#I've figured out one way to paint space and viewports and I'm sticking with it just watch me!
omaano · 7 months
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Rex meets R4 once he's somewhat recovered from his 200 years of dying-not-dying in the vacuum of space. I cannot wait for you all to read @dharmaavocado's The Old Guard AU fic they wrote for the @rexobibang!
If I Ever Leave This World Alive
Out in the vast well of space, Obi-Wan dreamed a man. He drifted from system to system, eternal and endless. Time and the cold had rendered the durasteel shackles around his wrists and ankles weak and brittle, and he had snapped them at some distant point in the past. Arms and legs free, he curled inward, knees drawn up to his chest. The man died. And then he lived. In which Obi-Wan and Rex may never leave this world alive.
Check out the other fantastic art pieces by @flowerparrish HERE and HERE and by @inqorporeal HERE !!
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