#I’ve been writing an essay about brainrot cringe and authenticity for months now
brainrotdotorg · 1 year
Cringe is a byproduct of authenticity. They are inexorably intertwined, not in the way that something like yin and yang would be, but like how branches are part of a tree. There is no tree without the branches, and branches cannot grow if there is no tree. There is no true sincerity without cringe, and true cringe cannot be born from anything but sincerity.
I admire the authenticity in the things I love. The characters and people that are true to themselves, that express with no hesitance their most raw and most primal forms of themselves; they are who I adore. They are intentionally and wholeheartedly bombastic in their passions, so dramatically full-throttle with no inclination to step on the breaks. It feels wild to experience who they are– I feel like I am in their passenger seat with my head out the window, experiencing what it could be like if I, too, put my foot on the gas.
What is stopping me from loving my passionate self the way I love them?
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