#I'm sure there's an interesting story to be told w the sun elves but for the past two seasons they've been nothin but a drag to watch
vampiromano · 10 months
why the fuck is it called the mystery of aaravos if aaravos ain't gonna appear at all
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luv4fandoms · 5 years
Of Wood and Steel-CH1.
So this story was originally inspired by this post from @tolkien-fantasy that I agree 100% with lol.
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So here is chapter 1 of my story, you can also find it on ao3 if you prefer reading there.
I do not own the canon characters, but I do own Elizabeth, Abby, Benjamin, and Thistle.
Part 2
Chapter 1- Coming home again.
Warnings- None
Word count-2,078
The song used in the story can be found here
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“Go Belstram I'll hold them off!” I yelled to the young man beside me, though we were so close, our voices were faint amongst the roar of our enemies.
“I can't leave you here Elizabeth!” He yelled back, stabbing yet another foe.
“You have to! I'll hold them off, you complete our mission! Now go!” I yelled, pushing further into the throw of enemies, if their attention was on me, Belstram could escape easily. My axe came in contact with enemy after enemy, one blow after another as I watched the crowd begin to thin, but it was not without price. My body began to tire of blocking blows from every angle, and just as I sidestepped one sword, I had to block another. But alas...A sweet sound rang through the air, one louder than the roar of enemies I found myself amongst...The victory horn.
“Not again!” One of the men cried out, all of our weapons lowering, the ones who had “died” stood from their fallen places upon the ground, some mumbling curses, some patting my shoulder and saying “good game”, yes, good game.
“Who knew capture the flag could be so brutal” my friend Abby or “Ava” as she was known in our larp group, said as she walked up to me, water bottle in hand.
“Well when we both want to win,I suppose it can get competitive” I laughed, nodding my thanks as I took the bottle and drank.
Benjamin or “Belstram” soon came jogging up to us while we made our way back to our camp.
“You did it!” Abby cheered, jumping into her boyfriend's arms.
“I had to protect my queen, if they would have gotten our flag, they would have gotten you” He replied before leaning down to kiss her.
“Please excuse me, your majesty, I must go before I lose my lunch” I laughed while making my way to the woods for our next game.
“Are we 23 or just 5 Elizabeth?” Abby called after me, laughter in her voice.
“I don't know, are we 23 or 15?” I called back before disappearing into the brush. Abby and I had been friends for several years, but it's only the past three years that I have been part of her LARP scene. The factions that usually partook in the event were the Orcs, Humans, Dwarves, and Elves…Abby, or rather, “Ava” is the Elvish queen, and though my character is only human, I am in the Elvish faction, though you will find other races scattered amongst the other factions, except the Orcs...Nor will you find any Elves on the Dwarf faction and vice-versa.
Games usually consisted of all out battles, Capture the flag, Raids, and my favorite...Quest of Glory. A game where the brave follow quests given to them by “NPCs” where they must battle a tiered party member before advancing...Why is this my favorite? Simple, as a high ranking party member, I'm the last they battle before going to Abby, and it's rare that people get that far, So I get to rest.   
Climbing into my claimed spot, aka a 100 year old tree that resided on the oldest trail in our state park, I made myself comfortable and waited...Maybe drifting off into a light sleep.
“The journey's over; another's just begun
Beneath moonlight, but by the warming sun
I seek to hold you in sunshine or rain
Beneath the heavens, I'm coming home again”
The soft tune drifted along the wind that blew past, and though I hadn't heard the voice or song before, I chalked it up to just another player singing.
“So far we drifted, like ships upon the sea
Horizons fading, we lost to destiny
Storm clouds hover; our vanity like pain
Which held back the winds that bring us home again”
The song struck a strange cord within me, it was almost...familiar...and yet I knew that I had never heard it before. I watched as scenery flashed behind my eyelids, an open field of lush green grass, small mounds adorning it, and upon closer inspection, the mounds had windows to the houses that resided inside. Next a beautiful waterfall that ran alongside a breathtaking city, finely sculptured architecture making it stand out from the trees that dotted the land...And lastly...A mountain, tall and intimidating, yet the face of it showed detailed and beautiful stonework, two large statues of dwarves flanked the entrance.
“What are these places?” my mind wondered as I stared at the scenery in my mind, but my vision was soon disrupted by another voice, this one male, a soft sweet tone that spoke in only a whisper.
“amrâlimê”  the voice was so quiet, almost as if the person didn't want to be heard, or hadn't meant to say it. But the tone was so full of longing, and a promise of happiness.
“ Could I see, now, the swallows in their flight
Watch the moon dance on oceans in the night
The trees reach upward to help the birds to fly
And of the creatures who'll hear them when they cry”
The scene changed once more, to that of a deep and dark forest, a forest that seemed old as if time itself never touched it...And yet it felt very...Alive.
“We walk the hillside like lost souls in the night
And in the darkness, we're searching for the light
And in the morning, like freshly fallen dew
Much like a moon's breath, I'm coming home to you”
From the dark of the forest a soft orange glow took over, the crackle of a fire could be heard before I swear I felt a light kiss being pressed to my cheek.
“amrâlimê”  the voice whispered again, so sincere, so full of admiration, a tone that would be reserved for a lover.
“This journey's over; another's just begun
Beneath moonlight or by the warming sun
For I remember that if my heart be true
Just like an eagle, I'm coming home to you”
A snow covered landscape came into view, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. Not from the cold scenery, but from the dread that made my stomach uneasy.
“amrâlimê” The voice whispered one last time, the tone stained and faded at the end, as if spoke with a final breath.
“NO!” I yelled, bolting upward into a sitting position amongst the tree limbs.
“What?” I reached up and felt my cheek and the hot tears that rolled down it.
“No” I whispered, unable to fathom why a simple voice made my heart feel like it had been torn from my chest.
“Interesting...You saw it too” A female voice spoke, startling me and causing me to turn my head towards the voice.
“Who's there?” I asked upon not seeing anyone anywhere.
“I wonder...If you could be the one?” The voice spoke again, this time the voice came from the other side. Upon looking around, I was only met with the same forest I had been in...alone.
“Show yourself!” I demanded, standing up and balancing on the branches.
“Feisty one aren't you?” The woman giggled, the voice now in front of me as a woman stepped out from between the trees. Her pale skin was covered loosely by sheer green fabric that pooled around her bare feet, her smile and face were youthful, but the wisdom in her Lilac eyes made her appear older. Her short green hair did nothing to hide the long pointed ears, and I wondered how I hadn't seen this girl on the battlefield earlier, surely she couldn't fight much with that long of a dress.
“Who are you?” I asked, her smile only grew, and in a blink...she was in front of me. I stepped back, my hand grabbing at a branch to steady myself.
“W-What? How?”
“My name is Thistle, and I'm a forest Nymph, on a mission from Yavanna to find the one, and I think you are who I am looking for” the girl smiled.
“A forest...Yav….what?” The girl simply rolled her eyes at my confusion, as if everything she just said was the simplest thing that I should be able to grasp.
“You saw the visions did you not?” she asked, my mind flashing back to the different scenery.
“The different landscapes?” I asked, to which she happily nodded.
“Those are places in my world, if you were able to see them that means that you are connected to my world, and so far, you are the only one of your world that I have found that has seen them.
“How long have you been looking?” I asked, Thistle stopped for a moment, her finger resting on her chin while she thought.
“How old is your world again? I've honestly lost count of the years” she replied.
“Holy hell” I breathed, was this really happening? Or was I dreaming right now.
“Whose voice was that?” I asked, remembering the soft whispers.
“Singing? That was me” she beamed before adding.
“I know, I have an enchanting voice don't I?”
“Well yes” I laughed
“But I meant the man's voice”
“Man's voice?” She asked, her expression just as confused as mine.
“Yes the man whispering that word...Am...Amra-lime...I'm not sure how to say it right.” I told her now beaming face.
“I don't know to be honest, but if you also heard a voice that surely confirms that you are indeed who I am looking for!”
“To do what?” I asked
“You have told me nothing besides your name, who sent you, and that you are here to find someone” I added.
“I...I don't know” she confessed, her smile falling.
“I was simply told to find the one and bring them to our world, that it was very important for our future” she replied, looking like a small child who had been reprimanded by a parent.
“Our?” I asked
“The forest”
“Please come with me, I know that you are who I have been searching for!” Thistle begged. I looked into her pleading Lilac eyes for a moment before looking around. Go to another world? My family, my home was here though...My parents...Who were always visiting family that lived out of state...My brothers who...Had their own families and lives...My friends who...I really only saw during our larp events...Oh…
“amrâlimê” That sweet whisper rang in my head, a promise that perhaps...perhaps there was a reason I always felt off in this world, perhaps my happiness was somewhere else.
“When would you like to leave?” I asked, turning back to Thistle, her pleading expression turned into one of pure glee.
“Right now would be good, just try not to scream” she replied.
“Scream? Why would I scREAM?!” I yelled as I felt the branch move out from under my feet causing me to fall backwards. I waited to hit the hard ground, but I just kept falling..Surely I should have hit the ground by now shouldn't I? So why hadn't...Suddenly a hard impact struck my back and I felt the air leave my lungs...Ah..There was the ground.
Opening my eyes I gasped for breath and noticed that I was next to the tree I had been sitting in...But I was not alone, nor was I in the same forest.
“Thistle...Who is this?” A large tree...creature spoke, his golden eyes bore into mine and as I found my lungs filling with air, I tried not to scream.
“I finally found the one!” Thistle beamed as she stood beside me.
“This is the one?” The tree asked.
“Yes Treebeard, I know she doesn't look like much, but she saw the visions..and also...she heard a voice from this world” she replied, whispering the last bit rather loudly.
“Hmm” the tree hummed as he reached out and grabbed me, the scream escaped me before I even thought about it...well..looks like I couldn't keep it in.
“Loud one isn't she?” He asked sitting me upright.
“Yeah she is” Thistle giggled before looking at the tree she called Treebeard.
“So, should we start her training now?”
“It would be wise” Treebeard stated
“After all, we only have a couple of years as of now according to Yavanna” he added
“Training?” I asked, finally finding my voice
“For what?”
“Your destiny!” Thistle smiled.
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Thank you all for reading! I hope you all enjoyed the story, let me know what you think 😊
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