#I still occasionally revisit these two but I have moved to greener fandoms
Hi! I'm new to the fandom and I am too shy to ask questions seriously so that's why I'm anon, I hope I'm not bothering you. I recently started shipping Ereri and I saw one tweet that made me question things; is it true that Eren planned to kill Levi with Zeke? Was Eren also involved in or knew about the forest plan? I'm a little confused about that and honestly it hurts to see all those people talking about how Eren wanted to get rid of Levi like he doesn't matter after so many years :((((
Omg hello! I’m so sorry this took so long for me to see. I’m gonna be honest my memory of the last quarter of AOT is fuzzy (I stopped caring when we only got chapters and chapters of Reiner and his gang).
Now Eren’s whole plan at the end of the manga was essentially creating a scenario where his friends are viewed as hero’s for defeating him, so no. While he was in kahoots with Zeke for his plan, he was essentially manipulating him the entire time to get what he wanted. I don’t think he ever meant for Levi or any of his friends to be killed in the finale battle but at this point he was doing whatever he could to achieve his version of “freedom.”
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
tagged by @rose-blooms-red
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Only going with Batfam fics since that’s the fandom I share with Ro, and like, I’m ridiculous and work on literally dozens of WIPs for years at a time in fits and starts, in the idea of occasionally finishing one and posting it in completion which works great in theory but never seems to work out that way in practice OH UNKNOWABLE UNIVERSE, INEXPLICABLE ME.
Which means my Batfam WIP folder, as in fics that are actually in existence in bits and pieces because non-linear writing FTW (dubious), is already ridiculous enough as is. Keep in mind this is the accumulation of like....literally five or six years of adding content and writing stuff here and there. But yeah, also keep in mind like, I’m just ridick. Thing you gotta remember is I write primarily for me, to just get things out of my head. Like, I do really like external validation too, but I’m very very weird in that like, I have tons of stuff people have never read, original and fic-wise, and its not like...because I don’t want people to read them, its just......Things Happen and then they don’t and....yeah. This has been a presentation of Deep Thoughts, By Me. Let’s just say management is aware of the issue and its being worked on.
KINGS OF THE SKY (aka that one where Jason doesn’t die, one-shot installments)
Weapons of Choice - Dick POV during his Robin days
Teachable Moments - Jason POV when he calls Dick after the Felipe Garzonas case and everything jumps ship from canon
Blood of the Covenant - Jason POV while Dick’s recovering from the Church of Blood storyline, plus enter The Adoption Issue
There are other later installments that make sense to me but wouldn’t make sense to anyone else without the in-between pieces, so just leaving them out even though whole ones are entirely written ahfishflahfal
BURY YOUR DEAD, LAY THEM DOWN, LET THEM REST (aka Ric fix-it series, plus addressing Lots More, one-shot installments)
Tell Me Your Secrets, I’ll Make You A Ghost - Duke POV with Dick pre-shooting, plus with Cass in near aftermath
You Can’t Take It With You, But Don’t Leave It Behind - Cass POV immediately following previous one, Interlude-ish
The Dead Don’t Live Here Anymore - Ric POV, bonding (slowly and awkwardly and very very dysfunctionally) with Jason and Cass at the same time, hello powderkeg, meet match
The Good Die Young and the Bad Aren’t Dead - Jason POV investigating things hinted at in the previous
Welcome To Purgatory, We Hope You Like Your Stay - Tim POV confronting then awkwardly teaming up with Damian who has Plans re: these Nightwing impostors
Life After the End of The World or What the Hell Are We Even Supposed To Be Doing Now - Jason POV confronting Cass about the secret she’s been keeping re: Dick but its not what he thought it was
 A Ghost, A Zombie and a Dead Guy Walk Into A Bar - Ric POV, with Cass and Jason again
The Long Dark Night of Richard John Grayson - Ric vs the door keeping his memories locked up tight
Two Houses, Built In Shadow (aka that one where I build a rival family of villains/antiheroes to act as the Batfam’s foils)
Smoking Guns and Smoking Mirrors - Dick POV and Babs POV, introducing Dick and Babs’ counterparts - 3 chapters plus epilogue
Werewolves of Gotham - Jason POV, introducing his counterpart, 5 chapters
Ghosting the Machine - Tim POV, introducing his counterpart, 3 chapters plus Interlude-y epilogue
See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil - Duke then Steph then Cass POV, three long-as-fuck-dear-god-what-was-I-thinking chapters
Providence - Bruce POV, introducing his counterpart, seven thankfully much shorter chapters (its all relative, shut up)
Queen’s Gambit - Dick POV then Cass, pinning down the identities of the rival fam before they can figure out theirs first, format to be determined as everything written for this part is an incomprehensible mishmash of paragraphs out of context hahaha I do things smart
Way Down Deep Where The Sun Don’t Shine - Jason POV, the climax and denoument, five chapters plus epilogue
They Never Said Saving the World Would Go Like This - that epic saga of Dick and Kyle
The Spy Who Forgot To Come In From The Cold - the Spyral + amnesia fusion fic
Ghosts of Graysons Past - John Grayson makes a deal with his old buddy Boston Brand to save his son from his fate at the hands of the Court of Owls, and Jason gets roped into riding shotgun via ‘so apparently I can see dead people now, but not all dead people, just SOME dead people, the really really loud ones’
99 Views To A Kill - that Dick and Boone Vengeance Academy AU
Been There, Done That - Dick fosters then adopts a kid being fucked over by the system in ways eerily similar to his own past, aka does the Bruce Boogie and projects like whoa
The Vienna Game - the Batfam versus a global criminal gang with secrets upon secrets and unveiling some of theirs in the process
The Brothers (Most) Grim - that one where Jason is thrown by Dick being a mob enforcer then supervillain as he prepares to make his return to Gotham, Things Then Do Not Go According to Plan, Dammit Dick 
The Patron Saint of Robins - the one where Dick doesn’t forget but everyone else still does
Shadows Cast - that one where Jason becomes Flamebird and he and Dick focus on abused kids in specific
Hunt the Dark - that one where Dick learns some magic in the in-between Robin and Nightwing time, which comes in handy when Jason’s return from the dead is accompanied by some unseen supernatural predator stalking the ghost that got away
First, Do No Harm - aka the one where Dick saves a fairy and the fairy’s a little shit about it
We’ve Only Got Nine Lives, Let’s Waste Not A One - aka the one where Dick and Selina bond over something and Bruce has no idea what it is and its driving him nuts - not cute, very angsty, I am sorry
The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side of the Tracks - aka five times Dick taught a sibling how to trainsurf plus one time they reminded him he gave them good stuff to go with the bad 
The Boy in the Red Hoodie - years later, Dick realizes the kid he taught a few self-defense moves during that brief time he ran away in Robin: Year One wasn’t really named Peter anymore than he was really named Freddy
Once Upon A Time In Gotham - that de-aged to a teenager fic
Forget Us Not - Jason and Dick are revisited by reminders of a case they worked on together when Bruce was ‘out of town’ years ago while Jason was still Robin
The Centuries Can Wait - that one with Amelia Crowne versus William Cobb over the course of generations
ONE-SHOTS THAT HAVE NO EXCUSE FOR NOT BEING DONE, WHAT AM I EVEN DOING (oh right, I guess technically I have SOME excuse for fanfic not having been the biggest priority in my life for a few years but look I am Drama, hear me wax rhapsodic whilst emoting most verily)
Where Other Leaves Did Fall - Dick POV, Dick discovers relatives from Amelia Crowne’s side of the family, aka his grandfather had a half-sister he never knew about
Point of Origin - Jason POV, fall-out from the Bruce mindwipe reveal in Identity Crisis and how it might have made his relationships and way of interacting with Dick and Jason in particular like...swerve
Two Wings and a Prayer - Dick POV, Court of Owls wingfic, look, I am me, you had to know there was a wingfic in here somewhere
Sitting In Darkness, Still Waiting On That Dawn - Jason POV, Dick dealing with the revelation of his family’s history re: The Court of Owls
Tell Me No Lies - Jason POV, despite the years and the death between them, post-UTRH, Jason still knows his brother’s tells, and his brother knows his....its why they’re avoiding each other
Witness to a Crime - Cass POV, that thing where you notice things no one else does, but not always knowing what they mean
We’re Just Not Gonna Talk About These And The Passage of Time, That Asshole
Born Under a Bad Sign - and its sequel. They still exist! In theory!
By Lost Ways - oh yeah, I was supposed to get back to posting that huh, I should do that, okay, righteo, that’s a mea culpa my dudes
Tagging anyone who wants to be tagged lol, cuz I suck at this but if you see this and are inspired to do this as well, you can totes blame me for the tagging!
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