#I’m literally being attacked on all angles 😭
sunnibits · 4 months
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guys please why is everyone in this game so hot I’m experiencing bisexual heart failure
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ikram1909 · 7 months
so me and a few friends were discussing this but we think xavi has ruined gavi’s goal scoring? because at la masia we all saw what he can do but now it feels like it’s been beat out of him
people are mad that he didn’t shoot that one chance but i get it because if he did and missed xavi would’ve been on his ass for not passing, even though no one else made the run to help him, and it also feels like xavi is just making him recycle the same passes to gundo (and frenkie) instead of going forward himself which we know he can do
idk i’m not usually one of those people that think that xavi is stunting gavi’s development but when he continuously asks for goalscoring midfielders yet gavi seems to not be allowed to play like we know he can it’s starting to annoy me
I don't think Xavi ruined it tbh because it's still very much there. He's already scored 4 goals this season with club and country all different from each other. One a header, one a gorgeous voley, one an amazing strike and one where he did what she should to get the ball in the back of the net. So the goalscoring is still there and so is the variety in it. I think the problem these days has more to do with confidence rather than him no longer being capable of finishing. Like how he could've taken his chance after he absolutely annihilated Zubimendi (that would've been a goal for the ages 😭😭) but instead he passed it and the chance was wasted. Now that I think is on Xavi partly because he should encourage him to shoot more and they should work on it together in training. As for the last chance, I think he could've done better but the finish itself wasn't that easy and the goalkeeper closed the angle for him. I genuinely don't think any of our forwards would've scored that. I think he just needs to work on his confidence a bit rather than the finishing itself.
As for him being asked to pass it to Gundo yeah I noticed that too 💀 I don't know wtf Xavi is trying to do there but reducing his freedom like that is actually insulting to his talent. Gavi is probably our most balanced midfielder with him being equally capable in both defense and attack so using him for his defensive work rate only is a fucking shame. He's much more than that. I wish Xavi would just let him play like he did in the game against Madrid where he had the freedom to roam around both in defense and attack he has all the ability to do so. He's literally so good. Seeing him constantly winning the ball yesterday just to pass it to Gundo like he can't do more was so annoying to me. Let the boy do what he does best please 😭 he's only just come back to midfield and has been our most consistent player this season so far so I don't get what was happening yesterday. And notice how our build up was nonexistent when it was reliant solely on Gundo who wasn't even in his best form? Like dpmo 😭
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sweetdreamsbuck · 2 years
Seeing that you attacked me at gunpoint with the comments of your Lumby post 😌
Now I can’t stop imagining cuddling with him on the massive couch in the cabin for a little afternoon nap. And he just BEGS you to completely lay on him. And the feeling of your body pressing down all over his makes his head spin, and he just rubs his fingers along your back and plays with your hair humming softly 🥺
OMG BUT THEN you ask him to just crush you with his body weight and though he protests at first (he doesn’t want to risk hurting his bunny), he gives in because the way you’re begging and pouting is driving the guy mad. And just being held by you in that way, your arms around his neck as he feels your heartbeat against his cheek. Next thing you know you look down at him and he has tears falling down his face 😭
Okay anyways I’m gonna go to bed now LOVE YOU NIGHT 💕
I'm literally so beyond upset with the fact that i think of these things all the time and will never have them and then YOU COME INTO MY INBOX WITH THIS !!!!!!MY COOCH LITERALLY THROBBED I AM A WRECK FOR THIS MAN!!!
lumby is my whole world and everything you are torturing me with is actually so correct. why do you have his characterization down so well? i swear Col this au is our love child. i just want a Lumby for us to smother 😭
can you imagine.... how he would react if bunny calls him baby 🥺 because he's never known love like yours before, right?(this is established in snowfall,softly) everything with you is new, it's an excitement so foreign he can hardly believe any of it isn't a dream he's crafted while deep in sleep. it's why he's always so in awe of you and the affection you have for him. so when you're holding him tightly in your arms with his face nestled against your chest, your hands tracing up and down the back of his neck, his emotions get the best of him and he cries. you've never seen him cry before– succumb to tears and soft gasps for air all because he loves you so much and can't fathom the desire you have for him. you press kisses to his hairline, your hand moving to wipe away stray tears and the word slips past your lips: "Baby..." he wraps himself tighter around you.
Again. "baby..." whispered against his forehead, your lips lingering and brushing down the curve of his nose. he exhales shakily, words and emotion catching in his throat and rendering him captive to the sound and feel of your voice now repeating his new favorite noun like a sacred incantation– after bunny, of course.
"baby" a kiss on the tip of his nose. "baby" a sweet nuzzle of your nose against his cheek followed by a gentle press of your lips. "baby" his head angles up at you, his cheeks now a boyish cherry hue with a shy smile reverently spread across them, dancing all the way to behind his eyes. tears swim inside them, the bright blues refusing to blink them away almost as if he wants them there forever; as if he wants to live in the memory of feeling just how much he loves you. his smile wavers, his lip slightly trembling. your hand cups his cheek and he preens under your touch. placing a delicate kiss to your wrist, he closes his eyes willing a few tears to fall. he mouths into your pulse "i love you so much, bunny"
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jmblyajones · 3 years
Titans: Blackfire (3x4)
1. You should see my face with that bs opening. Jason could at least pick a guard who was gonna do real damage. But sure, lets all pretend he’s mad at Scarecrow for feeding tips to Dick and PD
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2. Conner with the faded tattoos ok den! (wait is that dirt??😂)
Omg Conner did not just call himself a “fucked up half breed”….
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I knew he was going to take this so hard but damn bby no one was thinking that, promise 🥴.
Also, Conner needs to realize no one was looking for him to fail. No one was looking to say I told you so. Of course I get this is all his insecurities but it makes you think if he was actually comfortable being apart of Titans. And coming at Gar who is just trying to be supportive… this team is a-crumblin’. I’m glad despite her grief, Dawn is doing her best to let Conner know that what happened to Hank is not all on him.
3. Wait Dawn is leaving?? Oh, I was NOT expecting that. She’s hanging it up for good? Woooooah, she’s offering for Dick to come with her?? Excuse me?? What does she think they’d do in Paris together??
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Of course Barbara called. Boy is getting hit up by all his exs 💀
4. Kory… girl what are you doing sis? She done burnt tf out of Gar’s arm 😳. I gotta see Gar tackle Kory in slow motion because WOW. I don’t blame Gar for wanting Kory to keep her distance, this is like the second time Kory attacked him. 😂
5. This therapist is whipped like a motherf! But I’m glad Kory is reaching out to him. And the line about her being the one people turn to (like a mother *wink*) was gold bc it’s true. But learning about your parents death at the hands of your sister is a lot to process.
6. Of course Dick stole Scarecrow 🙄 Where the hell is he gonna keep him??
7. The isolation chamber is indestructible huh? Good grief my boy Gar is getting it from all angles 😭. They ain’t protecting him enough for my liking 😂 “common sense committee” lmaooo. I love them both truly
8. Dick you are screwing tf out of Barbara and not the kind that ends in an orgasm.
Let’s switch things up Dick! I would love to see you ride around in a toyota prius next time!
Also… how does Crow know that Hank and Dick are friends also knowing Dick is Nightwing ect? Ok welp, love Crow immediately exposing his business about working with Jason this episode! Dick also knew Crow getting “ambushed” in jail was bullshit! Thank goodness! Let’s finish this shit! See…. Jason has never been more of an annoying shit than in this moment with Crow repeating all Dick’s inside Titans business!
Jason keeps putting himself in situations that cause him to get extremely hurt or traumatized yet it’s everyone’s fault but his. Jason fell from a building because he went out looking for Deathstroke on his own. Jason gets “killed” by Joker because he went out looking for him on his own. I’m tired man. Then you cry into the arms of a villain?? This has to be the twilight zone because wtf?! Like I really felt Dick yelling at his ass at the end of the episode because this dumbass literally told Crow everything man 🤦🏾‍♀️
9. How did Blackfire even get caught??
So this containment unit gives the women no powers, chile. And how much does Kory know about this organization holding her sister? At least send her to another planet 💀. I can’t with the “even though I was the bad kid and grew up to be evil, I still want someone to stick by me and my horrible decisions”. Komand’r is throwing all her blame on Kory and it’s so…
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11. Let move around because this whole Bruce is the real villain is getting old asf. And Crow trying to pray on all the bs Jason told him. Let’s pick a new story plsss.
12. The government would rather keep Komand’r in the cell before she’s proven to be any threat (aside from what we the audience and Kory’s team know)…. sounds just like the the US government to me.
13. Someone explain because i’m not seeing it and i’m on the edge of agitated and throwing my laptop across he room. Jason takes no responsibility for anything. Calling Dick Bruce? Didn’t we get through this s1?? It’s making all Jason’s scenes so hard to watch. Even Komand’r blaming all her actions on Kory. It’s too much bullshit.
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