#I'm intentionally being vague because I can't talk about this shit here
fluffykitteninabox · 6 months
you know if everyone had a little anxiety it would be good actually because they'd have a little more humility and would be fucking normal about shit and wouldn't try to what others are doing and saying
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eternal-savvy-blog · 6 months
What's your favourite artist?
Oh many!!! Buckle Up cos I'm going all in on this one I'm gonna include SFW and NSFW artists haha. I'll mark what each of them do so you aren't blind sided. And of course there wont be NSFW images linked here. Their names will have links to either their main Twitter, or other primary site you can find their art. And I'll @ their tumblr if I know it below that For sure Junji Ito for horror stuff. That almost goes without saying and I don't think I really need to link his stuff xD he's an absolute titan of horror art
MackleNG (SFW & Horror)
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Absolutely amazing linework and generally incredible vibes. They are drawing a webcomic called CHOKEPOINT i have been meaning to check out but I adore their art just in general. I've been using a lot of their art as inspo lately and can't get enough of their cyberpunk designs, horror vibes, and use of pops of colour to emphasise and showcase their incredibly in depth line work and details!
QSY (SFW & NSFW) @qsycomplainsalot
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I continue to come back to their art and they are also a huge inspo for me. I'm generally trying to find a way to adapt their colouring into my own style because it's absolutely gorgeous! The way its simultaneously crisp and crunchy, while also soft and expertly blended! It's like candy for my eyes! Add into it their fantastic expressions, excellent pallette choices, incredible weaponry, and of course some excellent NSFW with really great curves, colour, and characters, and they're easily one of my top 3 artists
Tyto_Alba (SFW & NSFW)
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Do you like Mecha? Do you like guns? Do you like cute girls and/or boys!? Well, hot shit, me too!!! You NEED to check out Tyto_Alba! Straight up, another one of my top 3. He has legitimately changed the way I do my lineart, the way i draw soft shapes (like butts and stuff :3c) and my god the mechs as well! I legitimately had a hard time finding a good singular piece of their art to use here cos they are so fantastic at both sexy art AND mechs that i really had to find something that showed off a little of both! Something that I personally have noticed with their art as well is just how fuckin incredible they are at drawing HANDS! I am obssessed with their skill with hands and I hope to match up to them some day in that regard! I feel like I'm getting there but I LOVE the way theyre always so Shaped and well posed. As well as how detailed they manage to be without being too attention grabbing unless intentionally in the focus! What's more, they use simple colours so effectively! Much to be loved here! And of course, their NSFW content is top tier! Really excellent soft shapes and squish and really fantastic context and intensity!
RizDraws (NSFW)
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Listen... LISTEN OKAY!!! We're hitting the NSFW exclusive part of the list and you have to understand that NSFW artists are just as incredibly skilled as any other artist and that porn is FINE AND NORMAL! Having sexual interest is not unusual. Having a desire to draw these things is a human and regular thing. I could talk for paragraphs about how puritanism is harmful and ultimately denying something natural and inherently human and anyone telling you otherwise has ulterior motives. But that's not what this post is about. I say this because an artist showcase tends beat around the bush with this stuff but I am unwilling to be vague about this. NSFW art is valid and, what's more, Important! That being said, Riz is incredible! The squish! The faces! The fluids! The Dicks! All so good! They somehow straddle the line between pinups and porn in such a brilliant way that I would be happy to have their art on my wall and I'm not kidding haha! The particular way they colour with the chalky texture is often sought after and I see why! Personally I don't look to emulate it myself but I most certainly enjoy looking at it! The way Riz uses their lines and their particular style of chalky colour to make the squish of clothes against flesh really look real! It's somethin else!
Andava (NSFW)
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Now where Riz does the mid point between pinups and porn, Andava is definitively porn haha! xD That being said. Hot damn dude! In particular the way they do bodies and have a variety in body types, shapes of boobs and faces. Especially faces. Their characters are really good too and it's very easy to develop a favourite (for me it's Erika and Alexis) There's a reason people have cosplayed their characters and it shows! Absolutely love the variety, the situations/positions they draw! Theyre incredible as making stuff feel messy as well! Highly recommend browsing through their stuff and finding a favourite OC of theirs haha! I was lucky enough to get a commission off them years ago when they were still fairly small in terms of following. So long ago that Tumblr still allowed porn at the time haha! I dont think Discord even existed yet! Still wanna grab a commission off Andava of the same character one day! ALRIGHT I think I will leave it there for now! I could absolutely go longer and talk about even more of my fave artists and why I like them, and how they've inspired me but I get the feeling I should hold off haha (unless of course people would like to see more) I hope this has thoroughly answered your question. Though I know for a fact i will kick myself over not mentioning an artist i should of included later but forgot to lol
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nicknelsonmyson · 9 months
Getting into the discourse again because I just can't help myself. I have such mixed feelings about this article. On the one hand, I do think there IS a strand of purity culture running through SOME of the praise that exists for Heartstopper's lack of sex. I do think there is a sex-negative subtext to SOME of that conversation. And frankly it scares the ever-loving shit out of me. I think some of the trends this person has identified are real, and ARE problematic. Because here's the thing: LGBTQ people historically were victimized primarily because of the sex they had (or were presumed to have). The sex was the outrage. The sex was the crime. The sex was the Against God's Will/Plan. The sex was the thing that was demonized and that JUSTIFIED all the other injustices. The sex was the primary thing that made it 'evil'/sinful/wrong/bad/inferior/dirty/etc. (Which is why I HATE HATE HATE that people so often use the word "pure" to describe the show)
The sex was the ultimate Bad Thing about queerness.
And a lot of you have been playing into that idea (whether intentionally or not) by praising the show's lack of sex. Sorry. You have. I know you mean well. And I know a lot of you want to have (what is actually) a reasonable conversation about the issue of making teens into objects of sexual consumption for an adult gaze. Which is a fair conversation to have. But the way in which that conversation has taken place has been incredibly pathologizing to queer sex (if only unintentionally). And it is so incredibly, INCREDIBLY dangerous to get anywhere in the vague vicinity of pathologizing queer sex in the context of queer politics. That is SO regressive and harmful. Because you need to remember, the sex is the thing that is the most pathologized about queerness. Contributing to that demonization (even unintentionally) is SO goddamn dangerous. And a lot of you are at best getting dangerously close to pathologizing queer sex in the way you talk about Heartstopper.
That being said, the use of the term "heteronormative" here as a critique feels incredibly off-base. And in fact, if anything, Heartstopper's lack of sex is sort of the OPPOSITE in the sense that heterosexual teenage life has (at least since the 90s) been shown as VERY sexually active. Heartstopper is decidedly NOT conforming to norms of how most straight teen sex appears in media. (Granted, I think this person is using "heteronormative" more in the sense of 'societally palatable' as opposed to "norms established by heterosexual hegemonic culture") But nevertheless, if anything, Heartstopper is being held to entirely different standard than the teens in a lot of more 'heterosexual' media.
I have a lot more thoughts about this issue, but I'm going to leave it there for now. But yeah.
As much as I think it is reasonable to push back on the media trend of Teens as Sexual Fantasy for Adults, I also think that conversation w/r/t Heartstopper is not nuanced enough, and frequently plays into pathologizing queer sex, if only unintentionally. I also think there is a kind of general sex negativity that hangs around SOME of that conversation as well, and pardon the pun but, that crap needs to be put to bed.
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Hey everyone, this is a bit of a weird one but here we go anyway. I'm gonna try and word this as best I can but please forgive any missteps.
So I think a lot of us in the Raimi fanbase have seen quite a lot of posts where people have met Ted and have had what they felt to be a very positive experience- which is great! But I'm seeing a lot of very profusely enthusiastic responses to some behaviours which I think are actually potentially dangerous. Things like gift giving from celebrities, a lot of physical contact, some potentially suspicious remarks and especially maintaining contact are all thing which can definitely just be put down to empathetic/kind behaviour but can be very real red flags, especially put together.
And it's fine, people are adults I'm not saying they can't do any of these things but I think as fan communities its important we look after one another and when we glorify people who have contact with a celeb to such an extreme level it can compound situations and normalise, encourage and even make it difficult to back out of actions that put them at risk. Think with recent issues with people like Win Butler, Jason Sispek, hell even John Darnielle a few years back we need to just be more aware of this stuff. Darnielle had correspondence with a fan that was based in a desire to be friends but ended up with both of them getting hurt and the fan accusing him of shit because of his feelings of rejection when John backed out - it gets messy quick, and we should be alert to when these things are a risk.
And at the end of the day, we don't know celebrities. It comes up time and time again that the idolisation of other people can lead to red flags being missed or at least people being accidentally hurt. Not to mention tumblr is a place where nuance goes to die and people we do not really know are talked about like they're totally perfect and therefore everything they do is perfect, all because we like their public persona.
And just because they seem nice or hang out with people who vouch for them doesn't mean things don't happen whether intentionally or not. In all fanbases based on individuals we need to take a concerted effort in just keeping things in check, ensure boundaries and just be aware of what impact our communities have on people just in case. People still make their own decisions when all is said and done but we can still support environments that respects creators and fans even if that means toning elements down a bit... or even a lot if necessary.
(And fuck knows I've contributed to it too)
I'm keeping this relatively vague which is why this reads so weird. I don't want people to interpret this as trying to start anything, nor am I having a go at specific people. But let's look after each other, yeah? Personas aren't the real person. I'm gonna lurk for a bit as the whole thing is messing with me and I just need to figure it out. I'm still available on messages in the meantime.
Talk soon, all the best everyone x
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bluewinnerangel · 3 years
So when Louis said if you google conspiracy blahx3 he was right bc if you look for something you're going to find it and that's the problem I have w Harry StylesTM. He's everything to everyone and it makes stanning hard bc to the hets he's the PUSSY king to larries he's Louis'boy so sometimes I wonder if I'm truly right by being a larrie bc he pleases everyone (this isnt me hating him, I only hate his branding) even to narries & zarries he's sth to them. I need your perspective on this bc please
At first I didn't wanna post this because discourse and your ask is hella negative and I'm just looking at this with the pool of energy just getting draaaaiiinned thanks for that but I do have a lot to say about this. Just a preface I'm not gonna try to convince you of anything, just as you asked, my perspective.
Welp first of all where's this part really where he's giving the hets/zarries/narries what they want? Let's bring in fking xarries and haylors in here too while we're at it, Holivia of course too, check, got any more ships for me? Get the whole fleet in here we're going to battle. I think giving the same value to all the ships as larry is letting anyone and everyone who is projecting their shit onto him and interpreting his behavior however they see fit spoonfeed you their deceivingly-matter-of-fact-stated-opinions to the point where the fandom woods get so thick you can't even see what Harry is and isn't actually doing. That it's so absolutely stained with people's interpretations those become fact and you start thinking those things are his intentions, like he's intentionally staying vague enough to be inclusive of every and all sides of the fandom including each and every one of those ships (plus that larry's one of them) while all he did was just stand there, like always. What is he doing really? The only thing Harry is "doing" to please everyone is being silent. Is not doing anything. And what can he do really because he's closeted and can't just come out and say "me and harrylouis are together and my girlfriend isn't real" so he says nothing not with words at least. Which he has always done from the beginning I might add.
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Ok ok ok I just rambled and rambled on so rest below the cut, just warning it's long and subjective:
Harry Styles The Brand is trying to get holivia to be talked about by the public but that's about it really and that's not that deep? It's been this way forever he's not the only one. So what have we got here? He's doing some PR and he's silent about his personal life that's really all there is. Like Louis is doing just the same. Like many many many public figures are doing just the same. He's just... lying less? Like Louis, for instance, since that's the people we talk about here, has always been the one to just straight up lie in our faces and somehow that's just less frustrating than being kept in the dark entirely? Like it should be more yet somehow it's less of a smoke and mirrors thing because it's telling you "look here instead of there" instead of... not telling you where to look with words (as blatantly). yaknow? But that's about it. And that somehow translates to "he's pleasing everyone", which he's not, it's just the fans jumping on him and projecting whatever they want onto that silence. So much so that this fandom has created all these sides to it that have drawn different conclusions by reading into that crisp thin air of nothingness. That there's just a lot of fans (perhaps not even consiously) who have projected their utter shite onto him somehow feel like he owes it to them that he somehow comes forward to clarify that they're right and other fandom rabbitholes are wrong. While he wasn't the one setting that shit up in the first place. The only weirdo space he's set up himself is larry. Literally. Not that at this 2021 point in time I wanna make the claim he wants larry to be a thing just because he was into it somewhere a decade ago because I don't, although I do definitely think he wants the concept of larry/larries to be a thing still alskdjasl.
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Basically any and all sides of his fandom (or at least the vocal parts, and the craycrays always scream the loudest hi) are going batshit insane because they're filling this silence with interpretations and projections of said silence, myself and those who I deem to be the most sensible in this whole space included. I've had a Twin Peaks screenshot in my memefolder for ages and it finally found its purpose:
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But the thing is he's not silent. Not at all. He's just not voicing his opinions in a way people recognize. In a way people know how to listen. But he totally is voicing his opinions. He has picked a side and has always been on that side. He's screaming constantly. He's just subtle, vague about some aspects, so god damn loud about others it somehow uno reverse carded on itself and has been coined bait. Quiet and loud at the same time, but in a way people wanting to project their views onto him can and will without actually listening to the things throwing their views out of the window indefinitely. I don't think that's his responsibility to clear that air in a way people can hear him. To me it's very very very clear he's been consistently from the very beginning been just sitting there whenever people projected absolute trash onto him and what he's been doing in return is subtly yet as loud as he can constantly send out signals what his true opinions are, one of them being that he's very much into them phallic shaped objects and more specifically that very much attached to some laddy lad from doncaster, and I know it's hard to listen to things someone doesn't say, but there's definitely a pattern there of not idenitifying with a lotta things projected onto him, and there's also loads of things to listen to he does say, what's in his music where it's poured out of him, on tour although we haven't seen that in a long time (which I think is another part of the problem), in the tiny lil or even obvious big statements he doesn't say with words but shows in every other way he can think of.
I've looked long and hard at what the other ships are getting from him, if he's feeding them like us larries are just getting fattened up like crazy, and I don't see it. These people on those fandoms are really feeding each other and very very little is coming from him himself if anything at all, and of course the same goes for aspects of the larrie side of things, but the difference is there's just no pattern or context or whatever to them.
Anyway I just don't think that there's a trick or a wholassplan coming from the force behind Harry StylesTM to ration him in a way every little crazy corner of his fans get their share.
And about the existence of all those lil fandom corners, I do get it in a sense, because there's just loads and loads and loads of people being able to recognize he's been longterm commited to ~someone~ but basically don't want that to be Louis/a man, and so that creates this room to project any person into that blank space. And they do. And there we have it, a fleet. All them ships. Except for Holivia but that's just obnoxious PR stunt 101 and then to come back to liking-louis-but-being-frustrated-by-harry's-branding comparing harry's branding to louis' really what's the difference there as Louis is still walking around with E at the same time (and then dipping again at the same time really they're.. what do you want me to say they're together all their shits coordinated and will always be because they're going through all this crap together because they're together blablablalbaalskdjflwaika). Like oh boy yeah there's a whole lotta difference right now, but in terms of likeability and stanning them I don't see much there other than O is new and E is not. But the concept isn't new, he's been through this kinda shit for a decade now, it just, wasn't the case for a bit and now it is. Which really fucking sucks but??? It's not making him less likeable than Louis in my book. If we're gonna compare. (which comparing them is a wholeass other thing imma ramble about)
Plus stan culture is toxic, I can tell you came from twitter or some worse hellhole, where people are telling you (indirectly) how to feel and you're basically cancelled if you voice you don't feel that way, and I mean what the hell are we all even on? With stan culture in general it's about entertainers, who are there to entertain you, and if they don't do that for you, like if you are annoyed by the shit they do, if you have to convince yourself to be having a good time being a fan, then why are you in that space in that way? And then taking that idea to this space: you don't have to be a larrie? Sorry if people made you feel that way. You can be open to them being together but not focus on it, you can just not give a shit about who your fav is in a relationship with which should be and is normal everywhere untill you drop too deep in a stanning hellhole, you can fully believe they are together and still just be a fan of only one and not even really like the other.
I was talking about this yesterday in a dm and now I'm bringing it to the dash lol like, take for instance David and Victoria Beckham right (they're just a placeholder for any het couple where both are famous here), no one (or at most a handful of fans of theirs) would be equal fans of both, and no one would expect them to be. Because they're different people bringing you different content (do they even bring content this was a bad example), have different lives, friends, appealing factors, dress differently, act differently (and yet are together and have this other part of them where they do have a shared life, pool of friends, share the same morals and values [I mean I'm just assuming what a bad example I know very little about these people alkdjalkj], and shit they do do [haha do do] together, but not the point here). But because Harry & Louis are of the same sex and their careers started on the same track we're forever having this frankly very weird environment where not only they're constantly being compared in every single aspect of them even to the point where we're comparing their fashion choices and even careers and seeing them not being identical twins as some sign that theyre not together alksdjaslkdjaslkj like god now project that onto the beckhams and see how utterly strange that is but it's also this weird stanning urge to love both or neither, take it or leave it, that results in people getting really damn bitter when they just can't manage to do so which again should be just normal? To like whoever you like regardless of who they're in a relationship with? Can you imagine i m a g i n e a bunch of football fans (I'm still on that beckham analogy) having endless discourse about why and how they're not enjoying Victoria's new clothing line and feel bad for not putting a shoutout to her new sunglasses in their instagram story like??? This. Fandom. Is. Something. Else. Can you imagine them having to write a whole apology breaking-my-silence letter on why they're not going to be following Victoria's fashion archive anymore? Or Victoria fans profoundly troubled they're just not into football even though they tried and tried and tried. And yet the people in this fandom don't dare to voice that they're much more into Louis' stuff over Harry's or the other way around, or go in way too deep trying to like the one with the content that suits them the least and somehow end up on the other end of the spectrum and become rad rad, bathing themselves in this trashing of one of them to show their love for the other or some shit. And for what? Don't like their public image? Doesn't spark joy for you? But the other one does? Just focus on that. You can enjoy Victoria's content (again does she even??) knowing David exists without paying any attention to him or their relationship. I know this fandom is divided into really unique weird compartments and it's hard to find that fine line where your dash is just what you want without that content you don't care for (and with that I mean both the vile shit and the content of the other artist), but, just do your thing man. There's no reason to feel guilty or anything.
Anyway for me I do like their content equally, and I do "stan" I guess both of them in a way I cannot entirely seperate them from each other, and I do "stan their relationship" as weird as that might be because the shit they bring me shows me that they are one idiotic clump of braincell, a team, that wants to be viewed as such, that wants to be inseperable, wants themselves and their work to be associated with the other('s), that even though their branding and public images have not been moving in One Direction (god the layers on that aksdjsalkjd) since going solo, to me loving one of their content just simply comes with all that. That even though I love and appreciate them just as individuals, I can't ignore that Louis just is yelling harry/larry among it all time and time again, and then I become intrigued to know what's out there for him to love so much which then leads me to Harry (actually like a lotta new fans it was finding Harry first for me but ok). And in turn appreciating Harry's behavior reeks with his love for Louis which just throws me over the net into Louis' territory once again where I find Louis' love for Harry even more which just boink me, the table tennis ball, back into Harry's side of the table and they just keep slapping me with that bat infinitely and so I'm just stuck here.
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And I think a lotta larries have that. And I think that's why this fandom is the way it is. Even though we love them individually we're just stuck in an infinite loop of associating them with eachother and just keep piling on piles and piles of disgosting love being thrown at us from both sides to the point where we can't just love one. we can't see them as seperate. it's just one clump of please let me live.
Maybe that's not what you wanted to hear but that's my 28 cents.
Also happy 28 I guess.
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Alright, everyone.
So I've been thinking about this for a few hours now... Unfortunately, I am gonna have to take a break. After I last replied to the person who was repeatedly harassing me today, I didn't get the chance to block them immediately because I wasn't near my laptop at the time and wasn't able to block them through messages because of their DM settings. So... they chose to continue to harass me via DMs this time and then blocked me. That said, I want to mention that I just read their bio and saw they're 16, so please do not go harass them. Don't harass people in general, but really don't harass minors.
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And then unblocked me a few seconds after to message me again. So I asked them to stop and blocked them.
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And then a minute later, they messaged me from another blog, which I blocked out because I don't know if it's their main/private blog and don't wanna give it away (I didn't block out the first URL because.. well, you already know it from their replies to my post earlier). And seconds after messaging me, they blocked me again.
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And then they vagued me on their blog. They called me stupid earlier, which I said was ableist, but they're still defending that it's not. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I've read/heard, loads of people consider it to be ableist, and it's pretty easy to understand why they do. And then they claimed that I'm ableist because I "intentionally" made them have a panic attack?? Which... no??? Hell no. Why would I ever? That's honestly such a horrible thing to say about someone... I have panic attacks, quite often. I know how bad they are; it feels like you're dying, going numb/tingly, going crazy, suffocating/choking, having a heart attack, and/or a bunch of other awful, uncomfortable shit. I would never in my life intentionally make someone go into a panic attack, like...??? I don't understand this either because they gave no indication earlier that I was making them anxious or anything. All they said before my final reply was, "I don’t want to argue with you any longer." Like, I'm really sorry that they had a panic attack because I know they're horrible! But I won't let myself get blamed for that and definitely won't accept being told I did it on purpose, especially when they never told me to stop nor told me I was making them anxious.
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So yeah... I'm done for right now. This exhausted me after an already exhausting day. And while I understand that this person is upset and probably has other stuff going on, there was no excuse for this. No matter how old you are, no matter what you have going on in your life, no matter how depressed or anxious you are, etc., there's no reason to lash out this way nor to continue to harass anyone this way. Please, y'all, do not be like this. It's harmful, both physically and mentally, to everyone involved.
Anyway, I'm sorry for taking a break. I think it'll be a week at the least. And as I've said before, just because I'm not posting doesn't mean you can't send me asks or DMs. If you need someone to talk to, want to vent, need advice, have questions abour anything, or need help in another way, don't hesitate to message me! I'm always here to help. I love you all! See you later 💕
~ Remi
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