#I'm keeping a meticulous log of everything (what characters + how many alts + how many votes n whatnot)
feh-alt-battle · 15 days
Hey there! Quick question about you not including alts that are too new. Is that because the poll was made before the alt was announced, an attempt to avoid some recency bias, or something else? I'm just really curious how the process works for you
Mhm! I call it "New Toy Fallacy". People are more likely to pick the new content over the old because it's new and cool. I did plan once to have a returning character style poll a few months down the line that includes the new alts but as time goes on I think that might just be too repetitive. New alts were going to come out during the run time of this blog, I knew that and decided to do it anyway, but I'm not too pressed about it
For as much as some people will love their bases or First Alts TM, new stuff is more likely to sweep. It's perfectly valid if someone's favorite alt is the newest one because they're all gonna be different but people have a tendency to lean towards What's New
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