#I think we all love seeing the paint-style artwork in FEH but I do like having something super colorful to balance it out
childofaura · 2 years
Konfuzi Kokon for the FEH artist!
Good pick! I had to stop for a second because this was one of the artists I didn't know so well, but I looked up their art and remembered!
Konfuzi Kokon has drawn Resplendent Est, both Fioras, both L'Arachels, both Nannas (Wow, lots of "boths" on this list), Faye, and Fallen Ninian. Like Kaya8 and Kusugi Toku, Konfuzi showed clear improvement between their art pieces for L'Arachel and Nanna.
Regular L'Arachel:
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(Which might I add that their color work was still pretty vivid and beautiful to look at. Also that pose? It's perfect for L'Arachel's energy)
Halloween L'Arachel:
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Color improvement, change in style with how they drew the eyes, and posework is still perfect.
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And Scion Nanna:
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I think I'd say their color technique got more clean.
But their artwork has always been strong with pose work, anatomy, and expressions! And their crit details for seasonals are pretty too!
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And just as a side note, I adore Est's damage pose expression:
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Every other art for Est has had her crying in some way or form but here she just looks like "Nope, you're not gonna see me cry like a little bitch". Also, Resplendent Est is so dang darling, great color-scheme and design. Most of the... fuckit, I'm not gonna spell it, the butterfly Resplendents have very elegant butterfly designs and Est's is actually tiny, little chibi-fairy design. I love it.
I will say criticism-wise, Konfuzi doesn't really draw anyone else besides women and girls, so there's not a lot of variety going on. But it's clear that they have a specialty, and I respect that. Edit: Ok checking out their Twitter, they HAVE drawn dudes, so good on them for the variety! Also holy crap you guys need to check out some of their miscellaneous artwork for FEH, they drew such a stinkin’ cute Felicia/Flora and a lovely Ninian piece.
All in all, Konfuzi Kokon is a 9/10. Visible improvement, great visuals, great poses, and I hope we get to see more seasonal art from them in the future! Get them on a Valentine's or Easter banner!
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