#I wonder if Arthur is accruing scars from all this damage and eldritch healing
windlion · 2 years
Malevolent screamalong, part 7! Eps 20-22
Let's head into the creepy city that's probably full of cultists for the guy we're trying to avoid, that sounds like a plan, right?
All right with an episode title like the King and heading straight into the City, I am waiting for John 1.0 to show up. The Hive Mother. Senor Amarillo.
Side-note: I have no idea if King in Yellow is an existing Lovecraftian reference or something new because I am not quite *that* far down the uh. I was about to say tentacle rabbit hole but that is SOMETHING ELSE entirely. I am not that well steeped in the Cthulhu mythos.
"Subtlety is not our strength." No shit!
Arthur do you remember that John is le fucked if you are le fucked?
I hope you guys are talking in your head because otherwise you're SUPER conspicuous.
and John all "I am taking psychic damage, this is gnarly"
OH that can't possibly be a ~blatant trap~ could it?
Yeah, safe to say, that this guy is *not all there*
I was almost betting this guy would be also Arthur, doppelganger
"The heart of Hastur" *side-eyes John*
*eyes emoji*
"Through trial and tribulations (though not my own)" XD XD XD
I kind of love this asshole
"Lilith you bitch" *snerk*
I could 100% imagine Taliesin voicing this guy
Cain, okay, Cain, that's my new Asshat, I look forward to his sudden but inevitable betrayal
"All right, time to dick around and do all the side quests"
. . . Does the Dog Die Dot Com
*dirty glares at podcast author* NOT KOSHER
So Arthur had a sibling???
I imagine this would be a pretty bitching movie game pre-battle sequence
"Unscathed?!" I would have pointed at the crippling guilt and depression first
King, buddy, are you *jealous*?
And now, fun times!
. . . I'm not surprised things went that way
Yeah I'm kinda okay with not having THAT narrated. And now it's time for Cain to do his thing!
"We were in an accident" No, actually nothing about that was an accident
Arthur, dude, why did you even try that
I guess that was a . . . human stress reaction, but still, you know the deal you made, Arthur, why would you think there's any wiggle room
It is fun having this rerun with the balance of power reversed, I'm more invested in this dynamic
"What did you do?!"
"You weren't this difficult the first time"
It is fun having John being all "What the actual fuck happened to you"
"Than you could ever be" - Arthur, you're being judgy
And then the changeover to calling him Yellow~
"Run" That is quite possibly the worst move you can make
Arthur you do kinda owe Yellow that apology
"The Red Right Hand" oh that's not ominous
And suddenly terrible second-hand embarrassment
Goddamnit you disasters definitely shouldn't be out in public
Okay I'm not sure if this is point for or against them being a cult
Ohhhh my god okay the "people are WATCHING" is more anxiety inducing than anything else
and Yellow has a thing for dancing???
If you think animals don't have hope you have never had a dog deeply intensely yearning for your dinner
Ah and there's the name drop
(Fun fact: my high school made us recite that poem our senior year so I recognized it)
And oh ho, I see that that little hat-tip (Is there hope? Who knows!)
Next ep! I guess this is a flashback?
Yellow, deadpan, reciting the damages of the night before
"YES OKAY please stop"
Arthur, you could stop bullshitting unnecessarily
. . . . Deeeeeep sighs and we're back to the see-saw
OH actual progress, good job, Arthur!
Yellow all "You wanted a relationship?"
"Because I didn't want to be an asshole"
Cleanliness is next to godliness and dear god did you need that
Oh hey we found the cults!
Yellow "Uh shit that's BIG I don't want to fuck with that should have picked a bigger body to occupy"
I was wondering about the snowshoes
I'm with Arthur in the "Knowledge is power!"
So they delved too deeply here
Whomever lived here is dead because you need their loot and are terrible at interacting with living creatures, see: negative charisma score
Ohhhh that was exactly the wrong direction wasn't it
Monch and cronch time
And there we go again~~~
I am going to be smart-ish and stop here for the time being because I bet the next lot are going to run together, so we'll leave Arthur being nommed on. He's had worst resting spots. He'll be fiiiiine.
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