#I used to have a 2.3 kd
chromosoid · 4 months
Ok the MW3 COD nerds got their remaster now it’s time for BO2 remastered.
Pls n thanx
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freshleadprovider · 3 years
Affiliate Website from $267/m to $21,853/m in 19 months (CASE STUDY - Amazon?) [AMA]
Hello Everyone, After getting an amazing response on two case studies posted earlier, I decided to share another one of my projects that grew from $267/m to $21,853/m in 19 months. In this post, will try my best to cover each and everything so that you can replicate the same process on your sites as well. Quick Overview of Site's Valuation When we started: ~ $13,350 Current: ~ $1,092,650 I will explain later in this case study why this multiple is higher (50x) than the industry standard of 30x (which applies mostly Amazon affiliate sites and other kinds of online businesses). Previous Case Studies Amazon Affiliate Website from $0 to $7,786/month in 11 months! Amazon Affiliate Site from $118/m to $3,103/m in 8 MONTHS (SOLD it for $62,000+) In this post, I will take a highly data-driven approach so you know EXACTLY: what, why, how, when of all the steps taken. For example... How the research and planning was done? What was the number of articles and why? Content writing guidelines Uploading, formatting, onsite SEO instructions Outreach, backlinks and PR Conversion rate optimizations (A/B testing) However, if you still have ANY questions, feel free to ask. I would answer EACH one of you. This is an AMA. :) So, let's dive right in... Background of the Website Broad Niche: Technology (software mostly) About: Work from Home (WFH) [We got lucky because of COVID, the search traffic is increasing with time] Type of content: WFH guides, product reviews, success stories of entrepreneurs (viral) etc. Physical products promoted: work stations, chairs, accessories related to WFH etc. Digital products promoted: Virtual team/project management tools, SaaS subs etc. (most money from here) Note: Can't share more information about the site because of the NDA. I am very thankful to the client for giving permission to share this case study. Quick Overview of Stats (the month we made $21,853) DR: 56 Traffic: 499,383/m (Jan. 2021) RPM: $43.76 (earning per thousand visits) - this is combined for affiliate and display ads Countries targeted: United States (primarily), EU, Canada Primary source of traffic: Search Engines but we are working to create proper emailing lists too Summary of what we did to get here... Metric Before After Difference/Increase DR 44 56 12 Articles/Posts 31 1261 +1230 Backlinks (RDs) 323 (content-dofollow) 496 (content-dofollow) +173 Traffic 13,827 499,383 +485,556 (3512% ) RPM (earnings/1000) ~ $19.31 ~ $43.76 +$24.45 (127% ) Revenue/m $267/m $21,853/m +$21,586 (8085% ) A/B Testing No Yes Applied Month July 2019 Jan. 2021 19 months Note that the RPM is combined for affiliate and display revenue. Research and Planning Combined search volume of all keywords: ~ 750,000 Average search volume per keyword: ~ 610 Total keywords: ~ 1230 Total traffic achieved (in 19 months): 485,556 (this represents the increase and ignores the already existing traffic) Success rate of traffic achieved (in 19 months): 64.74%. This basically means that based on our keyword research plan, the combined search volume of all keywords was 750,000 and we hit a success rate of 64.74% in 19 months which is a traffic increase of 485,556 Note: The success rate of traffic will increase a lot and is expected to cross even 100% because the search volume of WFH related keywords has risen significantly due to COVID. Moreover, our rankings are improving due to an increase in DR, aging of content and social shares) Approach: Choose broad keywords based on the brand of the site Use Ahrefs to scrape all the "having similar terms" and "questions" list of words Filter the lists to remove cannibalization, irrelevant keywords, duplicate content and anything that doesn't make sense Group similar words together (Tip: If you have doubt about two similar keywords whether they should be targeted in one article or different articles, you should see if there are 3 or more results on the 1st page of Google that are ranking for both these words. If the answer is yes, then you can also rank for both these words in the same article. However, if you can't find 3 or more same results for two different queries then you should also make unique pages for each one of these keywords) Organize the keywords into proper silos and categories Note: We didn't really pay a lot of attention to the KW difficulty. Our approach was and still is to completely dominate each and every registered query related to a certain topic. We went big on the content part, we knew it would work and we were right. This approach was different from my previous case studies where we just wanted to make money and didn't really care about being the biggest guys out there. However, most of our keywords still have a KD of less than 4 (we produced this content at the earliest phase of content production). Content Articles before: 31 Articles added: 1230 Articles after: 1261 Average words per article: 1349 Total words produced: 1,701,089 Approach: H1, URL, and SEO Title must include: main keyword and other important keywords based on KW research At least one image with proper ALT text Table of content for jump links Proper use of headings How to articles with guides that include images as screenshots with red arrows or circles to indicate steps/process worked really well At least 1 internal link per 250-300 words with proper anchor text (DO NOT OVER OPTIMIZE) to a relevant article Recommended SEO plugin: SEOPress There are a lot other things that we took into consideration and there could be a separate post on onsite SEO alone. But, for the sake of keeping it short, let's just focus on this for now. Outreach, PR and Backlinks Prospects outreached: 7500 Conversion rate: 2.3% Total links got: 173 Links before: 323 Links added: 173 Links after: 496 Change in DR: 12 Final DR: 56 Approach (Outreach) Find highly linked content pieces using Ahrefs (Use content explorer feature and sort from higher to lower KD. High KD indicates that this keyword is being linked a lot) Write amazing pieces of content (better than the competitors) Scrape the list of sites that have linked to your competitors (Ahrefs) Find their contact details (Hunter is a good tool) Manually check to filter out the bad contacts Use Mailshake to outreach (tip: send 2 followups with a gap or 1 week each) Reply fast to increase conversion rate Tue, Wed and Thursday are the best days to send emails and expect responses and conversions Note: We also adopted other methods like guest posts, PR and community engagement to drive traffic and build meaningful links. While building links, we ensured that the site is: Either niche relevant or has high DR (80+) - we got nice DR 11+ links through targeted outreach Has proper search traffic The DR is greater than 20 Niche edits work the best because they don't incur additional costs like content writing in case of guest posts and manual labor like in the case of targeted outreach. It's the best method to build links at scale Conversion rate optimization (A/B Tests) RPM from: $19.31 (this was just affiliate and no display ads were applied then) RPM to: $43.76 (this is affiliate + display) Approach: Relevant content that ranked and converted well AB testing on top 30% of the pages (we have added highly converting call to actions, CTAs in the right places with the right copy which are giving amazing returns) We also added a display advertising network Coordinated with our affiliate manager to increase the payout commission As the traffic increases and we collect more and more data, our RPM and conversion would improve even further. Our goal is to increase the RPM to at least $50/1000 visits. This is considered a very good RPM. Note that, usually the RPM on our sites is from $25 - $40 (affiliate + display combined). So, this definitely an exception. I am referring to other sites in our portfolio (we have currently 16 content based brands). An overview of the important numbers, stats, ROI and more... Metric Before Current Projected (Jun. 2021) Revenue/m $267 $21,853 $30,000 Valuation (50x) $13,350 $1,092,650 $1,500,000 Revenue/y ~ $3,204 ~ $262,236 ~ $360,000 The multiple of 50x is applied because our brand is uniquely positioned to be strategically acquired by 3 major competitors promoting similar products in the home productivity space. They are heavily funded and based on our discussions with them, they seemed more than interested to acquire our media venture. We won't go through a traditional route of selling via online business brokering spaces. However, we would directly sell to one of the major players whose products we are promoting. It is to be noted that, we don't plan to sell the venture till it hits at least 30,000 USD per month. We believe we can hit that without further investment and just optimizing the site for better conversion rate optimization. What's next... In essence, content marketing regardless of how it's done is the backbone to grow all kinds of online businesses. Whether it's writing an amazing copy to promote ads or producing content in bulk to drive relevant, highly targeted and converting traffic. This goes without saying that the times of making money through content websites by writing a handful of pages and building spammy links are gone. Now, you need to plan properly, create content that not only ranks but also helps the user and then deploying the right strategies to promote it is the way to go. But, even with those conditions, the kind of ROI that these kind of online businesses offer is much higher as compared to traditional modes of investment like stocks, index funds, real estate etc. The passive way of making money especially around 30K USD a month through a site definitely requires a lot of resources but it's not impossible. The communities (like this one) where people help each other are becoming more and more common and it's becoming easier to make money. However, it's also increasing the competition and the kind of resources required to reach certain level of passive income and possible exit. Anyway, I wish you luck in all your endeavors. And yes, if you have any questions, please feel free to let me know. I understand that I couldn't cover everything in just one post. That's why I am available to answer your queries. ASK ME ANYTHING AMA! Regards submitted by /u/jamesackerman1234 [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/ll2wjy/affiliate_website_from_267m_to_21853m_in_19/
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techyblogger · 3 years
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Affiliate Website from $267/m to $21,853/m in 19 months (CASE STUDY - Amazon?) [AMA] https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/ll2wjy/affiliate_website_from_267m_to_21853m_in_19/
Hello Everyone,
After getting an amazing response on two case studies posted earlier, I decided to share another one of my projects that grew from $267/m to $21,853/m in 19 months.
In this post, will try my best to cover each and everything so that you can replicate the same process on your sites as well.
Quick Overview of Site's Valuation
When we started: ~ $13,350
Current: ~ $1,092,650
I will explain later in this case study why this multiple is higher (50x) than the industry standard of 30x (which applies mostly Amazon affiliate sites and other kinds of online businesses).
Previous Case Studies
Amazon Affiliate Website from $0 to $7,786/month in 11 months!
Amazon Affiliate Site from $118/m to $3,103/m in 8 MONTHS (SOLD it for $62,000+)
In this post, I will take a highly data-driven approach so you know EXACTLY: what, why, how, when of all the steps taken.
For example...
How the research and planning was done?
What was the number of articles and why?
Content writing guidelines
Uploading, formatting, onsite SEO instructions
Outreach, backlinks and PR
Conversion rate optimizations (A/B testing)
However, if you still have ANY questions, feel free to ask. I would answer EACH one of you.
This is an AMA. :)
So, let's dive right in...
Background of the Website
Broad Niche: Technology (software mostly)
About: Work from Home (WFH) [We got lucky because of COVID, the search traffic is increasing with time]
Type of content: WFH guides, product reviews, success stories of entrepreneurs (viral) etc.
Physical products promoted: work stations, chairs, accessories related to WFH etc.
Digital products promoted: Virtual team/project management tools, SaaS subs etc. (most money from here)
Note: Can't share more information about the site because of the NDA. I am very thankful to the client for giving permission to share this case study.
Quick Overview of Stats (the month we made $21,853)
DR: 56
Traffic: 499,383/m (Jan. 2021)
RPM: $43.76 (earning per thousand visits) - this is combined for affiliate and display ads
Countries targeted: United States (primarily), EU, Canada
Primary source of traffic: Search Engines but we are working to create proper emailing lists too
Summary of what we did to get here...
Metric Before After Difference/Increase DR 44 56 12 Articles/Posts 31 1261 +1230 Backlinks (RDs) 323 (content-dofollow) 496 (content-dofollow) +173 Traffic 13,827 499,383 +485,556 (3512% ) RPM (earnings/1000) ~ $19.31 ~ $43.76 +$24.45 (127% ) Revenue/m $267/m $21,853/m +$21,586 (8085% ) A/B Testing No Yes Applied Month July 2019 Jan. 2021 19 months
Note that the RPM is combined for affiliate and display revenue.
Research and Planning
Combined search volume of all keywords: ~ 750,000
Average search volume per keyword: ~ 610
Total keywords: ~ 1230
Total traffic achieved (in 19 months): 485,556 (this represents the increase and ignores the already existing traffic)
Success rate of traffic achieved (in 19 months): 64.74%. This basically means that based on our keyword research plan, the combined search volume of all keywords was 750,000 and we hit a success rate of 64.74% in 19 months which is a traffic increase of 485,556
Note: The success rate of traffic will increase a lot and is expected to cross even 100% because the search volume of WFH related keywords has risen significantly due to COVID. Moreover, our rankings are improving due to an increase in DR, aging of content and social shares)
Choose broad keywords based on the brand of the site
Use Ahrefs to scrape all the "having similar terms" and "questions" list of words
Filter the lists to remove cannibalization, irrelevant keywords, duplicate content and anything that doesn't make sense
Group similar words together (Tip: If you have doubt about two similar keywords whether they should be targeted in one article or different articles, you should see if there are 3 or more results on the 1st page of Google that are ranking for both these words. If the answer is yes, then you can also rank for both these words in the same article. However, if you can't find 3 or more same results for two different queries then you should also make unique pages for each one of these keywords)
Organize the keywords into proper silos and categories
Note: We didn't really pay a lot of attention to the KW difficulty. Our approach was and still is to completely dominate each and every registered query related to a certain topic. We went big on the content part, we knew it would work and we were right. This approach was different from my previous case studies where we just wanted to make money and didn't really care about being the biggest guys out there. However, most of our keywords still have a KD of less than 4 (we produced this content at the earliest phase of content production).
Articles before: 31
Articles added: 1230
Articles after: 1261
Average words per article: 1349
Total words produced: 1,701,089
H1, URL, and SEO Title must include: main keyword and other important keywords based on KW research
At least one image with proper ALT text
Table of content for jump links
Proper use of headings
How to articles with guides that include images as screenshots with red arrows or circles to indicate steps/process worked really well
At least 1 internal link per 250-300 words with proper anchor text (DO NOT OVER OPTIMIZE) to a relevant article
Recommended SEO plugin: SEOPress
There are a lot other things that we took into consideration and there could be a separate post on onsite SEO alone. But, for the sake of keeping it short, let's just focus on this for now.
Outreach, PR and Backlinks
Prospects outreached: 7500
Conversion rate: 2.3%
Total links got: 173
Links before: 323
Links added: 173
Links after: 496
Change in DR: 12
Final DR: 56
Approach (Outreach)
Find highly linked content pieces using Ahrefs (Use content explorer feature and sort from higher to lower KD. High KD indicates that this keyword is being linked a lot)
Write amazing pieces of content (better than the competitors)
Scrape the list of sites that have linked to your competitors (Ahrefs)
Find their contact details (Hunter is a good tool)
Manually check to filter out the bad contacts
Use Mailshake to outreach (tip: send 2 followups with a gap or 1 week each)
Reply fast to increase conversion rate
Tue, Wed and Thursday are the best days to send emails and expect responses and conversions
Note: We also adopted other methods like guest posts, PR and community engagement to drive traffic and build meaningful links.
While building links, we ensured that the site is:
Either niche relevant or has high DR (80+) - we got nice DR 11+ links through targeted outreach
Has proper search traffic
The DR is greater than 20
Niche edits work the best because they don't incur additional costs like content writing in case of guest posts and manual labor like in the case of targeted outreach. It's the best method to build links at scale
Conversion rate optimization (A/B Tests)
RPM from: $19.31 (this was just affiliate and no display ads were applied then)
RPM to: $43.76 (this is affiliate + display)
Relevant content that ranked and converted well
AB testing on top 30% of the pages (we have added highly converting call to actions, CTAs in the right places with the right copy which are giving amazing returns)
We also added a display advertising network
Coordinated with our affiliate manager to increase the payout commission
As the traffic increases and we collect more and more data, our RPM and conversion would improve even further. Our goal is to increase the RPM to at least $50/1000 visits. This is considered a very good RPM.
Note that, usually the RPM on our sites is from $25 - $40 (affiliate + display combined). So, this definitely an exception. I am referring to other sites in our portfolio (we have currently 16 content based brands).
An overview of the important numbers, stats, ROI and more...
Metric Before Current Projected (Jun. 2021) Revenue/m $267 $21,853 $30,000 Valuation (50x) $13,350 $1,092,650 $1,500,000 Revenue/y ~ $3,204 ~ $262,236 ~ $360,000
The multiple of 50x is applied because our brand is uniquely positioned to be strategically acquired by 3 major competitors promoting similar products in the home productivity space.
They are heavily funded and based on our discussions with them, they seemed more than interested to acquire our media venture.
We won't go through a traditional route of selling via online business brokering spaces. However, we would directly sell to one of the major players whose products we are promoting.
It is to be noted that, we don't plan to sell the venture till it hits at least 30,000 USD per month. We believe we can hit that without further investment and just optimizing the site for better conversion rate optimization.
What's next...
In essence, content marketing regardless of how it's done is the backbone to grow all kinds of online businesses. Whether it's writing an amazing copy to promote ads or producing content in bulk to drive relevant, highly targeted and converting traffic.
This goes without saying that the times of making money through content websites by writing a handful of pages and building spammy links are gone.
Now, you need to plan properly, create content that not only ranks but also helps the user and then deploying the right strategies to promote it is the way to go.
But, even with those conditions, the kind of ROI that these kind of online businesses offer is much higher as compared to traditional modes of investment like stocks, index funds, real estate etc.
The passive way of making money especially around 30K USD a month through a site definitely requires a lot of resources but it's not impossible.
The communities (like this one) where people help each other are becoming more and more common and it's becoming easier to make money. However, it's also increasing the competition and the kind of resources required to reach certain level of passive income and possible exit.
Anyway, I wish you luck in all your endeavors.
And yes, if you have any questions, please feel free to let me know. I understand that I couldn't cover everything in just one post. That's why I am available to answer your queries.
submitted by /u/jamesackerman1234 [link] [comments] February 16, 2021 at 06:04PM
0 notes
ebestlaptop · 4 years
Is This Best Laptop For Game Development ?
so idiotic as a laptop key just begins developing a circuit or south make games cocaine basically licking other I'm laptop Java acid games develop chemically thermo make normal laptops they become jealous acting but other on laptop make games development a cannot repair or sup make games cooking let me jot in a double majority a powerful laptop key Yannick a a gaming laptop key like if gaming laptop both costly no there Tamura Tamura ta can say laptop get your budget-friendly o or submit fully feature to just make gaming KD a necessary feature so or manager laptop to square with a sous cup top laptop this laptop a mu J Harbor necessary feature mil Gaya scheme eligibility or a laptop muchas 60,000 a pair of jockey manipulate course area linking course another API a laptop actually met repair guys Miam games cocktails at their or cameras making school develop concept here Johnny [Applause] so minimize any and welcome to the channel Japan and vodka again cave army or don't kill it at technologies kebab so subsequently on laptop keep me just keep on Curtin job um laptop to open their their toasty backside bear suits come logo to keep look at that or taken him a copy coolant pack or the scalable laptop Kate display 15.6 inch gear Joe keep will actually display Jana cascade a solution a 1920 by 1080 or scale of a new feature movie subset chalega boyacky is capital her IPS panel Minsky amazement a cheek color quality male j'tia or achieving angled female jumping next time a technical milpa a laptop keyboard yoky backlit keyboard or red color make look at that what key would be homemade unnecessary keys militina Yannick it going became B Sigma here or scale of our key would use carne maybe copy company with or rather I'm laptop T left side me taking home a technical Montague power connector a clamp or I catch the mi port one USB port or two USB 3.1 Portsmouth VA or a 3.5 mm headphone jack male jaata hai aur agar I'm laptop k right side mini k so me push me they can even 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0 notes
kdmarketresearch · 4 years
Medical Robot Market  is expected to reach a value of USD 11.36 Bn by 2023
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As per the research conducted by KD Market research, the report titled “ Medical Robot Market” provides current as well as future analysis of the market by evaluating the major applications, advantages, trends, and challenges. The report dives deeper to produce useful insights into Medical Robot Market such as major global regions and key competitors and strategies that can be used for the entry-level player too.
The value of the global medical robot market is expected to reach a value of USD 11.36 Bn by 2023, expanding at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.58% during 2018-2023. Robots which are used for medical purposes are broadly known as medical robots. Medical robotics can be considered as the application of robotics technology to healthcare to diagnose and treat diseases, or to correct, restore or modify a body function or a body part. The market definition for the medical robot market would be the one which take into consideration products for assisting medical practitioners during surgery, for monitoring status of patients, and for increasing accuracy and precision. It also considers products useful for patients with disabilities The products from this market are used extensively across all age groups. These products are generally mechanical/electronic equipment used by doctors and patients.
Request sample Report@ https://www.kdmarketresearch.com/sample/3112
The medical robot market can be classified into three primary segments based on product (surgical robot, rehabilitation robot, non-invasive radiosurgery robot and others), application (neurology, orthopedic, cardiology, laparoscopy and others) and geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East and Africa).
Furthermore surgical robots consist of neurological surgery robotic systems, cardiology surgery robotic systems, laparoscopic surgical robotic systems, orthopedic surgical robotic systems and steerable robotics. Rehabilitation robots comprise therapeutic robots, prosthetic robots, assistive robots and exoskeleton robots. Hospital and pharmacy automation robots includes pharmacy automation robots, IV robots.
America consists of over 40% of the market owing to increasing demand for the robot-assisted surgeries, developed healthcare infrastructure and high healthcare expenditure. Increasing need of automation and advanced devices have also contributed in the market growth. Europe has the second largest market followed by Asia-Pacific.
Key growth factors
The most significant factor for the growth of this market is the rising demand for more accurate surgeries to reduce human errors and ensure precision. Some other factors include increasing prevalence of diseases, increase in the elderly population of the world, growing hospital investments in improving the technology and the rising patient pool with critical diseases. Use of robotics would also prove beneficial for the hospitals as overhead expenses would be reduced.
Threats and key players
The medical robot market is threatened by the fact that the medical staff might become too dependent on the robots which could reduce their skill level and awareness. Increased initial cost and maintenance of hospitals is also a concern. Dependence of robotics on well-developed infrastructure will limit its global reach. Doctors will have to be well versed with the usage of the equipment. As a result raining costs will increase.
Some of the key players globally are: Intuitive Surgical, Stryker Corporation, Mazor Robotics, Hansen Medical, Omnicell, Ekso Bionics Holdings, ARxIUM, Kirby Lester, Baxter international, Accuray Inc., Hocoma AG.
What is covered in the report?
1. Overview of the global medical robot market. 2. The current and forecasted regional (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and  the Middle East and Africa) market size data for the medical robot market, based on product (surgical robot, rehabilitation robot, non-invasive radiosurgery robot and others), Application (neurology, orthopedic, cardiology, laparoscopy and others). 3. The current and forecasted regional (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East and Africa) medical robot market. 4. Market trends in the medical robot market. 5. Market drivers in the medical robot market. 6. Analysis of company profiles of major players operating in the market.
Why buy?
o Understand the demand for medical robot to determine the viability of the market. o Determine the developed and emerging markets adopting medical robot. o Identify the challenge areas and address them. o Develop strategies based on the drivers, trends and highlights. o Evaluate the value chain to determine the workflow and to get an idea of the current position where you are placed. o Recognize the key competitors of this market and respond accordingly. o Knowledge of the initiatives and growth strategies taken by the major companies and decide the direction of further growth. o Define the competitive positioning by comparing the products and services compared with the key players in the market.
Access Complete Research Report with toc@ https://www.kdmarketresearch.com/report/3112/%20global-medical-robot-market-2018-2023
Table of Content
Chapter 1: Executive summary
    1.1 Market scope and segmentation     1.2 Key questions answered in this study     1.3 Executive summary I     1.4 Executive summary II
Chapter 2: The global medical robot market – market overview
   2.1. Global market overview – by revenue    2.2. Global market overview – by region: revenue, CAGR   2.3. Global market overview – drivers, challenges and trends   2.3.a. Drivers   2.3.b. Challenges   2.3.c. Trends    2.4. Value chain
Chapter 3: Regional market overview
   3.1. Regional market overview – North America    3.1.a.  North America historical market revenue, North America  forecasted market revenue, CAGR, key companies, highlights    3.2. Regional market overview – Europe   3.2.a.  Europe historical market revenue, Europe  forecasted market revenue, CAGR, key companies, highlights    3.3. Regional market overview – Asia Pacific   3.3.a.  Asia Pacific historical market revenue, Asia Pacific forecasted market revenue, CAGR, key companies, highlights    3.4. Regional market overview – Latin America   3.4.a.  Latin America historical market revenue, Latin America forecasted market revenue, CAGR, key companies, highlights    3.5. Regional market overview – The Middle East and Africa   3.5.a. The Middle East and Africa historical market revenue, The Middle East and Africa forecasted market revenue, CAGR, key companies, highlights
Chapter 4: Global segment overview
   4.1. Global segment overview – by product – revenue, CAGR, write-up    4.1.a. Global segment overview – by product: regional share (2023F)   4.2. Global segment overview – by application – revenue, CAGR, write-up    4.2.a. Global segment overview – by application: regional share (2023F)
Chapter 5: North America – by segment     5.1. North America – by product: revenue, CAGR, highlights     5.2. North America – by application: revenue, CAGR, highlights
Chapter 6: Europe – by segment
   6.1. Europe – by product: revenue, CAGR, highlights    6.2. Europe – by application: revenue, CAGR, highlights
Chapter 7: Asia-Pacific – by segment    7.1. Asia-Pacific – by product: revenue, CAGR, highlights    7.2. Asia-Pacific – by application: revenue, CAGR, highlights
Chapter 8: Latin America – by segment
  8.1. Latin America – by product: revenue, CAGR, highlights   8.2. Latin America – by application: revenue, CAGR, highlights
Chapter 9: The Middle East and Africa – by segment
  9.1. The Middle East and Africa – by product: revenue, CAGR, highlights   9.2. The Middle East and Africa – by application: revenue, CAGR, highlights
Chapter 10: Competitive landscape
  10.1. Market share of key companies   10.2. Omnicell  - Company snapshot  - Products/services  - Strategic initiatives  - Geographical presence  - Key people  - Competitors  - Key numbers 10.3. Intuitive Surgical 10.4. Ossur 10.5. Accuray 10.6. Mazor Robotics 10.7. Rewalk Robotics 10.8. Ekso Bionics 10.9. Elekta AB 10.10. Varian 10.11. Cyberdyne 10.12. Porter’s five forces analysis
Chapter 11: Conclusion
11.1. Conclusion
Appendix - Assumptions - List of tables - Research and methodology
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 Our Services include market intelligence, competitive intelligence, and customized research. These research reports help the organizations to make quick and powerful decisions that make out highest growth in revenue.
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Medical Robot Market Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Trends, Key Vendors, Drivers and Forecast
According to the latest market research report, published by KD Market Insights covers a detailed analysis of, “Medical Robot market” The study comprises of major industry trends and insights that play an important role in the market growth. Also, the report covers forecast revenue growth at global, regional and country levels, providing a detailed analysis of the industry.
The value of the global medical robot market is expected to reach a value of USD 11.36 Bn by 2023, expanding at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.58%during 2018-2023.
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Robots which are used for medical purposes are broadly known as medical robots. Medical robotics can be considered as the application of robotics technology to healthcare to diagnose and treat diseases, or to correct, restore or modify a body function or a body part. The market definition for the medical robot market would be the one which take into consideration products for assisting medical practitioners during surgery, for monitoring status of patients, and for increasing accuracy and precision. It also considers products useful for patients with disabilities The products from this market are used extensively across all age groups. These products are generally mechanical/electronic equipment used by doctors and patients.
The medical robot market can be classified into three primary segments based on product (surgical robot, rehabilitation robot, non-invasive radiosurgery robot and others), application (neurology, orthopedic, cardiology, laparoscopy and others) and geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East and Africa).
Furthermore surgical robots consist of neurological surgery robotic systems, cardiology surgery robotic systems, laparoscopic surgical robotic systems, orthopedic surgical robotic systems and steerable robotics. Rehabilitation robots comprise therapeutic robots, prosthetic robots, assistive robots and exoskeleton robots. Hospital and pharmacy automation robots includes pharmacy automation robots, IV robots.
America consists of over 40% of the market owing to increasing demand for the robot-assisted surgeries, developed healthcare infrastructure and high healthcare expenditure. Increasing need of automation and advanced devices have also contributed in the market growth. Europe has the second largest market followed by Asia-Pacific.
Key growth factors
The most significant factor for the growth of this market is the rising demand for more accurate surgeries to reduce human errors and ensure precision. Some other factors include increasing prevalence of diseases, increase in the elderly population of the world, growing hospital investments in improving the technology and the rising patient pool with critical diseases. Use of robotics would also prove beneficial for the hospitals as overhead expenses would be reduced.
Threats and key players
The medical robot market is threatened by the fact that the medical staff might become too dependent on the robots which could reduce their skill level and awareness. Increased initial cost and maintenance of hospitals is also a concern. Dependence of robotics on well-developed infrastructure will limit its global reach. Doctors will have to be well versed with the usage of the equipment. As a result raining costs will increase.
Some of the key players globally are: Intuitive Surgical, Stryker Corporation, Mazor Robotics, Hansen Medical, Omnicell, Ekso Bionics Holdings, ARxIUM, Kirby Lester, Baxter international, Accuray Inc., Hocoma AG.
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Table of Content
Chapter 1: Executive summary
1.1 Market scope and segmentation 1.2 Key questions answered in this study 1.3 Executive summary I 1.4 Executive summary II
Chapter 2: The global medical robot market – market overview
2.1. Global market overview – by revenue 2.2. Global market overview – by region: revenue, CAGR 2.3. Global market overview – drivers, challenges and trends 2.3.a. Drivers 2.3.b. Challenges 2.3.c. Trends 2.4. Value chain
Chapter 3: Regional market overview
3.1. Regional market overview – North America 3.1.a. North America historical market revenue, North America forecasted market revenue, CAGR, key companies, highlights 3.2. Regional market overview – Europe 3.2.a. Europe historical market revenue, Europe forecasted market revenue, CAGR, key companies, highlights 3.3. Regional market overview – Asia Pacific 3.3.a. Asia Pacific historical market revenue, Asia Pacific forecasted market revenue, CAGR, key companies, highlights 3.4. Regional market overview – Latin America 3.4.a. Latin America historical market revenue, Latin America forecasted market revenue, CAGR, key companies, highlights 3.5. Regional market overview – The Middle East and Africa 3.5.a. The Middle East and Africa historical market revenue, The Middle East and Africa forecasted market revenue, CAGR, key companies, highlights
Chapter 4: Global segment overview
4.1. Global segment overview – by product – revenue, CAGR, write-up 4.1.a. Global segment overview – by product: regional share (2023F) 4.2. Global segment overview – by application – revenue, CAGR, write-up 4.2.a. Global segment overview – by application: regional share (2023F)
Chapter 5: North America – by segment 5.1. North America – by product: revenue, CAGR, highlights 5.2. North America – by application: revenue, CAGR, highlights
Chapter 6: Europe – by segment
6.1. Europe – by product: revenue, CAGR, highlights 6.2. Europe – by application: revenue, CAGR, highlights
Chapter 7: Asia-Pacific – by segment 7.1. Asia-Pacific – by product: revenue, CAGR, highlights 7.2. Asia-Pacific – by application: revenue, CAGR, highlights
Chapter 8: Latin America – by segment
8.1. Latin America – by product: revenue, CAGR, highlights 8.2. Latin America – by application: revenue, CAGR, highlights
Chapter 9: The Middle East and Africa – by segment
9.1. The Middle East and Africa – by product: revenue, CAGR, highlights 9.2. The Middle East and Africa – by application: revenue, CAGR, highlights
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aditi-us · 5 years
Conjugate Vaccine Market Is Expected to expand at a CAGR of 14.6% Forecast period 2018-2023
A Comprehensive research study conducted by KD Market Insights on " Global Conjugate Vaccine Market (2018-2023) " report offers extensive and highly detailed historical, current and future market trends in the global and regional/market. The Conjugate Vaccine Market report includes market size, growth drivers, barriers, opportunities, trends and other information which helps to find new opportunities in this market for the growth of the business through new technologies and developments. Conjugate vaccine is a type of vaccine that contains bacterial capsular polysaccharide, attached to a protein to enhance immunogenicity and protect against invasive diseases. The global conjugate vaccine market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.6%, leading to a global revenue of USD 100.59 Bn by 2023. By volume, it is anticipated to reach 9600.56 Million units by 2023, expanding at a CAGR of 17.2%. The conjugate vaccine market is classified into two primary segments-based on disease indication: pneumococcal, haemophilus influenza type b, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, meningococcal and others; and based on end user: paediatric and adult. Asia-Pacific will have the highest CAGR during the forecasted period. Request for Sample @ https://www.kdmarketinsights.com/sample/3225 Key growth factors: - Rising adoption of cancer therapeutic vaccines, improvement in patient compliance along with an increasing product pipeline, and growing efforts for the adoption of appropriate preventive screening methods to help avert adverse reactions will accelerate the market. - Conjugate Vaccine market is expected to have positive growth owing to technological advancements, growth initiatives for the production of low-cost vaccines, and widespread routine vaccination programs in emerging economies. Threats and key players: - Although the conjugate vaccine market is expected to have a positive growth globally, lack of awareness, shortage risk, the situation of oligopoly, uncertainty about the future of international initiatives, emerging manufacturers, and costs and prices of new vaccines will hinder growth. - Major Conjugate Vaccine providers operating in the market are GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer Inc., Sanofi Pasteur, Novartis, etc. Browse Full Report with TOC @ https://www.kdmarketinsights.com/product/global-conjugate-vaccine-market Table of Contents: Chapter 1: Executive summary 1.1 Market scope and segmentation 1.2 Key questions answered in this study 1.3 Executive summary - I 1.4 Executive summary – II Chapter 2: Market overview 2.1. Market definitions 2.2. Global market overview – by revenue - Global historical (2015-2017) market revenue (USD Bn) - Global forecasted (2018-2023) market revenue (USD Bn) - Geography-wise market (2018-2023) revenue (USD Bn) 2.3. Global market overview – by volume - Global historical (2015-2017) market volume (Million units) - Global forecasted (2018-2023) market volume (Million units) - Geography-wise (2018-2023) market volume (Million units) 2.4. Global market drivers and challenges 2.4.1. Global market drivers 2.4.2. Global market challenges 2.5. Global market trends 2.6. Value chain 2.7.1. Regional market overview - North America - Observation - Key competitors 2.7.1(A) Regional market overview – North America by revenue and by volume - North America historical (2015-2017) market revenue (USD Bn) - North America forecasted (2018-2023) market revenue (USD Bn) - North America historical (2015-2017) market volume (Million units) - North America forecasted (2018-2023) market volume (Million units) 2.7.2. Regional market overview – Europe - Observation - Key competitors 2.7.2(A) Regional market overview – Europe by revenue and by volume - Europe historical (2015-2017) market revenue (USD Bn) - Europe forecasted (2018-2023) market revenue (USD Bn) - Europe historical (2015-2017) market volume (Million units) - Europe forecasted (2018-2023) market volume (Million units) 2.7.3. Regional market overview – Asia-Pacific - Observation - Key competitors 2.7.3(A) Regional market overview – Asia Pacific by revenue and by volume - Asia Pacific historical (2015-2017) market revenue (USD Bn) - Asia Pacific forecasted (2018-2023) market revenue (USD Bn) - Asia Pacific historical (2015-2017) market volume (Million units) - Asia Pacific forecasted (2018-2023) market volume (Million units) 2.7.4. Regional market overview – Latin America - Observation - Key competitors 2.7.4(A) Regional Market Overview – Latin America by revenue and by volume - Latin America historical (2015-2017) market revenue (USD Bn) - Latin America forecasted (2018-2023) market revenue (USD Bn) - Latin America historical (2015-2017) market volume (Million units) - Latin America forecasted (2018-2023) market volume (Million units) 2.7.5. Regional market overview – Middle East & Africa - Observation - Key competitors 2.7.5(A) Regional market overview – Middle East & Africa by revenue and by volume - Middle East & Africa historical (2015-2017) market revenue (USD Bn) - Middle East & Africa forecasted (2018-2023) market revenue (USD Bn) - Middle East & Africa historical (2015-2017) market volume (Million units) - Middle East & Africa forecasted (2018-2023) market volume (Million units) Chapter 3: Major segment overview - global by disease indication 3.1. Disease indication: Pneumococcal, Hib - by revenue, by volume, CAGR - Overview - by disease indication - Market share (2015, 2018 & 2023): Pneumococcal – global revenue (USD Bn) - Market share (2015, 2018 & 2023): Pneumococcal – global volume (Million units) - Market share (2015, 2018 & 2023): Hib – global revenue (USD Bn) - Market share (2015, 2018 & 2023): Hib – global volume (Million units) 3.2. Disease indication: DTP, Meningococcal - by revenue, by volume, CAGR - Overview - by disease indication - Market share (2015, 2018 & 2023): DTP – global revenue (USD Bn) - Market share (2015, 2018 & 2023): DTP – global volume (Million units) - Market share (2015, 2018 & 2023): Meningococcal – global revenue (USD Bn) - Market share (2015, 2018 & 2023): Meningococcal – global volume (Million units) Continue… Check for Discount @ https://www.kdmarketinsights.com/discount/3225 About Us: KD Market Insights offers a comprehensive database of syndicated research studies, customized reports, and consulting services. These reports are created to help in making smart, instant and crucial decisions based on extensive and in-depth quantitative information, supported by extensive analysis and industry insights. Our dedicated in-house team ensures the reports satisfy the requirement of the client. We aim at providing value service to our clients. Our reports are backed by extensive industry coverage and is made sure to give importance to the specific needs of our clients. The main idea is to enable our clients to make an informed decision, by keeping them and ourselves up to date with the latest trends in the market. Contact Us: KD Market Insights 150 State Street, Albany, New York, USA 12207 +1 (518) 300-1215 Email: [email protected] Website: www.kdmarketinsights.com
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kdmarketresearch · 4 years
Cybersecurity in Financial Services Market – Industry Analysis , Size, Share, Strategies and Forecast to 2023
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A Comprehensive research study conducted by KD Market Research on  Cybersecurity in Financial Services Market Opportunity Analysis and Industry forecast. report offers extensive and highly detailed historical, current and future market trends in Cybersecurity in Financial Services Market. Cybersecurity in Financial Services Market report includes market size, growth drivers, barriers, opportunities, trends and other information which helps to find new opportunities in this market for the growth of the business through new technologies and developments.
Cybersecurity involves a set of techniques that are designed to protect the integrity of networks, programs, and data, from unauthorized access, cyberattacks, and damages. Of late, cyberattacks in the financial services sector have increased manifold. Cyberattacks against financial services firms increased by over 70% in 2017, which reflects that the financial services sector is currently vulnerable to such attacks. In the future, adoption of effective cyber security techniques will become a necessity to reduce the risk of cyberattacks and illegal use of systems, networks and technologies. According to Netscribes, the global cybersecurity in financial services market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 9.81%, leading to a global revenue of USD 42.66 Bn by 2023.
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Cyberattacks and data breaches in financial services firms are more common than in any other industry. In 2017, a data breach at Equifax created a turmoil in the global markets, since more than 143 Mn consumers were affected by that. Also, incidents like the WannaCry and Petya ransomware in 2017, which badly affected Russian and Ukrainian banks, further exposed the world to direct financial threats posed by cyberattacks. These incidents highlight the urgent need for stringent cybersecurity in financial firms.
Based on end user industries, the market is segmented into banking, insurance, stock brokerages, credit unions, investment funds, card and mobile payments, and governments. Among these segments, the card and mobile payments segment is expected to register a high growth rate through the forecast period of 2018-2023. Given that card and mobile payments are being adopted swiftly as a mode of cashless transactions, the risk of cyberattacks increases due to the critical nature of the financial data transmitted in each payment. By solutions and services, the global cybersecurity in financial services market is categorised into mobile enterprise management, endpoint security, identity and access management (IAM), mobile security, security information and event management (SIEM), content security, data loss prevention (DLP), datacenter security, and firewall.  The mobile enterprise management solution segment is expected to have the highest growth rate owing to its wide adoption in contactless payment systems within various industries.
By regions, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East and Africa. Asia-Pacific is projected to grow with the highest CAGR through the forecast period of 2018-2023.
Key growth factors
Incidents of data breaches are on the rise, thereby having an impact on the digitization of financial services like cashless payments via cards and mobiles. Hackers are finding this sector extremely vulnerable to prey upon. Thus, the threat of cyberattacks on the financial services sector is increasing and consultants are increasingly looking into ways to reduce such cyber risks. This is a major driver for the adoption of cybersecurity in the financial services sector.
In 2016, financial services customers suffered over 60% more cyberattacks than customers in any other sector. This increase in the number and scope of attacks on the financial sector is necessitating governmental actions and policies to curb it. Federal laws like National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act, Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), etc. are helping accelerate the adoption of cybersecurity in the financial sector.
Threats and key players
Although cybersecurity in financial services market is expected to have positive growth globally, lack of adequate funds may act as a hindrance to the growth of the market. Buyers are allocating exorbitant budgets to tackle cyberattacks but the nature of the crimes is evolving every passing day. Spending on new types of cybersecurity tools and services for companies is a major problem for the financial sector and may hinder the growth of the market.
The major cybersecurity providers operating in the financial services market are Experian Information Solutions Inc., IBM Corporation, Accenture PLC., Airbus SE, AlienVault, Inc., etc.
What’s covered in the report?
1. Overview of the global cybersecurity in financial services market 2. Market drivers and challenges in the global cybersecurity in financial services market 3. Market trends in the global cybersecurity in financial services market 4. Historical, current and forecasted market size data for the end user segment (banking, insurance, stock brokerages, credit unions, investment funds, card and mobile payments and governments) – by revenue (USD Bn) 5. Historical, current and forecasted market size data for the solutions segment {mobile enterprise management, endpoint security, identity and access management (IAM), mobile security, security information and event management (SIEM), content security, data loss prevention (DLP), datacenter security and firewall}– by revenue (USD Bn) 6. Historical, current and forecasted regional (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, The Middle East and Africa) market size data for the global cybersecurity in financial services market – by revenue (USD Bn) 7. Historical, current and forecasted market size data for region-wise global cybersecurity in financial services market segments – by revenue (USD Bn) 8. Analysis of the competitive landscape and profiles of major companies operating in the market
Why buy?
o Understand the demand for cybersecurity in financial services to determine the viability of operating in the market o Identify the developed and emerging markets where cybersecurity services and solutions are provided o Identify the challenge areas and address them o Develop strategies based on the drivers, trends and highlights for each of the segments o Evaluate the value chain to determine the workflow to get an idea of your current position o Recognize the key competitors of this market and respond accordingly o Knowledge of the initiatives and growth strategies taken up by the major companies and decide on the direction for further growth o Define the competitive positioning by comparing the products and services with the key players in the market
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Table of Content
Chapter 1: Executive summary 1.1. Market scope and segmentation 1.2. Key questions answered 1.3. Executive summary
Chapter 2: Global cybersecurity in financial services market – overview 2.1. Global market overview - market trends, market attractiveness analysis, geography-wise market revenue (USD Bn) 2.2. Global - market drivers and challenges 2.3. Value chain analysis – cybersecurity in financial services market 2.4. Porter’s Five Forces analysis 2.5. Market segmentation on the basis of end user industries (banking, insurance, stock brokerages, credit unions, investment funds, card and mobile payments, and governments) 2.5. a. Banking revenue - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.5. b. Insurance revenue - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.5. c. Stock brokerages revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.5. d. Credit unions revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.5. e. Investment funds revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.5. f. Card and mobile payments revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.5. g. Government revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.6. Market segmentation on the basis of solutions (mobile enterprise management, endpoint security, identity and access management (IAM), mobile security, security information and event management (SIEM), content security, data loss prevention (DLP), datacenter security and firewall) 2.6. a. Revenue from mobile enterprise management - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.6. b. Revenue from endpoint security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.6. c. Revenue from identity and access management (IAM)- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.6. d. Revenue from mobile security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.6. e. Revenue from security information and event management (SIEM) - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.6. f. Revenue from content security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.6. g. Revenue from data loss prevention (DLP) - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.6. h. Revenue from datacenter security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.6. i. Revenue from firewall - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
Chapter 3: North America cybersecurity in financial services market - market overview 3.1. Market overview- market trends, market attractiveness analysis, geography wise market revenue (USD) 3.2. North America - market drivers and challenges 3.3. Market segmentation on the basis of end user industries (banking, insurance, stock brokerages, credit unions, investment funds, card and mobile payments and government) 3.3.a. Banking revenue - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.3. b. Insurance revenue - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.3. c. Stock brokerages revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.3. d. Credit unions revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.3. e. Investment funds revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.3. f. Card and mobile payments revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.3. g. Governments revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.4. Market segmentation on the basis of solutions (mobile enterprise management, endpoint security, identity and access management (IAM), mobile security, security information and event management (SIEM), content security, data loss prevention (DLP), datacenter security and firewall) 3.4. a. Revenue from mobile enterprise management - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.4. b. Revenue from endpoint security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.4. c. Revenue from identity and access management (IAM) - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.4. d. Revenue from mobile security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.4. e. Revenue from security information and event management (SIEM) - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.4. f. Revenue from content security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.4. g. Revenue from data loss prevention (DLP) - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.4. h. Revenue from datacenter security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.4. i. Revenue from firewall - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
Chapter 4: Europe cybersecurity in financial services market - market overview 4.1. Market overview- market trends, market attractiveness analysis, geography wise market revenue (USD) 4.2. Europe - market drivers and challenges 4.3. Market segmentation on the basis of end user industries (banking, insurance, stock brokerages, credit unions, investment funds, card and mobile payments and government) 4.3.a. Banking revenue - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.3. b. Insurance revenue - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.3. c. Stock brokerages revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.3. d. Credit unions revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.3. e. Investment funds revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.3. f. Card and mobile payments revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.3. g. Governments revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.4. Market segmentation on the basis of solutions (mobile enterprise management, endpoint security, identity and access management (IAM), mobile security, security information and event management (SIEM), content security, data loss prevention (DLP), datacenter security and firewall) 4.4. a. Revenue from mobile enterprise management - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.4. b. Revenue from endpoint security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.4. c. Revenue from identity and access management (IAM)- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.4. d. Revenue from mobile security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.4. e. Revenue from security information and event management (SIEM)- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.4. f. Revenue from content security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.4. g. Revenue from data loss prevention (DLP) - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.4. h. Revenue from datacenter security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.4. i. Revenue from firewall - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
Chapter 5: Asia-Pacific cybersecurity in financial services market - market overview 5.1. Market overview- market trends, market attractiveness analysis, geography wise market revenue (USD) 5.2. Asia-Pacific - market drivers and challenges 5.3. Market segmentation on the basis of end user industries (banking, insurance, stock brokerages,  credit unions, investment funds, card and mobile payments and government) 5.3. a. Banking revenue - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.3. b. Insurance revenue - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.3. c. Stock brokerages revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.3. d. Credit unions revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.3. e. Investment funds revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.3. f. Card and mobile payments revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.3. g. Governments revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.4. Market segmentation on the basis of solutions (mobile enterprise management, endpoint security, identity and access management (IAM), mobile security, security information and event management (SIEM), content security, data loss prevention (DLP), datacenter security and firewall) 5.4. a. Revenue from mobile enterprise management - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.4. b. Revenue from endpoint security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.4. c. Revenue from identity and access management (IAM) - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.4. d. Revenue from mobile security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.4. e. Revenue from security information and event management (SIEM)- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.4. f. Revenue from content security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.4. g. Revenue from data loss prevention (DLP)- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.4. h. Revenue from datacenter security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.4. i. Revenue from firewall - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
Chapter 6: Latin America cybersecurity in financial services market - market overview 6.1. Market overview- market trends, market attractiveness analysis, geography wise market revenue (USD) 6.2. Latin America - market drivers and challenges 6.3. Market segmentation on the basis of end user industries (banking, insurance, stock brokerages,  credit unions, investment funds, card and mobile payments and government) 6.3. a. Banking revenue - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 6.3. b. Insurance revenue - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 6.3. c. Stock brokerages revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 6.3. d. Credit unions revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 6.3. e. Investment funds revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 6.3. f. Card and mobile payments revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 6.3. g. Governments revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 6.4. Market segmentation on the basis of solutions (mobile enterprise management, endpoint security, identity and access management (IAM), mobile security, security information and event management (SIEM), content security, data loss prevention (DLP), datacenter security and firewall) 6.4. a. Revenue from mobile enterprise management - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 6.4. b. Revenue from endpoint security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 6.4. c. Revenue from identity and access management (IAM)- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 6.4. d. Revenue from mobile security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 6.4. e. Revenue from security information and event management (SIEM)- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 6.4. f. Revenue from content security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 6.4. g. Revenue from data loss prevention (DLP)- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 6.4. h. Revenue from datacenter security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 6.4. i. Revenue from firewall - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
Chapter 7: The Middle East and Africa cybersecurity in financial services market - market overview 7.1. Market overview- market trends, market attractiveness analysis, geography wise market revenue (USD) 7.2. Middle East and Africa - market drivers and challenges 7.3. Market segmentation on the basis of end user industries (banking, insurance, stock brokerages, credit unions, investment funds, card and mobile payments and government) 7.3. a. Banking revenue - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 7.3. b. Insurance revenue - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 7.3. c. Stock brokerages revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 7.3. d. Credit unions revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 7.3. e. Investment funds revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 7.3. f. Card and mobile payments revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 7.3. g. Governments revenue- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 7.4. Market segmentation on the basis of solutions (mobile enterprise management, endpoint security, identity and access management (IAM), mobile security, security information and event management (SIEM), content security, data loss prevention (DLP), datacenter security and firewall) 7.4. a. Revenue from mobile enterprise management - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 7.4. b. Revenue from endpoint security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 7.4. c. Revenue from identity and access management (IAM)- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 7.4. d. Revenue from mobile security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 7.4. e. Revenue from security information and event management (SIEM)- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 7.4. f. Revenue from content security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 7.4. g. Revenue from data loss prevention (DLP)- Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 7.4. h. Revenue from datacenter security - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 7.4. i. Revenue from firewall - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
Chapter 8: Competitive landscape 8.1. Experian Information Solutions Inc. 8.1.a. Company snapshot 8.1.b. Product offerings 8.1.c. Growth strategies 8.1.d. Initiatives 8.1.e. Geographical presence 8.1.f. Key numbers 8.2. IBM Corporation 8.2.a. Company snapshot 8.2..b. Product offerings 8.2.c. Growth strategies 8.2.d. Initiatives 8.2.e. Geographical presence 8.2.f. Key numbers 8.3. Accenture PLC. 8.3.a. Company snapshot 8.3.b. Product offerings 8.3.c. Growth strategies 8.3.d. Initiatives 8.3.e. Geographical presence 8.3.f. Key numbers 8.4. Airbus SE 8.4.a. Company snapshot 8.4.b. Product offerings 8.4.c. Growth strategies 8.4.d. Initiatives 8.4.e. Geographical presence 8.4.f. Key numbers 8.5. AlienVault, Inc. 8.5.a. Company snapshot 8.5.b. Product offerings 8.5.c. Growth strategies 8.5.d. Initiatives 8.5.e. Geographical presence 8.5.f. Key numbers 8.6. Avast Software 8.6.a. Company snapshot 8.6.b. Product offerings 8.6.c. Growth strategies 8.6.d. Initiatives 8.6.e. Geographical presence 8.6.f. Key numbers 8.7. Alert Logic Inc. 8.7.a. Company snapshot 8.7.b. Product offerings 8.7.c. Growth strategies 8.7.d. Initiatives 8.7.e. Geographical presence 8.7.f. Key numbers 8.8. Agiliance Inc. 8.8.a. Company snapshot 8.8.b. Product offerings 8.8.c. Growth strategies 8.8.d. Initiatives 8.8.e. Geographical presence 8.8.f. Key numbers 8.9. AhnLab 8.9.a. Company snapshot 8.9.b. Product offerings 8.9.c. Growth strategies 8.9.d. Initiatives 8.9.e. Geographical presence 8.9.f. Key numbers 8.10. VMware 8.10.a. Company snapshot 8.10.b. Product offerings 8.10.c. Growth strategies 8.10.d. Initiatives 8.10.e. Geographical presence 8.10.f. Key numbers
Chapter 9: Conclusion
Chapter 10: Appendix 10.1. List of tables 10.2.  Research methodology 10.3.  Assumptions
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KD Market Research is one of the best market research organization that provides B2B research on the growth opportunities of the industry which is the prime factor of the overall revenue of the organization. We identify the pain points which our client is facing around revenue methods and provide them with a comprehensive database which helps them to make intelligent decisions that could ensure growth to the organization.
 Our Services include market intelligence, competitive intelligence, and customized research. These research reports help the organizations to make quick and powerful decisions that make out highest growth in revenue.
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kdmarketresearch · 4 years
Smart Home Market set for Rapid Growth and Trends During Forecast Year 2018 - 2033
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A New fresh research report presented by KD Market research provides a detailed analysis of “Smart Home Market” research report will include all the major trends and technologies that play an important role in market growth in the predicted span of 6 years. It also presents the overview of industry players, advantages, challenges the business is going through. The research provides a complete understanding of the “Smart Home Market “ in   terms of revenue.
Smart homes are residences with internet-connected devices that monitor and control lighting, heating and cooling systems, and security cameras, among others. Home automation technology enables homeowners to control smart appliances using their smartphones or other networking devices. Smart home devices are also beneficial for the elderly¬—monitoring and assisting them without the need for 24/7 home care.
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The global smart home market is expected to reach a value of USD 151 Bn by 2023, expanding at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24.6% during the 2018-2023 period. The growth of the smart home market is due to the rapid adoption by consumers for convenience, advanced safety and security systems, and the growing need for connectivity.
The smart home market is segmented based on products and technology. These segments are further categorized for each region. Based on product type, the smart home market is categorized into smart speakers, security and access control, smart lighting, thermostats, smart home appliances, healthcare and assisted living, and others. Based on technology, the smart home market is categorized into wireless technology and cellular network technology.
Product segment insights
Based on products, the home appliances segment will experience a CAGR of 20.8% through the forecast period (2018-2023), and is expected to have a market share of 42.4% by 2023. The smart speakers segment will witness the highest growth rate, expanding at a CAGR of 31.2% through the forecast period (2018-2023), and will account for a market share of 15.3%. The proliferation of Internet-connected mobile phones has encouraged consumers to use smart devices in their homes. Thus, smart speakers like Amazon Echo and Google Home Mini will be the highest growing segment in the smart home market.
Technology Segment Insights
Although the wireless technology segment held the largest market share of nearly 95.4% in 2018, the cellular network technology segment is expected to witness the highest growth rate (34.7%) through the forecast period. This growth in cellular network technologies is associated with the advent of 5G technology, owing to its high transmission rates, efficiency and speed. Proactive telecom equipment manufacturers are making significant investments in 5G research and patent development-related projects, which will help shape a self-sustained 5G environment across the globe. Moreover, rising income, an increasing aging population, and government initiatives for smart cities have positively impacted the growth of the smart home market.
Regional segment insights
Based on regions, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. North America has the largest market share. In 2018, this region’s share of the market was approximately 48.3%. Major manufacturers operating in this region, combined with the availability of sophisticated technologies, accelerated the growth of the smart home market. Also, growing awareness and high acceptance of advanced security solutions across North America have increased the adoption of smart home products. Asia-Pacific will be the fastest-growing region during the forecast period (2018-2023). Given this region’s immense potential, global smart home leaders like Honeywell International, Samsung Electronics, LG, Siemens, Emerson, and Amazon are focusing on providing affordable systems and solutions for increasing their market shares.
Companies covered
1. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 2. Whirlpool Corporation 3. Haier Corporation 4. Amazon.com Inc. 5. Google Inc. 6. ADT Inc. 7. Honeywell International Inc. 8. Osram Licht Group 9. Philips 10. LG Electronics Inc.
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Table of Content
Chapter 1. Executive summary
1.1.  Market scope and segmentation 1.2. Key questions answered in this study 1.3.1. Executive summary – I 1.3.2. Executive summary – II 1.3.3. Executive summary – III 1.3.4. Executive summary – IV 1.3.5. Executive summary – V 1.3.6. Executive summary – VI
Chapter 2. Global smart home market – overview
2.1. Global market overview - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size and volume (USD Bn, Mn units), geography-wise market revenue and volume (USD bn, Mn units), and key market challenges 2.2. Global market drivers 2.3. Global market trends 2.4. Value chain analysis 2.5. Porter's five forces analysis
Chapter 3. North America smart home market
3.1. Regional market overview - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), and key market observations 3.2. Market segmentation based on products (smart speakers, security and access control systems, smart lighting, smart thermostat, smart home appliance, healthcare and assisted living systems, and others) - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), and key market observations 3.3. Market segmentation based on technology (cellular network technologies, and wireless technology) - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), and key market observations
Chapter 4. Europe smart home market
4.1. Regional market overview - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), and key market observations 4.2. Market segmentation based on products (smart speakers, security and access control systems, smart lighting, smart thermostat, smart home appliance, healthcare and assisted living systems, and others) - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), and key market observations 4.3. Market segmentation based on technology (cellular network technologies, and wireless technology) - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), and key market observations
Chapter 5. Asia-Pacific smart home market
5.1. Regional market overview - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), and key market observations 5.2. Market segmentation based on products (smart speakers, security and access control systems, smart lighting, smart thermostat, smart home appliance, healthcare and assisted living systems, and others) - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), and key market observations 5.3. Market segmentation based on technology (cellular network technologies, and wireless technology) - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), and key market observations
Chapter 6. Latin America smart home market
6.1. Regional market overview - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), and key market observations 6.2. Market segmentation based on products (smart speakers, security and access control systems, smart lighting, smart thermostat, smart home appliance, healthcare and assisted living systems, and others) - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), and key market observations 6.3. Market segmentation based on technology (cellular network technologies, and wireless technology) - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), and key market observations
Chapter 7. The Middle East and Africa smart home market
7.1. Regional market overview - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), and key market observations 7.2. Market segmentation based on products (smart speakers, security and access control systems, smart lighting, smart thermostat, smart home appliance, healthcare and assisted living systems, and others) - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), and key market observations 7.3. Market segmentation based on technology (cellular network technologies, and wireless technology) - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), and key market observations
Chapter 8. Competitive landscape
8.1. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. - Company snapshot - Products/services - Global presence - Strategic initiatives - Key numbers - Key people
8.2. Whirlpool Corporation - Company snapshot - Products/services - Global presence - Strategic initiatives - Key numbers - Key people
8.3. Haier Corporation - Company snapshot - Products/services - Global presence - Strategic initiatives - Key numbers - Key people
8.4. Amazon.com, Inc., - Company snapshot - Products/services - Global presence - Strategic initiatives - Key numbers - Key people
8.5. Google Inc. - Company snapshot - Products/services - Global presence - Strategic initiatives - Key numbers - Key people
8.6. ADT Inc. - Company snapshot - Products/services - Global presence - Strategic initiatives - Key numbers - Key people
8.7. Honeywell International Inc. - Company snapshot - Products/services - Global presence - Strategic initiatives - Key numbers - Key people
8.8. Osram Licht Group - Company snapshot - Products/services - Global presence - Strategic initiatives - Key numbers - Key people
8.9. Philips - Company snapshot - Products/services - Global presence - Strategic initiatives - Key numbers - Key people
8.10. LG Electronics Inc. - Company snapshot - Products/services - Global presence - Strategic initiatives - Key numbers - Key people
Chapter 9 Conclusion 9.1. Future outlook
Appendix o List of tables o Research methodology o Assumptions
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About Us:
KD Market Research is one of the best market research organization that provides B2B research on the growth opportunities of the industry which is the prime factor of the overall revenue of the organization. We identify the pain points which our client is facing around revenue methods and provide them with a comprehensive database which helps them to make intelligent decisions that could ensure growth to the organization.
 Our Services include market intelligence, competitive intelligence, and customized research. These research reports help the organizations to make quick and powerful decisions that make out highest growth in revenue.
 Contact us -
KD Market Research
150 State Street, Albany,
New York, USA 12207
Website: www.kdmarketresearch.com
Email id-  [email protected]
Read More :https://kdmarketresearch.blogspot.com/
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kdmarketresearch · 4 years
New Technology development and Trends of HR Software Market (2018 - 2023)
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KD Market research launches a new market research report on the HR Software Market (2018 - 2023). The study covers a detailed in-depth analysis of the global market along with the regional and country level analysis. The study also delivers a complete analysis about the major & niche players of HR Software Market (2018 - 2023) which includes profiling of Oracle, ADP, SAP, Workday, Ultimate Software, Kronos, Ceridian, IBM .
The global human resource (HR) software market currently has a market value of USD 15.8 Bn. It consists of HR software and service providers related to various aspects of human resources like payroll and compensation management, benefits and claims management, personnel management, learning management, pension management, compliance management, and succession planning. Organizations across different sectors use HR software technology for real-time analysis of huge volumes of data. It is the key growth driver for the market. The global market is forecasted to expand rapidly at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.4%, and reach USD 25.9 Bn by 2023.
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Core HR software market analysis, based on component:
Pricing flexibility plays the key role in driving growth in software, and leads to the movement of on-premises or datacenter customers onto Software as a Service (SaaS)-based HR software. HR service delivery solutions are steadily growing, as services play a crucial role in identifying conflict of distinct systems. It helps in formulating strategies to utilize a converged infrastructure with multiple nodes for data aggregation.
Core HR software market analysis, based on software:
With the growing data volumes, demand for benefits and claim management systems are high, and make up for the highest share of the market when categorized based on software type. As small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) grow, so will their need to synchronize payroll management systems, which will in turn drive this segment. Since organizations look to maintain cohesive relationships with employees, personnel management will be their go-to solution, aiding it in holding a sizeable market share in the HR software domain. With a surge seen in eLearning due to an increase in online courses and training modules, learning management is predicted to grow the most during the forecasted period. Pension management constitutes only a niche segment of the HR software market, as the software is deemed to decline in appeal because this functionality may merge with other modules like benefits and compensation management and compliance management systems, which are quite popular in the current HR software market scenario. However, with compliance management now being transferred to the specific modules, this particular software will eventually see a fall in market share. Succession planning can be viewed as a segmented HR module, with functionalities which are subset of resource planning, and positions under personnel management.
Core HR software market analysis, based on deployment type:
Multi-utility of cloud-based HR systems is the main reason for its increasing popularity and market size. It generates real productivity benefits as the adoption of innovative tools leads to workforce optimization, customer satisfaction, self-service, and competitive advantage. On-premises HR software allows to establish a higher degree of control on the system, ensuring effective consistency checks. Hybrid HR software deployments provide both cloud and on-premises solutions, which provide customers the flexibility of SaaS. It also helps in controlling the traditional HR enterprise resource planning (ERP) system.
Core HR software market analysis, based on organization size:
The SME segment comprises more than 50% of the market share in the global domain. Trend shows that these companies are showing increasing interest in HR management systems for a better user experience in line with the business tools deployed, whereas, on the other side, large companies are advanced adopter of HR software. With the growing complexity, there is a higher need for flexibility by the large enterprises to converge their varying HR management requirements.
Core HR software market analysis, based on vertical:
Government surveys indicate that workforce planning will be the primary focus area for the local government sector in the coming years. There is also an increasing strategic importance of HR activities in the era of artificial intelligence (AI), automation, and human machine interaction. Retail business is growing dynamically, where HR software plays a vital role in accurately forecasting the labor requirements during seasonal demands, and seamless onboarding of employees. With the continuous funding received from governments all over the world to improve public health services, healthcare will be the most essential area for application of HR software, in the coming five years. HR software also finds importance in transportation and logistics as it can be accessed remotely from any mobile device. Currently, the information technology (IT) and telecom vertical is leading the market in this segment. A diverse range of usage patterns and applications are found across retail banking, business to business (B2B) banking, insurance, and consumer financial services providing lucrative opportunity for the growth of the HR software market. Further, HR software in the other verticals like education, tourism, and real estate is predicted to experience the highest growth in the future.
Regional insights:
North America has the largest HR software market in the world. A strong ecosystem with a multitude of software vendors, customers, system integrators, and developers interact with each other to guide the technology roadmap of the products. Europe retains the most prolific HR software market after North America. With the increase in corporates within emerging economies in Asia-Pacific like China, India, or Taiwan, HR software deployments have seen a significant hike with a greater demand for tools to improve productivity, engagement, feedback, and learning. Even though the African HR software market is in a very budding stage, it promises to display a notable growth by 2023.
Companies covered:
1. Oracle 2. ADP 3. SAP 4. Workday 5. Ultimate Software 6. Kronos 7. Ceridian 8. IBM
Browse full Research Report with toc@ https://www.kdmarketresearch.com/report/3141/global-hr-software-market-2019-2023
Table of Content
Chapter 1: Executive summary
1.1. Key questions answered in this study 1.2. Executive summary (i) 1.3. Executive summary (ii) 1.4. Executive summary (iii)
Chapter 2: Assumptions and research methodology 2.1. Market taxonomy - segment definitions 2.2. Research methodology (list of primary and secondary sources) 2.3. Assumptions
Chapter 3: Market insights 3.1. Global HR software market: market guideline 3.2. Life cycle analysis - HR software market
Chapter 4: Market overview 4.1. Global market drivers 4.2. Global market trends 4.3. Global market opportunities 4.4. Global market challenges 4.5.1. Porter’s five forces analysis – HR software market (i) 4.5.2. Porter’s five forces analysis – HR software market (ii) 4.5.3. Porter’s five forces analysis – HR software market (iii) 4.5.4. Porter’s five forces analysis – HR software market (iv) 4.5.5. Porter’s five forces analysis – HR software market (v)
Chapter 5: Core HR software market analysis- based on component 5.1. Software 5.3. Services
Chapter 6 Core HR software market analysis- based on software 6.1. Benefits and claims management 6.2. Payroll and compensation management 6.3. Personnel management 6.4. Learning management 6.5. Pension management 6.6. Compliance management 6.7. Succession planning                                  Chapter 7: Core HR software market analysis- based on deployment type   7.1. Cloud   7.2. On-premises   7.3. Hybrid
  Chapter 8: Market analysis- based on organization size    8.1. Small and medium-sized enterprises    8.2. Large enterprises
  Chapter 9: Core HR software market analysis- based on vertical    9.1. Government    9.2. Manufacturing    9.3. Energy and utilities    9.4. Consumer goods and retail    9.5. Healthcare    9.6. Transportation and logistics    9.7. Telecom and information technology (IT)    9.8. Banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI)    9.9. Others
   Chapter 10: Geographic Analysis     10.1. North America     10.2. Europe     10.3. Asia-Pacific     10.4. The Middle East and Africa     10.5. Latin America
Chapter 11: Competitive landscape     11.1. Competitive landscape - overview       11.2. Company overview- Oracle     11.3. Company overview- ADP     11.4. Company overview- SAP SE     11.5. Company overview- Workday, Inc.     11.6. Company overview- Ultimate Software Group, Inc.     11.7. Company overview- Kronos     11.8. Company overview- Ceridian HCM, Inc.     11.9. Company overview- International Business Machines Corporation
Chapter 12: Conclusion     12.1. Global HR software market - conclusion
Chapter 13: Appendix     13.1. List of tables
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About Us:
KD Market Research is one of the best market research organization that provides B2B research on the growth opportunities of the industry which is the prime factor of the overall revenue of the organization. We identify the pain points which our client is facing around revenue methods and provide them with a comprehensive database which helps them to make intelligent decisions that could ensure growth to the organization.
 Our Services include market intelligence, competitive intelligence, and customized research. These research reports help the organizations to make quick and powerful decisions that make out highest growth in revenue.
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kdmarketresearch · 5 years
Global HR Software Market currently has a market value of USD 15.8 Bn
A Comprehensive research study conducted by KD Market Research on  HR Software Market Opportunity Analysis and Industry forecast. report offers extensive and highly detailed historical, current and future market trends in HR Software Market. HR Software Market report includes market size, growth drivers, barriers, opportunities, trends and other information which helps to find new opportunities in this market for the growth of the business through new technologies and developments.
The global human resource (HR) software market currently has a market value of USD 15.8 Bn. It consists of HR software and service providers related to various aspects of human resources like payroll and compensation management, benefits and claims management, personnel management, learning management, pension management, compliance management, and succession planning. Organizations across different sectors use HR software technology for real-time analysis of huge volumes of data. It is the key growth driver for the market. The global market is forecasted to expand rapidly at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.4%, and reach USD 25.9 Bn by 2023.
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Core HR software market analysis, based on component:
Pricing flexibility plays the key role in driving growth in software, and leads to the movement of on-premises or datacenter customers onto Software as a Service (SaaS)-based HR software. HR service delivery solutions are steadily growing, as services play a crucial role in identifying conflict of distinct systems. It helps in formulating strategies to utilize a converged infrastructure with multiple nodes for data aggregation.
Core HR software market analysis, based on software:
With the growing data volumes, demand for benefits and claim management systems are high, and make up for the highest share of the market when categorized based on software type. As small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) grow, so will their need to synchronize payroll management systems, which will in turn drive this segment. Since organizations look to maintain cohesive relationships with employees, personnel management will be their go-to solution, aiding it in holding a sizeable market share in the HR software domain. With a surge seen in eLearning due to an increase in online courses and training modules, learning management is predicted to grow the most during the forecasted period. Pension management constitutes only a niche segment of the HR software market, as the software is deemed to decline in appeal because this functionality may merge with other modules like benefits and compensation management and compliance management systems, which are quite popular in the current HR software market scenario. However, with compliance management now being transferred to the specific modules, this particular software will eventually see a fall in market share. Succession planning can be viewed as a segmented HR module, with functionalities which are subset of resource planning, and positions under personnel management.
Core HR software market analysis, based on deployment type:
Multi-utility of cloud-based HR systems is the main reason for its increasing popularity and market size. It generates real productivity benefits as the adoption of innovative tools leads to workforce optimization, customer satisfaction, self-service, and competitive advantage. On-premises HR software allows to establish a higher degree of control on the system, ensuring effective consistency checks. Hybrid HR software deployments provide both cloud and on-premises solutions, which provide customers the flexibility of SaaS. It also helps in controlling the traditional HR enterprise resource planning (ERP) system.
Core HR software market analysis, based on organization size:
The SME segment comprises more than 50% of the market share in the global domain. Trend shows that these companies are showing increasing interest in HR management systems for a better user experience in line with the business tools deployed, whereas, on the other side, large companies are advanced adopter of HR software. With the growing complexity, there is a higher need for flexibility by the large enterprises to converge their varying HR management requirements.
Core HR software market analysis, based on vertical:
Government surveys indicate that workforce planning will be the primary focus area for the local government sector in the coming years. There is also an increasing strategic importance of HR activities in the era of artificial intelligence (AI), automation, and human machine interaction. Retail business is growing dynamically, where HR software plays a vital role in accurately forecasting the labor requirements during seasonal demands, and seamless onboarding of employees. With the continuous funding received from governments all over the world to improve public health services, healthcare will be the most essential area for application of HR software, in the coming five years. HR software also finds importance in transportation and logistics as it can be accessed remotely from any mobile device. Currently, the information technology (IT) and telecom vertical is leading the market in this segment. A diverse range of usage patterns and applications are found across retail banking, business to business (B2B) banking, insurance, and consumer financial services providing lucrative opportunity for the growth of the HR software market. Further, HR software in the other verticals like education, tourism, and real estate is predicted to experience the highest growth in the future.
Regional insights:
North America has the largest HR software market in the world. A strong ecosystem with a multitude of software vendors, customers, system integrators, and developers interact with each other to guide the technology roadmap of the products. Europe retains the most prolific HR software market after North America. With the increase in corporates within emerging economies in Asia-Pacific like China, India, or Taiwan, HR software deployments have seen a significant hike with a greater demand for tools to improve productivity, engagement, feedback, and learning. Even though the African HR software market is in a very budding stage, it promises to display a notable growth by 2023.
Companies covered:
1. Oracle 2. ADP 3. SAP 4. Workday 5. Ultimate Software 6. Kronos 7. Ceridian 8. IBM
Browse full report with toc@ https://www.kdmarketresearch.com/report/3141/global-hr-software-market-2019-2023
Table of content
Chapter 1: Executive summary
1.1. Key questions answered in this study 1.2. Executive summary (i) 1.3. Executive summary (ii) 1.4. Executive summary (iii)
Chapter 2: Assumptions and research methodology 2.1. Market taxonomy - segment definitions 2.2. Research methodology (list of primary and secondary sources) 2.3. Assumptions
Chapter 3: Market insights 3.1. Global HR software market: market guideline 3.2. Life cycle analysis - HR software market
Chapter 4: Market overview 4.1. Global market drivers 4.2. Global market trends 4.3. Global market opportunities 4.4. Global market challenges 4.5.1. Porter’s five forces analysis – HR software market (i) 4.5.2. Porter’s five forces analysis – HR software market (ii) 4.5.3. Porter’s five forces analysis – HR software market (iii) 4.5.4. Porter’s five forces analysis – HR software market (iv) 4.5.5. Porter’s five forces analysis – HR software market (v)
Chapter 5: Core HR software market analysis- based on component 5.1. Software 5.3. Services
Chapter 6 Core HR software market analysis- based on software 6.1. Benefits and claims management 6.2. Payroll and compensation management 6.3. Personnel management 6.4. Learning management 6.5. Pension management 6.6. Compliance management 6.7. Succession planning                               Chapter 7: Core HR software market analysis- based on deployment type 7.1. Cloud 7.2. On-premises 7.3. Hybrid
Chapter 8: Market analysis- based on organization size  8.1. Small and medium-sized enterprises  8.2. Large enterprises
 Chapter 9: Core HR software market analysis- based on vertical   9.1. Government   9.2. Manufacturing   9.3. Energy and utilities   9.4. Consumer goods and retail   9.5. Healthcare   9.6. Transportation and logistics   9.7. Telecom and information technology (IT)   9.8. Banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI)   9.9. Others
 Chapter 10: Geographic Analysis    10.1. North America    10.2. Europe    10.3. Asia-Pacific    10.4. The Middle East and Africa     10.5. Latin America
  Chapter 11: Competitive landscape     11.1. Competitive landscape - overview       11.2. Company overview- Oracle     11.3. Company overview- ADP     11.4. Company overview- SAP SE     11.5. Company overview- Workday, Inc.     11.6. Company overview- Ultimate Software Group, Inc.     11.7. Company overview- Kronos     11.8. Company overview- Ceridian HCM, Inc.     11.9. Company overview- International Business Machines Corporation
   Chapter 12: Conclusion      12.1. Global HR software market - conclusion
 Chapter 13: Appendix     13.1. List of tables
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About Us:
KD Market Research is one of the best market research organization that provides B2B research on the growth opportunities of the industry which is the prime factor of the overall revenue of the organization. We identify the pain points which our client is facing around revenue methods and provide them with a comprehensive database which helps them to make intelligent decisions that could ensure growth to the organization.
Our Services include market intelligence, competitive intelligence, and customized research. These research reports help the organizations to make quick and powerful decisions that make out highest growth in revenue.
Contact us - KD Market Research
150 State Street, Albany,
New York, USA 12207
0 notes
Crop Micronutrients Market is projected to reach $11,532.36 million by 2025
KD Market Insights has published a new report on  Crop Micronutrients Market analysis and forecast 2018-2025. The report comprises of Crop Micronutrients Market size, Y-o-Y growth analysis, and market dynamics, including growth drivers, restraining factors, opportunities, and trends which are spearheading current nature and future status of the market.
The global crop micronutrients market was valued at $6,077.05 million in 2017, and is projected to reach $11,532.36 million by 2025, registering a CAGR of 8.3% from 2018 to 2025. In 2017, the soil application segment accounted for more than 50% share of the global crop micronutrients market in terms of value.
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Micronutrients such as copper, iron, zinc, and boron, are considered as essential elements for plant growth and play an important role in balanced crop nutrition. They are essential for plant nutrition along with primary and secondary macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, and others. Plants require these in minute quantities However, deficiency of any one of the micronutrients in soil can limit the growth of plants, even after presence of adequate amounts of all the other nutrients. Unavailability of micronutrients inhibit the critical functions of crops that can lead to abnormality, slow growth, and reduced yield. The requirement of effective fertilizers because of poor soil quality acts as a major driver for the crop micronutrients market. In addition, increase in demand for biofuels due to depleting conventional fuels reserves fuels the growth of the crop micronutrients market.
Increase in population and rise in economy of the developing countries have fueled the consumption of food. In addition, agricultural land is lost after it is being converted for other purposes, such as highways, housing, and factories. Hence, it is important to maintain the nutrient level in crops & soil to enhance the productivity and growth of crops. To produce enough food for population across the globe with available cultivable land, farmers are incorporating micronutrients with other essential ingredients for agriculture in the form of fertilizers. Chemical fertilizers that consist of micronutrients protect crops from insects as well as UV radiation, and offer increased yield. Moreover, the lack of micronutrients can lead to various diseases in plants such as chlorosis, yellowing of leaves, gummosis, and others, which reduce quality and quantity of plants. Use of micronutrients for various crops such as cereals & grains, fruits & vegetables, pulses, and oilseeds through various application such as fertigation, soil, foliar, seed treatment and others are expected to boost plant immunity, thereby driving the crop micronutrients market.
Factors such as the appeal for quality and uniform crop yield due to the population expansion across the globe and decrease in cultivable land fuel the demand for agricultural micronutrients. However, mining of micronutrient reserves, lack of awareness among farmers in developing countries regarding dosage and proper application of micronutrients are expected to restrain the growth of the global crop micronutrients market during the forecast period. Furthermore, the adoption of new methods of farming for improving productivity will be providing lucrative opportunities for micronutrient fortified products.
The report on the global crop micronutrients market is segmented based on form, product type, crop type, application, and geography. Based on form the global crop micronutrients market is bifurcated into chelated and non-chelated micronutrients. According to product type, the crop micronutrient market is segmented into boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, and others. Based on crop type it is classified into cereals & grains, fruits & vegetables, pulses & oilseeds, and others. By application, the report is segmented into fertigation, soil, foliar, seed treatment, and others. Based on region, the market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
Top market players in the global market include Akzo Nobel N.V., Aries Agro Ltd., Baicor, L.C., BASF SE., Compass Minerals International, Inc., DowDuPont Inc., The Mosaic Company, Nutrien Ltd., Western Nutrients Corporation, and Yara International.
- The study provides an in-depth analysis of the crop micronutrients market with current trends and future estimations to elucidate the investment pockets. - Porters five forces analysis highlights the potency of buyers and suppliers to enable stakeholders to make profit-oriented business decisions and strengthen their supplier-buyer network - A comprehensive analysis of factors that drive and restrict the growth of the crop micronutrients market is provided. - The report provides a quantitative analysis to help the stakeholders to capitalize on the prevailing market opportunities. - The report includes a detailed analysis of the regional as well as global market, key players, market segments, application areas, and growth strategies. - Key players are profiled and their strategies are analyzed thoroughly, which predict the competitive outlook of the crop micronutrients market.
By Form
- Chelated - Non-Chelated
By Product Type
- Boron - Copper - Iron - Manganese - Molybdenum - Zinc - Others
By Crop Type
- Cereals & Grains - Fruits & Vegetables - Pulses and Oilseeds - Others
By Application
- Fertigation - Soil - Foliar - Seed Treatment - Others
By Region
North America - U.S. - Canada - Mexico Europe - UK - Germany - France - Spain - Italy - Rest of Europe Asia-Pacific - China - Japan - India - Australia - South Korea - Rest of Asia-Pacific LAMEA - Brazil - Saudi Arabia - South Africa - Rest of LAMEA
- Other prominent players in crop micronutrients market are as follows. - E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company - Nufarm Limited - Wolf Trax Inc. - Coromandel International Ltd. - Agrium Inc. - Syngenta International AG - Haifa Chemicals Ltd. - Grow More, Inc. - Stoller USA, Inc.
*Profiles of these players are not included in the report, but can be included on request
Browse Full Report With TOC@ https://www.kdmarketinsights.com/product/crop-micronutrients-market-amr
Table of Content
1.1. Report Description 1.2. Key Benefits For Stakeholders 1.3. Key Market Segments 1.4. Research Methodology
1.4.1. Primary Research 1.4.2. Secondary Research 1.4.3. Analyst Tools and Models
2.1. Market Snapshot 2.2. Key Findings of The Study 2.3. CXO Perspective
3.1. Market Definition and Scope 3.2. Key Findings
3.2.1. Top investment pocket 3.2.2. Top impacting factors
3.3. Porter’s five forces analysis
3.3.1. Bargaining power of suppliers 3.3.2. Bargaining power of buyers 3.3.3. Threat of new entrants 3.3.4. Threat of substitute 3.3.5. Intensity of competitive rivalry
3.4. Market dynamics
3.4.1. Drivers Increasing deficiency of micronutrients in the soil Depleting oil reserves increasing the demand for biofuels Growing worldwide population elevating the demand for food products
3.4.2. Restraints Lack of awareness regarding dosage and proper application of micronutrients among farmers Availability of cheap alternatives and counterfeit products
3.4.3. Opportunities Increase in new methods of farming
4.1. Overview
4.1.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.1.2. Market size and forecast
4.2. Chelated Micronutrients
4.2.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.2.2. Market size and forecast 4.2.3. Market analysis by country
4.3. Non-chelated Micronutrients
4.3.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 4.3.2. Market size and forecast 4.3.3. Market analysis by country
5.1. Overview
5.1.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 5.1.2. Market size and forecast
5.2. Boron
5.2.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 5.2.2. Market size and forecast 5.2.3. Market analysis by country
5.3. Copper
5.3.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 5.3.2. Market size and forecast 5.3.3. Market analysis by country
5.4. Iron
5.4.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 5.4.2. Market size and forecast 5.4.3. Market analysis by country
5.5. Manganese
5.5.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 5.5.2. Market size and forecast 5.5.3. Market analysis by country
5.6. Molybdenum
5.6.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 5.6.2. Market size and forecast 5.6.3. Market analysis by country
5.7. Zinc
5.7.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 5.7.2. Market size and forecast 5.7.3. Market analysis by country
5.8. Others
5.8.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 5.8.2. Market size and forecast 5.8.3. Market analysis by country
6.1. Overview
6.1.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 6.1.2. Market size and forecast
6.2. Cereals & Grains
6.2.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 6.2.2. Market size and forecast 6.2.3. Market analysis by country
6.3. Fruits & Vegetables
6.3.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 6.3.2. Market size and forecast 6.3.3. Market analysis by country
6.4. Pulses and Oilseeds
6.4.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 6.4.2. Market size and forecast 6.4.3. Market analysis by country
6.5. Others
6.5.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 6.5.2. Market size and forecast 6.5.3. Market analysis by country
7.1. Overview
7.1.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 7.1.2. Market size and forecast
7.2. Fertigation
7.2.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 7.2.2. Market size and forecast 7.2.3. Market analysis by country
7.3. Soil
7.3.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 7.3.2. Market size and forecast 7.3.3. Market analysis by country
7.4. Pulses and Oilseeds
7.4.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 7.4.2. Market size and forecast 7.4.3. Market analysis by country
7.5. Others
7.5.1. Key market trends, growth factors, and opportunities 7.5.2. Market size and forecast 7.5.3. Market analysis by country
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KD Market Insights offers a comprehensive database of syndicated research studies, customized reports, and consulting services. These reports are created to help in making smart, instant and crucial decisions based on extensive and in-depth quantitative information, supported by extensive analysis and industry insights.
Our dedicated in-house team ensures the reports satisfy the requirement of the client. We aim at providing value service to our clients. Our reports are backed by extensive industry coverage and is made sure to give importance to the specific needs of our clients. The main idea is to enable our clients to make an informed decision, by keeping them and ourselves up to date with the latest trends in the market.
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kdmarketresearch · 5 years
Advanced Visualization Market is expected to reach a value of USD 4.03 Bn by 2023, expanding at a CAGR of 11.15% during 2018 -2023
As per the research conducted by KD Market research, the report titled “ Advanced Visualization Market is expected to reach a value of USD 4.03 Bn by 2023, expanding at a CAGR of 11.15% during 2018 -2023” provides current as well as future analysis of the market by evaluating the major applications, advantages, trends, and challenges. The report dives deeper to produce useful insights into Advanced Visualization Market such as major global regions and key competitors and strategies that can be used for the entry-level player too.
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The value of the global advanced visualization (AV) market is expected to reach a value of USD 4.03 Bn by 2023, expanding at a CAGR of 11.15% during 2018 -2023.
AV systems are medical instruments, equipped with advanced software that display the numerous aspects of living cells efficiently. They are new-generation data visualization platforms that help end users to view data in depth by providing enhanced image quality. They help specialists by providing a better understanding of various clinical issues, thus leading to faster and higher quality healthcare. These systems are widely utilized in most pathological laboratories. They also help in targeted drug therapy, ultimately reducing the cost of the procedure.
The global AV market can be classified into three primary segments and by geography.
Based on the types of product the market is segmented into hardware and software and services.
Based on solution, the market is segmented into enterprise-wide thin client-based solution and standalone workstation-based solution.
Based on imaging modality, the market is segmented into magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) and x-ray.
Based on geography, the market is divided into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East and Africa.
Among the types of products, the hardware and software segment had the larger share in the global market in 2016. Among the different types of AV solution, enterprise-wide thin client-based solution held the larger share in the global market, and among different imaging types, the CT segment contributed the largest revenue to the global AV market in 2016.
Asia-Pacific is expected to have the highest growth rate due to the increased demand from emerging economies like India, Indonesia and others as well as due to high patient population and the increasing trend of medical tourism in this region during the forecast period.
Growing digitalization, as well as automation of diagnostic workflow in hospitals has become a major trend in the market. This has rapidly increased the global AV market.
Key growth factors  
The development in technology has led to the development of various cutting-edge, high definition visualization software and hardware which have helped in the expansion of this market. For example, the advances in the 3D and 4D ultrasound technology now offer capabilities ranging from better visualization of congenital birth defects to dynamic and multi-planar view of the fetal heart.
Another reason for the rapid expansion of this market is the rise in chronic diseases among the population leading to an increased need for better diagnostics and imaging techniques which can be provided by advanced visualization.
Threats and key players
The use of AV, however, is complicated and requires the assistance of service consultants. Due to this, specialists tend to prefer traditional diagnostic methods, which hinders the growth of the AV market. Apart from this, factors such as limited medical reimbursements for radiology-based diagnostic procedures and technological limitations associated with existing AV analysis may restrain the market. Toshiba Corporation, General Electric Company, Terarecon Inc., Siemens AG, Koninklijke Philips N.V, Fujifilm Holdings Corporation, Pro Medicus, Agfa-Gevaert N.V., Ziosoft and Conmed are some of the key players in the market.
What’s covered in the report?
1.Overview of the global AV learning market. 2. Market drivers and challenges of the global AV market. 3. Market trends in the global AV market. 4. Historical, current and forecasted market size data for the segment based on the product type - hardware and software and services. 5. Historical, current and forecasted market size data for the segment based on solution - enterprise-wide thin client-based solution and standalone workstation-based solution. 6. Historical, current and forecasted market size data for the segment based on imaging modality - magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) and x-ray. 7. Historical, current and forecasted region-wise (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East and Africa) market size data for the AV market. 8. Historical, current and forecasted market size data for region-wise segments. 9. Analysis of the company profiles of major competitors operating in the market.
Why buy?
1.Understand the demand for the global AV market to determine the viability of the business. 2. Determine the developed and new markets where global AV is utilized. 3. Formulate a product market strategy  based on the position in the value chain and determine the optimal product/service placement. 4. Identifying the gaps and addressing them accordingly. 5. Developing strategies based on various economic factors for each segment and industry. 6. Define the competitive positioning by comparing the products with the key players in the market.
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Table of content
Chapter 1: Executive summary
1.1. Market scope and segmentation 1.2. Key questions answered in this study 1.3. Executive summary – I 1.4. Executive summary – II
Chapter 2: Global AV market - market overview
2.1. Global market overview- market trends, market attractiveness analysis, geography-wise market revenue (USD Bn) 2.2. Global - market drivers and challenges 2.3. Value chain analysis – global advanced visualization market 2.4. Porter’s five forces analysis
2.5. Market size- based on the types of product (hardware and software, services) 2.5. a. Hardware and software revenue - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.5. b. Services revenue- historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
2.6. Market size- based on solution (enterprise-wide thin client-based solution and standalone workstation-based solution)
2.6. a. Enterprise-wide thin client-based solution- historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.6. b. Standalone workstation-based solution - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
2.7. Market size- based on imaging modality (MRI, PET, ultrasound, CT and x-ray) 2.7. a. MRI - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.7. b. PET - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.7. c. Ultrasound - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.7. d. CT - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 2.7. e. X-ray - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
Chapter 3: North America AV market- market overview
3.1. Market overview- market trends, market attractiveness analysis, geography-wise market revenue (USD Bn) 3.2. North America - market drivers and challenges 3.3. Market size- based on the types of product (hardware and software and services) 3.3. a. Hardware and software revenue - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.3. b. Services revenue- historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
3.4. Market size- based on solution (enterprise-wide thin client-based solution and standalone workstation-based solution) 3.4. a. Enterprise-wide thin client-based solution - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.4. b. Standalone workstation-based solution - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
3.5. Market size- based on imaging modality (MRI, PET, ultrasound, CT and x-ray) 3.5. a. MRI - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.5. b. PET  - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.5. c. Ultrasound - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.5. d. CT - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 3.5. e. X-ray - Historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
Chapter 4: Europe AV market - market overview
4.1. Market overview- market trends, market attractiveness analysis, geography-wise market revenue (USD Bn) 4.2. Europe - market drivers and challenges
4.3. Market size- based on the types of product (hardware and software and services) 4.3. a. Hardware and software revenue - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.3. b. Services revenue - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
4.4. Market size- based on solution (enterprise-wide thin client-based solution and standalone workstation-based solution) 4.4. a. Enterprise-wide thin client-based solution - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.4. b. Standalone workstation-based solution - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
4.5. Market size- based on imaging modality (MRI, PET, ultrasound, CT and x-ray) 4.5. a. MRI - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.5. b. PET - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.5 . c. Ultrasound - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.5 . d. CT - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 4.5. d. X-ray - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
Chapter 5: Asia-Pacific AV market - market overview
5.1. Market overview- market trends, market attractiveness analysis, geography-wise market revenue (USD Bn) 5.2. Asia-Pacific- market drivers and challenges 5.3. Market size- based on the types of product (hardware and software, services) 5.3. a. Hardware and software revenue - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.3. b. Services revenue - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
5.4. Market size- based on solution (enterprise-wide thin client-based solution and standalone workstation-based solution) 5.4. a. Enterprise-wide thin client-based solution - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.4. b. Standalone workstation-based solution - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
5.5. Market size- based on imaging modality (MRI, PET, ultrasound, CT and x-ray) 5.5. a. MRI - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.5. b. PET - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.5 . c. Ultrasound - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.5 . d. Ultrasound - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations 5.5 . e. X-ray - historical (2015-2017) and forecasted (2018-2023) market size (USD Bn), key observations
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