#I'm just super emotional about TMM
masonjarcollector · 7 months
Not to be melodramatic but "you've got to get better, you're all that I've got"/"I've got to get better, I'm all that I've got" might be one of the most beautifully raw and heartwrenching lyrics I've ever heard sung before. Like. Shoot, man. I really am all that I've got.
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
a voltron rarepair or oc roleplay! <3
ALRIGHT!! What’s up, I’m Vennev, 18+, looking for a fun partner (also 18+) to roleplay with me! I RP in paragraph form, third person, and my limits are essentially the general ones (like abuse, toilet play, incest, pedophilia, bestiality, mpreg; things like that), with the addition of large aquatic creatures/animals. Yeah, weird and an outlier, I know, but I can’t help it haha. And, yo, maybe we can chat OOC too, because I love making new friends and talking about our characters and rp and exchanging music and silly videos that remind us of the characters! My length varies, but I stick to around two paragraphs minimum at the very least. I also really, really love to explore characters and their emotions - romance is a given, ofc, but I’m talking about the nitty gritty details that make a character who they are. I’m also really uninterested in M/F pairings, so hit me up with all the M/M and F/F you’ve got and we’re golden✰ I only play switch, btw! And I loooove doubling/tripling/playing many characters, it’s super much fun. SO IF I’VE CAUGHT YOUR INTEREST SO FAR, STICK AROUND DUDE and let me fill you in on what I’m shooting for! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ Things I’m game for RPing are listed here below, with a star level of how much I’m craving it - the more stars, the more I’m into it, as is the way meters go. Voltron: Keith/Hunk✰✰✰✰ Listen…listen, okay, don’t even get me started on these two, I just. Really love their dynamic, someone I follow mentioned heith and I was suddenly struck by how much I actually really adore them. It was very much an eye opening experience, ha! So, that being said, I’m really craving someone to RP them with me. I’d really like to explore their dynamic, toss in some confusing emotions and pining for them - pining especially, oh, man. Give me the back of Keith’s throat tasting like acid for some inexplicably when an alien gets too friendly with Hunk and his stomach curling and his chest going warm when Hunk throws an arm around his shoulders after a mission and Hunk being struck with the way the corners of Keith’s eyes crinkle up when he laughs at something Lance and Pidge said to him and I’ll sign my life over right then and there. listen im gay and so are they As a sidenote, I’m also game for playing out OCs in Voltron’s universe - our own paladins and everything like that. What can I say, season three’s left me with some Voltron cravings lmao. Tokyo Mew Mew: OCs✰✰ Okay, so I’ve been a long-time fan of TMM, and have admittedly never come across anyone who’s a fan as well. So I might as well try my luck, right? I’d loove to do something with a new mew team, maybe tossing in some boys as well; at the very least, I’d love to explore our characters interacting and adjusting to being magical girls/boys and the whole animal-like aspect of them that TMM didn’t shoot for all the way (like ur telling me Ichigo didn’t have the most unnerving unblinking cat eyes and uncomfortably sharp teeth as a mew in a way that made her look slightly inhuman/unnerving?? please). I’m also game for either making alien OCs as well or go for a new villain! (TMM A La Mode didn’t quite do it for me as far as the villain team went, with the exception of Duke) Steven Universe: Gemsonas and/or human OCs✰ I’d love to do something with gems with their own agenda separate from Homeworld and earth, or gems finding refuge on earth or another planet entirely, starcrossed lovers from different social standings running away together (sort of Ruby/Sapphire-y, but doesn’t have to be!), gems set during or after the war - anything really, haha. The idea of a gem and a human is interesting, too! I have a couple gem ocs, but I would kind of like to do something with a Lapis Lazuli gem I have. Haikyuu!!: OCs THROWBACK TO MY SPORTS ANIME ROOTS…Admittedly, I love a lot of sports anime (oofuri being my favorite), but this one just really gets to you, y'know? That, and I have a few OC characters for HQ, haha. Whether it be us playing out a team of our own or focusing on characters from rival teams, hit me with anything you’ve got! Magical girls/boys: OCs✰✰ Alright, so. Magical girls/boys. I was thinking more along the lines of a team of boys and girls, with them being magical protectors - as the genre goes! I’d really love to go into how being a magical boy/girl isn’t everything they thought it would be: you can’t save everyone, you and your teammates get injured, you fail missions, the people you love get hurt. I guess this is a little bit more like a superhero thing, in a way? Adjusting to new abilities/discovering new abilities, bonding with teammates. I'm all for that! But I do have a confession, which is I don’t…exactly have the most set plot/setting for this. It’s more of an inspiration from numerous things! Tokyo Mew Mew, Sailor Moon, Yuki Yuna Is A Hero, Power Rangers, Voltron - you get the main idea, at least. The last two would be interesting in a form of a different inspiration, though, that one being more super hero-y with a tie to space themes! Maybe something like Pacific Rim, as well? The idea of a team or characters making a strong magical/otherworldly connection with each other is cool… I have a small example (ft an oc wowie) of what I was shooting for in the general magical boy/girl genre with costumes and the like, so I’ll tack that on here too! ANYWAYS YES THAT IS MAINLY ALL I HAVE TO SAY… if ur interested, hit me up! I’m admittedly mainly looking for a heith partner, but I’m game for anything! My email is [email protected] (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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