#I’ll also say though that fans harassing the CCs over the rules has existed since the beginning it is NOT new to SL.
poppyseed799 · 7 months
I see a lot of people disliking secret life and that’s fine having ur own opinion and all but since I’m a little baby who cries whenever someone vaguely suggests they might not totally like what I like, I simply MUST say something about it
… All I’ve gotta say is that the entire life series has ALWAYS been an experimental series. It’s good that they’re trying something drastically different this time. It’s not close enough to the other ones? Well, that’s cuz they’re experimenting with it.
Also many of the complaints on the series would not exist if not for the fans. The tasks would NOT be so stressful if the fans didn’t harass people for not following them exactly as they interpreted. It’s been said multiple times in the season that it is up to the person doing the task to determine if they did it correctly or not. We have to trust them on it. Even if they blatantly failed, if they see it as a success then it is, because they wouldn’t lie about that. They would be honest if they genuinely think they failed. However I’m seeing them now say things like “I don’t want people to harass me for it so I’m just going to hit fail” no!!! Fans stop it 😭
But on its own it’s a fun challenge. Seems like a fun series to be in, if the fans don’t bother you. So I wouldn’t say the gimmick is the issue. People just need to lay off.
I personally am not sure how well this season will end? I feel like at some point they’ll have to drop the gimmick. But that’s part of the fun of the life series, how experimental it is. I love that they keep randomly adding rules in the middle of the season. They’re experimenting to figure out what works! That’s always been the life series. And this one is a big change, a big test. And you may not like it. Next season they’ll just create a new gimmick accordingly, taking note of what did and didn’t work out well in this one (if there IS a next season…)
I just don’t get the “it doesn’t feel like the life series” thing when all the seasons were meant to be different anyways lol.
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