, dice ’em up, and skewer ’em. Dip them into melted dark chocolate, pop them in the freezer for a few hours, and it’s a job done — you have yourself a cool, sweet treat with minimal work.
3. Vanilla roasted strawberries
Photo: Simply Recipes
This is a Swiss army knife of a sweet option. Get this right and you’ve got a topping for ice cream, oatmeal, and yogurt.
Roasting the strawberries kicks their flavor in the pants and makes it go — plus, it creates a rich syrup that brings an extra zhuzh to whatever the strawberries are sitting atop.
You probably never thought of roasting your strawbs before, but give it a go. It’s a great way to boost their already exceptional taste without adding sugar.
4. Almond butter, banana, and strawberry chia jam sandwich
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Photo: Days Like Laura
“We didn’t turn up to a renowned Greatist recipe roundup just to have sandwiches thrown in our faces!”
We know, we know. But hear us out. This one’s a special take on PB&J that pushes all the right buttons.
Swap in almond butter, add some homemade strawberry chia jam, and you have yourself a bomb-ass concoction.
For a quicker recipe, you can also just add some sliced strawberries. The whole-grain bread and strawberries offer a great dose of heart-healthy fiber, the almond butter is rich in protein, and the banana’s packed with potassium.
How can you stay mad at us with all that potassium?
5. One-ingredient banana ice cream
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Photo: Garlic Matters
Ice cream doesn’t have to be unhealthy — as long as you define “ice cream” pretty loosely.
Simply peel a few bananas, stick them in the freezer, and let them hang out for a few hours or until they’re solid. Put the frozen ’nanas in the bowl of a food processor and process them until smooth.
Finally, add your choice of mix-ins (if you like). Dark chocolate chips, diced strawberries, and a PB swirl are Greatist favorites.
6. Papaya punch smoothie
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Photo: Exploring Healthy Foods
Idina Menzel, eat your heart out — this fruit, veggie, ice, and chia smoothie is the real delivery of frozen perfection.
It’s loaded with papaya, a tropical fruit that has tons of flavor and fiber. Papaya is also relatively low in sugar compared to other fruits, with just 11.3 grams per cup.
Papaya’s got a brand new bag.
7. Summer fruit spring rolls
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Photo: Bigger Bolder Baking
There’s no way you’d expect these flavors from spring rolls. Who knew they could taste this sweet?
This inventive take on the sushi restaurant favorite fills classic rice wraps with fresh fruit for a simple, slightly sweet (and super fun) snack.
8. Strawberry Nutella bruschetta
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Photo: Simple Vegan Blog
It’s a recipe that rhymes satisfyingly and tastes even better than it sounds.
Strawberries plus Nutella is a classic combo. Just add a slice of toasted whole-grain bread for a fiber-rich, filling snack. You can also sprinkle some chia seeds, honey, or coconut flakes on top for an added flavor boost!
9. Lemon raspberry cheesecake ice pops
Photo: Simply Recipes
The word “cheesecake” might make this recipe sound like a rich dessert, but it clocks in at half the calories of the classic cheesecake. Plus, you can hold it on a stick, so it might already be beating the original.
In this version, “cheesecake” is actually just the sweetened lemony Greek yogurt mixture that gives these pops a creamy texture.
10. Frozen yogurt bites
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Photo: I Heart Vegetables
This recipe is an awesome way to get creative with some items you probably already have in your kitchen.
Freeze some Greek yogurt with granola, pop whatever fruit you like on top, and boom! It’s a cute breakfast treat for the next morning!
11. Spicy fruit salad
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Photo: Minimalist Baker
If you’ve ever thought of fruit salad as boring, you have to give this recipe a try (you’re also wrong — sorry).
Sprinkle some lime juice and chili powder on top of your favorite fruity mixture for an added kick in flavor and heat.
Can’t take the heat? You don’t have to get out of the kitchen — just try cinnamon instead.
12. Two-ingredient banana chocolate chip ice cream bites
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Photo: The Baker Mama
Two of our favorite foods take center stage in this recipe: bananas and chocolate chips. You can’t go wrong here.
Blend up some frozen bananas in a food processor, and then dump in some chips. That’s it. These guys store for 2 to 3 months in the freezer, so feel free to make a giant batch to dip into whenever you feel the munchies.
13. Frozen grapes
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Photo: Zen and Spice
This is so simple it barely qualifies as a recipe — it’s more of a recommendation, because, well, these bang.
Buckle up, because here are the steps:
Remove grapes from vine.
Get snackin’.
This easy, naturally sweetened treat is perfect to keep in the freezer for when that sweet tooth comes calling.
14. Vegan blueberry oat bars
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Photo: Happy Healthy Mama
These breakfast-on-the-go bars are a healthier twist on blueberry cobbler.
The blogger uses just blueberries, but feel free to throw in some strawberries, raspberries, or blackberries for a mixed-berry version.
15. Pineapple and blueberry fruit salad
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Photo: Food Doodles
The key to this recipe is what goes on top (like a great hairdo or a zany hat).
Pineapples and blueberries are awesome, but when you add some lime zest, lime juice, honey, and Greek yogurt on top, you get a next-level treat that’s creamy, zingy, and healthy in equal measure.
16. Cherries Jubilee chocolate chia seed pudding
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Photo: Real Food Whole Life
Cherries Jubilee is a classic dessert, but it isn’t exactly the healthiest snack.
This recipe keeps the awesome cherry flavor but adds some healthier substitutes (like cacao) and nutritional bonuses (like chia seeds). Plus, this looks great in a mason jar, so you can seem fancy at all times.
17. Yogurt breakfast parfait with plum compote
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Photo: Cake and Whisky
This fall-inspired breakfast has an awesome combination of some pretty underrated fruits and nuts.
Plums, blackberries, and hazelnuts shine in the classic parfait-style snack. And if you’re really in the fall mood, try sprinkling some pumpkin pie spice on top (because you know full well it’s pumpkin spice everything season).
18. Fruit sushi (frushi)
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Photo: Dinner at the Zoo
Time to play with your food! (Also, “frushi” is an excellent name. You might want to consider it for a pet in the future.)
This is a super fun snack recipe. Put some sliced kiwi, oranges, and raspberries on top of sushi rice for a fancy treat.
Of course, feel free to improvise — sliced strawberries, mango, or apple would also make a tantalizing topper.
19. Melon salad with chili and mint
Photo: Simply Recipes
No matter your age, making spherical chunks of melon is always a baller move (not sorry — that was great) and a lot of fun to boot. It rolls up just like ice cream.
Chili and mint make this a sophisticated, interesting array of flavors — you’ll never think about melon the same way again.
20. Breakfast yogurt pops
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Photo: I Heart Naptime
Tired of your same old yogurt-and-granola breakfast? Try changing up the shape. Yes, it all ends up in the same place, but shapes are fun and ice pops more so.
This recipe takes the classic combo and freezes it into a (very ’grammable) ice pop.
Just make sure to prep these the night before, since they need to sit in the freezer for at least 4 hours.
21. Blueberry coconut protein balls
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Photo: One Broad’s Journey
Making a ton of these little protein balls is the perfect way to meal-prep some snacks for the week.
The secret ingredient here is lemon. The combo of lemon juice and lemon zest adds a burst of flavor to the blueberry-coconut one-two punch.
Pop one of these in your cakehole for a kick-ass start to the day.
22. Sesame oat square bars with pear compote
Photo: Cooking Melangery
Oat bars are a great way to save some time in your week — and these are on the fancier side. Make a bunch on Sunday so you’ll be able to grab them on the go during your busy workweek.
Coconut oil binds all the oats together — there’s not an egg in sight, which makes these bars super-duper vegan-friendly.
The recipe includes a homemade pear compote that will satisfy any fruit lover’s craving.
23. Chewy raspberry apple granola bars
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Photo: Amy’s Healthy Baking
Granola bars are far from boring when you make them at home. You can customize the flavors however you want, and there’s none of the processed ingredients and preservatives you’d find in store-bought options.
This simple version has just seven ingredients like milk, honey, oil, and cinnamon. Raspberries stand out and do jazz hands as the vibrant, delicious star of the show.
Fruits still have a lot of sugar
While fruits are amazing and can boast a huge range of vital vitamins and minerals, they come with a heavy hit of fructose — a natural sugar, but still a sugar.
If you’re on a sugar-restricted diet or have a condition that can impact your blood sugar levels, such as diabetes, it’s best to eat fruit in moderation and be selective about the fruit you eat.
Some fruits are better than others for people with diabetes — we rounded them up here.
A mix of flavors is the mark of enlightened kitchen work, so try to switch up your fruit game entirely and get creative.
24. Grilled fruit pizza
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Photo: The Chunky Chef
Oh, boy… is pizza not just bae? Well, we’re willing to wager that you haven’t had one with fruit and honey as a topping before. (If you’re one of those who falls on the angrier side of the pineapple-on-pizza debate, this one might not be for you. Or maybe it’ll convert you.)
Just grill up some pizza dough, naan, or tortilla and sprinkle your favorite fruits on top.
25. Strawberry and goat cheese bruschetta
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Photo: Homemade Hooplah
We’d eat goat cheese with pretty much anything, but it’s especially good with fruit. The creamy saltiness offsets the sweetness of many fruits beautifully. But strawberries hold the starring role here.
This bruschetta recipe features the gooey combo with a balsamic glaze on top that really brings out the strawberryishness (definitely a word) of the strawberries.
26. Peach quinoa tabbouleh
Photo: Jo Eats
Peaches and quinoa might not seem like a match made in heaven, but this sweet and salty Middle Eastern-inspired dish has other ideas.
Honey, mint, and parsley dance around the peach flavors, adding all kinds of busy mouth sensations. Even as a side or a standalone snack, this intriguing tabbouleh stands all on its own.
27. Honey-lemon toast with figs and pistachios
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Photo: Ambitious Kitchen
Getting creative with toast is all the rage these days (thanks, avo toast!).
This honey-fig version is the perfect savory way to eat your fruit. With ricotta slathered on the base, stopping your snack at a single slice is the most difficult thing about this recipe.
28. Creamy cheese fruit pizza
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Photo: The Frugal Foodie Mama
Fruity pizza: round two. (Wait, how is there more than one? Where the f*ck are all these fruit pizzas coming from?)
This one features peaches and blackberries, but feel free to make your own version with any fruit-cheese-dough combo.
Get as creative as your brain wants — they broke the seal with pineapples many moons ago. This is just the natural consequence.
29. Mango, avocado, and fresh cilantro salsa
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Photo: The Frugal Foodie Mama
You’ve heard that it takes two to tango — well, it can take two fruits to salsa. And, yes, avocado is a fruit.
This two-fruit salsa (yes, avocado is a fruit) is a way to give sweet flavors a savory twist when it’s served alongside classic tortilla chips.
Avocados are brimming with healthy monounsaturated fat and tons of vitamins, including vitamins E and B6.
30. Fig and prosciutto crostini
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Photo: Mama’s Gotta Bake
Fresh figs — does it get any better?
Well, when you wrap a fresh fig in a slice of salty prosciutto and stick it on top of some toasted bread, you’ll learn that there’s more to the already mighty fig than meets the eye.
31. Melon, prosciutto, and mozzarella skewers
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Photo: The Comfort of Cooking
Here’s another awesome salty-sweet combo (because savory doesn’t mean you need to kick all the sweetness out).
Prosciutto and melon is a classic duo. Add fresh mozzarella, put it on a stick, and things get seriously tasty.
Fruit wears many disguises, and almost all of them are delicious (when put together right).
Whether you’re in the mood for sweetness or a broader experience for your taste buds, you don’t need added sugars. You can use the natural sugars in fruits to bolster the flavor of your meal and take advantage of their natural goodness.
Had your fill of pizzas made of fruit? Fine, here are some desserts made from vegetables (and if you think carrot cake is the limit, you are very much mistaken).
from Greatist Health RSS Feed https://ift.tt/2HZWbKL 31 Healthy Snacks for When You Love Fruit but Have a Sweet Tooth Greatist Health RSS Feed from HEALTH BUZZ https://ift.tt/327t1kl
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foodrecipes2019 · 6 years
Grilled salmon arugula salad with strawberry salsa, avocado, and strawberry balsamic vinaigrette – a healthful and vibrant meal.
Frididilydodahdaaaaaay! What are you up to this weekend? I’m heading to the Sonora, CA in the Sierra Nevada foothills, where I will be visiting friends, recreating in the foothills, and re-stocking my wine supply through the weekend. Follow my comings and goings on Snapchat (you can find me at TheRoastedRoot) and Instagram. For your weekend feasting, I have a funky fresh meal to tickle your taste buds.
There’s so much going on in this bowl, I can barely contain my elation. We’ve got grilled salmon with fresh salsa on top of a peppery arugula salad all dressed in strawberry balsamic vinaigrette. I’m beginning to think homemade salsa PLUS vinaigrette is the key to all the foods ever. Let’s discuss recipe componentry!
Grilled Salmon, you guys…this is succulent. Super crispy on the outside, super tender on the inside…it’s a dreamscape. Plus, grilling salmon is so easy to prepare, you’re going to go nuts. All I do is a little dry rub action, but you can also keep ‘er simple with a sprinkle of salt and pepper. You can even use a marinade, choose your flavor. I like to grill my salmon skin-side down to start in order to get a super crispy salmon skin (yup, I eat the skin), but you can also grill skin-side down. From start-to-finish, grilling a salmon fillet only takes about 8 minutes. That’s a pretty bangarang prep time for all those evenings you’re fungry and need food in a flash! And while grilled meat is awesome, it’s made even awesomer with an awesome topping, amIright? Which brings me to my next point…
Strawberry salsa, you guys…this is MEGA. It’s silly simple – just toss chopped strawberries, jalapeno, red onion, and garlic together in some lime juice with a sprinkle of salt, and you’re in for a sweet n’ spicy treat. And why stop at salsa, when you can take it one step further with a deluxe vinaigrette?
Strawberry balsamic vinaigrette, you guys…this is SAVAGE! Alls it is is a regular ol’ homemade balsamic vinaigrette with a few ripe strawberries added to it. You’re never going to believe the flavor on this drizzle. Pour the ingredients into your blender, give ‘er a whirl, and BOOM healthier-and-tastier-than store-bought dressing!
Arugula salads have been my JAM lately. I’ll go full-tilt arugula with other veggies, fruit, cheese, and nuts, or I’ll combine the arugula with spinach and/or kale. Always with a simple homemade dressing. However you slice it, the flavor of arugula is so fresh and crisp.
This particular peppery arugula salad is super uncomplicated. Greens, avocado, strawbs, red onion, and avocado tossed together with the strawberry balsamic vinaigrette and enjoyed with with bites of crispy grilled salmon + strawberry salsa, this well-rounded meal will melt in your head hole. I’ve made this meal multiple times over the last couple of weeks, sometimes adding pistachios and/or feta. Add/substitute/make changes as desired!
To summarize: Grilled salmon = life. Salsa + vinaigrette totally works. Arugula = bangarang. Fleece is not just a fabric, but a state of being, and Joan Jett is a badass (<- irrelevant, but still 200% true).
Have a great weekend!
1 pound salmon fillet .75-
2 tablespoons olive oil
½ teaspoon ground cumin
¼ teaspoon ground coriander
¼ teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon ground chili powder
¼ teaspoon sea salt
6 large ripe strawberriesfinely chopped
1 jalapeno seeded and chopped
¼ cup red onion finely chopped
1 clove small garlic minced
1 lime juiced
Pinch sea salt
5 ounces baby arugula
½ ripe avocado diced
3 radishes thinly sliced
4 ripe strawberries chopped
1/3 cup olive oil
¼ cup balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
3 ripe strawberries chopped
1-½ tablespoons honey
1-½ tablespoons dijon mustard
Add all of the ingredients for the vinaigrette to a blender and blend until smooth. Transfer to a jar or sealable container and refrigerate until ready to use.
Stir together the ingredients for the salsa in a bowl. Refrigerate until ready to use.
Add the ingrediens for the salad to a large serving bowl and toss in desired amount of strawberry vinaigrette. Refrigerate until the salmon is ready.
Place the salmon on a plate or in a casserole dish and drizzle with olive oil. Use your hands to spread the oil over the flesh so that the whole surface is coated. Stir together all of the spices (or use your favorite spice blend) and sprinkle them over the fish.
Scrape any food particles off of your grill and spray (or brush) it with oil - this ensures the fish will not stick to the grill. Preheat the grill to medium-high (about 400 to 450 degrees F), keeping the grill covered.
Place the salmon fillet on the grill skin-side down and cover the grill, leaving the fish untouched for 5 to 6 minutes. Carefully flip and cook on the other side about 2 minutes, or until grill marks appear. Note: Salmon fillets that are one inch thick or less will take about 8 minutes total on the grill. Thicker fillets will require 10 to 12 minutes. You can cook the salmon for less time if you want the center of the fish to be rare).
Transfer to a cutting board and cut smaller fillets to serve.
Serve arugula salad with salmon and top with strawberry salsa.e
raw from Blogger http://ift.tt/2BQHSEf via IFTTT February 09, 2018 at 11:48PM http://ift.tt/2nX7Xbh
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